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将于2007年4月9日隆重开幕的第十届中国国际机床展(CIMT 2007)吸引着众多业内人士期盼的目光,这将是机床界的又一次盛会.细心的观众应该还记得,在2006年的上海数控机床展上,沈阳机床集团颇引人注目:2000m2的展览面积;26台拥有自主知识产权的展品;一轮接一轮的媒体采访攻势;在"中国数控机床产业之路"CCMT2006网上直播中的率先亮相.沈阳机床无疑成为那次展会上耀眼的明星.  相似文献   

裤装与鞋子的搭配在肌肤裸露度高的夏天是特别重要的事,一切全看是否能搭得妥贴,经常出行的职场女士们不仅要善挑夏天里形形色色的裤装款,还需要好好利用鞋子的搭配来提升装扮的正式度与职场形象的干练度,做到不误形象还享了凉意。  相似文献   

航油价格忧思录   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
命运多舛的世界航空公司业刚从"9.11"事件和"非典"两大灾难的冲击后稍稍缓过一口气来,又面临着前所未有的油价高水平。每桶原油的标价由2004年初的三十多美元迅速攀升到年中的四十多美元,10月份则飙过了55美元的高峰。 一时间航空公司的股价又泛起绿潮。刚开始为民营低成本航空公司在中国露头而欣喜的中国消费者和媒体纷纷猜测:"油价升了,机票价格上涨还会远吗"?许多业内同仁或业外的经济学家则聚焦在民航的管制政策上:民航局明令取消的燃油附加费应否恢复?目前的机票公布价要不要更上一层楼?成本上涨了,价格似乎是当然的排泄口。也有不少人寄希望于期货市场,呼吁民航局为航空公司打开通往期贷市场的大门,用期货保值交易来对冲高油价的冲击。 本文试图从更广阔的视野来探讨这些问题和对策,有些想法同业内流行的观点不尽相同,提出来与同行们商榷,以期兼听则明。  相似文献   

航空维修思想的框架研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出并详细论述了由维修目标和所需资源的确定、重要维修项目的确定、故障模式及其影响分析、维修策略的选择、维修策略参数的优化、应用和评估、反馈修改组成的完整的航空维修思想框架结构。  相似文献   

即将交付给澳大利亚航空(QANTAS)的 A380超大型客机。白色的机身,绘有白色袋鼠图案的橘红色的尾翼是澳航的特色。这架 A380尾翼上的袋鼠也许是世界上最大的袋鼠图案。  相似文献   

空中交通拥挤判别指标的建立与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
空中交通拥挤的判别是交通和安全领域需要深入研究的一个问题。针对国内日益增长的空中交通流量.在参考道路交通拥挤识别的基础上,综合考虑空中交通的特点,结合国外空中交通流量管理系统的优点,提出并建立了空中交通拥挤判别的指标,对指标进行了分析和计算,扇区拥挤指标的计算中引入了当量航班的概念,充分考虑了管制员的工作负荷;依据拥挤指标对拥挤状态进行了分级,最后给出了该指标的应用示例。该判别指标符合实际,能有效判别空中交通的拥挤状态,并为空中交通安全评估的进一步研究提供了基础。  相似文献   

近年来,售后服务模式的变化促进了航空航天业的快速转变. 航空公司和运营商希望从发动机制造商(OEM)得到更多的支持,由此导致两种商业模式产生了更多的一致性,OEM最终想得到的是能与客户长期的合作.除了在设计时提出各种要求,OEM还需要客户在接收了发动机后,继续与之合作以了解用户的需求.  相似文献   

粉体填充聚合物材料的热传导理论   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
综述了国内外有代表性的预测粉体填充聚合物材料的热传导理论,应用这些理论公式研究了粉体的含量、形态、复合界面等因素与复合材料热导率的关系,简要介绍了这些热传导理论的特点及其与实验值的偏差.  相似文献   

他们,是摄影记者、媒体人、航空业者他们,许多是纯粹的飞机爱好者他们,茶饭不思用镜头追寻飞翔的痕迹……这是他们梦想与飞机结缘的一部分他们,有的是摄影记者,媒体人,拍摄飞机或许是分内事,然而如此痴绝,茶饭不思用镜头追寻飞翔的痕迹,已然超脱出一个摄影记者的职责范围。他们,有的是航空公司的机务,地勤,拍摄飞机可谓近水楼台,而与飞翔结缘,茶饭不思用镜头追寻飞翔的痕迹,已然超脱出一个航空业者的职责范围。他们,许多是纯粹的拍摄飞机的爱好者,茶饭不思用镜头追寻飞翔的痕迹,只是他们梦想与飞机结缘的一部分。在上海,有一群期冀用镜头记录飞机的他们,他们是一群大孩  相似文献   

从香港的浅水湾,到美国的棕榈滩,财富人士总是择群而居。每一个闻名于世的富豪居住区,除了拥有奢华的房屋建筑,更凝练出独特的尊贵气质和居住氛围。对于居住,中国新一代财富人群在追求奢华品质的同时,更有不同以往的新诉求。丽宫,正是为这些站在时代最前沿的财智领袖而生。最优美的居住环境、最好的产品品质、最契合的精神理念,让丽宫成为中国新时代豪宅当之无愧的王者。  相似文献   

天基与地基测量数据融合技术在靶场的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着GPS技术的发展,靶场的测控也在逐步由地基测控网过渡到天地结合的一体化综合测控网。如何将天基测量数据同靶场现有的高精度测量带测量数据融合处理,近年成为数据处理的热点话题。本文就某具体任务,对天基和地基测量数据融合技术的方法和工程应用作了详细介绍,给出了初步的结论,提出了天基测量数据在工程应用时应注意的问题和有待进一步分析的问题。  相似文献   

针对我国航天测控资源存在“条块分割、设备分散”等问题,进行相应分析并提出解决设想,其目的是找到适合我国国情的航天测控资源合理配置,实现测控资源和空间资源充分共享及综合利用。首先对我国地球同步卫星和近地卫星的航天测控资源应用现状进行分析;其次根据不同卫星的测控特点,提出航天测控资源综合利用的设想,并对其利弊进行了详细讨论;最后结合我国航天测控资源实际情况,指出了实现航天测控资源综合利用需要重点解决测控覆盖范围等关键技术问题。  相似文献   

Recent progress in flapping wing aerodynamics and aeroelasticity   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Micro air vehicles (MAVs) have the potential to revolutionize our sensing and information gathering capabilities in areas such as environmental monitoring and homeland security. Flapping wings with suitable wing kinematics, wing shapes, and flexible structures can enhance lift as well as thrust by exploiting large-scale vortical flow structures under various conditions. However, the scaling invariance of both fluid dynamics and structural dynamics as the size changes is fundamentally difficult. The focus of this review is to assess the recent progress in flapping wing aerodynamics and aeroelasticity. It is realized that a variation of the Reynolds number (wing sizing, flapping frequency, etc.) leads to a change in the leading edge vortex (LEV) and spanwise flow structures, which impacts the aerodynamic force generation. While in classical stationary wing theory, the tip vortices (TiVs) are seen as wasted energy, in flapping flight, they can interact with the LEV to enhance lift without increasing the power requirements. Surrogate modeling techniques can assess the aerodynamic outcomes between two- and three-dimensional wing. The combined effect of the TiVs, the LEV, and jet can improve the aerodynamics of a flapping wing. Regarding aeroelasticity, chordwise flexibility in the forward flight can substantially adjust the projected area normal to the flight trajectory via shape deformation, hence redistributing thrust and lift. Spanwise flexibility in the forward flight creates shape deformation from the wing root to the wing tip resulting in varied phase shift and effective angle of attack distribution along the wing span. Numerous open issues in flapping wing aerodynamics are highlighted.  相似文献   

进气道作为高速航空航天飞行器的重要气动部件,对飞行器的气动力特性、结构重量、隐身性能等有显著影响。激波/边界层干扰现象是高速进气道内普遍存在的一类流动现象,对进气道的性能有突出的影响。发生于进气道内的激波/边界层干扰现象主要可分为正激波/边界层干扰、斜激波/边界层干扰以及三维激波/边界层干扰几类,由于受到侧壁壁面和进气道内背景波系的影响,这些干扰现象偏离了传统基于简化模型的研究结果,具有显著的耦合干扰特征,干扰区间内三维特征明显。概述了发生于进气道内的激波/边界层干扰特性及相关研究进展,并对目前进气道内激波/边界层干扰现象的控制方法进行了总结。  相似文献   

Model-based fault diagnosis serves as an efficient and powerful technique in addressing fault detection and isolation (FDI) issues for control systems. However, the standard methods and their modifications still encounter some difficulties in algorithm design and application for complex higher-order systems. To avoid these difficulties, a novel fault diagnosis framework based on multiple performance indicators of closed-loop control system is proposed. Under this framework, a so-called performance residual vector is constructed to measure the differences between the real system and the nominal model in terms of system stability, accuracy, and rapidity (SAR) respectively. The criteria for quantification, normalization of the SAR residuals and the explicit mappings between the thresholds and the required performance are given. FDI can be easily achieved simultaneously by monitoring the normalized residual vector length and direction in the SAR performance residual space. A case study on electro-hydraulic servo control system of turbofan engine is adopted to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.  相似文献   

Non-thermal components are key ingredients for understanding clusters of galaxies. In the hierarchical model of structure formation, shocks and large-scale turbulence are unavoidable in the cluster formation processes. Understanding the amplification and evolution of the magnetic field in galaxy clusters is necessary for modelling both the heat transport and the dissipative processes in the hot intra-cluster plasma. The acceleration, transport and interactions of non-thermal energetic particles are essential for modelling the observed emissions. Therefore, the inclusion of the non-thermal components will be mandatory for simulating accurately the global dynamical processes in clusters. In this review, we summarise the results obtained with the simulations of the formation of galaxy clusters which address the issues of shocks, magnetic field, cosmic ray particles and turbulence.  相似文献   

介绍了离子液体推进器的基本结构和工作原理,阐述了粒子发射的限制条件及通常采用的工作模式,总结了该推进器的常见分类形式。介绍了当前广泛应用的一些实验方法和仿真手段,以及针对发射阈值场强、束流散射、多粒子分散效率、推进器长时间工作稳定性等问题开展相关研究取得的进展,对比分析了适合粒子发射的工作环境及相对精确的仿真方法,为推进器的后续设计、工作模式设定及性能评估等工作提供了参考。结果表明:增大推进剂流阻、提高发射极阵列密度是提高离子液体推进器效率和推力的合适手段;利用闭环控制的方法改变发射电压极性、逐渐提高发射电压大小是维持推进器推力大小、提高工作稳定性的有效方法。  相似文献   

现代涡喷飞机大多设计有反推力系统以提高飞机的经济性、可用性和安全性,然而反推力系统若发生故障则可能引发灾难性的飞行事故。因此,反推力系统的设计和适航符合性验证已成为适航当局重点关注的审定问题。本文通过对中、美、欧适航当局反推力系统的相关适航标准、咨询通告和修正案的研究,给出涡喷飞机反推力系统的适航要求和简析,反推力系统"操纵性"和"可靠性"验证思路及注意事项;此外,结合某型飞机的反推力系统,给出"可靠性"验证思路的实例验证过程和符合性结论。研究结果可为我国进行飞机反推力系统适航设计和符合性验证提供有益参考。  相似文献   

《Air & Space Europe》2000,2(1):101-104
The growth of UAV industry is greatly dependent on the way an entire range of technical, airworthiness, operational and regulatory issues related to UAV integration in airspace will be solved. The present article reviews the most significant related airworthiness and operational issues as viewed by an UAV manufacturer, IAI-MALAT, strengthened by the more than 80 000 hours of in-service experience accumulated by its whole range of UAV products.  相似文献   

A survey is presented of the potential benefits, possible pitfalls, and anticipated testing needs of integrating inertial guidance systems with systems dependent on the availability of the electromagnetic spectrum. Commonly referred to as integrated communications, navigation, and identification avionics (ICNIA), these systems of the future offer the combined potential for superb positioning and secure communications. The general characteristics (if current development trends continue) of the next-generation inertial navigation systems (INS) are briefly presented, followed by key modular and conceptual issues in the synthesis of this INS with systems dependent on the EM spectrum. Modular issues as considered here are those related to detailed implementation and resulting efficiency. Conceptual issues are those related to overall military strategy and resulting effectiveness. An example of modular systems integration is given, and a few preparations which can be anticipated for the field testing of integrated systems are presented, followed by concluding comments  相似文献   

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