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A problem of providing users with the necessary remote sensing data in the visible and near IR spectral bands has been considered. The solution of the problem plans increase of spatial and spectral resolution for imaging from space, high periodicity of surveying the same sites on the Earth's surface and spaceborne data delivery to users in real time.

This problem solution proposed is to use a cluster of small satellites and to implement the Local Space Service (LOCSS) program. The main aspects of this concept are as follows:

• • optimization of remote sensing instrumentation parameters;
• • image data compression onboard a small spacecraft;
• • compressed data downlinking via the low rate radio channel;
• • direct reception of the image data by users at small cheap receiving stations; and
• • image data decompression and processing using personal computers and special processors.

随着观测精度的提高,卫星观测设备对微振动愈加敏感,需要在地面开展卫星在轨微振动环境模拟试验及测试验证,而卫星在轨自由边界条件的模拟对于提高地面试验的有效性至关重要。文章提出了一种低频弹性支撑方法,用于模拟卫星在轨飞行时的自由边界条件;并基于该方法,设计和研制了一套模拟试验装置,通过模态和频率响应分析以及型号的整星微振动模拟试验,评估了模拟自由边界条件对卫星动力学特性的影响,也证明了低频弹性支撑模拟方法的有效性。  相似文献   

数据融合技术在海洋二号卫星数据中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
海洋二号(HY-2)卫星搭载的微波散射计和扫描微波辐射计一天沿轨数据不能完全覆盖全球海域,文章提出了基于数据融合技术的解决方法。该方法以HY-2卫星获取的海面风场和海面温度场作为数据源,分别利用最优插值算法和时空权重插值法对HY-一2卫星微波辐射计和散射计获取的海面温度场和海面风场数据进行数据融合,在不降低分辨率的基础上,使得一天对全球海域的覆盖率从90%提高到100%。此融合方法可应用于HY-2卫星数据业务化系统中。  相似文献   

In [1] expressions were constructed for the derivatives of all the orders of a planet’s gravitational potential with respect to the rectangular coordinates related to the gravity center of a planet. These expressions are series of spherical functions. The coefficients of the series of first-order derivatives depend on two Stokes constants, whereas the coefficients of next-order derivatives are linear combinations of the coefficients of preceding-order derivatives. In the present paper the derived expressions for the first and second potential derivatives are transformed into the form that is most convenient for solving the inverse problem, i.e., evaluating Stokes constants from satellite measurements of these derivatives. Each term of the new series for a derivative depends on a sum of two Stokes constants multiplied by linear combinations of several spherical functions. The new form of the expansions for the potential derivatives makes it possible to calculate Stokes constants by simultaneously applying satellite data either for all three first-order potential derivatives, or for all six second-order derivatives. The constructed series may be applied for modeling the Earth’s gravitational field from the satellite data obtained in the international CHAMP, GRACE, and GOCE missions.  相似文献   

Using the Venera-9 and 10 satellites radio occultation measurements of the atmosphere and bistatic radar measurements of the surface of the planet Venus were realized from October 1975 to March 1976. The altitude dependence of the molecular number density, pressure and temperature on the night and day sides were derived.An analysis is made of the stratified structure and turbulence in the atmosphere of Venus. The results of pressure measurements on the surface by the method of bistatic radar are presented. The diagrams and the tables of the parameters of the atmosphere are given.  相似文献   

卫星在轨抗辐照总剂量数据是空间电子设备抗辐照校核以及加固设计的依据.用查表法进行抗辐照校核计算时,对于数据表中已有数据点可以精确计算,未知数据点无法精确分析.为进一步提高空间电子设备抗辐照校核计算的精度,同时为辐照特敏感器件选用提供依据,提高产品在轨可靠性.采用分段数据拟合的方法进行了多个型号在轨抗辐照总剂量数据的研究,以中位数为分界点将数据分成前后两部分,前半部分采用分段二次函数拟合,后半部分采用指数函数拟合,拟合精度高,相对误差小于4%,能够满足工程设计的需要.该方法已用于多个在轨型号的抗辐照校核计算,对于提高空间电子设备的可靠性具有积极意义.  相似文献   

针对航天发射中实时和延时数据结果多元现象,提出基于双路时标检择算法的实时与延时数据结果弥补拼合方法,解决遥测参数实时、延时数据结果唯一性问题。经多次应用的结果表明,与传统优选数据段替换法相比,方法无需人工干预,执行效率较高,达到了利用延时数据提升实时数据质量的设计目的,满足数据处理要求。  相似文献   

卫星在轨运行时姿态存在一定频率的抖动,目前的星敏感器和陀螺等测量仪器受限于测量频率,无法直接测量高频抖动。提出了一种压缩感知和最小二乘相结合的卫星姿态抖动估计方法。根据姿态抖动中的频率稀疏信息,通过压缩感知方法从姿态欠采样数据中恢复出抖动频率,进一步利用最小二乘方法,精确估计出卫星姿态的高频抖动。与单纯采用压缩感知方法或最小二乘方法相比,该方法提高了卫星姿态抖动的估计精度。  相似文献   

文章针对航天器结构的有限元模型修正问题,提出利用振动试验数据对模型进行修正的方法。详细阐述了基于基础激励传递特性的模型修正方法的理论公式,对此方法的程序实现思路及修正程序与有限元分析软件NASTRAN的接口方式进行了详细的介绍。最后利用复杂桁架模型进行了仿真分析,初步验证了该方法的可行性。  相似文献   

Single satellites and multisatellite constellations for the periodic coverage of the Earth are considered. The main feature is the use of several cameras with different swath widths. A vector method is proposed which makes it possible to find orbits minimizing the periodicities of coverage of a given area of Earth uniformly for all swaths. Their number is not limited, but the relative dimensions should satisfy the Fibonacci series or some new numerical sequences. The results apply to constellations of any number of satellites. Formulas were derived for calculating their structure, i.e., relative position in the constellation. Examples of orbits and the structure of constellations for the Earth’s multiswath coverage are presented.  相似文献   

The paper contains the photometric and polarimetric analysis of the sky background near the zenith during the twilights and the nights of different years and seasons. The period of enhanced tropospheric aerosol content during the summer 2009 is noticed. The aerosol scattering of solar emission is separated from the total twilight sky background, and similar data on lunar emission is taken from the night sky background. The results are compared with the data of relatively clear troposphere of winter 2006. The observational data are used to construct the polarization scattering function of tropospheric aerosol particles during the nighttime.  相似文献   

When inserting a satellite into an orbit around Mars with the use of aerodynamic drag, it is required to apply a robust algorithm which is capable of being adapted to the actual conditions of the planet’s atmosphere. We suggest a method of adaptation taking into account the specific features of the maneuver including descending and ascending legs of the trajectory. It is demonstrated that the algorithm is efficient when disturbances of the density of the Martian atmosphere increase by a factor of 2–3.  相似文献   

时差定位卫星簇对地表的辐射源存在很大威胁.为保护目标辐射源,在分析时差定位卫星簇TDOA脉冲配对的原理的基础上,提出一种新的主动干扰方法.即通过控制干扰脉冲与辐射源脉冲之间的时域关联关系,达到欺骗时差定位卫星的TDOA估计.仿真计算表明,适当的脉冲发射时间和脉冲宽度的同频干扰源对辐射源位置信息的保护具有可行性和有效性.  相似文献   

针对空间不连续工作的典型星载光学遥感器的结构和光学系统,进行抗辐射薄弱环节与总剂量效应的仿真分析计算,提出在遥感器入光口遮光罩处增加防护盖以降低光学系统中辐射吸收剂量预示最大位置处的吸收剂量,并对防护盖的具体参数进行仿真优化设计。研究表明:光学系统各光学部件所在位置辐射吸收剂量处于不均匀状态,接收地物信息的第一镜体处的预示值最大;安装防护盖后,可大幅降低该处的辐射吸收剂量,使之与其他部位的吸收剂量处于同一量级水平;防护盖的实施参数以厚度1~3 mm、距离入光口遮光罩端部小于20 mm为最佳。文章最后描述了防护盖设计方法的通用性,给出了防护盖的适用技术条件。  相似文献   

Using a detector of near ultra-violet (UV) emission (wavelength range 300–400 nm) [1] onboard the Universitetsky-Tatiana satellite with an orbit height of 950 km and inclination of 81° we have detected and studied short UV flashes [2–5]. In this paper the observed UV flashes are classified according to the type of their time profiles, and the times of emission intensity rise and decay are investigated in every flash. Using the data on time profiles it turned out to be possible to estimate the flash energy in the atmosphere even in case of saturation of a signal measuring channel at the maximum of emission. The energy spectrum of observed flashes is estimated. Time and energy characteristics of the flashes are important for choosing a model of development of electric discharges in the upper atmosphere that are responsible for observed emission.  相似文献   

Based on the methods of the theory of optimum control of dynamic systems, as well as the methods of inverse problems of dynamics and the energy principle, a combined method is developed for control of the motion of a flying vehicle of the Aerospace plane type during the long flight in the atmosphere. The disturbed motion is considered under the conditions when there are constraints on the values of control actions and on functions of phase coordinates.  相似文献   

We consider the results of measurements of density and temperature of cold plasma in the dayside sector of the plasmasphere. The measurements were made by Interball-1 (Tail Probe) in November 1995, by Interball-2 (Auroral Probe) in August 1996 (the periods close to the solar cycle minimum), and by the Magion-5 satellite in June 2000 (this period is close to the solar cycle maximum). It was shown by the measurements in the dayside sector of the plasmasphere that, contrary to expectations of model distributions of temperature in the plasmasphere [1, 2], under quiet geomagnetic conditions the temperature of hydrogen ions of the cold plasma filling the plasmasphere was observed to increase at altitudes 5000 km < H < 10000 km. Its altitude gradient was equal to ~0.5 deg/km, the geomagnetic latitude being variable within the limits 10° < λ < 40°. The maximum values of temperature of protons, as measured by Tail Probe and Auroral Probe deep in the plasma-sphere, were equal to ~4000–6000 K. According to the data obtained by the Magion-5 satellite in the depth of the plasmasphere, these temperatures varied within the limits 7500–8500 K. These results can be considered as some indication of a dependence of the plasmasphere thermal structure on the phase of the solar cycle. In the region 2.5 < L < 5 and at geomagnetic latitudes λ < 40°, drops of the ion temperature were regularly observed with values reaching ~2000 K.  相似文献   

分析了动态力测试系统的响应特性,找出了测试系统固有特性对动态力测试的影响规律,提出了一种动态力的测试数据处理方法。用该方法首先计算动态力输出曲线两个相邻零点之间的动态力均值,然后再求出该均值与动态力曲线上两个外侧交点之间的动态力均值,依此类推,迭代求得动态力的幅值、延迟时间等参数。对测试过程中误差的产生原因进行了分析并提出了减小测试误差的措施。结果表明,增加系统的阻尼振荡频率和动态力的周期,可有效降低幅值误差和延迟误差,从而对实际检测系统的设计和误差修正提供理论依据。  相似文献   

In the 1990s, based on detailed studies of the structure of active regions (AR), the concept of the magnetosphere of the active region was proposed. This includes almost all known structures presented in the active region, ranging from the radio granulation up to noise storms, the radiation of which manifests on the radio waves. The magnetosphere concept, which, from a common point of view, considers the manifestations of the radio emission of the active region as a single active complex, allows one to shed light on the relation between stable and active processes and their interrelations. It is especially important to identify the basic ways of transforming nonthermal energy into thermal energy. A dominant role in all processes is attributed to the magnetic field, the measurement of which on the coronal levels can be performed by radio-astronomical techniques. The extension of the wavelength range and the introduction of new tools and advanced modeling capabilities makes it possible to analyze the physical properties of plasma structures in the AR magnetosphere and to evaluate the coronal magnetic fields at the levels of the chromosphere–corona transition zone and the lower corona. The features and characteristics of the transition region from the S component to the B component have been estimated.  相似文献   

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