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航天员出舱活动地面试验综合复压系统控制技术   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
为了验证人-舱-服系统的可靠性和安全性,必须在地面做充分的模拟试验。地面试验综合复压系统为航天员的生命安全提供了可靠的试验环境。其中,测控系统采用的PCS7过程控制系统对关键环节均实现了热备冗余,满足试验过程控制要求,可靠地实现了综合复压系统的正常工作和紧急复压自动控制流程,并圆满地完成了人-舱-服联合试验。  相似文献   

Astronauts face numerous health challenges during long-duration space missions, including diminished immunity, bone loss and increased risk of radiation-induced carcinogenesis. Changes in the intestinal flora of astronauts may contribute to these problems. Soy-based fermented food products could provide a nutritional strategy to help alleviate these challenges by incorporating beneficial lactic acid bacteria, while reaping the benefits of soy isoflavones. We carried out strain selection for the development of soy ferments, selecting strains of lactic acid bacteria showing the most effective growth and fermentation ability in soy milk (Streptococcus thermophilus ST5, Bifidobacterium longum R0175 and Lactobacillus helveticus R0052). Immunomodulatory bioactivity of selected ferments was assessed using an in vitro challenge system with human intestinal epithelial and macrophage cell lines, and selected ferments show the ability to down-regulate production of the pro-inflammatory cytokine interleukin-8 following challenge with tumour necrosis factor-alpha. The impact of fermentation on vitamin B1 and B6 levels and on isoflavone biotransformation to agluconic forms was also assessed, with strain variation-dependent biotransformation ability detected. Overall this suggests that probiotic bacteria can be successfully utilized to develop soy-based fermented products targeted against health problems associated with long-term space travel.  相似文献   

The export market for space technology, goods and services is still in its infancy, but trends indicate definite economic growth in prospect. Private companies are increasingly keen to find a foothold or increase their share in the ever widening market. National goverments are undertaking a variety of measures to help and encourage them in the export of space technology. Competition for the older US producers is sharpening from foreign firms. Political conflict is arising based on this competition and on the potential dual use of some space technologies for civilian and military purposes. The main Western industrialized countries have recently agreed on common Guidelines to control the export of launcher technology that could be used for delivering nuclear weapons. The ‘Guidelines for Sensitive Missile-Relevant Transfer’ will affect the export of much space technology and equipment.  相似文献   

The exploration of space is a long-term endeavor that will require strong public support to weather societal and political changes over the period of its implementation. In August 2006, George Mason University's Center for Aerospace Policy Research organized a workshop to address this issue. The sustainability of space exploration was investigated from a variety of perspectives by invited experts from the space sector as well as from the market research and public relations fields. This paper summarizes the results of the workshop. It presents market research data along with recommendations for an active strategic communications effort as well as public engagement to enhance public support for space exploration, especially among the younger age groups which tend to be uninterested in space activities.  相似文献   

空间机构集成技术对空间机构的可靠性至关重要。随着大型桁架展开机构、大面积柔性太阳电池阵、长寿命高性能伺服机构、大型空间机械臂、空间智能探测器等新型部件的出现,对空间机构集成技术提出了新的要求,使得空间机构集成技术日益成为制约空间机构技术发展的难点之一。文章对目前空间机构集成技术的现状和发展需求进行分析,指出重点发展的方向并提出发展建议。  相似文献   

In the last 25 years Israel developed highly advanced space industry and capable indigenous infrastructure of space technology. The special interconnections between the academia, the industry and different government agencies had a valuable influence on this successful process. This paper identifies and analyzes the characteristics of this partnership. It addresses the issue of sustaining this partnership and maintain it as a major driving force of the Israeli space program in order to provide some conclusions for similar actors, seeking to enhance their space activities and capabilities.  相似文献   

As part of the “PolAres” research programme, we are investigating techniques to detect and reduce forward contamination of the Mars regolith during human exploration. We report here on the development of a spacesuit simulator-prototype dubbed “Aouda.X,” document the inability of current technology to produce a static charge sufficient to minimize dust transport on the suit, and present preliminary results employing laser induced fluorescence emission (L.I.F.E.) techniques to monitor fluorescent microspherules as biological contamination proxies.  相似文献   

Peter Creola   《Space Policy》1999,15(4):207-211
This is an abridged and edited version of the second report of ESA's Long-Term Space Policy Committee, published in May 1999. Emphasizing the importance of space-based technologies to so many earthly activities, it argues that only greater European involvement in the field will ensure that the continent remains an autonomous and significant player in world affairs and illustrates this by proposing space solutions to three major challenges for the future. The report's action plan for making use of these solutions is summarized and the consequences of failing to act are spelled out using the historical example of China.  相似文献   

在行星上和在航天器上测量行星表面同一时刻、同一位置的大气密度,会得到不同的测量数据,必须经过坐标系转换把航天器上的测量数据转换成行星坐标系的数据才可和地面观测数据比较。文章系统地归纳了宇宙真空测量的理论与技术,改正了相应的坐标转换公式,对之进行了合理性讨论,推导出分子流密度和大气压强的转换公式并建立了地面校准宇航速度定向分子流压强及压强的模拟理论,形成了比较完整的宇宙真空测量理论体系。从该理论体系出发,提出了宇宙真空测量技术方案的建议。  相似文献   

针对受限空间下双臂机器人协同操作的轨迹规划中所面临的非结构化环境复杂、作业空间小、易发生碰撞等问题,提出一种双臂机器人自主避碰与灵巧操作的最优轨迹规划方法,即基于三维点云场景重建的复杂约束环境模型,将安全作业和灵巧操作任务抽象为数学约束形式,构建复杂受限空间下多种灵巧操作任务规划的双臂协调优化模型,以实现双臂机器人在复杂受限空间下的自主避碰和最优灵巧操作。最后通过卫星配件装配任务的仿真和实验验证了该最优轨迹规划方法的可行性。  相似文献   

The assessment of personality is recognized by space agencies as an approach to identify candidates likely to perform optimally during spaceflights. In the use of personality scales for selection, the impact of social desirability (SD) has been cited as a concern. Study 1 addressed the impact of SD on responses to the Personality Characteristic Inventory(PCI) and NEO-FFI. This was achieved by contrasting scores from active astronauts (N=65) with scores of successful astronaut applicants (N=63), and between pilots applicants (N=1271) and pilot research subjects (N=120). Secondly, personality scores were correlated with scores on the Marlow Crown Social Desirability Scale among applicants to managerial positions (N=120). The results indicated that SD inflated scores on PCI scales assessing negative interpersonal characteristics, and impacted on four of five scales in NEO-FFI. Still, the effect sizes were small or moderate. Study 2 addressed performance implications of SD during an assessment of males applying to work as rescue personnel operations in the North Sea (N=22). The results showed that SD correlated negatively with cognitive test performance, and positively with discrepancy in performance ratings between self and two observers. In conclusion, caution is needed in interpreting personality scores in applicant populations. SD maybe a negative predictor for performance under stress.  相似文献   

《Space Policy》2013,29(4):251-257
The following paper reports the results of a research work carried from 2008 on the topic of strategies and determinants of space technology Transfer (TT). In particular, the aim of this study is to present: 1. The policies and strategies the major space agencies adopt for TT, 2. The operational mechanisms and determinants involved in the transfer of space technologies to other industrial sectors. To this extent we have conducted in the last five years: six case studies of large space agencies, four TT case studies concerning the construction of scientific satellites, two case studies focused on space to earth TT programs undertaken by the Japanese aerospace agency, and two TT case studies examining Italian space companies.The comparative and comprehensive analyses of these studies indicate that the space agencies of the more industrialized countries aim primarily at consolidating and developing the industrial systems in their own countries, which include the use of technology transfer programs, and that the transfer of space technologies follows the route “Earth–Space–Earth”. With regard to the determinants of the TT process, the most important of these correlate with the type of technology in transfer, whereas organizational, economic and financial determinants have less significance.  相似文献   

In this paper, we develop a new control strategy on limit cycles for planar space robot models with initial angular momenta. First, we state our problem formulation, and give some concepts and assumptions. Next, we derive a controller that generates a desired stable limit-cycle-like behavior for general two-dimensional nonlinear control systems, which is called limit-cycle-like control. We then give two kinds of specific forms of the controller and investigate some characteristics of them. After that, we apply the limit-cycle-like control methods to a control problem of a planar space robot model with an initial angular momentum, and some simulations are carried out in order to demonstrate the effectiveness of our new methods.  相似文献   

Until now space activity has been driven by international political competition. But recent events in Eastern Europe have undercut the political incentives for expanded space activity, and meanwhile fiscal constraints, arising for different reasons in the USA, Europe and the USSR, are putting unprecedented pressure on space budgets. In the long term, however, it is likely that a new kind of competition fuelled by economic motives will provide the basis for a more determined and perhaps more stable opening of the space frontier. Dropping out of the space race for short-term reasons could be a costly and irrevocable decision.  相似文献   

This paper presents the robotic vision technologies newly developed for satellites and space station robotic applications at the Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (PAMI) Laboratory of the University of Waterloo and at the Vision, Intelligence and Robotics Technologies Corp. (VIRTEK). The first part of the paper presents how the PAMI-VIRTEK Vision technologies are engineered to support the STEAR (Space Station, Strategic Technologies in Automation and Robotics Program) sponsored by the Canadian Space Agency. The second describes the use of stereo CCD camera for sensing the deformed shape of a third generation satellite. It addresses the notion of shape interpolation and error reduction.  相似文献   

航天器材料的空间应用及其保障技术   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
随着对应用卫星长寿命、高可靠要求的不断增长,对于航天器材料的空间应用可靠性及其保障技术日益受到重视。文章分析了航天器材料空间应用的要求及其空间环境效应试验评价技术,介绍了航天器材料保障技术的进展和发展趋势。在地面严格控制材料空间应用的性能并提供基于空间环境效应的充分数据是保障高品质航天器长寿命高可靠的重要手段。  相似文献   

CCSDS空间链路层协议识别技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
姚秀娟  李雪 《航天电子对抗》2012,28(2):26-28,48
针对空间链路层通信协议在合作目标和非合作目标两种背景下的应用情况,提出一种适合于CCSDS协议识别的方法。详细分析了协议识别技术的实际研究现状,介绍了CCSDS协议特征提取方法和特征模型建立算法,并利用多类型仿真数据和实际航天任务数据为样本检验了算法可行性,得出了误码率对识别效果的影响关系。研究成果对空间信息对抗中的协议识别技术研究具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

徐青 《航天电子对抗》2006,22(4):19-21,24
在陆、海、空、天、电战争范畴,空间攻防对抗是战略制高点。从美军的空间对抗的发展和变化,折射出未来的空间对抗需求已由“确保摧毁”向“确保生存”的战略概念转变,由“硬杀伤”向“软能力”倾斜。从需求出发,提出未来空间信息对抗能力设想,以及实现这些能力的主要关键技术。  相似文献   

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