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A solar wind parcel evolves as it moves outward, interacting with the solar wind plasma ahead of and behind it and with the interstellar neutrals. This structure varies over a solar cycle as the latitudinal speed profile and current sheet tilt change. We model the evolution of the solar wind with distance, using inner heliosphere data to predict plasma parameters at Voyager. The shocks which pass Voyager 2 often have different structure than expected; changes in the plasma and/or magnetic field do not always occur simultaneously. We use the recent latitudinal alignment of Ulysses and Voyager 2 to determine the solar wind slowdown due to interstellar neutrals at 80 AU and estimate the interstellar neutral density. We use Voyager data to predict the termination shock motion and location as a function of time.  相似文献   

Several recent papers have reviewed the upper atmospheres and ionospheres of Jupiter and Saturn in the post Voyager era (see, e.g., /1/ and references therein). Therefore, this paper will review only the most salient characteristics, as far as Jupiter and Saturn are concerned. The emphasis here, however, is placed on the Uranus upper atmosphere that was probed in January, 1986, by Voyager 2 spacecraft. In particular comparative aspects of atmospheric composition, thermal structure, photochemistry and the vertical mixing are discussed.  相似文献   

Time dependent cosmic ray modulation in the outer heliosphere is calculated and results are compared to Voyager 1 and 2 observations using a two-dimensional time-dependent cosmic ray transport model. We predict possible future 133–242 MeV proton observations along the Voyager 1 and 2 spacecraft trajectories. Recent theoretical advances in cosmic ray transport parameters are introduced in order to provide a time-dependence for the assumed transport parameters used in the model. This leads to results that are in general compatible with the spacecraft observations in the inner and outer heliosphere over multiple solar cycles. However, for the outer heliosphere, we find that the Voyager 1 and 2 spacecraft observations cannot be fitted with an identical set of parameters along both trajectories. This indicates a possible asymmetric heliosphere or a symmetric heliosphere but with different diffusion parameters in the northern and southern hemispheres, respectively. Furthermore, results indicate that Voyager 2 observations are still under the influence of solar cycle related changes because of the large modulation volume between the heliopause and spacecraft location in contrast to Voyager 1 which shows a steady increase in cosmic ray intensities.  相似文献   

Jupiter and Saturn are two of the more “exotic” planets in our solar system. The former possesses its own system with 15 satellites in orbit about the parent planet. Saturn has a uniquely well developed and distinctive ring system of particulate matter and also at least 11 satellites, including the largest one amongst all the planets, Titan, with a radius of 2900 km ± 100 km. In the decade of the 70's, the USA launched 4 unmanned spacecraft to probe these giant planets in-situ with a suite of highly advanced instrumentation. Four separate encounters have occurred at Jupiter: 1. Pioneer 10 in December 1973 2. Pioner 11 in December 1974 3. Voyager 1 in March 1979 4. Voyager 2 in July 1979 The characteristics of these trajectories is shown in Table I. Thus far, only a single encounter of Saturn has occurred, that by Pioneer 11 in September 1979. Future encounters of Saturn by Voyager spacecraft will occur in mid-November 1980 and late-August 1981. It is the purpose of this talk to summarize what is presently known about the magnetic fields of these planets and the characteristics of their magnetospheres, which are formed by interaction with the solar wind.  相似文献   

Observations of the atmosphere of Jupiter by the imaging and infrared instruments on the Voyager spacecraft have been analysed to provide new insight into the meteorology of Jupiter. Like the Earth, the atmosphere of Jupiter appears to behave in a quasi-geostrophic manner. For a period prior to the Voyager 1 encounter, the analysis on imaging data indicated that the eddy momentum transfer into the mean zonal flow was a major driving mechanism for the motions. The jet structures are a barotropic phenomena, which the large scale belts and zones depend on for the baroclinicity of the motions and form a family of features. The initial analysis shows that the meteorologies of the Earth and Jupiter have more in common than was previously thought.  相似文献   

Voyager 1 crossed the solar wind termination shock on December 16, 2004 at a distance of 94 AU from the Sun, to become the first spacecraft to explore the termination shock region and to enter the heliosheath, the final heliospheric frontier. By the end of 2006, Voyager 1 will be at ∼101 AU, with Voyager 2 at ∼81 AU and still approaching the termination shock. Both spacecraft have been observing the modulation of galactic and anomalous cosmic rays since their launch in 1977. The recent observations close to or inside the heliosheath have provided several interesting ‘surprises’ with subsequent theoretical and modeling challenges. Examples are: what does the modulation of galactic cosmic rays amount to in this region?; how do the anomalous cosmic rays get accelerated and modulated?; why are there ‘breaks’ in the power-law slopes of the spectra of accelerated particles? Several numerical models have been applied to most of these topics over the years and comprehensive global predictions have been made the past decade, thought to be based on reasonable assumptions about the termination shock and the heliosheath. Examples of these predictions and assumptions are concisely discussed within the context of the main observed features of cosmic rays in the vicinity of the termination shock, ending with a discussion of some of the issues and challenges to cosmic ray modeling in particular.  相似文献   

Voyager 2 data from the Plasma Science experiment, the Magnetometer experiment and the Planetary Radio Astronomy experiment were used to analyze the relationship between parameters of the solar wind/interplanetary medium and the nonthermal Saturn radiation. Solar wind and interplanetary magnetic field properties were combined to form quantities known to be important in controlling terrestrial magnetospheric processes.The Voyager 2 data set used in this investigation consists of 237 days of Saturn preencounter measurements. However, due to the immersion of Saturn and the Voyager 2 spacecraft into the extended Jupiter magnetic tail, substantial periods of the time series were lacking solar wind data. To cope with this problem a superposed epoch method (CHREE analysis) was used. The results indicate the superiority of the quantities containing the solar wind density in stimulating the radio emission of Saturn — a result found earlier using Voyager 1 data — and the minor importance of quantities incorporating the interplanetary magnetic field.  相似文献   

At Uranus, the Voyager 2 plasma wave investigation observed very significant phenomena related to radio emissions, dust impacts and magnetospheric wave-particle interactions. On January 19, 1986 (R= 270RU) the plasma wave investigation detected an intense radio burst at 31 and 56 kHz, and this provided the first indication that Uranus had a magnetosphere. During the encounter we observed more of these sporadic bursts, along with relatively continuous radio emissions extending down to 10 kHz, and a sporadic narrowband radio signal with f near 5 kHz. As Voyager passed through the ring plane, the plasma wave investigation recorded a large number of dust impacts. The dust ring was relatively diffuse (thickness of several thousand kilometers) and the peak impact rate was near 50 hits/second. The Voyager 2 plasma wave instrument also detected many strong electromagnetic and electrostatic plasma waves, with intensity peaks in the region within 12 Uranus adii. These waves have characteristics that can interact strongly with the local plasma and with the trapped energetic particles, leading to precipitation into the atmosphere, charged particle acceleration, and charged particle diffusion. In addition we detected strong wave activity in the region of the bow shock and moderate levels in the magnetic tail.  相似文献   

We review recent Voyager 2 observations in the vicinity of 70 AU. The character of the solar wind plasma data between 2002 and 2003 changed to a regime in which the speed, density and magnetic field magnitude are positively correlated. The average speed of the solar wind at Voyager 2 increased between early 2003 and mid-2004, which we attribute to a return of fast coronal hole flow. We use solar wind data at Earth as input to numerical models which include the effect of pickup ions to model the radial evolution of the solar wind. The model reproduces the basic features of the observations. As a specific example, we investigate the propagation of the Halloween (Oct.–Nov.), 2003 storms in the outer heliosphere. The model predictions are in reasonable agreement with Voyager 2 observations.  相似文献   

The Voyager 2 photopolarimeter experiment observed the intensity and polarization of scattered sunlight from the atmospheres of Saturn and Titan in the near-UV at 2640 Å and in the near-IR at 7500 Å. Measurements of Saturn's limb brightening and polarization at several phase angles up to 70° indicate that a significant optical depth of UV absorbers are present in the top 100 mbar of Saturn's atmosphere in the Equatorial Zone and north polar region, and possibly at other latitudes as well. UV absorbers are prominent in polar regions, suggesting that charged particle precipitation from the magnetosphere may be important in their formation.The whole-body polarization of Titan is strongly positive in both the UV and near IR. If spherical particles are responsible for the polarization, no single size distribution or refractive index can account for the polarization at both wavelengths. The model atmosphere proposed by Tomasko and Smith [1], characterized by a gradient in particle size with altitude, seems capable of explaining the Voyager observations. If non-spherical particles predominate, the Voyager observations place important constraints on their scattering properties.  相似文献   

Observations of galactic cosmic rays (GCRs) from the two Voyager spacecraft inside the heliosheath indicate significant differences between them, suggesting that in addition to a possible global asymmetry in the north–south dimensions (meridional plane) of the heliosphere, it is also possible that different modulation (turbulence) conditions could exist between the two hemispheres of the heliosphere. We focus on illustrating the effects on GCR Carbon of asymmetrical modulation conditions combined with a heliosheath thickness that has a significant dependence on heliolatitude. To reflect different modulation conditions between the two heliospheric hemispheres in our numerical model, the enhancement of both polar and radial perpendicular diffusion off the ecliptic plane is assumed to differ from heliographic pole to pole. The computed radial GCR intensities at polar angles of 55° (approximating the Voyager 1 direction) and 125° (approximating the Voyager 2 direction) are compared at different energies and for both particle drift cycles. This is done in the context of illustrating how different values of the enhancement of both polar and radial perpendicular diffusion between the two hemispheres contribute to causing differences in radial intensities during solar minimum and moderate maximum conditions. We find that in the A > 0 cycle these differences between 55° and 125° change both quantitatively and qualitatively for the assumed asymmetrical modulation condition as reflected by polar diffusion, while in the A < 0 cycle, minute quantitative differences are obtained. However, when both polar and radial perpendicular diffusion have significant latitude dependences, major differences in radial intensities between the two polar angles are obtained in both polarity cycles. Furthermore, significant differences in radial intensity gradients obtained in the heliosheath at lower energies may suggest that the solar wind turbulence at and beyond the solar wind termination shock must have a larger latitudinal dependence.  相似文献   

The implementation of planetary protection in the United States space program has reflected the trend in policy from an absolute to a probabilistic prohibition of the contamination of the celestial bodies of the solar system. The early emphasis on spacecraft sterilization (e.g. Ranger) was replaced by the imposition of contamination control procedures on later missions such as Pioneer, Viking, and Voyager. Similarly, analytical and laboratory techniques were developed to demonstrate compliance with probabilistic requirements. Microbial burden reduction methods that are not hazardous for spacecraft reliability supplanted the abstract concept of sterilization. The United States implementation of planetary protection has been completely successful. In an exploration program that has included Mercury, Venus, Mars, the Jovian system, and the Saturnian system, there have been no accidental impacts or detection of false positives (terrestrial microbes). Further, the contamination control and microbial burden procedures have proved beneficial to spacecraft systems and on-board science instruments. We review in this paper the implementation of planetary protection procedures by the Pioneer (10 and 11), Viking and Voyager projects.  相似文献   

Observations of radio emissions in the frequency range of 2 to 3 kHz have been made in the distant heliosphere by the Voyager 1 and 2 plasma wave instruments. Based primarily on wideband observations made periodically throughout the cruise phases of the missions the radio emission, first observed in 1982, appears to have been present almost continuously since 1983. The spectrum is complex, usually showing two peaks, one near 2 and another near 3 kHz. Occasionally, only one of the peaks is observed. A possible source for the radio emissions is the terminal shock in the outer heliosphere.  相似文献   

The observation of the directional distribution of energetic and cosmic ray particles has been done with the Voyager spacecraft over a long period. Since 2002, when the first flux enhancements of charged particles associated with the approach of Voyager 1 to the solar wind termination shock were observed, these anisotropy measurements have become of special interest. They play an important role to understand the magnetic field and shock structure and the basics of the modulation of cosmic ray and anomalous particles at and beyond the termination shock. They also serve as motivation to study the spatial behavior of galactic and anomalous cosmic ray anisotropies with numerical modulation models in order to illustrate how the radial anisotropy, at different energies, change from upstream to downstream of the termination shock. Observations made by Voyager 1 indicate that the termination shock is a complicated region than previously thought, hence the effects of the latitude dependence of the termination shock’s compression ratio and injection efficiency on the radial anisotropies of galactic and anomalous protons will be illustrated. We find that the magnitude and direction of the radial anisotropy strongly depends on the position in the heliosphere and the energy of particles. The effect of the TS on the radial anisotropy is to abruptly increase its value in the heliosheath especially in the A > 0 cycle for galactic protons and in both polarity cycles for anomalous protons. Furthermore, the global effect of the latitude dependence of the shock’s compression ratio is to increase the radial anisotropy for galactic protons throughout the heliosphere, while when combined with the latitude dependence of the injection efficiency this increase depends on modulation factors for anomalous protons and can even alter the direction of the radial anisotropy.  相似文献   

This paper presents a simulation of anisotropy measurements by the low-energy charged particle (LECP) experiment on Voyager 1 for cases when the particle pitch-angle distribution function in the solar wind plasma reference frame is not isotropic. The model includes both the Compton–Getting anisotropy and perpendicular diffusion anisotropy that possibly exists in the upstream region of the termination shock. The results show that the Voyager 1 data cannot rule out either the model with zero solar wind speed or the one with a finite speed on qualitative basis. The determination of solar wind speed using the Compton–Getting effect is affected by the assumption of the magnetic field direction and perpendicular diffusion anisotropy. Because the pitch-angle distribution anisotropy is so large, a small uncertainty in the magnetic field direction can produce very different solar wind speeds ranging from ∼0 to >400 km/s. In fact, if the magnetic field is chosen to be in the Parker spiral direction, which is consistent with the magnetometer measurement on Voyager 1, the derived solar wind speed is still close to the supersonic value. Only the two lowest-energy channels of the LECP instrument may give a definitive answer to the solar wind speed. However, because these channels contain a very high level of cosmic ray background, an uncertainty of just a few percent in the background can entirely hamper the estimate of solar wind speed.  相似文献   

A decade of intense scientific study of Titan is reviewed. The atmosphere is not well understood at the time of this writing, but it is confidently expected that great progress will be made by the Voyager spacecraft now en route to the Saturn System.  相似文献   

We have computed the following physical parameters for the atmosphere of Saturn: 1) Temperature, 2) Pressure, 3) Density, 4) Density Scale, 5) Number Density, 6) Viscosity, 7) Mean Pressure Scale, 8) Mean Particle Velocity, 9) Mean Collisional Frequency, 10) Columnar Mass, and 11)Mean Free Path. Voyager 2 measurements have been used in order to compute the above parameters from 0 to 300 km above the top of the clouds. From 0 to 300 km below the top of the clouds, ground based measurements have been used.  相似文献   

The results of the solar wind interaction with the local interstellar medium (LISM) theory are considered. The model is characterized by the presence of two shocks: a bow shock, a heliospheric shock, and a contact discontinuity. On the basis of the theoretical results and the Voyager data, the electron number density in LISM is estimated.  相似文献   

Time-dependent kinetic-continuum model of the solar wind interaction with the two-component local interstellar cloud (LIC) has been developed recently [Izmodenov, V., Malama, Y.G., Ruderman, M.S. Solar cycle influence on the interaction of the solar wind with local interstellar cloud. Astron. Astrophys. 429, 1069–1080, 2005a.]. Here, we adopted this model to the realistic solar cycle, when the solar wind parameters at the Earth’s orbit are taken from space data. This paper focuses on the results related to the termination shock (TS) excursion with the solar cycle that may help to understand Voyager 1 data obtained at and after the crossing of the termination shock and to predict the time of the TS crossing by Voyager 2.  相似文献   

Missions to explore Europa have been imagined ever since the Voyager mission first suggested that Europa was geologically very young. Subsequently, the Galileo spacecraft supplied fascinating new insights into this satellite of Jupiter. Now, an international team is proposing a return to the Jupiter system and Europa with the Europa Jupiter System Mission (EJSM). Currently, NASA and ESA are designing two orbiters that would explore the Jovian system and then each would settle into orbit around one of Jupiter’s icy satellites, Europa and Ganymede. In addition, the Japanese Aerospace eXploration Agency (JAXA) is considering a Jupiter magnetospheric orbiter and the Russian Space Agency is investigating a Europa lander.  相似文献   

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