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提出了一种软输入软输出LDPC码译码算法,采用欧氏距离作为判决准则,通过对欧式距离信息的反对数和进行迭代处理,实现软输入软输出译码;同时,还提出了该算法的一种简化方法,以降低计算复杂度。本文提出的软输入软输出算法无需接收信号的信噪比和信道状态即可实现译码,并且在性能无明显损失的前提下降低了计算复杂度。仿真结果表明,在性能与和积译码算法性能相近的情况下,计算复杂度比和积译码算法的复杂度下降了约10%。 相似文献
This paper presents a simple yet effective decoding for general quasi-cyclic low-density parity-check (QC-LDPC) codes, which not only achieves high hardware utility efficiency (HUE), but also brings about great memory block reduction without any performance degradation. The main idea is to split the check matrix into several row blocks, then to perform the improved message passing computations sequentially block by block. As the decoding algorithm improves, the sequential tie between the two-phase computations is broken, so that the two-phase computations can be overlapped which bring in high HUE. Two overlapping schemes are also presented, each of which suits a different situation. In addition, an efficient memory arrangement scheme is proposed to reduce the great memory block requirement of the LDPC decoder. As an example, for the 0.4 rate LDPC code selected from Chinese Digital TV Terrestrial Broadcasting (DTTB), our decoding saves over 80% memory blocks compared with the conventional decoding, and the decoder achieves 0.97 HUE. Finally, the 0.4 rate LDPC decoder is implemented on an FPGA device EP2S30 (speed grade -5). Using 8 row processing units, the decoder can achieve a maximum net throughput of 28.5 Mbps at 20 iterations. 相似文献
低密度卷积码(LDCC)是低密度码(LDPC)经由其产生矩阵的侧滑变换成为带状产生矩阵而得到的,具有LDPC和卷积码的误码性能好等一些共同特征。LDCC码的和积算法译码方法可以进一步改进为局部概率传播译码方法。采用流水线结构的局部概率传播译码方法用于LDCC码得到了接近和积算法的译码性能,而且译码延迟比LDPC大为降低,译码器更为简单,便于实时工作。 相似文献
低密度校验码是一类能有效逼近香农限的好码,而高进制的LDPC码具有比二进制LDPC码更好的性能,但其译码复杂度太高不利于工程应用。本文提出了一种基于协同优化算法的低复杂度的高进制LDPC码的译码算法,并讨论了其在深空通信中的应用。 相似文献
A Welti code is a binary sequence with an impulse-like autocorrelation function. A set of such codes may possess vanishing cross-correlation functions. The elements of Welti codes must be members of a set of at least two orthogonal vectors or subcodes. First, methods for synthesizing sets of one-dimensional Welti codes with vanishing cross-correlation functions, and conditions upon their existence are discussed. Then, construction methods of sets of two and higher dimensional Welti codes are presented. Based on these constructions, further sets of mutually orthogonal complementary codes in one or more dimensions can be derived. The use of such signals relates to various topics such as communication, radar and navigation systems, measuring and identification in one or higher dimensional systems, synchronization and spatial alignment, or coded aperture imaging. 相似文献
本文基于复制理论的思想,分析了有关的二进码,指出了二进码本身具有的某种复制特性,并且根据组合思想提出了新的二进码—K码,根据平移复制和对称复制的等效性,证明了K码和自然码的关系,揭示了K码的物理意义. 相似文献
作为欧洲最大航空集团下属的维修企业和世界第二大综合性维修企业,法荷航维修工程公司拥有覆盖波音和空客所有机型的强大维修能力,获得了数量庞大的第三方客户群,并且在母公司连续5年亏损的情况下该公司的营业收入和运营利润仍保持持续上升。究其缘由,对高品质产品和服务与持续创新的不懈追求是法荷航维修工程公司纵横驰骋于民航维修领域的源动力。 相似文献
在传统Turbo码Log-MAP译码算法的基础上,借鉴已有的简化算法,提出了一种改进的Log-MAP译码算法。仿真结果表明,新的算法在大大降低译码复杂度的同时较好地保持了译码性能,使其非常接近Log-MAP算法的译码性能;同时也非常有利于硬件实现。 相似文献
卷积神经网络庞大的权重参数和复杂的网络层结构,使其计算复杂度过高,所需的计算资源和存储资源也随着网络层数的增加而快速增长,难以在资源和功耗有严苛要求的机载嵌入式计算系统中部署,制约了机载嵌入式计算系统朝着高智能化发展。针对资源受限的机载嵌入式计算系统对超轻量化智能计算的需求,提出一套全流程的卷积神经网络模型优化加速方法,在对算法模型进行超轻量化处理后,通过组合加速算子搭建卷积神经网络加速器,并基于FPGA开展网络模型推理过程的功能验证。结果证明:本文搭建的加速器能够显著降低硬件资源占用率,获得良好的算法加速比,对机载嵌入式智能计算系统设计具有重要意义。 相似文献
Acquisition schemes for acquiring pseudonoise (PN) signals in a frequency hopping (FH), spread spectrum (SS) system are presented. For the purpose of acquiring the PN code the received signal is modeled by an autoregressive (AR) process. The parameters of the AR process are determined by identifying a related set of parameters called the partial correlation coefficients. The power spectrum of the received signal and hence the PN code is estimated from the identified AR parameters. The high accuracy of the estimated PN codes permits the use of a simple error correcting logic to accelerate the acquisition process. 相似文献
本文提出了一种新的气象报警系统,此系统采用数字编码和锁相频率合成技术,使传送信息由原来的16种提高到4096种,实现了异频传送,并具有单呼和群呼功能,可适用于海洋气象报警、森林火灾报警、仓库遇险报警及单独信息交流。 相似文献
The utility of Barker-type phase-reversal codes is extended by the use of sidelobe suppression techniques that can be easily implemented in digital form. It is shown that sidelobe suppression techniques can be found where the tapped delay line used to reduce the sidelobes has only a few distinct tap weights, in which case the complexity of the digital processor is greatly reduced. An example is given where the technique is applied to Barker codes with positive sidelobes, specifically, the 13-element Barker code. If higher pulse compression factors are desired than are obtainable with Barker codes, multistage Barker codes may be used. The sidelobes then may be suppressed for any one or all of the different coding stages. 相似文献
为了提高惯性传感器采集到的序列数据中步态识别的准确率,建立了一个激励层改进的卷积神经网络(CNN)模型。针对三轴加速度传感器对运动太过敏感导致步态周期划分不准确的问题,采用加速度传感器与弯曲度传感器组合获取人体运动信息。将CNN模型中激励层的线性整流函数(ReLU)改进为带泄露线性整流函数(Leaky ReLU),以解决遇到卷积输出数据小于0时神经元被抑制的问题,进而达到提高步态识别准确率的目的。实验结果表明:激励层优化的CNN模型在行走、上下楼和上下坡五种步态模式下识别率达到了95.79%,与未采用弯曲度传感器的改进CNN模型和未进行激励层改进的CNN模型相比,步态识别率有所提高。 相似文献
注频锁相技术是非线性有源阵列天线的关键技术之一,论文提出了一种带反馈的振荡器注频锁相闭环结构。与开环结构相比,该电路能够提高锁频带宽,可用来构成非线性有源天线阵。仿真结果表明该电路相噪低,具有更宽的锁相带宽。 相似文献
为了提高惯性传感器采集到的序列数据中步态识别的准确率,建立了一个激励层改进的卷积神经网络(CNN)模型。针对三轴加速度传感器对运动太过敏感导致步态周期划分不准确的问题,采用加速度传感器与弯曲度传感器组合获取人体运动信息。将CNN模型中激励层的线性整流函数(ReLU)改进为带泄露线性整流函数(Leaky ReLU),以解决遇到卷积输出数据小于0时神经元被抑制的问题,进而达到提高步态识别准确率的目的。实验结果表明激励层优化的CNN模型在行走、上下楼和上下坡五种步态模式下识别率达到了95.79%,与未采用弯曲度传感器的改进CNN模型和未进行激励层改进的CNN模型相比,步态识别率有所提高。 相似文献