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Market-based systems are those systems in which currency is used to express demand for a limited resource. In these systems, users `own' currency and exchange it for a desired commodity. Though used for thousands of years, market-based applications to space missions are still in their infancy. The first successful application was in 1992 with the Cassini Mission to Saturn. In this case, the sum total of mass and dollars for the science instruments had to fit within the allocated resource envelope. Results from the use of a market-based system show that the entire science payload grew from original estimates by only +1% for cost, and by –7% for mass. The next application was for Space Shuttle Secondary Payloads. In this application, available shuttle lift mass, number of lockers for secondary payloads, and available astronaut time had to be allocated between 5 NASA Users. Experiments showed that a market-based system can reduce the size of the required workforce needed to produce a manifest of the same quality as one produced `by committee.' Finally, a market-based system was experimentally applied to LightSAR science planning, a proposed joint NASA/Commercial RADAR mission. In this application, users were able to produce a conflict-free timeline of events remotely, of high science value, in about half the time required by more traditional methods.  相似文献   

近几年随着空中交通流量的日益增长,为提高管制运行质量,有效调配有限的人力资源,各地管制运行部门已竞相采取了大班组值班制度。即在特定的时间段内,由固定组员组成的大班组负责多个席位的管制工作。赋予班组长一定的权限,在符合《中国民用航空空中交通管理规则》CCAR-93TM-R4执勤时间规定的前提下,机动灵活的安排各岗位值班力量,使得值班力量随着各个时间段内航班流量和复杂程度的不同进行相应的变化,使人力资源得到最大限度的充分利用。  相似文献   

随着民航业的迅猛发展.空中交通管理工作已不是由单个管制员所能承担,而必须由队组的集体行为来完成。当前.在一些国家也已采纳“队组资源管理(Team—ResourceManagement)”这一命题,其目的正是欲反映队组在安全有效的空中交通服务中的重要作用。队组即我们平时常说的班组.班组作为最基本的管制单位,其工作的质量和效率直接关系到空管安全。  相似文献   

NASA has had a decades-long problem with cost growth during the development of space science missions. Numerous agency-sponsored studies have produced average mission level cost growths ranging from 23% to 77%.A new study of 26 historical NASA Science instrument set developments using expert judgment to reallocate key development resources has an average cost growth of 73.77%. Twice in history, a barter-based mechanism has been used to reallocate key development resources during instrument development. The mean instrument set development cost growth was −1.55%. Performing a bivariate inference on the means of these two distributions, there is statistical evidence to support the claim that using a barter-based mechanism to reallocate key instrument development resources will result in a lower expected cost growth than using the expert judgment approach.Agent-based discrete event simulation is the natural way to model a trade environment. A NetLogo agent-based barter-based simulation of science instrument development was created. The agent-based model was validated against the Cassini historical example, as the starting and ending instrument development conditions are available. The resulting validated agent-based barter-based science instrument resource reallocation simulation was used to perform 300 instrument development simulations, using barter to reallocate development resources. The mean cost growth was −3.365%. A bivariate inference on the means was performed to determine that additional significant statistical evidence exists to support a claim that using barter-based resource reallocation will result in lower expected cost growth, with respect to the historical expert judgment approach.Barter-based key development resource reallocation should work on spacecraft development as well as it has worked on instrument development. A new study of 28 historical NASA science spacecraft developments has an average cost growth of 46.04%. As barter-based key development resource reallocation has never been tried in a spacecraft development, no historical results exist, and a simulation of using that approach must be developed. The instrument development simulation should be modified to account for spacecraft development market participant differences. The resulting agent-based barter-based spacecraft resource reallocation simulation would then be used to determine if significant statistical evidence exists to prove a claim that using barter-based resource reallocation will result in lower expected cost growth.  相似文献   

管制员资源管理就是通过加强对管制员的管理.将管制员视为一种人才资源。通过掌握管制员的多方面素质情况,合理的对每个人工作岗位进行配置。适当的进行班组搭配。充分发挥协作能力,利用集体的力量减小差错率,使之在工作中最大地发挥作用。目的就是减少班组工作中事故发生的概率.增加完成任务的效率,手段就是改善人力资源的利用,体现1+1〉2的组织管理效果。  相似文献   

班组,作为最基础的运行组织,对空管安全的保障工作起着决定性的作用。保证空管持续安全,就必须抓好班组运行管理,优化班组软硬件资源配置,发挥团体积极主动性,减少个体安全隐患,达到提高管理意识和技能、提高资源使用效率、提高成员综合素质的目的。抓住以下八个要素,班组资源就能步调一致,协同发挥作用。  相似文献   

The widely distributed nature of the Space Station Freedom program, plus continuous multi-year operations will force program planners to develop innovative planning concepts. The traditional centralized planning operation will not be adequate. It will be replaced by multiple small planning centers working within guidelines issued by a central planning authority. Plans will not be optimized; rather, operating efficiency and user flexibility will be blended to satisfy program goals. The key to this new approach is the application of new planning methodologies and system development technologies to accommodate distributed resources that must be integrated. Resources will be distributed to the multiple planning entities in such a way that, when the several plans are built and then integrated, they will fit together with minimal modification. The plan itself will be an envelope schedule containing resource limits and constraint boundaries within which users will be free to make choices of the specific activities they will execute, up to the time of execution. Some level of margin within program guidelines will be built in to allow for variation and unforeseen change. This paper presents the authors' recommended planning approach and cites two NASA systems being developed that will utilize these resource distribution/integration planning concepts, methodologies and development technologies.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present the design and construction of a composite focal plane assembly (FPA) for the Geostationary Earth Radiation Budget (GERB) Earth observing, visible–infrared imaging radiometer. The FPA is a complex structure that incorporates a number of features aimed at reducing mass, power and volume. These include the use of silicon and ceramic substrates for high density tracking and temperature stabilisation, removable test structures for component verification prior to final assembly and high levels of integration.  相似文献   

This paper examines Nobel Prize Winner Elinor Ostrom's principles for sustainable governance of common-pool resources (CPR), capturing the best practices of CPRs over the years, which avoid the “Tragedy of the Commons” without being either completely privatized or controlled by a Leviathan entity. Ostrom's principles highlight, inter alia, the need for clear boundary definitions, rules tailored to fit the domain, who has a say in formulation of collective-choice agreements and operational rules, monitoring of behavior, graduated penalties, and conflict resolution mechanisms. In the context of the space domain they highlight issues such as the definition of where space begins, gaps in the existing liability regime, the concept of collaborative space situational awareness, and how best to include emerging and developing space actors in negotiations and decision making. The paper concludes that Ostrom's principles highlight specific areas on which to focus initial space sustainability efforts and national and international policy. It also recommends further analysis into how best to translate her principles to the space domain, where they may not be wholly applicable because of the unique nature of space, and how to evolve space governance institutions and mechanisms to best suit the unique environment of outer space.  相似文献   

载人航天器软件研制具有技术新、难度大、新研配置项多等特点,必须研究一种新型的软件技术管理方法,以确保软件产品质量受控。文章介绍的精细化管理方法是在现有软件研制规范的基础上,通过软件研制工作的阶段化以及软件管理工作的划分,实现了软件的精细化管理。“天宫一号”目标飞行器软件研制工作的实践证明:该方法符合载人航天器型号研制的实际,可保证软件产品质量满足飞行任务要求。  相似文献   

The author argues that students attending the International Space University (ISU) are becoming a force to be reckoned with in space activities thanks to their enthusiasm, dedication and their Design Projects tackling major technological issues. This article reviews previous projects, before focusing on those of 1993 and 1994, and analyses whether they can be seen as agents for change in space policy making. Key ‘selling points’ are the ‘students’ non-rigid approach to thinking and doing, their refusal to believe in the intractability of any problem and the appeal their novel coalition may have for political leaders.  相似文献   

针对雷达脉冲重复间隔类型识别中存在的问题,提出了一种结合神经网络技术的重频识别方法.该方法分别对7种雷达重频模式,提出了新的特征矢量提取方法,并引用神经网络进行识别.实际仿真结果表明该方法是有效的,特别是对重频固定、重频滑变及重频抖动模式在高漏脉冲率的条件下依然具有较高的正确识别率.  相似文献   

本文提出了串联系统在满足系统目标可靠性要求y之下,使非线性约束(资源)达到极小的一种直接寻优算法。  相似文献   

在国家“以信息化促进工业化、以工业化带动信息化”的基本国策的指导下,国内一些制造业企业正进行着以信息化为主体的技术改造。文章全面、系统地介绍了“产品全生命周期管理(PLM)”的概念, 并在调研国内一些先进企业应用的基础上,分析企业信息化困境、PLM出现的历史背景、实施中的关键问题、实际应用效果等,为我国航天业的信息化建设提供借鉴。  相似文献   

指出研究多目标干扰时的干扰资源管理方法的必要性.给出了干扰资源管理方法的管理流程.从雷达数据库和干扰样式库管理、威胁识别、资源分配、干扰源和干扰通道管理等方面详细介绍该方法的具体内涵和要求.最后说明该方法的改进途径和软件升级优势.  相似文献   

Earth-approaching asteroids (Apollos and Amors) may be competitive candidates as raw materials for space manufacturing. The total energy per unit mass required to transfer material from some of these bodies to high Earth orbit is comparable to that for lunar material. Recent optical studies suggest ordinary and carbonaceous chondrite compositions for these asteroids, with some containing large quantities of metallic iron and nickel, and others, carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen. Discoveries of several new candidate asteroids over the next few years will allow for a better selection of materials and mission possibilities. Material from one of these asteroids, either in raw or manufactured form, could be returned to the vicinity of the Earth by a solar-powered mass-driver reaction engine. With a requirement of ~60 shuttle flights, and with minimal development costs, an automated mission to a 200-m dia. (107 ton) metal-rich asteroid could be carried out by a mass-driver tug assembled in low Earth orbit using shuttle tankage as reaction mass. Such a tug could, within a few years, move the asteroid into high Earth orbit for the manufacturing of ~ 20 satellite power stations using a portion of the asteroid itself as reaction mass. In the next few years over 100 asteroids in this size range could be discovered, orbits determined and composition types classified using existing earthbased and spaceborne search techniques.  相似文献   

This paper shows that cortical processing of information quantity can be given in bits, while speed of information processing can be given in bit/sec; therefore the information processing ability can be denoted in algebraical expression. Changes of emotional tension can be objectified by galvanic skin reflex and pulse reaction. This method and device is suitable to measure psychic state of space station personnel and to predict psychic activity.  相似文献   

This Viewpoint argues that the promise of the Apollo Moon landings was not fully realized and that we should now think seriously about developing a lunar base. This could be effective in a number of economic and environmental sectors and would provide a focus for conversion of the defence industry to more peaceful activities. However, the existing UN space treaties would need to be amended and a new authority created to govern activities on the Moon.  相似文献   

Space mission implementation faces a very dynamic environment with fast-paced information technology advancement and shrinking space budgets. A more focused use of decreasing public investments in space requires a cost reduction over their entire life cycle, up to the end of the useful life of a spacecraft. The anticipation of cost, schedule, risk and performance requirements from all over the product life cycle to the early stages of product development is generally recognised as a necessary condition to reduce life cycle cost. In order to cope with the intrinsic functional complexity of space products, such requirements engineering activity must be performed in a structured way within a systems engineering approach. This paper aims to describe how Cradle, a commercial systems engineering environment software package, can be used for integrated satellite development, taking into consideration functional and life cycle process requirements. Cradle has requirements management, system modelling, performance modelling, configuration management and document generation capabilities integrated in the same environment. Also, the paper provides some examples of application and highlights how Cradle can enhance the satellite development related activities performed by the Brazilian Institute for Space Research (INPE).  相似文献   

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