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Estimates of radiation doses resulting from possible HZE (high energy heavy ion) components of solar particle events (SPEs) are presented for crews of manned interplanetary missions. The calculations assume a model spectrum obtained by folding measured solar flare HZE particle abundances with the measured energy spectra of SPE alpha particles. These hypothetical spectra are then transported through aluminum spacecraft shielding. The results, presented as estimates of absorbed dose and dose equivalent, indicate that HZE components by themselves are not a major concern for crew protection but should be included in any overall risk assessment. The predictions are found to be sensitive to the assumed spectral hardness parameters.  相似文献   

For long duration missions beyond the magnetosphere, the hazards posed by solar particle events (SPE) require the development of new strategies to minimize both the radiation dose and the effects. Potential strategies include the development of improved short-term forecasting of SPE through better observations and research, consideration of HZE particles in real-time forecasting and monitoring, improved knowledge of the biological effects of the particles involved in SPE, and the development of methods for combining SPE forecasts with temporary shielding and chemical countermeasures. Evaluation of present capabilities and the identification of areas of further research to achieve the necessary capabilities are discussed.  相似文献   

We have used several transport codes to calculate dose and dose equivalent values as well as the particle spectra behind a slab or inside a spherical shell shielding in typical space radiation environments. Two deterministic codes, HZETRN and UPROP, and two Monte Carlo codes, FLUKA and Geant4, are included. A soft solar particle event, a hard solar particle event, and a solar minimum galactic cosmic rays environment are considered; and the shielding material is either aluminum or polyethylene. We find that the dose values and particle spectra from HZETRN are in general rather consistent with Geant4 except for neutrons. The dose equivalent values from HZETRN and Geant4 are not far from each other, but the HZETRN values behind shielding are often lower than the Geant4 values. Results from FLUKA and Geant4 are mostly consistent for considered cases. However, results from the legacy code UPROP are often quite different from the other transport codes, partly due to its non-consideration of neutrons. Comparisons for the spherical shell geometry exhibit the same qualitative features as for the slab geometry. In addition, results from both deterministic and Monte Carlo transport codes show that the dose equivalent inside the spherical shell decreases from the center to the inner surface and this decrease is large for solar particle events; consistent with an earlier study based on deterministic radiation transport results. This study demonstrates both the consistency and inconsistency among these transport models in their typical space radiation predictions; further studies will be required to pinpoint the exact physics modules in these models that cause the differences and thus may be improved.  相似文献   

Previously, calculations of bone marrow dose from the large solar particle event (SPE) of July 2000 were carried out using the BRYNTRN space radiation transport code and the computerized anatomical man (CAM) model. Results indicated that the dose for a bone marrow site in the mid-thigh might be twice as large as the dose for a site in the pelvis. These large variations may be significant for space radiation protection purposes, which traditionally use an average of many (typically 33) sites throughout the body. Other organs that cover large portions of the body, such as the skin, may also exhibit similar variations with doses differing from site to site. The skin traditionally uses an average of 32 sites throughout the body. Variations also occur from site to site among the dose equivalents, which may be important in determining stochastic effects. In this work, the magnitudes of dose and dose equivalent variations from site to site are investigated. The BRYNTRN and HZETRN transport codes and the CAM model are used to estimate bone marrow and skin doses and dose equivalents as a function of position in the body for several large solar particle events and annual galactic cosmic ray spectra from throughout the space era. These position-specific results are compared with the average values usually used for radiation protection purposes. Various thicknesses of aluminum shielding, representative of nominal spacecraft, are used in the analyses.  相似文献   

During the period from March 13, 2002 to mid-September, 2002, six solar particle events (SPE) were observed by the MARIE instrument onboard the Odyssey Spacecraft in Martian Orbit. These events were observed also by the GOES 8 satellite in Earth orbit, and thus represent the first time that the same SPE have been observed at these separate locations. The characteristics of these SPE are examined, given that the active regions of the solar disc from which the event originated can usually be identified. The dose rates at Martian orbit are calculated, both for the galactic and solar components of the ionizing particle radiation environment. The dose rates due to galactic cosmic rays (GCR) agree well with the HZETRN model calculations.  相似文献   

In analyzing charged particle spectra in space due to galactic cosmic rays (GCR) and solar particle events (SPE), the conversion of particle energy spectra into linear energy transfer (LET) distributions is a convenient guide in assessing biologically significant components of these spectra. The mapping of LET to energy is triple valued and can be defined only on open energy subintervals where the derivative of LET with respect to energy is not zero. Presented here is a well-defined numerical procedure which allows for the generation of LET spectra on the open energy subintervals where, in spite of their singular nature, the spectra are integrable. The efficiency of the numerical procedures is demonstrated by providing examples of computed differential and integral LET spectra and their equilibrium components for historically large SPEs and 1977 solar minimum GCR environments. Due to the biological significance of tissue, all simulations are done with tissue as the target material.  相似文献   

Long-term manned exploratory missions are planned for the future. Exposure to high-energy neutrons, protons and high charge and energy particles during a deep space mission, needs protection against the detrimental effects of space radiation. It has been suggested that exposure to unpredictable extremely large solar particle events would kill the astronauts without massive shielding. To reduce this risk to astronauts and to minimize the need for shielding, astronauts with highest significant adaptive responses should be chosen. It has been demonstrated that some humans living in very high natural radiation areas have acquired high adaptive responses to external radiation. Therefore, we suggest that for a deep space mission the adaptive response of all potential crew members be measured and only those with high adaptive response be chosen. We also proclaim that chronic exposure to elevated levels of radiation can considerably decrease radiation susceptibility and better protect astronauts against the unpredictable exposure to sudden and dramatic increase in flux due to solar flares and coronal mass ejections.  相似文献   

Since STS-26, three large solar events have occurred during Shuttle missions; a geomagnetic storm during STS-29 and solar particle events (SPEs) during STS-28 and -34. The maximum dose to a crew attributed to an SPE was estimated to be 30 microGy (70 microSv). Time-resolved dosimetry measurements of the SPE dose during STS-28 were made using the Air Force Radiation Monitoring Equipment (RME)-III. Comparison of calculated and measured dose demonstrated a discrepancy, possibly a result of deficiencies in the geomagnetic cutoff model used. This experience demonstrates that dose from an SPE is strongly dependent on numerous factors such as orbit inclination, SPE start time, spectral parameters and geomagnetic field conditions; the exact combination of these factors is fortuitous. New sources of data and procedures are being investigated, including real-time tracking of auroral oval positions or determination of particle cutoff latitudes, for incorporation into operational Shuttle radiation support practices.  相似文献   

While not specifically designed to detect solar energetic particle radiation, the Electron Reflectometer onboard Mars Global Surveyor (MGS/ER) collected such data from January 1999 through October 2006. Energetic protons (?25 MeV) and other ions penetrated the MGS/ER shielding and registered counts within the instrument’s electronics. During solar particle events (SPE’s), prolonged enhancements in the particle background were observed at Mars with time intensity profiles similar to Earth based SPE observations. Throughout the lifespan of MGS/ER, 85 distinct SPE’s were observed. Basic characteristics of Mars based SPE observations and the frequency of SPE occurrences at Mars are compared to corresponding Earth based observations. Approximately 22% of SPE’s that occurred during MGS/ER operation were observed at Earth but not Mars. Similarly, 19% of SPE’s were observed at Mars but not Earth. Time intensity profiles at Earth and Mars match predictions provided in the literature, based on the physical location of the detector with respect to the motion of the interplanetary shock wave. Note: The work described herein was largely conducted as part of a doctoral dissertation produced by the author.  相似文献   

As the human exploration of space has received new attention in the United States, studies find that exposure to space radiation could adversely impact the mission design. Galactic Cosmic Radiation (GCR), with its very wide range of charges and energies, is particularly important for a mission to Mars, because it imposes a stiff mass penalty for spacecraft shielding. Dose equivalent versus shielding thickness calculations, show a rapid initial drop in exposure with thickness, but an asymptotic behavior at a higher shielding thickness. Uncertainties in the radiobiology are largely unknown. For a fixed radiation risk, this leads to large uncertain ties in shielding thickness for small uncertainties in estimated dose. In this paper we investigate the application of steady-state, spherically-symmetric diffusion-convection theory of solar modulation to individual measurements of differential energy spectra from 1954 to 1989 in order to estimate the diffusion coefficient, kappa (r,t), as a function of time. We have correlated the diffusion coefficient to the Climax neutron monitor rates and show that, if the diffusion coefficient can be separated into independent functions of space and time: kappa (-r,t)=K(t)kappa 0 beta P kappa 1(r), where beta is the particle velocity and P the rigidity, then (i) The time dependent quantity 1/K(t), which is proportional to the deceleration potential, phi(r,t), is linearly related to the Climax neutron monitor counting rate. (ii) The coefficients obtained from hydrogen or helium intensity measurements are the same. (iii) There are different correlation functions for odd and even solar cycles. (iv) The correlation function for the Climax neutron monitor counting rate for given time, t, can be used to estimate mean deceleration parameter phi(t) to within +/- 15% with 90% confidence. We have shown that kappa(r,t) determined from hydrogen and/or helium data, can be used to fit the oxygen and iron differential energy spectra with a root mean square error of about +/- 10%, and essentially independent of the particle charge or energy. We have also examined the ion chamber and 14C measurements which allow the analysis to be extended from the year 1906 to 1990. Using this model we have defined reference GCR spectra at solar minimum and solar maximum. These can be used for space exploration studies and provide a quantitative estimate of the error in dose due to changes in GCR intensities.  相似文献   

Intensity-time profiles of protons, alpha particles, and heavy ions (C, O, Fe) in the MeV/nucleon energy range have been analyzed for one solar particle event following the solar flare on September 23, 1978. The data have been obtained with the wide angle double dE/dx-E sensor of the Max-Planck-Institut/University of Maryland experiment onboard ISEE-3. We found time variations in the iron to helium ratio of up to 2 orders of magnitude and a significant variation of the O/He ratio during this event, whereas the C/O-ratio at the same energy/nucleon appears to be time independent. We investigated the influence of a rigidity dependent mean free path in interplanetary space and of rigidity dependent coronal propagation on heavy ion ratios during solar particle events. We found that both the magnitude and time scale of the ratio changes during the September 23 event cannot be explained by rigidity dependent interplanetary or coronal propagation alone. These ratio changes are probably caused by multiple injection at the sun.  相似文献   

The potential for exposure to large solar particle events (SPEs) with high energy levels is a major concern during interplanetary transfer and extra-vehicular activities (EVAs) on the lunar and Mars surface. Previously, we have used data from the last 5 solar cycles to estimate percentiles of dose to a typical blood-forming organ (BFO) for a hypothetical astronaut in a nominally shielded spacecraft during a 120-d lunar mission. As part of this process, we made use of complete energy spectra for 34 large historical SPEs to calculate what the BFO mGy-Eq dose would have been in the above lunar scenario for each SPE. From these calculated doses, we then developed a prediction model for BFO dose based solely on an assumed value of integrated fluence above 30 MeV (Φ30) for an otherwise unspecified future SPE. In this study, we reasoned that since BFO dose is determined more by protons with higher energies than by those with lower energies, more accurate BFO dose prediction models could be developed using integrated fluence above 60 (Φ60) and above 100 MeV (Φ100) as predictors instead of Φ30. However to calculate the unconditional probability of a BFO dose exceeding a pre-specified limit (“BFO dose risk”), one must also take into account the distribution of the predictor (Φ30,Φ60, or Φ100), as estimated from historical SPEs. But Φ60 and Φ100 have more variability, and less available historical information on which to estimate their distributions over many SPE occurrences, than does Φ30. Therefore, when estimating BFO dose risk there is a tradeoff between increased BFO dose prediction at a given energy threshold and decreased accuracy of models for describing the distribution of that threshold over future SPEs as the threshold increases. Even when taking the second of these two factors into account, we still arrived at the conclusion that overall prediction improves as the energy level threshold increases from 30 to 60 to 100 MeV. These results can be applied to the development of approaches to improve radiation protection of astronauts and the optimization of mission planning for future space missions.  相似文献   

In radiation protection, the Q-factor has been defined to describe the biological effectiveness of the energy deposition or absorbed dose to humans in the mixed radiation fields at aviation altitudes. This particular radiation field is generated by the interactions of primary cosmic particles with the atoms of the constituents of the Earth’s atmosphere. Thus the intensity, characterized by the ambient dose equivalent rate H∗(10), depends on the flight altitude and the energy spectra of the particles, mainly protons and alpha particles, impinging on the atmosphere. These charged cosmic projectiles are deflected both by the interplanetary and the Earth’s magnetic field such that the corresponding energy spectra are modulated by these fields. The solar minimum is a time period of particular interest since the interplanetary magnetic field is weakest within the 11-year solar cycle and the dose rates at aviation altitudes reach their maximum due to the reduced shielding of galactic cosmic radiation. For this reason, the German Aerospace Center (DLR) performed repeated dosimetric on-board measurements in cooperation with several German airlines during the past solar minimum from March 2006 to August 2008. The Q-factors measured with a TEPC range from 1.98 at the equator to 2.60 in the polar region.  相似文献   

Distributions of absorbed dose and DNA clustered damage yields in various organs and tissues following the October 1989 solar particle event (SPE) were calculated by coupling the FLUKA Monte Carlo transport code with two anthropomorphic phantoms (a mathematical model and a voxel model), with the main aim of quantifying the role of the shielding features in modulating organ doses. The phantoms, which were assumed to be in deep space, were inserted into a shielding box of variable thickness and material and were irradiated with the proton spectra of the October 1989 event. Average numbers of DNA lesions per cell in different organs were calculated by adopting a technique already tested in previous works, consisting of integrating into "condensed-history" Monte Carlo transport codes--such as FLUKA--yields of radiobiological damage, either calculated with "event-by-event" track structure simulations, or taken from experimental works available in the literature. More specifically, the yields of "Complex Lesions" (or "CL", defined and calculated as a clustered DNA damage in a previous work) per unit dose and DNA mass (CL Gy-1 Da-1) due to the various beam components, including those derived from nuclear interactions with the shielding and the human body, were integrated in FLUKA. This provided spatial distributions of CL/cell yields in different organs, as well as distributions of absorbed doses. The contributions of primary protons and secondary hadrons were calculated separately, and the simulations were repeated for values of Al shielding thickness ranging between 1 and 20 g/cm2. Slight differences were found between the two phantom types. Skin and eye lenses were found to receive larger doses with respect to internal organs; however, shielding was more effective for skin and lenses. Secondary particles arising from nuclear interactions were found to have a minor role, although their relative contribution was found to be larger for the Complex Lesions than for the absorbed dose, due to their higher LET and thus higher biological effectiveness.  相似文献   

Galactic cosmic rays interact with the solar wind, the earth's magnetic field and its atmosphere to produce hadron, lepton and photon fields at aircraft altitudes. In addition to cosmic rays, energetic particles generated by solar activity bombard the earth from time to time. These particles, while less energetic than cosmic rays, also produce radiation fields at aircraft altitudes which have qualitatively the same properties as atmospheric cosmic rays. We have used a code based on transport theory to calculate atmospheric cosmic-ray quantities and compared them with experimental data. Agreement with these data is seen to be good. We have then used this code to calculate equivalent doses to aircraft crews. We have also used the code to calculate radiation doses from several large solar energetic particle events which took place in 1989, including the very large event that occurred on September 29th and 30th of that year. The spectra incident on the atmosphere were determined assuming diffusive shock theory.  相似文献   

We have modeled “gradual” solar energetic particle events through numerical simulations using a StochasticDifferential Equation (SDE) method. We consider that energetic particle events are roughly divided into two groups: (1) where the shock was driven by coronal mass ejections (CMEs) associated with large solar flares, and (2) where they have no related solar events apart from the CMEs. (The detailed classification of energetic particle events was discussed in our previous paper.) What we call “gradual” solar energetic particle events belong to the former group. Particles with energies greater than 10 MeV are observed within several hours after the occurrence of flares and CMEs in many gradual events. By applying the SDE method coupled with particle splitting to diffusive acceleration, we found that an injection of high energy particles is necessary for early enhancement of such a high-energy proton flux and that it should not be presumed that the solar wind particles act as the seed population.  相似文献   

We describe the differential energy spectrum of trapped particles measured by a solid-state charged particle telescope in the mid-deck of the Space Shuttle during the period of solar maximum. The telescope was flown in two high altitude flights at 28.5° and 57° inclination. Assuming, as is normally done, that the variations of Shuttle orientation during the missions lead to average isotropic incident spectra, the observed spectrum disagrees significantly from AP8 model calculations. This indicates the need to take into consideration the variations of solid-angle direction relative to the magnetic field. The measurements show that there is a very significant flux of secondary light ions. The energy spectra of these ions does not agree with the production spectrum from radiation transport calculations based on omni-directional AP8 Max model as an input energy spectrum.

We also describe measurements of linear energy transfer spectra using a tissue equivalent proportional counter (TEPC) flown both in the mid-deck and the payload bay of the Space Shuttle. Comparisons are made between linear energy transfer spectral measurements AP8 model-based radiation transport predictions, and thermoluminescent dosimeter (TLD) measurements. The absorbed dose-rate measurements using TLD's are roughly 25% lower than the TEPC-measured dose rate measurements.  相似文献   

High-energy solar particles, produced in association with solar flares and coronal mass ejections, occasionally bombard the earth's atmosphere. resulting in radiation intensities additional to the background cosmic radiation. Access of these particles to the earth's vicinity during times of geomagnetic disturbances are not adequately described by using static geomagnetic field models. These solar fluxes are also often distributed non uniformly in space, so that fluxes measured by satellites obtained at great distances from the earth and which sample large volumes of space around the earth cannot be used to predict fluxes locally at the earth's surface. We present here a method which uses the ground-level neutron monitor counting rates as adjoint sources of the flux in the atmosphere immediately above them to obtain solar-particle effective dose rates as a function of position over the earth's surface. We have applied this approach to the large September 29-30, 1989 ground-level event (designated GLE 42) to obtain the magnitude and distribution of the solar-particle effective dose rate from an atypically large event. The results of these calculations clearly show the effect of the softer particle spectra associated with solar particle events, as compared with galactic cosmic rays, results in a greater sensitivity to the geomagnetic field, and, unlike cosmic rays, the near-absence of a "knee" near 60 degrees geomagnetic latitude.  相似文献   

Solar particle events as seen on CRRES.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
High energy proton detectors on the Combined Release and Radiation Effects Satellite (CRRES) were used to measure near-Earth solar protons in an 18 degrees inclination orbit between 350 km and 36000 km from July 1990 to October 1991. CRRES data from the major solar particle event on 23-25 March 1991 show conclusively that MeV solar protons can penetrate deep inside the magnetosphere (to an L-shell of 2.5 RE) when a large shock-induced Sudden Storm Commencement (SSC) occurs and significant solar particle populations are present at geosynchronous altitudes. The penetration of solar particles well inside boundaries predicted by Stormer theory occurred during every large solar event of the CRRES mission, as well as many of the smaller ones. Often the deep penetrations occurred simultaneously with the formation of new trapped radiation populations which peak at L-values between 2.3 and 4 RE (depending on particle energy) and which last from days to months.  相似文献   

Liulin-5 is a particle telescope developed for the investigation of the radiation environment within the Russian spherical tissue-equivalent phantom on the International Space Station (ISS). Liulin-5 experiment is conducted aboard the Russian segment of ISS since 28 June 2007 as an adherent part of the international project MATROSHKA-R. The main objective of Liulin-5 experiment is to study the depth-dose distribution of the different components of the orbital radiation field in a human phantom. Additional objectives are mapping of the radiation environment in the phantom and its variations with time and orbital parameters (such as solar cycle, solar flare events, inclination and altitude). Liulin-5 is an active instrument, capable to provide real-time radiation data for the particle flux and dose rates, energy deposition and LET spectra. Data are recorded automatically on memory cards, periodically transported to ground by returning vehicles. In this report we present some first results from data analysis including energy deposition spectra, absorbed dose, dose rate and flux distribution measured simultaneously at 3 different depths of phantom’s radial channel and linear energy transfer (LET) spectrum. Data discussed are for the period July 2007–April 2008.  相似文献   

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