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罗克平 《航空港》2015,(4):48-55
<正>国际著名影城戛纳(Cannes)是法国南部的一个小城,位于滨海阿尔卑斯省的蔚蓝海岸地区,邻近地中海,全市人口只有7.2万,但每年接待游客数却高达200多万人次。今年3月,我再次来到戛纳,探访其繁华之路的无穷魅力。电影成就了戛纳戛纳因国际电影节而闻名。戛纳电影节每年5月举办一次,为期两周,它颁发的"金棕榈奖"被公认为电影界最高荣誉之一,相当于奥斯卡的"最佳影片",奖杯为金制棕榈枝——来源于戛纳本地沙滩上随处可见的棕榈树。戛纳依山傍海,拥有世界上最洁白美丽的  相似文献   

6月17日开幕的第20届上海国际电影节,于6月11日8点开票。今年除了"4k修复"、"向大师致敬"、"日本电影周"等大热门,还新增"午夜惊奇"和"FOX2000"两大文艺气质浓厚的单元,势必吸引更多年轻观众。  相似文献   

<正>5月26日,为期12天的第66届戛纳电影节完美落幕,各项牵动人心的大奖一一揭晓。本届戛纳电影节司仪"天使爱美丽"奥黛丽·塔图(Audrey Tautou)佩戴CHAUMET尚美巴黎白金镶嵌摩根石耳环主持颁奖典礼。奥黛丽·塔图当天选择一袭红色搭配粉色肩带礼服,搭配晶莹剔透的摩根石耳环,将甜美与精灵气质显露无疑。凭借在电影《过往(Le Passe)》中的出色表演  相似文献   

<正>戏剧THEATER2017.6.11 14:00TICKET PRICE:80-880 RMB演员:伊莎贝尔·于佩尔形式:朗读原著:玛格丽特·杜拉斯《情人》时长:70分钟,无中场休息Actress:Isabelle Huppert Performance Mode:Reading Text:L'Amant by Marguerite Duras Duration:70 Minutes,no intermission哥谭独立电影奖和金球奖影后第17届莫斯科国际电影节最佳女演员奖第3l届和第54届戛纳国际电影节最佳女演员奖第45届威尼斯国际电影节最佳女演奖第52届威尼斯国际电影节、第21届法国电影凯撒奖的双料影后第62届威尼斯国际电影节特别金狮奖第32届美国独立精神奖最佳女主角第42届法国凯撒奖最佳女演员奖第89届奥斯卡金像奖最佳女主角提名  相似文献   

<正>今年,第22届上海国际电影节于6月15日至6月24日举行。本届SIFF的展映片达到500部左右。向大师致敬在安哲的长镜头中追忆希腊往事今年1月24日,希腊导演西奥·安哲罗普洛斯逝世七周年当日,SIFF宣布了首个"向大师致敬"单元的片单——安哲罗普洛斯作品回顾展。本次放映囊括了安哲7部作品,其中《放送》《重建》《猎人》《养蜂人》《时光之尘》由希腊国家电  相似文献   

第十届上海国际电影节的大幕徐徐落下,在6月16日至24日为期9天的时间里,电影节各项主体活动都有条不紊地展开,并取得了预期的理想效果。进入第十届的上海国际电影节作为一次具有里程碑意义的大型电影盛事,正受到越来越多的外界关注,其影响力与日俱增。  相似文献   

陶羽 《航空港》2012,(6):51-53
正上海国际电影节的影展单元是亚洲规模最大、也是最多元的电影展映活动。每年上海电影节都会集中展映数百部来自世界不同国家和地区的优秀影片。今年,观众将欣赏到自1993年电影节创办以来阵容最强、质量最高、内容最丰富的影展片目。除了金爵奖和亚洲新人奖竞赛单元之外,还设置了开闭幕影片、官方推荐、向大师致敬、聚焦中国、经典再现、多元视角、触摸3D、地球村、MIDA纪录片、电影潭、短片展映等多个单元,荟萃数百部中外新片佳作,堪称全球电影盛会。  相似文献   

一如往常,万宝龙的高级珠宝一经问世就受到了明星们的热烈追捧。在今年第60届嘎纳国际电影节红毯仪式上,英国著名影星安迪·麦克道威尔、超级名模克劳迪娅·希弗、新007女郎伊娃·格林等国际巨星纷纷以万宝龙"星光系列"作为红地毯的最佳选择。万宝龙更邀请世界级女钢琴家海伦·葛莉茉和歌剧明星凯瑟琳·詹金斯担任品牌形象大使。两位女性独特的个人风格及追求完美的精神不但与万宝龙的品牌诉求如出一辙,更与万宝龙珠宝的优雅气质完美契合。  相似文献   

6月11日晚,300多位中外影人踏上上海大剧院外的红地毯,拉开了为期9天的第14届上海国际电影节大幕。上海国际电影节组委会名誉主席、中共上海市委副书记、市长韩正,电影节组委会主席、国家广电总局副局长张丕民,电影节组委会主席、中共上海市委常委、副市长屠光绍,中共上海市委常委、市委宣传部部长杨振武,市人大常委会副主任钟燕群,市政  相似文献   

第七届上海国际电影节6月13日晚上在上海国际会议中心闭幕,电影节最重要的活动"金爵奖"电影评选在闭幕式上揭晓。美国影星梅里尔·斯特里普和中国著名电影演员陈道明一起将最佳影片奖颁发给了伊朗电影《代价》。  相似文献   

The Washington Watch column reports on President Bush's recently announced human space flight program, which includes new policies for returning the shuttle to flight, finishing the International Space Station by 2010, and developing a new space vehicle to return to the Moon; challenges in the airline industry; and selection of a helicopter for use by the President.  相似文献   

Flora 《航空港》2012,(6):94-99
6年前一直对于普罗旺斯有着一股美好的憧憬,于是一次买了三本彼得·梅尔所描述的一年四季的普罗旺斯旅游散文集,彼得笔下的普罗旺斯似乎远远超出了一个地域性的代名词,普罗旺斯同时也是一种生活的态度和形式,居住在普罗旺斯的人民像是被自然宠坏了得小孩儿,生活的逍遥自得,其乐融融。他们似乎已经跳跃了都市的繁华的浮躁,抛弃了朝九晚五都市的尘嚣。远离凡尘的当地人民似乎在无形中透露着一种天时地利赋予他们的自傲感。  相似文献   

Early in the sixties when President Kennedy announced the goal to land a man on the Moon and return him safely to Earth, there was no way to gauge, accurately and reliably, the millions of pounds of fuel and oxidizer in the proposed rocket. Late in the sixties, when Phillips Petroleum and Marathon Oil contracted to provide large-scale, long term, ocean transport of Liquefied Natural Gas, no system existed to satisfactorily gauge this stream of high value cargoes for commercial transactions. The adventure in solving these related problems led to a worldwide market for LNG Custody Transfer Systems, a successful transfer of technology from a NASA program to commercial use  相似文献   

On January 25, 1984, President Reagan announced a United States program to place a permanent space station in orbit in 1992. The Congressional bill appropriating the funding for this program requires that a significant portion of the program funds be for the development of new automation and robotics technologies not in use on existing spacecraft. To assist it in developing plans to meet this requirement, NASA established an Automation and Robotics Panel in August 1984. This paper presents verbatim the Executive Summary of the Panel's report to NASA. It should be recognized that this report to NASA is advisory only, and that for a variety of reasons, including funding, what is actually implemented will certainly differ in many respects from the recommendations. Nevertheless, the report represents the thinking of a prestigious group of scholars and practitioners in automation and robotics, and many of the recommendations undoubtedly will be implemented. A summary of the NASA recommendations will be published following their official release.  相似文献   

本文采用数值计算手段,模拟普通的圆柱形单孔结构和小孔辅助射流结构在不同吹风比下的流动和换热,侧重通过直观演示气膜孔下游反向对旋涡对(肾形涡)的生成、发展以及相互作用过程,揭示小孔辅助射流改善气膜冷却效果的机理。结果表明:与单孔结构相比,小孔辅助射流结构,由于小孔射流的干涉作用,主孔射流形成的肾形涡的尺度和强度均有较大程度的减小,冷气射流与主流的掺混减弱,对冷气的向上抬升作用减小,避免了冷气穿透主流脱离壁面,大大提高冷效。随着吹风比的增加,与圆柱形单孔相比,气膜冷却效果改善更加明显。  相似文献   

在考虑轴向导热的基础上,结合壁温分布实验数据,用纯气膜及冲击换热的研究成果,发展了计算纯气膜,夹层气膜及/气膜复合冷却火焰筒一维壁温分布计算程序,计算结果与实验结果二者基本吻合,研究表明,在冲击/气膜复合冷却计算中,应充分考虑Cm的值随Gc增大而增大的情况,且冲击/气膜冷却中的Cm取值高于纯气膜及夹层气膜冷却计算的Cm取值,本程序可用于纯气膜、夹层气膜及冲击/气膜复合冷却火焰筒一维壁温分布的初步分  相似文献   

针对跨声速平面叶栅中气膜冷却对流场的影响,采用数值模拟的方法,分析了激波和边界层的相互作用及引入气膜冷却之后三者之间的影响。结果表明,由于激波形成的逆压力梯度导致边界层出现分离现象,在引入冷却射流以后被部分抑制,流场细节显示在原分离处新形成了两个方向相反的分离旋涡。保持冷却条件不变,随着孔间距的减小,边界层分离现象被抑制的效果更加明显,平面叶栅热力损失系数逐渐减小。当孔径和孔间距之比达到0.67时,相对于没有引入气膜冷却的情况,热力损失系数降低了13%。冷气流量对射流和主流相互作用流场影响显著,冷气出口局部超声速区域显著增大流场损失,降低冷却效果。  相似文献   

Infrared thermography (IRT) is used at Onera in large facilities for boundary layer visualization and for heat flux assessment. Modern IR cameras and insulating paints enable efficient visualization of the laminar/turbulent transition region. This technique is now applied in large transonic test facilities. Heat flux assessment is one of the main purposes of hypersonic tests. It is done mainly with IRT and dedicated softwares, while sensors as thermocouples are used to check the reliability of IRT. A 1D data reduction method has been developed to provide the heat flux through temperature measurements. It takes into account thickness and curvature effects. The method has been recently improved to be used with steel models covered with an insulating paint, which provides a high emissivity. The temperature film is converted into a heat flux film, which is be used to extract the useful information. This requires image processing tools that relate every pixel to a point on the model. A new application of IRT is going on in the Onera's high enthalpy hypersonic wind tunnel F4. The camera is used in single-line scan mode because of the short duration of the run. The main difficulty comes from the flow, which is not transparent. The first trial to cope with this kind of optical pollution is encouraging.  相似文献   

王永亮  古晓龙  高洋  李世豪 《推进技术》2020,41(5):1138-1143
目前CFD技术已广泛应用于滑动轴承的数值仿真中,但还存在两个问题,相对于传统的通过求解Reynolds方程获得流体压力场和油膜力的方法,如何通过CFD计算结果来识别得到动力特性系数,以及CFD方法误差有多大。针对这些问题,本文基于同幅异频位移激励技术,同时充分考虑惯性力、刚度、阻尼交叉项等因素给出了一套适用于挤压油膜阻尼器、可倾瓦轴承、固定瓦轴承等多种模型的动力特性识别方法,应用该方法可以一次性识别出油膜的动力特性系数。通过滑动轴承算例与短圆瓦轴承刚度阻尼理论解进行对比,验证了该方法的准确性。  相似文献   

This article presents the data about heat transfer coefficient ratios, film cooling effectiveness and heat loads for the injection through cylindrical holes, 3-in-1 holes and fanned holes in order to characterize the film cooling performance downstream of a row of holes with 45° inclination and 3 hole spacing apart. The trip wire is placed upstream at a distance of 10 times diameter of the cooling hole from the hole center to keep mainstream fully turbulent. Both inlet and outlet of 3-in-1 holes have a 15° lateral expansion. The outlet of fanned holes has a lateral expansion. CO2 is applied for secondary injection to obtain a density ratio of 1.5. Momentum flux ratio varies from 1 to 4. The results indicate that the increased momentum flux ratio significantly increases heat transfer coefficient and slightly improve film cooling effectiveness for the injection through cylindrical holes. A weak dependence of heat transfer coefficient and film cooling effectiveness, respectively, on momentum flux ratio has been identified for the injection through 3-in-1 holes. The in- crease of the momentum flux ratio decreases heat transfer coefficient and significantly increases film cooling effectiveness for the injection through fanned holes. In terms of the film cooling performance, the fanned holes are the best while the cylindrical holes are the worst among the three hole shapes under study.  相似文献   

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