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气象卫星按运行和工作状态分为二类,即极轨气象卫星、静止气象卫星。 极轨气象卫星因其运行轨道每绕地球一周都要穿过南北两极地区而得名,也称太阳同步轨道卫星,近圆形轨道,观测高度在1000千米以下。每圈观测地面东西宽度为2800  相似文献   

1气象卫星□□1961年4月美国发射了第一颗试验型极轨气象卫星。目前其气象卫星技术仍处于世界领先地位,拥有极轨道和静止轨道两大类气象卫星。1961年~1965年美国一共发射了10颗试验型极轨气象卫星,1966年~1969年发射了9颗第一代工作型气象卫...  相似文献   

罗斯 《太空探索》1995,(2):20-20
衰1:极地轨道气象卫星表含:同步轨道气象卫星拥有者卫星轨道高度(公里)发射时间欧洲气象卫星组织极轨气象卫星一1极轨气象卫星一2极轨气象卫星一38278278272000-2005未定美国国家海洋大气局诺阿一n诺阿一12诺阿一J诺阿一K诺阿一L诺阿一M诺阿一N诺阿一N,NPOESS一lNPOESS一2NPOESS一3850850850850850850850850824824824198819911994199619971998200020032006未定未定中国风云一IC风云一ID870870本世纪本世纪俄罗斯流星2一21流星3一5流星3一7流星3一8流星3M一1流星3M一21200120012001200925925199319911994199619982000 邮购航天纪…  相似文献   

目前,美国有两颗极轨气象卫星(NOAA-9和NOAA-10)在运行着,下一颗极轨气象卫星NOAA-H(成功后即为NOAA-11)计划在1987年12月发射,至90年代中期,美国打算发射发射七颗极轨气象卫星,其时间间隔为12-18个月。美国航宇局、国家海洋大气局(NOAA)和欧空局正着手空间平台计划,这个平台和地面处理系统称为地球观测系统(EOS)。在90年代中期将用航天飞机发射两个永久性平台到极地轨道上,可携带许多不  相似文献   

1 在气象卫星领域积极开展国际合作□□在气象卫星领域 ,欧洲认为 :1气候研究与观测具有世界性 ,应该充分开展国际合作 ,形成全球观测网络 ,造福人类 ;2无论是静止轨道卫星还是极轨卫星都无法单独同时满足对覆盖区域的空间分辨率和时间分辨率要求。因此 ,欧洲采用两种发展策略 ,第一是积极参与相关领域的卫星合作 ,配合形成全球气象服务网 ;其二是同时发展极轨气象卫星和静止气象卫星 ,以建成完善的气象卫星系统。1 .1 美、俄、欧、日静止轨道气象卫星已实现全球组网根据联合国世界气象组织全球大气研究卫星组网的计划 ,现已由美、俄、欧…  相似文献   

陈双  刘韬 《国际太空》2013,(9):11-19
气象卫星是重要的国家基础性、战略性空间系统,特别是近年环境问题日益严峻,自然灾害频发,以及现代战争对云层情况、海浪、大气温度、压力、风速等参数的准确性提出了更高的要求,以美国为代表的发达国家加紧研制新一代气象卫星。欧洲、俄罗斯等国家和地区也十分重视气象卫星的研制。气象卫星一般运行于极轨道或地球同步轨道。其中,极轨气象卫星的轨道高度一般在650~1500km,可以实现全球观测,所以在中期数值天气预报、气候诊断和预测、自然灾害和环境监测等方面可以提供有效的观测  相似文献   

□□由苏联/俄罗斯研制的“流星”(Meteor)极轨气象业务卫星已历经3代,这3代卫星轨道大都不是太阳同步轨道。现正发展的第4代卫星将运行在太阳同步轨道。 1 3代极轨气象卫星 苏联早在1962年~1969年间就发射了20多颗“宇宙”(COSMOS)系列卫星进行气象探测试验。 1969年3月  相似文献   

夏光 《国际太空》2006,(7):13-18
□□在俄罗斯国家气象卫星系统现代化的架构里,其主要工作是研制下一代极轨卫星--"流星"(Meteor)系列和静止轨道卫星--"电子星"[Electro,又称"地球静止轨道气象卫星"(GOMS)]系列.这些卫星将分别在2006年和2007年发射.在对运行的气象卫星系统进行支持和改进的同时,环境卫星的研发也在实施中.  相似文献   

1气象卫星□□俄罗斯首颗静止轨道气象卫星(GOME/Elektro)于1994年10月发射入轨。在这之前俄罗期从1969年开始一直依靠其“流星”系列极轨气象卫星提供数据。俄罗斯的静止气象卫星定点于76°E,卫星重25t,三轴稳定,设计寿命2年3年。...  相似文献   

早在20世纪60年代,苏联就开始研制气象卫星,但其卫星多变,其发展过程也很曲折。近年来根据俄罗斯2006-2015空间计划,俄罗斯有了很明确的气象卫星发展规划。俄罗斯的天气监测空间系统将由极轨卫星系统[含有3颗新一代气象卫星流星-M N1、N2(Meteor-M N1、N2)以及1颗海洋卫星流星-M N3]、静止气象卫星系统[含有3颗新一代静止气象卫星电子-L(Electro-L),它们分别定位于14.5°(W)、76°(E)和166°(E)]和大椭圆轨道卫星系统[含有2颗大椭圆轨道卫星-M(Arctica  相似文献   

The ability to observe meteorological events in the polar regions of the Earth from satellite celebrated an anniversary, with the launch of TIROS-I in a pseudo-polar orbit on 1 April 1960. Yet, after 50 years, polar orbiting satellites are still the best view of the polar regions of the Earth. The luxuries of geostationary satellite orbit including rapid scan operations, feature tracking, and atmospheric motion vectors (or cloud drift winds), are enjoyed only by the middle and tropical latitudes or perhaps only cover the deep polar regions in the case of satellite derived winds from polar orbit. The prospect of a solar sailing satellite system in an Artificial Lagrange Orbit (ALO, also known as “pole sitters”) offers the opportunity for polar environmental remote sensing, communications, forecasting and space weather monitoring. While there are other orbital possibilities to achieve this goal, an ALO satellite system offers one of the best analogs to the geostationary satellite system for routine polar latitude observations.  相似文献   

The Geospace Double Star Exploration Project (DSP) contains two small satel lites operating in the near-earth equatorial and polar regions respectively. The tasks of DSP are: (1) to provide high-resolution field, particle and wave mea surements in several important near-earth active regions which have not been covered by existing ISTP missions, such as the near-earth plasma sheet and its boundary layer, the ring current, the radiation belts, the dayside magnetopause boundary layer, and the polar region; (2) to investigate he trigger mechanisms of magnetic storms, magnetospheric substorms, and magnetospheric particle storms, as well as the responses of geospace storms to solar activities and in terplanetary disturbances; (3) to set up the models describing the spatial and temporal variations of the near-earth space environment.To complete the mission, there are eight instruments on board the equatorial satellite and the polar satellite, respectively. The orbit of the equatorial satellite is proposed with a perigee at 550km and an apogee at 60 000km, and the inclination is about 28.5°; while the orbit of the polar satellite with a perigee at 700 km and an apogee at 40 000 km, as well as an inclination about 90°. The equatorial and polar satellites are planed to be launched into orbits in June 2003 and December 2003 respectively to take coordinating measurements with Cluster Ⅱ and other missions.  相似文献   

The Geospace Double Star Project (DSP) consists of two small satellites operating in the near-earth equatorial and polar regions, respectively. The goals of DSP are: (1) to provide high-resolution field, particle, and wave measurements in some important near-earth active regions which have not been covered by current ISTP missions, such as the near-earth plasma sheet and its boundary layer, the ring current, the radiation belts, the dayside magnetopause boundary layer, and the polar region; (2) to investigate the trigger mechanisms of magnetic storms, magnetospheric substorms, and magnetospheric particle events,as well as the responses of geospace storms to solar activities and interplanetary disturbances; (3) to set up the models describing the spatial and temporal variations of the near-earth space environment.To realize the above goals, the equatorial satellite TC-1 and the polar satellite TC-2 will accommodate, respectively, eight instruments on board. TC-1was launched successfully in December 2003 while the polar satellite (TC-2)will be launched in July 2004. The orbit of the equatorial satellite TC-1 consists of a perigee at 550 km, an apogee at 60 000 km, and an inclination of about 28.5; while the orbit of the polar satellite will have a perigee of 700 km, an apogee of 40 000 km, and an inclination of about 90. The two satellites will take coordinated measurements with Cluster Ⅱ and will first form a "six-point exploration" in geospace.The operational status of TC-1 are introduced in this paper.  相似文献   

This paper reports the results of the first direct comparison of near simultaneous measurements obtained by the INTERCOSMOS-BULGARIA-1300 and the DYNAMICS EXPLORER-B satellites. The ICB-1300 is in a near circular orbit at a mean height of about 850 km. The DE-B satellite in an elliptical orbit is sometimes directly below the ICB-1300 satellite providing an opportunity to investigate the response of the thermosphere to particle fluxes from the magnetosphere. Energy fluxes in the range 0.2–15 keV are obtained from an energetic particle analyzer on board the ICB-1300 satellite. The thermospheric composition and density are obtained by a neutral gas mass spectrometer (NACS) on the DE-B satellite. During the period 20 August–20 November, 1981, observations show tht the times and locations of maxima in magnetospheric energy deposition coincide with regions of maximum thermospheric upwelling characterized by composition changes.  相似文献   

<正> 一、引言自从1960年发射第一颗气象卫星以来已经25年了。这25年来气象卫星技术及其应用都有了很大发展,在全球天气预报、灾害性天气监视、海洋和水文环境监测、农业和交通中起了越来越重要的作用。气象卫星的功能可以大致概括为: (一)利用遥感探测仪器对卫星下垫面进行探测。探测器主要有两类:一类是成象仪  相似文献   

FY-2卫星扫描辐射仪在轨定标方法   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
FY- 2 在轨定标是云图定量处理的关键。首先叙述了FY- 2 可见光、红外和水汽通道的定标方法;然后介绍了星上各通道的电定标及黑体定标的过程。结果表明红外通道在轨定标曲线与实验室定标非常接近。  相似文献   

设计了由陀螺、GPS姿态敏感器、红外地平仪和太阳敏感器构成的太阳同步极轨卫星姿态确定系统。提出联邦滤波器结构和算法,推导了各子系统的量测方程和姿态确定系统的误差状态方程。为规避对量测值进行非相关处理,采用减小GPS姿态敏感器输出的姿态滤波值作为系统滤波器量测值的频率的方法。仿真结果表明,采用联邦滤波器对多敏感器卫星姿态确定系统进行信息融合,具有计算量小、精度高、可靠性好等优点。  相似文献   

"嫦娥4号"中继星是"嫦娥4号"探测器实现月球背面着陆与巡视的关键,目前正稳定运行在地-月L2点使命轨道上,该使命轨道为平均周期约14天的南族Halo轨道。因任务的需要,中继星本体系+Z轴需调整指向,处于正对太阳和非正对太阳两种状态。太阳光压在中继星+Z轴对日的情况下会加速卫星的角动量累积,增加卫星卸载喷气频次。基于中继星使命轨道段测控支持条件,采用重叠弧段法对两种状态下的中继星定轨精度进行分析与评估。结果表明,在中继星+Z轴非对日运行状态下,重叠弧段位置误差为1.6 km,速度误差为8 mm/s;在中继星+Z轴对日运行状态下,重叠弧段位置误差为0.6 km,速度误差为3 mm/s,这对中继星的长期运行具有重要参考价值。  相似文献   

为了分析太阳同步轨道卫星的光学特性,对FY-1卫星的可见光和红外波段光学信号进行了仿真计算和模拟试验验证.通过对外部辐射及内部热源的分析,计算了卫星的温度场,采用随机起伏表面算法模拟表面覆盖材料外表面,通过阴影遮挡判断及双向反射分布函数(BRDF, Bi-directional Reflectance Distribution Function)模型计算卫星对外部辐射的反射特性,编程计算得到在可见光0.4~1.0μm和红外8~14 μm,14~16 μm波段下卫星的光学特性.结果表明红外辐射亮度与表面温度相关,8~14 μm最大约90 W/(m2·sr)、14~16 μm最大约20 W/(m2·sr).空间可见光辐射强度具有明显的镜面反射效应,卫星主体峰值2 200 W/sr.通过地面模拟测量空间目标的温度和红外辐射验证了温度及红外辐射仿真计算模型,可见光辐射强度仿真计算结果与地面模型卫星测量结果误差在20%以内.  相似文献   

Recent Progress of Fengyun Meteorology Satellites   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
After nearly 50 years of development, Fengyun (FY) satellite ushered in its best moment. China has become one of the three countries or units in the world (China, USA, and EU) that maintain both polar orbit and geostationary orbit satellites operationally. Up to now, there are 17 Fengyun (FY) satellites that have been launched successfully since 1988. There are two FY polar orbital satellites and four FY geostationary orbit satellites operate in the space to provide a huge amount of the earth observation data to the user communities. The FY satellite data has been applied not only in the meteorological but also in agriculture, hydraulic engineering, environmental, education, scientific research and other fields. More recently, three meteorological satellites have been launched within the past two years. They are FY-4A on 11 December 2016, FY-3D on 15 November 2017 and FY-2H on 5 June 2018. This paper introduces the current status of FY meteorological satellites and data service. The updates of the latest three satellites have been addressed. The characteristics of their payloads on-boarding have been specified in details and the benefit fields have been anticipated separately.  相似文献   

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