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An analysis of the application of pulse-compression techniques in optical radar systems is presented. The particular case of pseudorandom on-off amplitude coding is chosen for ease of analysis. The roles of the siqnal and photodetector properties and the processing method are examined. The qualitative relationship between the concepts of coherent and incoherent integration in microwave radar and linear and nonlinear processing in optical radar is demonstrated, thus validating the application of pulse-compression techniques with optical signals. Finally, an experimental simulation of an optical rangefinder has been constructed to illustrate various findings of the analysis.  相似文献   

Golay's complementary pairing has been a method to increase the utility of binary sequences, because of the temporal sidelobe suppression in the autocorrelation vector summation. Complementary sets of Tseng and Liu and of Hollis exhibit the same effect when several autocorrelations are combined. These complementary pairs and sets of sequences can be extended into long complementary chains by a simple transformation. This transformation is extended here to all pulse compression waveforms. By this method, even though analog complementary sequences cannot be formed, a new class of waveforms, called subcomplementary waveforms, can be formed. Following these rules, repetition of waveforms such as linear frequency modulation (LFM) or linear stepped frequency modulation (LSFM) in a prescribed manner is possible without creating autocorrelation grating lobes or repetitive sidelobes. This method is equally applicable to all analog or digital pulse compression waveforms.  相似文献   

基于GPU的脉冲压缩并行化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在雷达数字脉冲压缩实时信号处理中,常需要每秒完成几亿甚至几百亿次的运算,采用能够专注于执行高度线程化并行任务的GPU实现脉冲压缩具有重要意义.根据线性调频信号和匹配滤波器理论基础,提出了基于GPU的脉冲压缩并行化实现方法.测试结果表明,基于GPU的脉冲压缩并行化方法相对于CPU有百倍以上的加速比.  相似文献   

Electromagnetic signals that propagate through strongly disturbed regions of the ionosphere can experience scattering which can cause significant amplitude, phase, and angle-of-arrival fluctuations. This paper considers the performance of a space based radar (SBR) that must operate through a highly disturbed propagation environment such as might occur during a barium release or after a high altitude nuclear detonation. A brief summary of the propagation channel characteristics is given in terms of quantities that are important to SBR design issues. Results are then given showing the effect of noncoherent integration on target detection performance. Both coherent and noncoherent detection performance can be seriously degraded by scintillation if scintillation is not adequately considered in the radar design.  相似文献   

简述了雷达信号脉冲压缩的几种实现方法,着重讨论了数字式脉冲压缩的特点及其信号处理方法;分析了所选择的TMS320C6XEVM信号处理板的接口实现;给出了基于TMS320C6X的信号处理系统软硬件的设计。由于采用高速数字信号处理器件进行脉冲压缩,使得软件设计具有很大的灵活性。  相似文献   

Closed-form formulas allow rapid determination of noncoherent integration gain and integration loss when the single-sample IF signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is known. In addition, if the required SNR is known for any number of integrated pulses, the required SNR for any other number is easily determined. A closed-form expression is given for radar collapsing loss, expressed in terms of the equivalent integrated signal-to-noise ratio required to produce a given combination of false-alarm and detection probabilities. Alternatively, the single-sample signal-to-noise ratio of a set of samples may be used together with the closed-form expression for integration gain to get the equivalent integrated signal-to-noise ratio.  相似文献   

An experiment was performed to determine the effect on radar image interpretation of: 1) rectangular instead of square pixels, and 2) spatial resolution in the presence of noncoherent averaging. The result is a proof of the hypothesis that interpretability of images is determined by a "spatial-gray-level (SGL) resolution volume" that is the product of the range resolution, the azimuth resolution, and a gray-level resolution. The last is defined as the ratio of the value exceeded 10 percent of the time to that exceeded 90 percent of the time for a chi-square distribution having twice as many degrees of freedom as the number of independent samples averaged. Since the area of the pixel enters, rather than explicit dependence on range or azimuth resolution, rectangular pixels are as interpretable as square pixels having the same area. The SGL accounts for the effect of reduction in fading on interpretability. The numerical interpretability assigned by experienced image interpreters asked to look for specific classes of targets was found to fall exponentially with increasing SGL volume, with a scale determined by the class of target. The experiment showed that, for most of the tasks assigned to the interpreters, the interpretability is reduced to 37 percent for a fully focussed synthetic-aperture radar (SAR) (1-look) for a 10-m (33-ft) square pixel. With an infinite number of samples averaged, the comparable square-pixel dimension is 48 m (157 ft). This is consistent with results obtained using LANDSAT images of about 60-m resolution.  相似文献   

讨论了用算术编码实现波形数据的无损压缩。对波形数据进行无损压缩时 ,如果把每个可能的样本值看作一个符号 ,符号表会非常庞大 ,导致算法不可行。基于这种原因 ,本文用一个符号表示一定范围内波形数据 ,而不是单个波形数据 ,然后在此基础上设计了一种编码方案。先是无损线性预测 ,去除了波形数据之间的相关性。并假定产生的差值序列具有白功率谱 ,幅度服从高斯分布 ,第二步是算术编码。最后给出了对雷达回波数据进行压缩的实验结果。  相似文献   

The effects of target Doppler are addressed in relation to adaptive receive processing for radar pulse compression. To correct for Doppler-induced filter mismatch over a single pulse, the Doppler-compensated adaptive pulse compression (DC-APC) algorithm is presented whereby the respective Doppler shifts for large target returns are jointly estimated with the illuminated range profile and subsequently incorporated into the original APC adaptive receive filter formulation. As a result, the Doppler-mismatch-induced range sidelobes can be suppressed thereby regaining a significant portion of the sensitivity improvement that is possible when applying adaptive pulse compression (APC) without the existence of significant Doppler mismatch. In contrast, instead of compensating for Doppler mismatch, the single pulse imaging (SPI) algorithm generalizes the APC formulation for a bank of Doppler-shifted matched filters thereby producing a sidelobe-suppressed range-Doppler image from the return signal of a single radar pulse which is applicable for targets with substantial variation in Doppler. Both techniques are based on the recently proposed APC algorithm and its generalization, the multistatic adaptive pulse compression (MAPC) algorithm, which have been shown to be effective for the suppression of pulse compression range sidelobes thus dramatically increasing the sensitivity of pulse compression radar.  相似文献   

研制了一种基于梳状谱发生器的全相参脉冲压缩毫米波雷达目标射频回波模拟器。通过与被测雷达共用基准频率参考信号,结合梳状谱发生器及DDS,保证了输出信号和雷达发射信号的相参性和快速频率跳变,实现较好的相位噪声性能和杂散抑制。该系统输出为Ka波段,带宽2GHz,步进100kHz,相位噪声小于一80dBc@1kHz,跳频时间小于2μs。  相似文献   

脉冲测量雷达卫星标定方法研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对脉冲测量雷达卫星标定方法的原理和工程应用等问题进行了研究,提出了标定模型和方法,分析了雷达跟踪能力和卫星定轨保障等工程应用问题,并对标定效果进行了仿真验证。  相似文献   

Doppler properties of the Frank polyphase code and the recently derived P1, P2, P3, and P4 polyphase codes are investigated and compared. An approximate 4 dB cyclic variation of the peak compressed signal is shown to occur as the Doppler frequency increases. The troughs in the peak-signal response occur whenever the total phase shift across the uncompressed pulse, due to Doppler, is an odd multiple of ? radians. It is shown that while the P3 and P4 codes have larger zero-Doppler peak sidelobes than the other codes, the P3 and P4 codes degrade less as the Doppler frequency increases. Also, the effects of amplitude weighting and receiver bandlimiting for both zero and nonzero Doppler are investigated.  相似文献   

Radar pulse-compression results are presented for the first reflective-array compressor (RAC) dispersive delay lines (DDL) with both metallic reflecting arrays and phase-compensating films. The time-bandwidth product of the devices reported is approximately 400. Operation in a recirculation loop with a 37.5-dB Taylor weighting filter yielded 36-dB near-in range sidelobes. RMS phase errors less than 0.71 degrees across the band were achieved. Greater than 50-dB rejection of spurious response is achieved in the far-out range gate region. The potential for high-quality cost-effective fabrication of metallic RAC DDL for system applications is explored.  相似文献   

Two new polyphase pulse compression codes and efficient digital implementation techniques are presented that are very Doppler tolerant and that can provide large pulse compression ratios. One of these codes is tolerant of precompression bandwidth limitations.  相似文献   

A data compression technique is developed for synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imagery. The technique is based on an SAR image model and is designed to preserve the local statistics in the image by an adaptive variable rate modification of block truncation coding (BTC). A data rate of approximately 1.6 bit/pixel is achieved with the technique while maintaining the image quality and cultural (pointlike) targets. The algorithm requires no large data storage and is computationally simple.  相似文献   

Elementary probability theory is used to develop three formulas for the probability of two or more pulses being coincident at an observer's aircraft position in a multiple radar environment. The first formula is for nonscanning tracking type radars with different pulsewidths (PWs) and pulse repetition frequencies (PRFs), the second is for generically identical nonscanning radars with similar PWs and PRFs, and the third is for scanning type radars such as air search radars with similar PWs and PRFs. The probability of coincidence is related to the mean-time-between-coincidences (MTBC) and to the average coincidence rate. Two sample problems are given.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the performance and sensitivity of a maximum-likelihood length estimation algorithm which was originally developed to estimate the separation between unresolved point scatterers. It shows that when the two-scatterer target model is valid, the algorithm reliably estimates lengths shorter than the Rayleigh limit provided that the strength of no third interior scatterer (or its equivalent created by a few very closely spaced scatterers) is greater than the geometric mean of the strengths of the fore and aft scatterers.  相似文献   

A new class of symmetric radar pulse compression polyphase codes is introduced which is compatible with digital signal processing. These codes share many of the useful properties of the Frank polyphase code. In contrast with the Frank code, the new codes are not subject to mainlobe to sidelobe ratio degradation caused by bandlimiting prior to sampling and digital pulse compression. It is shown that bandlimiting the new codes prior to pulse compression acts as a waveform amplitude weighting which has the effect of increasing the mainlobe to sidelobe ratios.  相似文献   

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