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Stanisławska  I.  Zbyszynski  Z. 《Cosmic Research》2003,41(4):353-356
The autocovariance prediction method previously used for the forecast of VI derived ionospheric characteristics has been used for forecast of one of the most important ionospheric—the total electron content (TEC)—at single locations. Quiet and disturbed conditions at different European stations were studied in regard to clarify the forecasting capabilities of the method for determination of the TEC. The accuracies of the method achieved in dependence on the time range of the forecast are demonstrated.  相似文献   

石永康  杨乐平  朱彦伟  褚福东 《宇航学报》2018,39(10):1089-1096
针对消除空间旋转目标姿态旋转的问题,本文将第二代高温超导技术与涡流制动技术相结合,提出超导式涡流消旋的概念。然后,对涡流消旋的技术可行性进行了定性分析,通过对多种消旋技术手段的权衡比较归纳出涡流消旋的优势。接着,采用电磁张量理论,建立了电磁-涡流作用机理的精确磁场和涡流力矩模型;最后,考虑实际消旋的任务需求,对典型的高速旋转目标、低速旋转目标、以及复合旋转目标的消旋进行了动力学仿真研究。仿真结果表明,涡流消旋具有足够强大的制动能力,能有效消除目标的高速旋转或复合旋转运动。  相似文献   

The possibilities of using the Martian soil subsurface sounding radar for investigating the structure of the plasma shell surrounding the planet have been considered. Based on the numerical modeling results and actual soil sounding data, it has been shown that the soil sounding mode of the radio-locating MARSIS radar can be used to assess the structure of the Martian ionosphere. As the emitted signals pass to the planet’s surface, it is possible to use the reflected signals to estimate the total electron content of the Martian ionosphere along the flight track of the spacecraft.  相似文献   

空间目标天基天文定位误差分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张辉  田宏  林玲  刘恩海  张文明 《宇航学报》2010,31(5):1345-1351
空间目标的天基观测是未来空间目标监视系统的主要观测方式。天基观测 可以利用轴系定位和天文定位两种方式实现对空间目标的定位,其中天文定位方式能够达到 较高的定位精度。星载相机的姿态测量误差和目标位置提取误差都会影响空间目标的天文定 位精度。基于此,本文推导了空间目标天基天文定位的误差公式,结合一套星载相机的参数 ,采用计算机仿真的方法,研究并分析了各项误差因素对天文定位精度的影响规律。计算结 果表明,空间目标的视赤经的精度随视轴赤纬角的增大而变差,视赤纬精度水平高于视赤经 的精度水平;将空间目标成像在CCD面中心位置附近,能够得到较高的定位精度;视位置测 量精度与目标星点质心提取精度呈线性关系;就目前的硬件水平而言,视赤纬可以达到标准 偏差优于2″的水平,视赤经精度稍差。

Levashov  N. N.  Popov  V. Yu.  Malova  H. V.  Zeleny  L. M. 《Cosmic Research》2022,60(1):9-14
Cosmic Research - To describe the processes of acceleration and transfer of charged particles in turbulent magnetospheric and solar plasmas, a two-dimensional model of a turbulent electromagnetic...  相似文献   

The results of comparison of the model profiles of density, obtained by means of the CDPDM model, with the experimental data of the ISEE-1 satellite for the years 1977–1983 are presented. The hypothesis on the validity of the mirror mapping of the convection boundary relative to the dawn–dusk direction is verified. An attempt to improve the CDPDM model for the dayside is made.  相似文献   

刘璟  王玲  胡东飞  铁鸣  吴旭生 《航天控制》2012,30(3):73-77,87
临近空间飞行器的研制面临许多复杂的问题和挑战,涉及总体、气动、结构、控制、防热、动力等多个学科和专业领域的相互作用、高度耦合的子系统。全系统、全流程的仿真验证与性能评估能够为设计工作提供重要依据,缩短研制周期。而气动、结构、防热等专业的仿真建模和模型解算基于有限体积法或有限元方法,依赖于不同的工具软件,且网格的划分方法不同。本文研究了临近空间高超声速飞行器多物理场耦合建模方法,研究并实现了异构网格耦合界面之间与耦合域之间的信息传递方法,从而实现了临近空间高超声速飞行器的多物理场耦合建模与仿真。  相似文献   

刘智远  郭延宁  梁维奎  徐杭 《宇航学报》2020,41(10):1314-1321
针对空间非合作目标相对位姿解算对点云迭代最近点(ICP)算法迭代初值要求较高,易产生误匹配等问题,提出了一种基于点云分割与点云关键点的ICP初始迭代位姿获取方法。首先,考虑到非合作目标可能具有的高度对称外观,基于LCCP点云分割算法与点云Harris关键点,在已知目标外轮廓点云基础上,设计了点云ICP初始迭代位姿获取方法。该方法具体流程为:点云降采样处理与关键部分提取、关键部分点云多角度预变换处理、最佳点云匹配及初始迭代位姿获取。最后,以某通信卫星模型搭建虚拟验证平台,使用本文提出的方法给出ICP迭代初始位姿并进行对比实验。结果表明,本文提出的点云ICP迭代初始位姿获取方法可有效规避非合作目标高度对称带来的误匹配,可给出较精确的相对位姿。  相似文献   

针对空间救援飞行器在无控模式下,固定的太阳能阵列可能受到光线照射面积不足的问题,提出采用建模仿真及优化阵列布局的方法来提高任意光照角度下的受光面积。通过建立参数化驱动的空间飞行器外形几何模型、任意角度下的光线投射模型和考虑自身结构阴影遮挡的光照模型,研究空间任意光照角度下太阳能阵列接收光线照射的有效面积,并得到最低受光面积。基于建立的光照模型,采用遗传算法,对影响太阳能阵列布局的关键参数进行优化。可视化仿真结果校验了模型的有效性,优化结果显示算法收敛且获得了最优结果,满足空间无控飞行任务要求。  相似文献   

深空探测中多普勒的建模与应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针对深空探测中的多普勒观测资料的单程和三程模式,分别给出了瞬时和积分的观测模型,双程多普勒观测模型是三程模式的一个特殊情况.通过比较瞬时和积分多普勒的差异,推断在积分周期取得足够小时,瞬时观测模型与积分模型是一致的.利用2009年8月份对火星探测器MEX的三程多普勒测轨资料的处理,检验了三程多普勒资料观测模型的正确性,利用约一个圈次8小时三程多普勒数据进行轨道计算,定轨结果与欧空局重建轨道位置差约几百米.  相似文献   

A mathematical model of the operation of the sensor of convection under ground and space conditions is described, and the results of modeling are compared to experimental data. A good agreement of the model and experiment is obtained for ground conditions. The sensor operation under conditions of a space flight is simulated using actual microaccelerations that took place onboard the Mirstation. Good sensitivity of the sensor to the measured components of acceleration is demonstrated. The results of simulation are compared to the results of space experiments carried out with the DACON instrument onboard the Mirstation.  相似文献   

Marmann RA 《Acta Astronautica》1997,40(11):815-820
For more than 15 years, Spacelab, has provided a laboratory in space for an international array of experiments, facilities, and experimenters. In addition to continuing this important work, Spacelab is now serving as a crucial stepping-stone to the improved science, improved operations, and rapid access to space that will characterize International Space Station. In the Space Station era, science operations will depend primarily on distributed/remote operations that will allow investigators to direct science activities from their universities, facilities, or home bases. Spacelab missions are a crucial part of preparing for these activities, having been used to test, prove, and refine remote operations over several missions. The knowledge gained from preparing these Missions is also playing a crucial role in reducing the time required to put an experiment into orbit, from revolutionizing the processes involved to testing the hardware needed for these more advanced operations. This paper discusses the role of the Spacelab program and the NASA Marshall Space Flight Center- (MSFC-) managed missions in developing and refining remote operations, new hardware and facilities for use on Space Station, and procedures that dramatically reduce preparation time for flight.  相似文献   

空间机械臂的机械部分是一个由关节和臂杆等结构、机构部件组成,在空间零重力环境下运行的多体系统。关节是空间机械臂的核心部件,在机械臂动力学特性中起着重要的作用。准确全面地了解关节的动力学特性,是正确分析与模拟机械臂系统空间运动特性的关键,而建立精确的关节动力学模型,是机械臂系统设计、分析和控制的基础。文章结合空间应用的特殊性,对机械臂关节动力学建模方法的发展过程和研究成果进行了总结;并讨论了关节模型的求解算法;最后,对空间机械臂关节动力学建模与分析方面有待进一步研究的问题进行了展望。  相似文献   

针对异体同构周边内翻式对接机构,从详细的传动原理及工程实践两方面说明可以建立简化的对接机构缓冲系统模型,既不损失对接机构性能特点,且简化了模型实现和计算。基于此,建立转位机构辅助实验舱侧向再对接仿真模型,给出仿真结果,并与试验结果进行对比,对比的数值和趋势一致性较好,运动量的误差值小于10%,模型仿真结果可以作为空间站侧向再对接流程设计的依据。这种简化的对接机构模型也可以用于机械臂辅助再对接动力学过程建模。  相似文献   

为改善在空间站长期值守的航天员的业务生活,提出建立空间站网吧,为航天员提供因特网服务的构想。为此分析研究空间站空间因特网服务系统及其关键技术,提出空间站空间因特网服务系统构建方案。结合这一系统构建方案,一是研究解决了支持复杂异构网络运行的空间因特网网络协议设计技术,空间站空间因特网直接采用TCP/IP协议,并通过系统设计,较好地克服了TCP/IP协议不能适应空间通信链路的难题,支持采用基于TCP/IP协议的商用货架(COTS)软、硬件产品,可明显降低空间站空间因特网服务系统建设与维护成本;二是研究解决了涉及空间站测控通信网运行安全和空间信息安全的空间通信链路设计技术,空间站在同一条空间通信链路同时传输空间因特网数据和空间站测控通信数据,空间通信链路采用CCSDS的AOS协议,并通过建立虚拟的物理信道,解决了空间因特网数据和空间站测控通信数据的安全隔离问题,能满足空间站测控通信网运行安全和空间信息安全的要求。  相似文献   

大型空间机械臂关节动力学建模与分析研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
潘博  于登云  孙京 《宇航学报》2010,31(11):2448-2455

Measurements of the wave emission of the topside ionosphere made onboard the APEX satellite using the electric component of the wave field in the 0.1–10 MHz frequency band are presented. At middle latitudes a wave intensity decrease was observed in the broad-band spectrum of the electrostatic noise at the electron cyclotron frequency. It is shown that a break in the spectrum of electrostatic modes at the electron cyclotron frequency (the absence of the plasma eigen-frequencies) may be a cause of the observed effect. The increase of the intensity at the electron cyclotron frequency in the ionospheric trough and at latitudes above the trough region as compared to middle latitudes may be explained by the capture by plasma irregularities of the electromagnetic emission of the auroral electron fluxes.__________Translated from Kosmicheskie Issledovaniya, Vol. 43, No. 3, 2005, pp. 201–208.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Izhovkina, Prutensky, Pulinets, Kiraga, Klos, Rothkael.  相似文献   

The influence of dissipative forces in a viscous liquid that completely fills the cavities of a space object executing a rotational motion is analyzed. The Navier–Stokes equations are solved by expanding them into a series in terms of eigenfunctions of the boundary value problem on involving the resting liquid in rotation around the longitudinal axis of a cavity. The analytical solutions for coaxial cylindrical and concentric spherical cavities are obtained, in particular, for a straight circular cylinder and a sphere. The stability of the single-axis orientation of a space object filled with a viscous liquid is investigated. The dependences of rotation decay processes and drifts of the space object's longitudinal axis from a given direction are shown on the plane of constructive parameters.  相似文献   

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