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The program of the 7-day flight of the biosatellite Cosmos-1667 launched in July 1985 included experiments on two rhesus monkeys, ten Wistar SPF rats, ten newts, Drosophila flies, maize seedlings, lettuce sprouts, and unicellular organisms - Tetrahymena. The primate study demonstrated that transition to orbital flight was accompanied by a greater excitability of the vestibular apparatus and an increased linear blood flow velocity in the common carotid artery. The rat studies showed that atrophy of antigravity muscles and osteoporosis of limb bones developed even during short-term exposure to microgravity. The experiments on other living systems revealed no microgravity effects on the cell division rate, proliferative activity of cells of regenerating tissues and organs, energy metabolism of developing insects, structure or chemical composition of higher plant seedlings.  相似文献   

The program of the 5 day flight of the biosatellite Cosmos-1514 (December 1983) envisaged experimental investigations the purpose of which was to ascertain the effect of short-term microgravity on the physiology, growth and development of various animal and plant species. The study of Rhesus-monkeys has shown in that they are an adequate model for exploring the mechanisms of physiological adaptation to weightlessness of the vestibular apparatus and the cardiovascular system. The rat experiment has demonstrated that mammalian embryos, at least during the last term of pregnancy, can develop in microgravity. This finding has been confirmed by fish studies. The experiment on germinating seeds and adult plants has given evidence that microgravity produces no effect on the metabolism of seedlings and on the flowering stage.  相似文献   

Artemia cysts, lettuce and tobacco seeds were flown aboard the Cosmos 1129 for 19 days. A correlative method was used in order to determine the passage of cosmic heavy ions (HZE particles) through the biological test objects. This space flight resulted in a decrease on hatchability, nucleic acid and protein synthesis in hydrated Artemia cysts. HZE particle effects on plant cellular chromosomes are confirmed. In tobacco seeds, a stimulating effect on germination rate and a higher frequency of abnormalities were observed. Dormant biological objects are a very suitable material to study cosmic ray effects: these objects can be arranged in monolayers and sandwiched between visual track detectors in order to determine the passage of the cosmic heavy ions (HZE particles). On the other hand this method allows us to study effects of microgravity and those of the protonic component of cosmic rays in the objects not hit by the HZE articles.  相似文献   

Since Dec 1988, date of the French-Soviet joint space mission "ARAGATZ", the CIRCE device (Compteur Intégrateur de Rayonnement Complexe dans l'Espace) had recorded dose equivalent and quality factor inside the MIR station (380-410 km, 51.5 degrees). After the initial gas filling two years ago, the low pressure tissue equivalent proportional counter is still in good working conditions. Some results of three periods, viz Dec 1988, Mar-Apr 1989 and Jan-Feb 1990 are presented. The average dose equivalent rates measured are respectively 0.6, 0.8 and 0.6 mSv/day with a quality factor equal to 1.9. Some detailed measurements show the increasing of the dose equivalent rates through the SAA and near polar horns. The real time determination of the quality factors allows to point out high LET (Linear Energy Transfer) events with quality factors in the range 10-20.  相似文献   

Experiments have been performed in skeletal muscle fibres from the lateral head of gastrocnemius muscle of female rats. Changes in intramuscular calcium movements due to microgravity conditions have been tested by tension measurements in chemically skinned muscle fibres. Our results show that microgravity induces i) a decrease in maximal muscle strength developed by contractile proteins ii) a decrease of intensity and rate of both Ca release and Ca uptake by the sarcoplasmic reticulum.  相似文献   

The results from observations of auroral emissions within the wavelength band 115–135 nm are presented. The experiment was carried out on board the satellite “Cosmos-900”, launched on March 30, 1977, to an almost circular polar orbit. We assume that the precipitating fluxes of protons and electrons were the sources of excitation, according to the theory.  相似文献   

In the Soviet-French Arcad-3 project, 3 experiments TBF-ONCH, TRAC and ISOPROBE are carried out on board the Aureol-3 satellite to measure the AC and DC electric and magnetic fields and waves. Several modes of telemetry, real time and memory regimes are available for data transmission. TBF-ONCH is devoted to the measurement of 3 components of the DC electric field, 2 electric and 3 magnetic components of the waves. In one mode of the real time telemetry these 5 components are transmitted simultaneously in the frequency range 10 Hz-1.5 kHz in order to be able to determine the wave normal directions of natural emissions and to localize their sources. In the second mode, morphological studies of saucers, chorus, hiss and triggered emissions can be undertaken using the wide band transmission (70 Hz-16 kHz) of any one of these 5 components with the possibility of periodically changing the transmitted component every 4 seconds or keeping the same one during all the pass. TRAC makes use of the on board 3 axis flux gate magnetometer to perform a fine measurement of the magnetic effects of the currents flowing in the vicinity of the spacecraft either in the ionosphere or along the magnetic field lines, with a resolution of ~ 12 nT and in the frequency range from DC to ~ 20 Hz. One component of the HF electric field (0.1–10 Mhz) is measured by ISOPROBE (see companion paper). Examples of inflight measurements from the above instruments and their presentation on microfiches are shown. Some new phenomena are emphasized and briefly discussed.  相似文献   

离子漂移计用于探测离子垂直轨道方向的漂移速度.离子漂移计的定标实验包括电子学定标和等离子体环境定标.通过对自行研制的电磁监测试验卫星离子漂移计的电子学定标方法研究,测试得到离子漂移计的噪声、电流测量范围、增益和修正系数以及温漂等电子学定标参数.测试结果表明,离子漂移计的电子学性能优于设计要求,满足科学探测需求.此外,借助于意大利INAF-IAPS等离子体测试实验设备模拟电离层等离子体环境,对离子漂移计的等离子体环境定标问题进行了分析研究.等离子体环境下的测试结果表明,该离子漂移计在特征点处测量结果满足仪器指标要求,能够正确探测离子横向速度,且其相对精度满足设计要求.  相似文献   

From an investigation of the activity of six glucocorticoid dependent liver enzymes, the existence of chronic, transient, stress-induced hypercorticosteronaemia during flight is probable. This hypercorticosteronaemia arises from weightlessness and induces gluconeogenesis. Weightlessness also caused substantial increases in liver glycogen level. The increased lipolytic activity and that of lipoprotein lipase in several groups of animals could be interpreted as enhancement of fat mobilization and utilization under the influence of stress. As this latter enhancement was also found in ground-based controls, it may have been due to the stress of handling rather than to space flight per se.  相似文献   

We have searched for anisotropic X-ray bremsstrahlung photon production from relativistic electrons by studying the heliocentric angular dependence of 53 flares detected at energies above 300 keV. We have found no evidence for a higher rate of detectable flares near the limb at the 80% confidence level. This result implies that the X-ray directivity as defined by the ratio of photon intensity at 75° and 0° of heliocentric angle is less than 1.5 above 300 keV and strongly rejects any flare model predicting X-ray production from a radial “beam” of energetic electrons.  相似文献   

胶体材料箱是装载于实践十号上的重要载荷,用于空间胶体自组装的实验研究.地基实验阐明了常重力下的蒸发驱动胶体自组装机制.围绕胶体材料箱开展地基实验研究,制备了一种亲/疏水限位基片,分析了蒸发过程中受限液滴接触角的变化规律.通过同步显微观察法研究受限胶体液滴内部粒子的沉积行为,发现粒子沉积图案的形成过程由三种动力学行为控制.另外,通过落塔装置模拟短时微重力环境,分析重力瞬变引起限位基片上液滴的振荡过程,揭示了振荡过程中两个不同阶段的振荡特性.地基实验结果为在轨实验工况确定以及空间与地面实验对比提供了数据支撑,这对箱体工程参数设定以及空间实验条件匹配等具有重要意义.  相似文献   

The validation status of the LIMS (Limb Infrared Monitor of the Stratosphere) measurements in the water vapor channel is presented in a brief form. The agreement with other water vapor data taken in correlative balloon underflights is encouraging for this stage of the processing. Future efforts will be made to resolve remaining discrepancies so that operational reduction can begin. Preliminary maps for atmospheric layers between 50 mb and 1 mb show a fairly smooth water vapor field in the summer hemisphere.  相似文献   

The International Space Station Cosmic Radiation Exposure Model (ISSCREM) has been developed as a possible tool for use in radiation mission planning as based on operational data collected with a tissue equivalent proportional counter (TEPC) aboard the ISS since 2000. It is able to reproduce the observed trapped radiation and galactic cosmic radiation (GCR) contributions to the total dose equivalent to within ±20% and ±10%, respectively, as would be measured by the onboard TEPC at the Zvezda Service Module panel 327 (SM-327). Furthermore, when these contributions are combined, the total dose equivalent that would be measured at this location is estimated to within ±10%. The models incorporated into ISSCREM correlate the GCR dose equivalent rate to the cutoff rigidity magnetic shielding parameter and the trapped radiation dose equivalent rate to atmospheric density inside the South Atlantic Anomaly. The GCR dose equivalent rate is found to vary minimally with altitude and TEPC module location however, due to the statistics and data available, the trapped radiation model could only be developed for the TEPC located at SM-327. Evidence of the variation in trapped radiation dose with detector orientation and the East–West asymmetry were observed at this location.  相似文献   

At energies less than one keV, the intensity of the galactic x-ray background dominates that of the extragalactic background in almost every direction on the sky. Below 1/4 keV, the galactic x-ray background has a galactic stellar component, but the dominant emitter seems to be hot interstellar matter. The origin of the general 3/4 keV x-ray background remains uncertain, but one component must also be the contribution from hot interstellar matter. An overview is given of recent x-ray investigations of the hot interstellar medium using data from the ROSAT XRT/PSPC instrument. Several prominent features in the low energy x-ray background that are interpreted as fossil supernova remnants are discussed.  相似文献   

The oxygen tension (PO2) in the dorsal skin surface of the forearm was studied during the stay of cosmonauts on board Salyut 6. Between the fourth and fifth day of stay on the orbital station a considerable reduction of the PO2 level was observed. The oxygen utilization values were also reduced. In the early postflight period the low PO2 level persisted, with gradual normalization.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of Chlorella cells grown in darkness on a solid agar medium with organic additions aboard the Bion-10 biosatellite was studied. Certain differences in submicroscopic organization of organelles in the experimental cells were revealed compared to the Earth control. The changes are registered mainly in ultrastructure of energetic organelles--mitochondria and plastids of the experimental cells, in particular, an increase of mitochondria and their cristae size, as well as an increase of the total volume of mitochondrion per cell were established. The decrease of the starch amount in the plastid stroma and the electron density of the latter was also observed. In many experimental cells, the increase of condensed chromatin in the nuclei has been noted. Ultrastructural rearrangements in cells after laboratory experiment realized according to the thermogram registered aboard the Bion-10 were insignificant compared to the flight experiment. Data obtained are compared to results of space flight experiments carried out aboard the Bion-9 (polycomponent aquatic system) and the orbital station Mir (solid agar medium).  相似文献   

The experiment on investigation of effect of the HF emission (300 W) by the dipole antenna on the ionospheric plasma was carried out onboard the COSMOS-1809 satellite (1987). The sounder accelerated particles (SAP) at the electron cyclotron harmonics n · ωcs and in the frequency region of antenna resonance were detected by the charged particle spectrometer.  相似文献   

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