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Since the publication of the last COSPAR International Reference Atmosphere (CIRA 72), large amounts of ozone data acquired from satellites have become available in addition to increasing quantities of rocketsonde, balloonsonde, Dobson, M83, and Umkehr measurements. From the available archived satellite data, models are developed for the new CIRA using 5 satellite experiments (Nimbus 7 SBUV and LIMS, AEM-2 SAGE, and SME IR and UVS) of the monthly latitudinal and altitudinal variations in the ozone mixing ratio in the middle atmosphere. Standard deviations and interannual variations are also quantified. The satellite models are shown to agree well with a previous reference model based on rocket and balloon measurements.  相似文献   

The International Ozone Rocket Sonde Intercomparison (IORI) conducted at Wallops Island during October 1979 provided a unique opportunity to observe ozone variations in great detail from several observing systems. The measurement period lasted 15 days during which time ozone observations were taken by ground-based, balloon, rocket, and satellite instruments. These data provided a unique opportunity for diagnosing regional stratospheric variability over a 2 week period. Examination of NMC analyses indicated that during this period the stratospheric polar vortex moved southeastward bringing air from high latitudes to Wallops Island above 10 mb. A concurrent change was observed in the upper stratosphere ozone fields observed by Nimbus-7 SBUV and in the ozone vertical distribution measured by the rocket soundings. In this study the satellite and rocket measurements are compared. The agreement is good, certainly within the errors of the measurements.  相似文献   

Stratospheric ozone observations by the SAGE and SBUV satellite instruments in March and April, 1979 have been analyzed. All SAGE profiles have been smoothed vertically over 8 km to provide some compatibility with the SBUV vertical resolution. Comparing the zonal mean ozone mixing ratios against smoothed LIMS profiles, it is inferred that SAGE is systematically overestimating ozone by approximately 20% at tropical latitudes at pressures lower than 5 mb and that SBUV is underestimating ozone by approximately 15% at 50–70° latitude at 10 mb. A comparison of the longitudinal variations of ozone by SBUV and SAGE is made and the detectability of planetary waves in ozone is emphasized. The uncorrelated portion of the SAGE variances are found to be approximately consistent with the SAGE noise model. Based on the correlated variances, the amplitudes of the smoothed SAGE planetary waves in ozone are found to be the same, on average, as in the SBUV experiment at mid-latitudes between 1 and 10 mb. Planetary wave detectability is illustrated during two several day periods at mid-latitudes and a persistent and theoretically-consistent relationship between ozone and temperature is noted. These examples, however, indicate that differences between ozone planetary wave amplitudes derived from the two sensors may occur when there is a strong vertical gradient in wave amplitude.  相似文献   

The TIROS-N operational meteorological satellite observing system will have the capability of determining global ozone amounts from two instruments by 1985. The TIROS Operational Vertical Sounder (TOVS) yields total ozone amounts through measurements of atmospheric infrared radiances. The Solar Backscatter Ultraviolet (SBUV/2) spectrometer yields total ozone amounts and vertical ozone profiles through measurements of the solar ultraviolet radiation backscattered by the atmosphere. The current operations plan calls for single satellites containing both instruments system with local afternoon equator crossing times. They will be launched at approximately 18 month intervals.The satellite ozone products will require verification using commonly accepted references. For total ozone, Dobson spectrophotometer determinations are to be used. For vertical profiles, no clear choice now exists among balloon-launched chemical sondes, rocket-launched optical sondes or Dobson Umkehr measurements. The applicability and use of these measurement systems are discussed with emphasis on the need for the verification data consistent with the operational satellite lifetimes.Another major source of data for verification is other satellite systems. Comparisons of vertical ozone profiles from several concurrent satellites is discussed. This includes results from SAGE, LIMS and SBUV.  相似文献   

根据中国不同地点臭氧探空数据,研究气球炸点臭氧浓度定值(CMR)法、卫星(SBUV和MLS)纬向平均法确定的剩余臭氧Ωres及其对订正因子Cref的影响,同时检验臭氧垂直分布对Cref的贡献.结果显示: CMR法对气球炸点高度依赖性明显,且易高估Ωres使Cref整体低于100%;卫星纬向平均Ωres对气球炸点高度不敏感,但在中国东部的臭氧总量高值区或青藏高原及低纬度臭氧低值地区,Ωres呈现近10DU以上低值,这是经向臭氧总量及其垂直分布差异在卫星遥感数据上的反映.地面到100hPa的对流层臭氧(Ωtro),100~10hPa的平流层臭氧(Ωstr)以及10hPa以上的Ωres对Cref贡献平均分别为(16±3.4)%,(65±2.3)%,(19±3.3)%.表明基于Cref评估或订正探空仪平流层臭氧测值时,需考虑对流层臭氧及确定Ωres方法的影响.卫星纬向平均法,特别是近似实测的SBUV臭氧廓线的值适用于确定Ωres.   相似文献   

Ozone reference models are proposed here similar to the Keating and Young 1985 models which were prepared for the new COSPAR International Reference Atmosphere. This paper updates tables provided in the Keating and Young ozone model, giving improved monthly zonal mean total column ozone in 10° latitude increments, improved monthly zonal mean ozone volume mixing ratios (ppmv) from 20 to 0.003 mb in 10° latitude increments, and conversion tables providing ozone vertical structure in other units. Also, a new table is provided giving ozone vertical structure as a function of altitude (from 25 to 80 km), latitude, and month. The models are based on measurements from six contemporary satellite instruments.  相似文献   

Since 1978 a number of satellite borne sensors have been used to measure the composition of the earth's atmosphere. These include the LIMS and SAMS instruments on the Nimbus 7 satellite (launched in October 1978), the SAGE instrument on the AEM2 satellite (launched in february 1979) and various instruments on the SME spacecraft (launched October 1981). For many species, these have provided the first abundance measurements with high spatial and temporal resolution and with global coverage. In this paper the composition measurements that have become available from these programs will be reviewed. The paper will then describe some recent studies that have made use of the new data. As it is the exclusive subject of another invited paper, ozone will not be discussed in in any detail.  相似文献   

Exospheric temperatures of several reference atmosphere are reviewed and a recommendation is made for the exospheric temperature of a proposed mean CIRA. One of the deficiencies of CIRA 72 and other present thermospheric models is the representation of density changes with geomagnetic activity. This deficiency is illustrated with samples of data. The data show the effects of geomagnetic activity, particle precipitation, a solar proton event, and gravity waves. An empirical model developed from the unique AFGL satellite density data bank using multiple linear regression is reviewed. The present model is for low to moderate solar flux and quiet geomagnetic conditions, but it is planned to extend the model to active conditions. Good progress has been made since CIRA 72 was specified in our knowledge and understanding of the properties of the lower thermosphere, although there are still some unresolved problems. The biggest progress has been made in the theory of tidal effects and of particulate energy deposition and of electrojet heating. On the other hand, it is still not possible to define adequately the systematic variations of the lower boundary conditions of thermospheric models. This is due to lack of knowledge of the systematic variations of the structure properties in the 100 to 120 km altitude region and inadequate information on the mesospheric turbulence profile and variations in the turbopause altitude.  相似文献   

本文利用Solar Mesosphere Explorer(SME)卫星1982年和1983年太阳紫外辐射和赤道地区50-90km臭氧分布的红外观测资料,对臭氧地太阳紫外辐射27天振荡的响应进行了研究,并且利用大气光化波动模式对其进行了理论计算,计算结果与实测结果基本一致。  相似文献   

Since the publication of the last COSPAR International Reference Atmosphere (CIRA 1972) valuable progress has been achieved in improving our understanding of the terrestrial thermosphere. As a result, several empirical models are now available for numerous applications. The reliability of these models is discussed within the framework of known physical phenomena. The most recent published advances deal with longitudinal and universal time effects. Some general shortcomings are pointed out in order to stimulate farther progress.  相似文献   

The new zonal mean COSPAR International Reference Atmosphere (CIRA-86) of temperature, zonal wind, and geopotential/geometric height is presented. This data can be used as a function of altitude or pressure and has nearly pole-to-pole coverage (80°S-80°N) extending from the ground to approximately 120 km. Data sources and methods of computation are described; in general, hydrostatic and thermal wind balance are maintained at all levels and latitudes. As shown by a series of cross sectional plots, the new CIRA accurately reproduces most of the characteristic features of the atmosphere such as the equatorial wind and the general structure of the tropopause, stratopause, and mesopause.  相似文献   

Zonal mean mixing ratios of ozone and NO2 measured by SAGE II on several days in March and April, 1985 are compared against zonal means for this time of year previously measured by SAGE I, SBUV, and LIMS. After allowing for calculated diurnal variations of these gases, agreement within 15% is found for ozone and 20% for NO2. It is noted that the profile error bars given on the SAGE II data tapes need to be carefully interpreted and that the measured tropical variances suggest that these error bars are being somewhat overestimated. Planetary waves in both ozone and NO2 in the middle stratosphere should be derivable from the SAGE II measurements.  相似文献   

介绍了中国电波传播研究所瑞利散射激光雷达系统的结构和性能, 阐述了激光雷达探测中层大气密度和温度的工作原理, 给出了青岛地区中层大气密度和温度的初步探测结果. 通过与卫星、探空气球和大气模式数据的结果对比, 验证了激光雷达探测大气温度的可靠性. 基于2008-2009两年的观测, 获得了青岛地区上空中层大气温度的季节变化和平均分布. 激光雷达观测结果表明, 青岛地区平流层温度比CIRA86模式结果高, 且二者偏差呈夏秋季小、冬春季大的特点, 中间层温度则正好相反.   相似文献   

NIMBUS-7 SBUV measurements of the short-term solar UV variations caused by solar rotation and active-region evolution have determined the amplitude and wavelength dependence for the active-region component of solar UV variations. Intermediate-term variations lasting several months are associated with rounds of major new active regions. The UV flux stays near the peak value during the current solar cycle variation for more than two years and peaks about two years later than the sunspot number. NIMBUS-7 measurements have observed the concurrent stratospheric ozone variations caused by solar UV variations. There is now no doubt that solar UV variations are an important cause of short- and long-term stratospheric variations, but the strength of the coupling to the troposphere and to climate has not yet been proven.  相似文献   

There have been significant, recent advances in understanding the solar ultraviolet (UV) and X-ray spectral irradiance from several different satellite missions and from new efforts in modeling the variations of the solar spectral irradiance. The recent satellite missions with solar UV and X-ray spectral irradiance observations include the X-ray Sensor (XRS) aboard the series of NOAA GOES spacecraft, the Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite (UARS), the SOHO Solar EUV Monitor (SEM), the Solar XUV Photometers (SXP) on the Student Nitric Oxide Explorer (SNOE), the Solar EUV Experiment (SEE) aboard the Thermosphere, Ionosphere, Mesosphere, Dynamics, and Energetics (TIMED) satellite, and the Solar Radiation and Climate Experiment (SORCE) satellite. The combination of these measurements is providing new results on the variability of the solar ultraviolet irradiance throughout the ultraviolet range shortward of 200 nm and over a wide range of time scales ranging from years to seconds. The solar UV variations of flares are especially important for space weather applications and upper atmosphere research, and the period of intense solar storms in October–November 2003 has provided a wealth of new information about solar flares. The new efforts in modeling these solar UV spectral irradiance variations range from simple empirical models that use solar proxies to more complicated physics-based models that use emission measure techniques. These new models provide better understanding and insight into why the solar UV irradiance varies, and they can be used at times when solar observations are not available for atmospheric studies.  相似文献   

One of the by-products of cloud data sets such as that of the International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project (ISCCP) is global information on longwave window brightness temperatures for clear skies. These brightness temperatures depend mainly on the actual surface temperature with only a slight dependence on atmospheric water vapor. Thus, it may be possible to monitor long-term temperature variations using such data. The current methods for such monitoring depend on conventional surface observations and are subject to uncertainties due to inadequate spatial sampling. To test this idea monthly clear sky brightness temperatures from the six-year Nimbus-7 cloud data set are analyzed and compared to conventional estimates of surface temperature fluctuations.  相似文献   

Although the Meteorological Rocket Network operated by or in cooperation with the United States has decreased from fourteen to nine stations in the past five years, there have been many observations accumulated in the ten years since CIRA 1972 was prepared with data up to 1969. The mean, annual and semiannual variations of temperature and wind are presented and special attention is directed to the polar semiannual wave. The results are compared with the Oxford SCR-PMR five-year data set, the CDC-SCR seven-year data, and CIRA 1972 with respect to both temperature and zonal winds, as far as presently available. The agreement among the data sets is very good.  相似文献   

Estimates of clear and low, middle and high cloud amount in fixed geographical regions approximately (160km)2 are being made routinely from 11.5μm radiance measurements of the Nimbus-7 Temperature-Humidity Infrared Radiometer (THIR). The purpose of validation is to determine the accuracy of the THIR cloud estimates. Validation requires that a comparison be made between the THIR estimates of cloudiness and the “true” cloudiness. The validation results reported in this paper use human analysis of concurrent but independent satellite images with surface meteorological and radiosonde observations to approximate the “true” cloudiness. Regression and error analyses are used to estimate the systematic and random errors of THIR derived clear amount.  相似文献   

The present study deals with the impact of extensive anthropogenic activities associated with festivities and agricultural crop residues burning in the Indo-Gangetic Plains (IGP) on satellite-derived reflectance during November 2007. Intense smoke plumes were observed in the IRS-P4 OCM satellite data over IGP associated with agricultural crop residue burning during the study period. Terra-MODIS AOD and CALIPSO LIDAR backscatter datasets were analysed over the region to understand the spatial and temporal variation of the aerosol properties. Ground-based measurements on aerosol optical properties and black carbon (BC) mass concentration were carried out during 7–14 November 2007 over urban region of Hyderabad, India. Top of the Atmosphere (TOA) reflectance estimated from IRS-P4 Ocean Color Monitor (OCM) data showed large variations due to anthropogenic activities associated with crop residue burning and fireworks. Atmospheric corrections to OCM satellite data using 6S radiative transfer code with inputs from ground and satellite measurements could account for the variations due to differential aerosol loading. Results are discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

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