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Although it is generally agreed that the outer space should be used for the benefit of all mankind, only a fraction of the countries have the necessary technological base for accessing space. Space technology, with its implications on science, economy and well-being of citizens, is mostly chosen as one of the priority areas for technological development by developing countries. However, there is already an over-capacity in global space industry and there are doubts on necessity of additional capacity establishment by developing countries. In this study, the importance and benefits of capacity-building in these countries are emphasized and the advantages and disadvantages that developing countries have in the framework of space technology acquisition are briefly presented. The feasibility of certain levels of space technology is discussed and the necessity of combining existing indigenous capabilities with technology obtained from foreign sources in the optimal way is stressed. We have also mentioned various general mechanisms of technology transfer and argued the importance of licensing in catching-up developed countries. After considering the necessary conditions of efficiency of technology, such as establishment of regional centers of space science and technology education by United Nations, joint development of space systems, complete technology transfer packages, cooperative space projects within regional organizations, coordinated constellations and special agreements with large space agencies, which are specific mechanisms already in use, are reviewed. Some typical examples of mechanisms are also given with special emphasize on small satellite technology that makes access to space affordable for many countries. Through sharing and analyzing the experience of developing countries in their odyssey of space capacity-building, the difficulties can be negotiated and the vicious circles can be broken. This study, in our view, is a step to incite a general discussion of obstacles and opportunities for developing countries, that could help them in using their limited resources effectively, hence, enable them to offer better conditions to their citizens and to contribute space science to a larger extend.  相似文献   

The increasing gap in the space capabilities of different countries has led to the need for capacity building in modern times. Space capacity building of countries without or with limited space capacity via international cooperation with advanced spacefaring nations is a good practice towards intragenerational equity among all spacefaring countries, and between spacefaring and non-spacefaring countries at the same period of time. A case study is used here to show the current situation of the Asia-Pacific Space Cooperation Organization (APSCO) and its member states that are associated with their space capacity building. The study finds that neither the satellite technology development model developed by Wood and Weigel (2011) nor the model developed by Ercan and Kale (2017) is a good fit for the development of space capability in all of the developing countries. Therefore, using the APSCO member states as a case study may offer guidelines towards the space capacity building of other developing countries. Moreover, an in-depth analysis of the merits and flaws of APSCO’s capacity building programs through comparing them with similar projects carried out by the European Space Agency (ESA), the Asia-Pacific Regional Space Agency Forum (APRSAF) and some other countries is conducive to providing some references for regional cooperation in the field of space capacity building. While international space law and the APSCO Convention can provide the general principles for capacity building activities under the framework of APSCO, they are only relevant to the development of scientific and technological capacities for space and human resources rather than organizational development and legal frameworks. Some international soft laws can likewise provide guidance for the capacity building activities of APSCO and its member states in the areas of international direct television broadcasting, remote sensing and cooperative way. To enhance its and its member states’ space capabilities, APSCO, in the context of space commercialization and maintaining the long-term sustainability of outer space activities (LTSOSA), should establish a comprehensive internal regime that addresses scientific and technological capacity building for space, human resources, organizational development and legal frameworks, a flexible regime for international cooperation with other developed spacefaring nations and international organizations with relevant technical capabilities and an internal research center for space law, and actively expand its membership by embracing other economically or technologically developed spacefaring nations in the Asia-Pacific region.  相似文献   

The motivations for the conduct of space research and the development of space research policies by different constituencies and different types of countries are analyzed. Concerning space research in developing countries, four main aspects are discussed: 1. The role of space research for the achievement of “critical mass” by research groups; 2. The role of space research in higher education; 3. The identification of space research problems to which a country can make significant contributions; and 4. Multinational cooperation among developing countries in space research.  相似文献   

In contrast to the more common discussions on the how, where and when of transfer of space science and technology, we open a general discussion on the consequences of the space era in the developing countries and draw attention to the fact that space science and technology create a scientific and economic dependence on the industrially developed countries. Recommendations are made to render the space programs more beneficial to the Third World. These include : formation of local groups of high level space scientists and experts; instead of sophisticated transferred technology the use of space technologies appropriate to local economic and social status; services to the poorest fraction of the population and educational programs that protect the indigenous cultures.  相似文献   

Toward a global space exploration program: A stepping stone approach   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In response to the growing importance of space exploration in future planning, the Committee on Space Research (COSPAR) Panel on Exploration (PEX) was chartered to provide independent scientific advice to support the development of exploration programs and to safeguard the potential scientific assets of solar system objects. In this report, PEX elaborates a stepwise approach to achieve a new level of space cooperation that can help develop world-wide capabilities in space science and exploration and support a transition that will lead to a global space exploration program. The proposed stepping stones are intended to transcend cross-cultural barriers, leading to the development of technical interfaces and shared legal frameworks and fostering coordination and cooperation on a broad front. Input for this report was drawn from expertise provided by COSPAR Associates within the international community and via the contacts they maintain in various scientific entities. The report provides a summary and synthesis of science roadmaps and recommendations for planetary exploration produced by many national and international working groups, aiming to encourage and exploit synergies among similar programs. While science and technology represent the core and, often, the drivers for space exploration, several other disciplines and their stakeholders (Earth science, space law, and others) should be more robustly interlinked and involved than they have been to date. The report argues that a shared vision is crucial to this linkage, and to providing a direction that enables new countries and stakeholders to join and engage in the overall space exploration effort. Building a basic space technology capacity within a wider range of countries, ensuring new actors in space act responsibly, and increasing public awareness and engagement are concrete steps that can provide a broader interest in space exploration, worldwide, and build a solid basis for program sustainability. By engaging developing countries and emerging space nations in an international space exploration program, it will be possible to create a critical bottom-up support structure to support program continuity in the development and execution of future global space exploration frameworks. With a focus on stepping stones, COSPAR can support a global space exploration program that stimulates scientists in current and emerging spacefaring nations, and that will invite those in developing countries to participate—pursuing research aimed at answering outstanding questions about the origins and evolution of our solar system and life on Earth (and possibly elsewhere). COSPAR, in cooperation with national and international science foundations and space-related organizations, will advocate this stepping stone approach to enhance future cooperative space exploration efforts.  相似文献   

The space industry in established space-faring nations is playing an increasingly important role in the development of capacity in emerging space nations. The role of industry ranges from provision of turn-key systems, to provision of training and joint development of satellites in partnership with emerging space countries. Ranked number 1 worldwide in terms of satellites ordered in 2006, Thales Alenia Space is at the heart of the most high performance satellite technologies in both civil and defense sectors. The company has been involved in parterships with a number of emerging space nations. This paper discusses several key factors for successful interaction of industry with national space programmes in emerging space nations.  相似文献   

Following a historical review of the first activities of GDR scientists in the fields of space research, especially on astronomical and geodetical satellite-observations and in atmospheric and magnetospheric research, the growing scientific and increasingly efficient technological and economic benefits of the cooperation of the Academy of sciences and other scientific and technological institutions of the GDR within the Intercosmos-programme are described. Especially, the experiences in connection with remote sensing, of the cooperation with countries as Cuba and the Peoples Republic of Vietnam and of the common USSR - GDR manned spaceflight are discussed under the viewpoint of the mutual interests of developing and developed countries in the fields of space science and technology.  相似文献   

空间站发展的探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文较详细地介绍了十六年来国际上空间站活动及其发展概况;并就国外的空间站、运载系统的主要的几个关键问题作了分析;对目前国外的空间站的几种方案进行了探讨。  相似文献   

本文较详细地介绍了当前应用最广和最成熟的三种空间技术:电信、气象、遥感领域中的国际合作的现状和发展趋势;并指出发展中国家在其现有的科技基础上,通过国际合作,培养一批空间技术和管理人才,配以适当的地面设施,就可获取空间技术所能带来的利益。  相似文献   

高精度时间频率在空间科学技术中的应用探讨CSCD   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
自上世纪50年代原子频标出现以后,极大促进了科学技术的发展,随着原子频标的发展,高精度时间频率信息在空间科学技术中将发挥重要的作用。本文介绍了空间高精度时间频率在空间科学、基础物理以及卫星导航技术方面应用前景,并对国外正在开展的空间高精度时间频率技术方面的计划、准备开展的相关应用研究,以及对毫秒脉冲星守时技术也进行了初步探讨,最后给出了开展空间高精度时间频率技术研究的一些建议。  相似文献   

<正> 一九八五年十月二十一日至二十九日,由联合国和中国政府共同组织的“联合国空间科学技术和应用讨论会”在北京举行。参加讨论会的有来自联合国、世界气象组织、国际电信联盟、欧洲空间局的代表,以及加拿大、捷克、法国、民主德国、联邦德国、印度、日本、马来西亚、尼日利亚、蒙古、菲律宾、波兰、泰国、美国、苏联和中国等国家代表共六十多人。  相似文献   

We review how capacity building in space sciences has developed in several Latin American countries, the state of development of some current programs and the role that space activities and space information play and can play in the future. We stress the need to educate educators, in order to increase the public awareness about the benefits of space research and, more importantly, attract the next generation of professionals that will be required in the coming decades.  相似文献   

讨论空间环境对材料制备的影响;提出空间材料研究的四个发展阶段和各国空间材料制备现今处在研究发展阶段的观点;分析我国空间材料研究的状况、任务及试验的可能途径;叙述空间材料科学研究的内容;对2000年前我国空间材料试验提出初步设想。  相似文献   

Results of an analysis on impact of space research and technology on developing countries undertaken by the UNISPACE 82 Secretariat on base on national papers submitted by UN member countries to the Conference are reviewed.Experience concerning the implications of a co-operative program on satellite geodesy between the Astronomical Council of the USSR Academy of Sciences and several small countries of Africa, Asia and South America is discussed.  相似文献   

The United Nations Programme on Space Applications, implemented by the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs, promotes the benefits of space-based solutions for sustainable economic and social development. The Programme assists Member States of the United Nations to establish indigenous capacities for the use of space technology and its applications. In the past the Programme has primarily been focusing on the use of space applications and on basic space science activities. However, in recent years there has been a strong interest in a growing number of space-using countries to build space technology capacities, for example, the ability to develop and operate small satellites. In reaction to this development, the United Nations in cooperation with the International Academy of Astronautics has been organizing annual workshops on small satellites in the service of developing countries. Space technology related issues have also been addressed as part of various other activities of the Programme on Space Applications. Building on these experiences, the Office for Outer Space Affairs is now considering the launch of a new initiative, preliminarily titled the United Nations Basic Space Technology Initiative (UNBSTI), to promote basic space technology development. The initiative would be implemented in the framework of the Programme on Space Applications and its aim would be to help building sustainable capacities for basic space technology education and development, thereby advancing the operational use of space technology and its applications.  相似文献   

Technology is neutral, its use is not. Its introduction and use take place in social, cultural, political and economic contexts which can be at considerable variance with those of the introducing countries, and which are not homogeneous within countries having wide variations in knowldege, background skills, and interpretations of meaning and opportunity.This paper tries to take a dispassionate look at the social and cultural factors that are involved in the introduction, use, and maintenance of space technology in the developing world.  相似文献   

The basic space sciences and their supporting technologies underpin the ability of a country to utilise space applications programmes for development. By whatever measure is employed, Africa is under-represented in the international space science community. This paper reviews lessons learnt over the past 8 years with regard to sustainable capacity building in the region. At present there are a number of role-players in the space arena engaged in various capacity-building initiatives. We advocate that the emphasis of these initiatives should shift from fairly isolated capacity-building activities to comprehensive regional capacity-building programmes developed jointly by the different role-players. In order to develop such coordinated programmes, the establishment of a capacity-building forum involving the space community, the development sector and the developing countries in a region, is proposed.  相似文献   

空间系绳系统由于其特殊的组成结构日益受到关注,空间系绳的碰撞可靠性研究是系绳任务设计的重要一环.本文采用可靠性分析基本原理中的应力-强度模型,根据近地轨道的空间碎片通量和泊松分布方法,进行空间系绳在轨碰撞可靠性的研究分析.根据对空间系绳碰撞可靠性有影响的系绳结构因素,即单股系绳的直径、长度,双股系绳的绳间距、碰撞角等,...  相似文献   

NASA research programs offer many opportunities for productive partnerships with investigators in other countries. While spacecraft projects are complex and very expensive, there are other, lower-cost partnerships that can yield important scientific results and offer excellent opportunities for building up new space and Earth science programs and for training new researchers.  相似文献   

Scientific ballooning as well as the use of balloons for operational projects, deserves and indeed enjoys a high degree of attention in developing countries. Balloon projects are in most cases relatively inexpensive and - besides the scientific merits in their own realm - lend themselves also as “training” projects for larger space programmes. An important aspect of scientific ballooning is the necessity of cooperation, in many cases on an international scale. Examples for these are given and the relevance of balloon projects for developing countries are discussed.  相似文献   

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