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The high spatial-temporal resolution of instrumentation on the polar-orbiting S3-2 satellite has allowed a wide variety of measurements of the electrodynamic characteristics of both large- and small-scale structures at high latitudes. Analyses of large scale features observed by S3-2 have shown that: (i) The IMF B ydependence of polar cap convection, first observed in June 1969 by OGO-6 persists in other seasons. During periods of northward IMF B zextensive regions of sunward convection may be found in the sunlit polar cap. (ii) In the dawn and dusk MLT sectors >90% of the region 1 currents lie equatorward of the convection reversal line. Potentials across the ionospheric projection of the low-latitude boundary layer are typically a few kV. (iii) The location of extra field-aligned currents, near the dayside cusp and poleward of the region 1 current sheet is dependent on the IMF B ycomponent. (iv) Simultaneous observations by TRIAD and S3-2 show that sheets of field-aligned current extend uniformly for several hours in MLT, but may have an altitude dependence in the 1000–8000 km range. (v) During magnetic storms ionospheric irregularities occur in regions of poleward density gradients and downward field-aligned currents near the equatorward boundary of diffuse auroral precipitation. In the winter polar cap, density irregularities were also found in regions of highly structured electric fields and soft electron precipitation. (vi) During an intense magnetic storm the auroral zone height-integrated Pederson conductivity was calculated to be in the range 10–30 mho and downcoming energetic electron fluxes accounted for between 50% and 70% of the upward Birkeland currents.Analysis of small-scale structures (latitudinal width < 1°), observed by S3-2, have shown that: (i) Intense meridional electric fields (50–250 mV m-1) generated by charge separation near the inner edge of the plasma sheet drive intense subauroral convection and are associated with field-aligned currents, on the order of 1–2 A m-2. (ii) Case studies of discrete arcs in the auroral oval have shown that arcs are associated with pairs of small-scale, field-aligned currents embedded in the large-scale region 1/region 2 field-aligned current sheets. The maximum observed field-aligned current was an upward current of 135 A m-2, confined to a latitudinal width of 2km and carried by field-aligned accelerated electrons. Return (downward) currents associated with arcs are limited to intensities of 10–15 A m-2. At this limit the ionospheric plasma becomes marginally stable to the onset of ion-cyclotron turbulence. Two instances of plasma vortices, characteristic of auroral curls, have been observed in the region between the paired current sheets. (iii) Sun-aligned arcs in the polar cap are found in a region of negative electric field divergence, embedded in an irregular electric field pattern. The electrons producing the arcs have a temperature of 200 eV and have been accelerated through potential drops of 1 kV along the magnetic field. Return currents may appear on both sides of polar-cap arcs.  相似文献   

We propose a technique to derive the coronal density irregularity factor , wheren is the electron density. The absolute photometric comparison between the intensity of UV lines and the white-light K-coronal polarized brightness (pB) provides an unique constraint on the inhomogeneity of the corona. The ratio of the measured H I Lyman (Ly-) line intensity to the resonant-scattering dominated H I Lyman (Ly-) intensity can be used to extract the collisonal component of the Ly-. This component yields an estimate of . The quantity is then obtained from white-light K-coronal measurements. The use of lines of the same atomic species minimizes the effects due to outflow velocities (i.e., Doppler dimming), and reduces the errors introduced by the uncertainties in the ionization balance, the atomic parameters, and the solar abundances. The UVCS/SOHO unique capability of performing cotemporal and cospatial measurements of the Ly- and Ly- lines, and ofpB makes this instrument ideal for implementing this technique.  相似文献   

This is an observational review, with an emphasis on photometric data and their interpretation. Two lists are presented, one containing Cephei stars, and the other, Cephei suspects. These lists then serve as a basis for discussing such topics as the location of Cephei stars in the observational and theoretical H-R diagrams, the evolutionary state of these stars, the period-luminosity and period-luminosity-color relations, and observational identification of pulsation modes. The paper also includes references to recent work connected with the theoretical discovery that an opacity mechanism is responsible for the excitation of Cephei-star pulsations. Finally, observational programs for verifying the consequences of this discovery are suggested.Belgian Fund for Scientific Research (NFWO).  相似文献   

Recent observations by the Dynamics Explorer satellites indicate that auroral field lines are not equipotentials. The field-aligned conductivity is the same for up and downgoing currents and of the order of several 10–8 to several 10–9 –1m–2. This is not in agreement with models based on the resistance provided by the magnetic mirror force alone. It is suggested that the resistivity is due to damping of kinetic shear-Alfven wave packets. This damping may be nonlinear in nature or Landau damping. We briefly review the properties of kinetic Alfven waves.  相似文献   

Freja is a Swedish scientific satellite mission to study fine scale auroral processes. Launch was October 6, 1992, piggyback on a Chinese Long March 2C, to the present 600×1750 km, 63° inclination orbit. The JHU/APL provided the Magnetic Field Experiment (MFE), which includes a custom APL-designed Forth, language microprocessor. This approach has led to a truly generic and flexible design with adaptability to differing mission requirements and has resulted in the transfer of significant ground analysis to on-board processing. Special attention has been paid to the analog electronic and digital processing design in an effort to lower system noise levels, verified by inflight data showing unprecedented system noise levels for near-Earth magnetic field measurements, approaching the fluxgate sensor levels. The full dynamic range measurements are of the 3-axis Earth's magnetic field taken at 128 vector samples s–1 and digitized to 16 bit, resolution, primarily used to evaluate currents and the main magnetic field of the Earth. Additional 3-axis AC channels are bandpass filtered from 1.5 to 128 Hz to remove the main field spin signal, the range is±650 nT. These vector measurements cover Pc waves to ion gyrofrequency magnetic wave signals up to the oxygen gyrofrequency (40 Hz). A separate, seventh channel samples the spin axis sensor with a bandpass filter of 1.5 to 256 Hz, the signal of which is fed to a software FFT. This on-board FFT processing covers the local helium gyrofrequencies (160 Hz) and is plotted in the Freja Summary Plots (FSPs) along with disturbance fields. First data were received in the U.S. October 16 from Kiruna, Sweden via the Internet and SPAN e-mail networks, and were from an orbit a few hours earlier over Greenland and Sweden. Data files and data products, e.g., FSPs generated at the Kiruna ground station, are communicated in a similar manner through an automatic mail distribution system in Stockholm to PIs and various users. Distributed management of spacecraft operations by the science team is also achieved by this advanced communications system.An exciting new discovery of the field-aligned current systems is the high frequency wave power or structure associated with the various large-scale currents. The spin axis AC data and its standard deviation is a measure of this high-frequency component of the Birkeland current regions. The exact response of these channels and filters as well as the physics behind these wave and/or fine-scale current structures accompanying the large-scale currents is being pursued; nevertheless, the association is clear and the results are used for the MFE Birkeland current monitor calculated in the MFE microprocessor. This monitor then sets a trigger when it is greater than a commandable, preset threshold. This event flag can be read by the system unit and used to remotely command all instruments into burst mode data taking and local memory storage. In addition,Freja is equipped with a 400 MHz Low Speed Link transmitter which transmits spacecraft hcusekeeping that can be received with a low cost, portable receiver. These housekeeping data include the MFE auroral zone current detector; this space weather information indicates the location and strength of ionospheric current systems that directly impact communications, power systems, long distance telephone lines and near-Earth satellite operations. The JHU/APL MFE is a joint effort with NASA/GSFC and was co-sponsored by the Office of Naval Research and NASA/Headquarters in cooperation with the Swedish National Space Board and the Swedish Space Corporation.Freja Magnetic Field Experiment Team  相似文献   

《Space Science Reviews》1989,49(1-2):125-138
The Gamma-1 telescope has been developed through a collaboration of scientists in the USSR and France in order to conduct -ray astronomical observations within the energy range from 50 to 5000 MeV. The major characteristics of the telescope were established by Monte-Carlo simulations and calibrations made with the aid of electron and tagged -ray beams produced by an accelerator, and these have been found to be as follows: the effective area for photons coming along the instrument's axis varies from about 50 cm2 at E = 50 MeV to approximately 230 cm2 at E 300 MeV; the angular resolution (half opening of the cone embracing 68% events) is equal to 2.7° at E = 100 MeV, and 1.8° at E = 300 MeV; the energy resolution (FWHM) varies from 70% to 35% as the energy of the detected photons increases from 100 to 550 MeV; the telescope's field-of-view at the half-sensitivity level is 300–450 square degrees depending upon the spectrum of the detected radiation, and the event selection logic. Proceeding from the thus obtained characteristics it is demonstrated that a point source producing a photon flux J (E 100 MeV) = 3 × 10-7 cm-2 s-1, can be detected with a 5 significance by observing it during 106 s at the level of the Cygnus background, and a source having intensity J (E 100 MeV) = 10-6 cm-2 s-1 can be detected to within a mean square positional accuracy of about 15.  相似文献   

Our knowledge of the interplanetary medium is outlined and its frictionless interaction with the geomagnetic cavity, first discussed by Chapman and Ferraro, is described. An important feature of this interaction is the interplanetary field which is compressed and may possibly lead to the formation of a shock wave.The possibility of frictional interaction between the solar wind and the cavity is discussed; an effect which appears to cause friction is the instability of interpenetrating ion-electron streams. This effect will also cause strong heating and trapping of ions and the generation of electromagnetic waves.The theory of propagation of geomagnetic disturbances in the magnetosphere and ionosphere is reviewed, first in general terms and than for some of the various components of a geomagnetic storm.Sea-level disturbances are divided into stormtime (Dst) and other (DS) components and also into different phases and the experimental data is reviewed. Theories of Dst, including the ringcurrent theory and magnetic tail theory are discussed and compared. Attempts to explain the complex DS field comprise the magnetospheric dynamo theory and the asymmetrical ring-current theory; these are compared in the light of experimental evidence.Motions of plasma and field lines in the magnetosphere are discussed in general terms: there are motions which deform the field and there are interchange motions. The former are opposed by Earth currents; the latter are not. The two types of motion are coupled through ionospheric Hall conductivity. Theories of the DS field in terms of the two types of motion are described; in particular motions caused by frictional interaction with the solar wind are discussed. These motions cause a helical twist in the field lines which propagates into the polar ionosphere as a hydromagnetic wave. In the ionosphere the motions of the field lines drive currents (moving-field dynamo) which cause the DS field.Drifts of neutral ionization in the lower ionosphere lead to localized accumulations which play a vital part in storm and auroral theory: they cause polarization fields which change the DS current system; they react on the magnetospheric motions to cause particle acceleration and precipitation.Auroral morphology and theories are briefly reviewed; the solar wind friction theory, although far from complete may provide a start. Further development should take the form of determining ionospheric drifts, polarization electric fields and consequent magnetospheric effects.A brief discussion is given of some associated effects: growth and decay of belts of geomagnetically trapped corpuscules; increase in ionospheric absorption of radio waves and lower-level X-ray production, ionospheric storm and high-latitude irregularities, micropulsations, VLF and ELF radio emissions from the magnetosphere, atmospheric heating and wave generation.  相似文献   

This article reviews theories and observations related to effects produced by finite (and large) Larmor radii of charged particles in the magnetosphere. The FLR effects depend on =r H /L, wherer H is the Larmor radius andL is the spatial scale for field/plasma inhomogeneity. The parameter is a basic expansion parameter for most equations describing plasma dynamics in the magnetosphere. The FLR effects enter naturally the drift approximation for particle motion and represent also non-ideal MHD terms in the fluid formalism. The linear and higher order terms in lead to charge separation, energization of particles, and produce viscosity without collisions. The FLR effects introduce also important corrections to the dispersion relations for MHD waves and drift instabilities. Expansion of plasma into magnetic field leads to filamentation of the plasma boundary and to creation of structures with thickness less than an ion gyroradius. Large Larmor radius effects (1) in curved magnetic field geometry lead to stochastic behaviour of particle trajectories and to deterministic chaos. The tiny scale of the electron and ion gyroradii does not necessarily mean that FLR/LLR phenomena have negligible effect on the macroscopic dynamics and energetics of the whole magnetosphere. On the contrary, the small scale gyro-effects may provide the physical mechanism for gyroviscous coupling between the solar wind and the magnetosphere, the mechanism for triggering disruption of the magnetotail current layer, and the mechanism for parallel electric field that accelerate auroral particles.  相似文献   

A new EXOSAT (LE/CMA) observation of the region in Crux (R.A. 11h 45m, Dec. -62°) where Markert et al. (1981) reported the existence of two x-ray SNR's is presented. After cleaning the CMA field from the point source component, due to the UV emission of the numerous stars in the field, the smoothed x-ray contours are compared to the 408 MHz radio map of Caswell et al. (1983). The existence of two, well-separate x-ray emission regions is confirmed by EXOSAT, and the current x-ray/radio picture is not sufficent to distinguish clearly between the assumption of one or two (possibly interacting) SNR's in the region.  相似文献   

The interaction between network magnetic fields and emerging intranetwork fields may lead to magnetic reconnection and microflares, which generate fast shocks with an Alfvén Mach number M A<2. Protons and less abundant ions in the solar corona are then heated and accelerated by fast shocks. Our study of shock heating shows that (a) the nearly nondeflection of ion motion across the shock ramp leads to a large perpendicular thermal velocity (v th), which is an increasing function of the mass/charge ratio; (b) the heating by subcritical shocks with 1.1 MA 1.5 leads to a large temperature anisotropy with T/T 50 for O5+ ions and a mild anisotropy with T/T 1.2 for protons; (c) the large perpendicular thermal velocity of He++ and O5+ ions can be converted to the radial outflow velocity (u) in the divergent coronal field lines; and (d) the heating and acceleration by shocks with 1.1 MA 1.5 can lead to u(O5+) v th(O5+) 460 km s–1 for O5+ ions, u(He++) v th(He++) 360 km s–1 for He++ ions, and u(H+) v th(H+) 240 km s–1 for protons at r=3–4 R . Our results can explain recent SOHO observations of the heating and acceleration of protons and heavier ions in the solar corona.  相似文献   

In this paper we discuss theoretical expressions, determining the difference of Doppler shifts of various coherent radiowave frequencies emitted by a radiator moving in the ionosphere or interplanetary medium. The rotating Doppler effect (Faraday effect) caused by the Doppler shifts ±H of the ordinary and extraordinary waves is also considered. In a three-dimensional inhomogeneous ionosphere, stationary in time (N/t = 0), is determined in the general case, by an equation with three variables. The equation for proper depends only on the local value of the electron concentration N c around the radiator and on integral values, determining, by means of additional calculations, the angle of refraction or its components, the horizontal gradients of electron concentration N/x and N/y, and in some cases, the integral electron concentration 0 zcN dz. We describe the analysis of the measurements, made with the satellites Cosmos I, II and partially XI, assuming that N/t = N/y = 0, with a two variables equation. The expected errors are considered. The results coincide well for different points (Moscow, The Crimea, Sverdlovsk) and thus agree with the measurements of H and with height-frequency ionospheric characteristics. The curve giving electron concentration versus height N (z) in the outer ionosphere (above the maximum of F2), shows a new maximum higher than the main maximum of the ionosphere N MF2 at 120–140 km. At this maximum the value of N (z) is (0.9–0.95) N MF2. The new data on the large-scale horizontal inhomogeneities of the ionosphere, exceed the previous ones by about a factor 10. By means of the irregular variations of the spectrum W() of the inhomogenous formation is determined. Three unknown constant maxima with values 16 to 18 km, 28 to 32 km and 100 to 120 km are found. The spectrum W () mainly characterizes the local properties of the ionosphere along the orbit of the satellite.  相似文献   

Recent work on Cepheids is reviewed in the areas of (1) the large-amplitude mode behavior, (2) convection, and (3) Cepheid masses. Initial-value type nonlinear calculations have not yet yielded true double-mode behavior. Yet we have the beginnings of a promising theory of modal selection. Theoretical calculations also yield reasonably located red edges to Cepheid (and Cepheid-like) instability regions.Recent observational results have led to increased values of the pulsation mass, so that this mass is now in fair agreement with evolution theory. The Wesselink mass is also satisfactory. Thus now only bump and beat masses are possibly discrepant. Some possible ways which have been suggested to alleviate these discrepancies are reviewed. The proposal of helium enrichment in the outer stellar layers can apparently satisfactorily resolve the beat (and perhaps also the bump) mass anomaly. A recent suggestion that part of the pressure in the envelope is due to a tangled magnetic field (not unusually strong) resolves the above mass anomaly about as well as the helium-enrichment idea does.Recent results regarding duplicity and period changes in Cepheids are reviewed.  相似文献   

The radial pulsations of very luminous, low-mass models (L/M 104, solar units), which are possible representatives of the R CrB stars, have been examined. These pulsations are extremely nonadiabatic. We find that there are in some cases at least one extra (strange) mode which makes interpretation difficult. The blue instability edges are also peculiar, in that there is an abrupt excursion of the blue edge to the blue for L/M sufficiently large. The range of periods of the model encompasses observed periods of the Cepheid-like pulsations of actual R CrB stars.  相似文献   

Conclusion For wavelengths < 50m fast and sensitive detectors are available. For wavelengths > 50m the available detectors are far from ideal. Research and development of far infrared detectors for the mixing purpose are highly recommended.  相似文献   

This paper gives a review of the recent high-resolution H observations of solar flares and flare-productive active regions. From studies of the morphological and evolutional features of H flare emitting regions, two types of two-ribbon flares, which are termed separating two-ribbon flare and confined two-ribbon flare, are discussed. The former is characterized by conspicuous separating motions or expanding motions of the H two ribbons, whereas the latter shows only a short range of or no separating motions of the two ribbons. The explosive compact flares, which occur in some compact newly-emerging flux regions, are also discussed.Attention is paid to the successive and impulsive brightenings of H flare points which form the H flare kernels and the front lines of H two ribbons at the impulsive phases of flares. Temporal relationships between H line intensities or profiles and hard X-ray or microwave emissions are discussed to discriminate the energy transport mechanisms in the flare loops.H monochromatic image of high spatial resolution, at the present time, is the most sensitive detector for finding the first appearance of newly-emerging magnetic flux region and the developing features of sheared configuration of magnetic field, both of which are the key factors in flare energy build-up processes. It is suggested that the successive emergence of a twisted magnetic flux rope might be essential for the production of a major flare.Contributions from the Kwasan and Hida Observatories, Kyoto University, No. 292.  相似文献   

We propose that the appropriate instability to trigger a substorm is a tailward meander (in the equatorial plane) of the strong current filament that develops during the growth phase. From this single assumption follows the entire sequence of events for a substorm. The main particle acceleration mechanism in the plasma sheet is curvature drift with a dawn-dusk electric field, leading to the production of auroral arcs. Eventually the curvature becomes so high that the ions cannot negotiate the sharp turn at the field-reversal region, locally, at a certain time. The particle motion becomes chaotic, causing a local outward meander of the cross-tail current. An induction electric field is produced by Lenz's law, E ind=–A/t. An outward meander with B z>0 will cause E×B flow everywhere out from the disturbance; this reaction is a macroscopic instability which we designate the electromotive instability. The response of the plasma is through charge separation and a scalar potential, E es=–. Both types of electric fields have components parallel to B in a realistic magnetic field. For MHD theory to hold the net E must be small; this usually seems to happen (because MHD often does hold), but not always. Part of the response is the formation of field-aligned currents producing the well-known substorm current diversion. This is a direct result of a strong E ind (the cause) needed to overcome the mirror force of the current carriers; this enables charge separation to produce an opposing electrostatic field E es (the effect). Satellite data confirm the reality of a strong E in the plasma sheet by counter-streaming of electrons and ions, and by the inverse ion time dispersion, up to several 100 keV. The electron precipitation is associated with the westward traveling surge (WTS) and the ion with omega () bands, respectively. However, with zero curl, E es cannot modify the emf =Edl=–dM/dt of the inductive electric field E ind (a property of vector fields); the charge separation that produces a reduction of E must enhance the transverse component E . The new plasma flow becomes a switch for access to the free energy of the stressed magnetotail. On the tailward side the dusk-dawn electric field with EJ<0 will cause tailward motion of the plasma and a plasmoid may be created; it will move in the direction of least magnetic pressure, tailward. On the earthward side the enhanced dawn-dusk induction electric field with EJ>0 will cause injection into the inner plasma sheet, repeatedly observed at moderate energies of 1–50 keV. This same electric field near the emerging X-line will accelerate particles non-adiabatically to moderate energies. With high magnetic moments in a weak magnetic field, electrons (ions) can benefit from gradient and curvature drift to attain high energies (by the ratio of the magnetic field magnitude) in seconds (minutes).  相似文献   

X-ray spectra of the BL Lac type object Mkn 421 and several Seyfert type 1 galaxies; IIIZw2, MCG8-11-11 and NGC 4151, have been obtained using the Leicester University instrument on board the Ariel-6 satellite. The Mkn 421 spectrum is best represented by two powerlaw components, the soft component having 3.4 whilst the hard flux has 1.0. In MCG8-11-11 there is clear evidence for spectral variability between our observation in late 1979 and that of HEAO-1/A2 in 1977. The Ariel-6 spectrum of MCG8-11-11 can be fitted by a powerlaw of index 2.1 together with an iron line at 6.2 keV with an equivalent width of 1.6 keV. The first X-ray spectrum of IIIZw2 is also presented, fitting with a powerlaw we find an index of 1.7. With the exception of NGC 4151 there is no evidence for a significant column of cool material along the line of sight.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the first results of satellite experiments to measure magnetospheric convection electric fields using the double-probe technique.The earliest successful measurements were made with the low-altitude (680–2530 km) polar orbiting Injun-5 spacecraft (launched August, 1968). The Injun-5 data are discussed in detail. The Injun-5 results are compared with the initial findings of the electric field experiment on the polar orbiting OGO-6 satellite (400–1100 km, launched June, 1969).In addition to electric fields, the Injun-5 spacecraft also measures electric antenna impedance and thermal and energetic charged particle densities. Knowledge of these parameters makes possible a detailed investigation of the operation of the electric antenna system. We report on this investigation and discuss errors attributed to sunlight shadows on the probes, wake effects, and other factors. The Injun-5 experiment can generally determine electric fields to an accuracy of about ±30 mV m-1, and under favorable conditions, accuracies of ±10 mV m-1 can be obtained.Reversals in the electric field at auroral zone latitudes are the most significant convection electric field effect discovered in the Injun-5 data. Electric field magnitudes of typically 30 mV m-1, and sometimes 100 mV m-1, are associated with reversals. Electric field reversals occur on 36% of auroral zone traversals, at about 70° to 80° invariant latitude, at all local times, and in both hemispheres. The latitude of a reversal often changes markedly on time scales less than 2 h. Electric potentials of greater than 40 keV are associated with these high latitude electric fields. Reversals occur at the boundary of measurable intensities of >45 keV electrons and are coincident with inverted V type low energy electron precipitation events. In almost all cases the E×B/B 2 plasma convection velocities associated with reversals are directed east or west, with anti-sunward components at higher latitudes and sunward components at lower latitudes. Maximum convection velocities are typically 1.5 km s-1 and ordinarily occur at the auroral zone near the reversal.Two extreme (and many intermediate) configurations of anti-sunward plasma convection have been observed to occur on the high latitude side of electric field reversals: (1) Ordinarily, >0.75 kms-1 convection is limited to narrow (5° INV wide) zones adjacent to the reversal. (2) For 14% of reversals >0.75 km s-1 anti-sunward convection has been observed across the entire polar cap along the trajectory of the Injun-5 spacecraft. A summary pattern of >0.75 km s-1 polar thermal plasma convection is presented.Electric field measurements from the OGO-6 satellite have substantiated many of the initial Injun-5 observations with improved accuracy and sensitivity. The OGO-6 detector revealed the persistent occurrence of anti-sunward convection across the polar cap region at velocities (<0.75 km s-1) not generally detectable with the Injun-5 experiment. The OGO-6 observations also provided information indicating that the location of the electric field reversal shifts equatorward during periods of increased magnetic activity.The implications of the electric field measurements for magnetosphericand auroral structure are summarized, and a list of specific recommendations for improving future experiments is presented.  相似文献   

We consider the influence of the nonlinear stage of gravitational instability on the two-point correlation functions of gravitationally bound objects. Based on the theory of nonlinear gravitational contraction of a single density peak of dissipationless matter (Gurevich and Zybin, 1988a,b; 1990) we develop a method for calculating the two-point correlation functions of different objects of any mass. The method works good in the region of strong correlations and can be easily extended to calculate higher correlation functions. We show that the main contribution to the correlation function i in the region of strong correlations i 1 is made by pair systems located outside large clusters of objects. In this region the shape of i is determined only by the nonlinear dynamics of gravitational contraction of dissipationless matter and has the form i C , where 1.8 is a universal parameter.  相似文献   

This paper summarizes some of the discussions of working group 8–9 during the ISSI Conference on The Heliosphere in the Local Interstellar Medium. Because the subject of these working groups has become significantly broader during the last ten years, we have selected three topics for which recent observations have modified and improved our knowledge of the heliosphere and the surrounding interstellar medium. These topics are the number densities and ISM ionization states of hydrogen and helium, the newly discovered hot gas from the H wall seen in absorption, and the comparison between ISM and heliospheric minor element abundances. Papers from this volume in which more details on these topics can be found are quoted throughout the report.  相似文献   

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