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Space-time adaptive processing (STAP) is an effective method adopted in airborne radar to suppress ground clutter. Multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) radar is a new radar concept and has superiority over conventional radars. Recent proposals have been applying STAP in MIMO configuration to the improvement of the performance of conventional radars. As waveforms transmitted by MIMO radar can be correlated or uncorrelated with each other, this article develops a unified signal model incorporating waveforms for STAP in MIMO radar with waveform diversity. Through this framework, STAP performances are expressed as functions of the waveform covariance matrix (WCM). Then, effects of waveforms can be investigated. The sensitivity, i.e., the maximum range detectable, is shown to be proportional to the maximum eigenvalue of WCM. Both theoretical studies and numerical simulation examples illustrate the waveform effects on the sensitivity of MIMO STAP radar, based on which we can make better trade-off between waveforms to achieve optimal system performance.  相似文献   

Sparse frequency transmit-and-receive waveform design   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A computationally efficient algorithm derives complex digital transmit and receive ultra-wideband radar and communication waveforms with excellent arbitrary frequency band suppression and range sidelobe minimization. The transmit waveform minimizes a scalar function penalizing weighted spectral energy in arbitrary frequency bands. Near constant power results from another penalty function for deviations from constant power, or constant power is enforced by a phase-only formulation. Next, a least squares solution for the receive waveform minimizes a weighted sum of suppressed band spectral energy and range sidelobes (for pulse and continuous wave operation), with a mainlobe response constraint. Both waveforms are calculated by iterative algorithms whose updates require only linear order in memory and computation, permitting quick calculation of long pulses with thousands of samples.  相似文献   

In many radar systems, efficient use of transmitter power requires the transmission of a constant-amplitude signal for a substantial fraction of time; for a monotonic transmission, however, the range resolution is restricted by the length of the transmitted pulse. Linear frequency modulation removes this constraint for targets with negligible, or known, radial velocities; it is not suitable, however, for simultaneous observations of range and radial velocity (Doppler shift). This paper describes a class of waveforms suitable for simultaneous measurement of range and Doppler shift. These waveforms are characterized by a uniform distribution in frequency and by pseudorandom frequency changes. Uniform frequency distribution is attained by a uniform spacing of frequencies with each frequency present for an identical length of time. Frequency changes are effected by sequencing the frequencies with a pseudorandom number generator. Ambiguity functions are computed for pseudorandom frequencymodulated waveforms designed for ionospheric backscatter studies. By suitable choice of parameters, the ambiguity function becomes a narrow central peak surrounded by a plateau whose height varies randomly between zero and approximately twice its average. Waveform generation by means of a digital frequency synthesizer and data reconstruction considerations are described.  相似文献   

Among several other tasks, the radar of a fighter has to search, track and identify potential targets. The waveforms used by the radar for each of these tasks are most often incompatible and hence, cannot be processed simultaneously. Moreover, these tasks are repeated several times in a cyclic fashion. Altogether, this defines a complex scheduling problem that impacts a lot on the quality of the radar's output. In this paper, we define a formal framework for this real time scheduling problem and we introduce several techniques to compute efficient schedules for the radar. Experimental results are provided.  相似文献   

In radar signal design it is well known that a fixed volume under the ambiguity surface representing signal energy can only be shifted but not eliminated in the delay-Doppler plane because of the constraint imposed by Woodward's total volume invariance. Rihaczek has shown that periodic signal repetition, though appealing to increased energy, increases the time-bandwidth product at the expense of introducing pronounced ambiguities in the delay-Doppler plane, and thus self-clutter is generated when signals are repeated in the time domain to increase energy. The undesirable self-clutter has a masking effect on targets in different resolution cells thereby limiting performance. An analysis is presented to show that a class of waveforms described in an earlier paper as the subcomplementary set of sequences which are basically repetitive and Hadamard coded, exhibit the property of cancelling self-clutter completely in the delay-Doppler plane if their ambiguity functions are combined. By this technique it is possible to repeat contiguously a basic waveform N times in a prescribed manner to increase signal energy and to cancel totally the resulting self-clutter by combining the ambiguity functions of N different repetitive waveforms which are Hadamard coded. A convenient matrix method to combine the ambiguity functions of subcomplementary sequences, which is an extension of known methods to derive the ambiguity function of repetitive waveforms, is presented. Radar implementation considerations and comparison of performance with various forms of linear frequency modulation (FM) are also discussed.  相似文献   

为了提高雷达的射频(RF)隐身性能,结合最优匹配照射-接收机(OTR)理论与序贯假设检验(SHT)方法,提出了一种新的射频隐身雷达信号设计方法。通过发射信号了解外界环境信息,然后反馈这些信息给雷达系统,系统根据这些信息自适应设计雷达发射信号,形成一个闭环系统。以雷达目标识别为具体应用,实验仿真表明,设计的雷达信号自适应变化,减小了信号间的相关性,并且减少了照射次数,降低了辐射功率,从而实现了雷达系统的射频隐身性能。  相似文献   

Digitally coded radar waveforms can be used to obtain large time-bandwidth products (pulse compression ratios). It is demonstrated that periodic radar waveforms with zero sidelobes or almost zero sidelobes can be defined. A perfect periodic code is a periodic code whose autocorrelation function has zero sidelobes and whose amplitude is uniform (maximum power efficiency=1). An asymptotically perfect periodic code has the property that as the number of elements in the code goes to infinity the autocorrelation function of the code has zero sidelobes and its power efficiency is one. The authors introduce a class of radar waveforms that are either perfect or asymptotically perfect codes. These are called reciprocal codes because they can be derived through a linear transformation of known codes. The aperiodic performance of the reciprocal code is examined  相似文献   

In many detection and estimation problems, Doppler frequency shifts are bounded. For clutter or multipath that is uniformly distributed in range and symmetrically distributed in Doppler shift relative to the signal, detectability of a point target or a communication signal is improved by minimizing the weighted volume of the magnitude-squared autoambiguity function. When clutter Doppler shifts are bounded, this volume is in a strip containing the range axis on the range-Doppler plane. For scattering function estimation, e.g., for weather radar, Doppler flow meters, and distributed target classifiers, it is again relevant to minimize ambiguity volume in a strip. Strip volume is minimized by using a pulse train, but such a signal has unacceptably large range sidelobes for most applications. Other waveforms that have relatively small sidelobe level within a strip on the range-Doppler plane, as well as small ambiguity volume in the strip, are obtained. The waveforms are composed of pulse pairs that are phase modulated with Golay complementary codes.  相似文献   

The detection and identification of targets obscured by foliage have been topics of great interest. Several synthetic aperture radar (SAR) experiments have demonstrated promising images of terrain and man-made objects obscured by dense foliage, by using either linear frequency modulation (LFM) or step-frequency waveforms. We present here the methodology and results of a comparative study on foliage penetration (FOPEN) SAR imaging using ultrawideband (UWB) step-frequency and random noise waveforms. A statistical-physical foliage transmission model is developed for simulation applications. The foliage obscuring pattern is analyzed by means of the technique of paired echoes. The results of the comparative study demonstrates the ability of a UHF band UWB random noise radar to be used as a FOPEN SAR. Advantages of the random noise radar system include covert detection and immunity to radio frequency interference (RFI)  相似文献   

Radar measurement and resolution performance, as well as target detection in clutter, depend largely on the transmitted waveform. This explains the sizable effort that has gone into studies of radar waveforms, including attempts at the synthesis of optimum waveforms. This paper shows that, despite the unlimited variety of radar signals, waveform selection is a straightforward process. There are only four classes of waveforms, each with distinct resolution properties. When the target environment is analyzed for a particular application, it is rather evident which of these classes will fit the situation best. Choice of the specific waveform within the selected class then is merely a matter of practical implementation. Although the facts used in developing the unified theory of this paper are not new, it is demonstrated that these facts can be combined into an extremely simple theory of waveform design. Much of today's work is guided by past approaches to a particular problem, and when a design is completed there may be a question as to how close to the optimum it is. The theory presented here permits a systematic approach to waveform selection, with the important benefit that the designer knows exactly where and how much he may have deviated from the best design, and why this was done.  相似文献   

Since no practical method is available for synthesizing radar waveforms, a sizable effort has been directed into studies of the matched-filter response, or ambiguity function, of many waveforms. In this paper, we investigate the class of FM signals whose instantaneous frequency varies in a zigzag pattern. The waveforms thus consist of linear FM segments and are relatively easy to generate and process. The paper discusses the relation between the characteristics of the waveform and the features of the associated ambiguity function. The effects studied include those of signal repetition, changes in the FM slope, phase-shift and frequency-shift coding, and staggering of frequency step and segment duration. Ambiguity functions of interesting waveforms illustrate the general results. These ambiguity functions are computer-plotted projections of the three-dimensional surface above the delay-Doppler plane.  相似文献   

Investigated here is high-resolution imaging of targets in noisy or unfriendly radar environments through a simulation analysis of the ultrawideband (UWB) continuous-wave (CW) bandlimited random noise waveform. The linear FM chirp signal was selected as a benchmark radar waveform for comparison purposes. Simulation of the recovery of various types of target reflectivity functions (TRFs) for these waveforms were performed and analyzed. In addition, electronic counter-countermeasure (ECCM) capabilities for both types of systems were investigated. The results are compared using the error between the interference (jamming)-free recovered TRF and the recovered TRF under noisy conditions as a function of the signal-to-interference/jamming ratio (SIR/SJR). Our analysis shows that noise waveforms possess better jamming immunity (of the order of 5-10 dB improvement over the linear FM chirp) due to the unique radar correlation processing in the receiver.  相似文献   

A frequent compromise in the design of long-range search radars has to be made between the maximum unambiguous detection range and the achievable coherent clutter rejection performance. A new class of waveforms is introduced which offers the designer a previously unavailable flexibility in arriving at radar designs with improved clutter rejection without seriously affecting the maximum unambiguous search range. The key to these new waveforms is the recognition that a class of useful N-pulse, nonrecursive, moving target indicator (MTI) canceler designs exists which only requires the radar to transmit a total of N -1 (nonuniformly spaced) pulses.  相似文献   

The radar use of coherent burst waveforms to obtain clutter suppression is summarized and problems arising from the high power implementation of such waveforms are discussed. These problems arise from the nonlinear nature of the typical high power radar transmitter and result in loss of subpulse-to-subpulse amplitude and phase accuracies, causing clutter suppression degradation. adaptive control loop used to measure transmission errors and provide continuous updating to minimize such errors is proposed. Residual transmission errors resulting via use of the control loop are calculated and shown to have an insignificant effect upon the clutter suppression properties of the coherent waveform. Experimental verification of control loop performance is presented.  相似文献   

In this paper, a new correlated covariance matrix for Multi-Input Multi-Output (MIMO) radar is proposed, which has lower SideLobe Levels (SLLs) compared to the new covariance matrix designs and the well-known multi-antenna radar designs including phased-array, MIMO radar and phased-MIMO radar schemes. It is shown that Binary Phased-Shift Keying (BPSK) waveforms that have constant envelope can be used in a closed-form to realize the proposed covariance matrix. Therefore, there is no need to deploy different types of radio amplifiers in the transmitter which will reduce the cost, considerably. The proposed design allows the same transmit power from each antenna in contrast to the phased-MIMO radar. Moreover, the proposed covariance matrix is full-rank and has the same capability as MIMO radar to identify more targets, simultaneously. Performance of the proposed transmit covariance matrix including receive beampattern and output Signal-to-Interference plus Noise Ratio (SINR) is simulated, which validates analytical results.  相似文献   

Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) is an airborne (or spaceborne) radar mapping technique for generating high resolution maps of surface target areas including terrain. High resolution is achieved by coherently combining the returns from a number of radar transmissions. The resolution of the images is determined by the parameters of the emissions, with more data giving greater resolution. A requirement of the Microwave Radar Division's SAR radar is to provide classification of targets. This paper presents a technique for enhancing slant range resolution in SAR images by dithering the carrier centre frequency of the transmitted signal. The procedure controls the radar waveforms so they will optimally perform the classification function, rather than provide an image of best quality. It is shown that a Knowledge-Based engineering approach to determining the waveform of the radar gives considerably improved performance as a classifier of targets (of large radar cross-section), even though the corresponding image is degraded  相似文献   

The conventional approach for tracking system design is to treat the detection and tracking subsystems as completely independent units. However, the two subsystems can be designed jointly to improve system (tracking) performance. It is known that different radar signal waveforms result in very different resolution cell shapes (for example, a rectangle versus an eccentric parallelogram) in the range/range-rate space, and that there are corresponding differences in overall tracking performance. We develop a framework for the analysis of this performance. An imperfect detection process, false alarms, target dynamics, and the matched filter sampling grid are all accounted for, using the Markov chain approach of Li and Bar-Shalom. The role of the grid is stressed, and it is seen that the measurement-extraction process from contiguous radar "hits" is very important. A number of conclusions are given, perhaps the most interesting of which is the corroboration in the new measurement space of Fitzgerald's result for delay-only (i.e., range) measurements, that a linear FM upsweep offers very good tracking performance  相似文献   

The use of impulse radar to distinguish between areas of good bridge deck and areas which suffer from one or more different forms of deterioration, including delamination, scaling, and debonding, is reported. The radar signal is also used to measure the thickness of asphalt and concrete cover over reinforcement. These quantities are important in determining the amount of material to be removed when resurfacing a bridge deck. The calibration procedure and interpretation of radar waveforms are discussed in detail  相似文献   

An update of a phased array radar project with the experimental system ELRA (electronic steerable radar) is given with respect to the extended and improved possibilities for performing measurements and evaluations for different types of radar operation. The variability of waveforms for solid-state transmitters is described. Flexible control of multifunction operation with various search and localization tasks is achieved with a network of microcomputers. Different means of signal processing are used for target detection and estimation. The active receiving array is divided into subarrays, and offers digital beamforming for pattern shaping and adaptive jammer suppression. Experimental results are presented  相似文献   

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