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With the enactment of its ‘Basic Space Law’ in 2008, a significant shift occurred in Japan's space policy away from a narrowly circumscribed interpretation of the concept of space for ‘peaceful purposes’ to a broad understanding of space for ‘security’. Viewed in a global context, Japanese space policy appears symptomatic of a broadened and more malleable understanding of space for security purposes, as already advocated by several other leading spacefaring powers, and proponents of this understanding of space for security argue that this is consistent with international standards and the expectations of a ‘normal’ space power. By attempting to redefine understandings of ‘peace’ and ‘security’, however, the Basic Space Law and subsequent direction of Japanese space policy raise complex and ongoing issues over the interpretation of Japan's ‘Peace Constitution’. This article reviews policy and academic discussions of the recent evolution of Japanese space policy in this respect, arguing that greater emphasis on ‘security’ – understood in a deliberately broad sense in policy terms – has been key to articulating and justifying the reformulation and redirection of Japanese space policy, but that this also brings with it room for ambiguity over the exact nature of Japan's space ambitions at both national and regional levels.  相似文献   

The rise of the EU as an actor in the European and world space theatres, in its various roles as initiator, owner and operator of large-scale programmes such as Galileo and GMES, has raised a number of questions with regard to industrial policy. Based on the experiences from the Galileo programme's procurement round in the Full Operational Capability (FOC) phase and on the present discussions on space industrial policy within the EU, this paper argues that, whereas the EU's political ambitions in space have been discussed and become reasonably well defined, the specific policy tools and legal instruments to put them into practice are far from complete. First, an unequivocal industrial policy for the space sector needs to be defined that reconciles the Union's political ambitions with the economic specificities of the space sector. At present, this is a work in progress, with opinions diverging between member states. Second, both logically and temporally, these policy decisions need to be translated into legal instruments that allow their implementation. This implies the development of made-to-measure funding instruments and procurement rules. We conclude by emphasising the need for a sector-specific industrial policy as an integral part of the EU's space policy.  相似文献   

Using the various problems and delays in the Galileo satellite navigation programme as a metaphor for European leaders' incompetence and complacency in a wide range of other important fields, this viewpoint bemoans the lack of direction in both the European project and its space policy, the result of growing state nationalism and a neoliberal approach that has left the continent at the mercy of globalisation.  相似文献   

Despite its scientific successes, NASA has over the past two decades lost its way, spending billions of dollars on transportation systems that have at bottom been failures. President Obama's cancellation of the costly and unwieldy Constellation program provides an opportunity for genuine reform of the agency and the US space program, through harnessing the innovatory and cost-effective power of commercial entrepreneurs. Examples of the kinds of project they might undertake – including solar power satellites, ‘space taxis’ and a space elevator – are discussed.  相似文献   

导航信号体制设计是卫星导航系统设计的重要方面。文中结合Compass、GPS和Galileo系统信号体制设计,分析了Compass系统拟采用的调制方式性能及与其他卫星导航系统的兼容性能,仿真了最坏接收情况下的Galileo系统的授权信号增强对Compass系统部分信号的性能影响。  相似文献   

As the most successful dual-use technology at present the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) also has extensive recognition in China. China began developing navigation satellites in 1967 and now has 45 years' experience in the field. 2012 was a crucial year for China's GNSS: the first-stage project of the second-generation global navigation satellite system was rounded off, and it entered service for regional area navigation and positioning. This paper discusses the development history of China's satellite navigation, analyzes the background to China's decision to develop an independent GNSS and investigates the formation of its three-step development strategy. It reviews the system construction and industrial policy of the BeiDou system and the actions taken by various government departments at different times.  相似文献   

China has seen a dramatic acceleration in the scope and capabilities of its space program in the past decade. This has been coupled with significantly increased global economic presence and influence as well as a steady improvement of its military capabilities. China's emergence as a major world actor has encouraged the emergence of a ‘China threat’ school of thought which interprets all Chinese policy, including its space program, as an evidence of a threatening challenge to US dominance in which the pursuit of a range of military space capabilities plays a central role. This article challenges that interpretation, arguing that China's space program is the product of a range of factors including powerful domestic political and developmental rationales and that the program is overwhelmingly driven by domestic rather than international considerations, particularly in terms of the use of the program for the purposes of enhancing prestige.  相似文献   

China's space policy and its purpose have become an increasingly contentious subject. This paper critically examines the claims, made by Ashley Tellis, among others, that China has a space strategy decided and coordinated by the Chinese military and dedicated to defeating superior US power locally in an asymmetrical war, and that it is this military space strategy that drives China's single-minded pursuit of space science and technology and the development of China's space programme. To do so, the paper conducts two investigations: into the declining role of the Chinese military in China's foreign and security policy making and its limited influence in formulating China's grand strategy; and the other into the contingent history of China's two space programs, Shenzhou and Chang'e, which have largely been driven by civilian scientist communities, rather than the military. In so doing, I argue that the claims of China's ‘military space strategy’ are over-imaginative and serve a particular political purpose. The social imaginary of a threatening China produced by the US strategic gaze at China in space, I further argue, has dangerous policy implications.  相似文献   

This report summarises the presentations which took place at the ‘Space Traffic Control – Is the Space Debris Problem Solvable?’ conference hosted by the Royal Aeronautical Society on the 2nd July 2013. The conference sought to promote discussion over methods to deal with the issue of space debris in particular and speakers included representatives from the European Space Agency, the United Kingdom Space Agency, practitioners and academia. Themes which emerged during the conference included the urgency of the problem of space debris, the need for short-term and long-term solutions, the necessity for the development and implementation of space debris remediation technologies to complement existing mitigation efforts and, last but not least, the wider applications of space traffic control. Regarding the sub-title of the conference, ‘is the space debris problem solvable?’, it would appear from the presentations that while there is the potential for future management of the issue through debris remediation and harmonised mitigation efforts, no comprehensive solutions exist at the time of writing.  相似文献   

Study of the nascent European satellite navigation system, Galileo, is well underway and a decision by the EU Council of Ministers on whether to proceed with the test satellites is expected by late 2000. Although some believe that current systems, most notably the US GPS, make it unnecessary, the history of satellite navigation so far provides some justification for a European system. Nevertheless, Galileo faces a number of challenges if it is to succeed. These include not only the technical specifications for a new generation of navigation satellites and the ground structure, but also a coherent business plan for funding the launch, operation and maintenance of the system. Lastly, one has to consider the compatibility and interoperability of Galileo with the existing GPS and Glonass satellite systems, as well as the likely competition from GSM and (third generation) UMTS mobile services.  相似文献   

This study examines how political activists are framing the space weaponization debate in Canada and whether their arguments can influence public attitudes and perceptions about the issue. Eighty university students from two undergraduate courses were recruited as participants in a quasi-experiment. One class (n = 38) was exposed to the documentary Masters of Space, an episode of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation's program The Nature of Things, and another class (n = 42) served as the control group. Pre-test and post-test questionnaires were used to measure the effects of viewing anti-weaponization arguments in the media, while also controlling for the influence of prior beliefs and background characteristics of participants. Results suggest that visually depicting the use of satellite technology in society can convince viewers that satellites are important to their way of life, but not necessarily to the defense of North America. Framing missile defense as a ‘space weapon in disguise’ also seemed to raise opposition to Canada's participation in continental missile defense. The findings, meanwhile, indicate that viewers respond strongly to the issue of space debris and that mobilizing support for joint military space projects may best be achieved by emphasizing the usefulness of these projects for locating and tracking such debris. In the end, media exposure seemed to help legitimize anti-weaponization arguments based more on rational self-interests than on idealistic beliefs. These findings can have implications for the way space policies are communicated to the public.  相似文献   

Over 4200 delegates attended the fifth Euroscience Open Forum (ESOF), held in Dublin from 11 to 15 July 2012, with papers covering the gamut of scientific research, applications and policy contributed by Nobel laureates, including James Watson and Jules Hoffmann, internationally recognized but ‘local’ figures such as Mary Robinson, Jocelyn Bell Burnell and Bob Geldof, ‘celebrity’ scientists like Marcus du Sautoy and Craig Venter and a range of other major researchers. Space was also represented, with keynotes by the NASA administrator and ESA's Director of Science and Robotic Exploration. This report summarizes and discusses the space-related proceedings.  相似文献   

The successful realisation of the flagship programmes, Galileo/EGNOS and GMES has been in doubt as a result of the current financial constraints. In providing an overview of the role of these two programmes in relation to implementing European policies – with sector-by-sector information on the ways they can help fulfil specific EU objectives – this paper attempts to demonstrate why and how they must be successfully operationalised. It therefore continues by analysing their political, economic, social, technological, environmental and legal strengths and weaknesses and makes policy recommendations on this basis. Utilising these flagship programmes to carry through major European policies will be crucial for realising their great potential and achieving the Europe 2020 goals of the European Union.  相似文献   

The era of modern space research and applications began with the 1945–46 Moon-radar experiments and with the successful launch of the first artificial satellite, Sputnik-1. Hungary and Hungarian engineers/researchers were present at the birth of this new and important discipline. As a consequence of the Second World War Hungary became part of the Soviet bloc and, for the first 30 years of the Space Age, Hungarian space activity was carried out mainly within Intercosmos; however, some highlights were produced. After the collapse of the communist dictatorship Hungarian space activity was successfully rebuilt and the past 20 years have seen the beginning of the integration of Hungarian space activity into ESA and EU space policy. Hungarian society’s attitude to the country’s space activity is complex, as is that of its decision makers. This largely results from the simplified picture of global space activity and Hungarian participation therein in people’s minds and from the ignorance of the country’s decision makers. While this is basically a global problem, it has a special Hungarian aspect in the view that a small country has no real role in the world, in the EU, in ESA or in global space activity. We have a task: to change this mind-set.  相似文献   

One of the most important problems for performing a good design of the spacecraft attitude control law is connected to its robustness when some uncertainty parameters are present on the inertial and/or on the elastic characteristics of a satellite. These uncertainties are generally intrinsic on the modeling of complex structures and in the case of large flexible structures they can be also attributed to secondary effects associated to the elasticity. One of the most interesting issues in modeling large flexible space structures is associated to the evaluation of the inertia tensor which in general depends not only on the geometric ‘fixed’ characteristic of the satellite but also on its elastic displacements which of course in turn modify the ‘shape’ of the satellite. Usually these terms can be considered of a second order of magnitude if compared with the ones associated to the rigid part of a structure. However the increasing demand on the dimension of satellites due to the presence for instance of very large solar arrays (necessary to generate power) and/or large antennas has the necessity to investigate their effects on their global dynamic behavior in more details as a consequence. In the present paper a methodology based on classical Lagrangian approach coupled with a standard Finite Element tool has been used to derive the full dynamic equations of an orbiting flexible satellite under the actions of gravity, gravity gradient forces and attitude control. A particular attention has been paid to the study of the effects of flexibility on the inertial terms of the spacecraft which, as well known, influence its attitude dynamic behavior. Furthermore the effects of the attitude control authority and its robustness to the uncertainties on inertial and elastic parameters has been investigated and discussed.  相似文献   

简要介绍了美国"全球定位系统"(GPS)、俄罗斯"全球导航卫星系统"(GLONASS)和欧洲正在建设的"伽利略"(Galileo)卫星导航系统的发展及其基本发展态势.详细介绍了中国自主建设的"北斗"(COMPASS)卫星导航系统的发展思路、系统组成和应用情况.分析总结了卫星导航系统在空天安全中的几项重要作用,如实现协同...  相似文献   

Built in cooperation with China, at the end of 2008 the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela launched its first telecommunications satellite which operates in C, Ku and Ka bands. Using published and unpublished information, this report describes the potential role of the Venesat-1 satellite in promoting development in Venezuela and Latin America. The core of Venezuelan space policy has deep social roots and includes several applications in order to provide telecommunications services to people in all areas of the country. Potential roles of the Venezuelan Satellite in local and regional development include: strengthening environmental tele-education and telemedicine programs; improving disaster management through short-term development of broad networks to monitor environmental and meteorological features; coordination of emergency responses and humanitarian assistance using data and satellite communications; poverty reduction; and biodiversity conservation – communication networks could also be used to relay information about detected fires within protected areas faster, and to improve surveillance activities within them with in order to reduce illegal hunting, logging, habitat loss and fragmentation. Because the area covered by the satellite goes beyond Venezuela’s borders, its applications could have enormous relevance for human development at the regional level; they could be fundamental tools for bringing sustainable development into Latin America, by building capacity and increasing awareness among decision makers and lay people.  相似文献   

从2005年12月发射首颗试验卫星以来,欧洲伽利略卫星导航系统建设进入了新的阶段。GIOVE-A卫星平台和有效载荷电子设备的设计体现了当前先进的综合电子系统设计思想,卫星电子系统在集成化、模块化和网络化等方面具备了较高的技术水平。文章调研并分析了伽利略系统首颗试验卫星GIOVE-A的电子系统设计研制和在轨运行情况,可为我国全球导航卫星系统研制提供参考。  相似文献   

Scott Pace 《Space Policy》2011,27(3):127-130
China has engaged in a steady, long-standing effort to build and strengthen its space capabilities, achieving progressively more ambitious milestones and staking its claim as a major space power. It is also increasingly engaging in cooperative efforts. A number of issues must be weighed, however, before the USA should consider any collaboration with it. These include the essentially military nature of China’s space program, the fact that China’s intentions in space and decision-making process are far from ‘transparent’, and the way it uses its space activities to pursue foreign policy goals. While the latter could be useful in, e.g., reducing tensions on the Korean peninsular through a space-services-for-giving-up-missiles tradeoff, and while there is scope for collaboration in space science missions, there are no compelling reasons for the USA to pursue cooperation in human spaceflight with China.  相似文献   

作为中欧合作伽利略卫星导航项目的重要组成部分,伽利略搜救服务前向链路端到端验证项目是中国区伽利略合作项目中唯一一个系统级项目。项目的主要目的是通过端到端验证项目检验伽利略搜救服务前向链路的服务性能,确认设计技术指标和对本地用户终端地面系统模拟器FLVE的性能预测。文章在此介绍了EEV系统组成和定位方法。在演示验证阶段,EEV项目组还设计了一个软件仿真平台用于在伽利略在轨测试卫星发射之前分析EEV系统性能。进行了由360个地球表面均匀分布的求救信标发射信号被全部伽利略卫星星座转发,时间跨度为15天的定位精度和覆盖范围分析。在FOA和TOA分别达到10μs和0.1Hz的情况下,FLVE定位精度为5km的覆盖范围达到半径5000km。FOA和TOA在恶劣情况下为15μs和0.2Hz的情况下,覆盖范围缩减为4000km,但还是达到了国际同类本地用户终端地面系统的先进水平。  相似文献   

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