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As photosynthesis on Earth produces the primary signatures of life that can be detected astronomically at the global scale, a strong focus of the search for extrasolar life will be photosynthesis, particularly photosynthesis that has evolved with a different parent star. We take previously simulated planetary atmospheric compositions for Earth-like planets around observed F2V and K2V, modeled M1V and M5V stars, and around the active M4.5V star AD Leo; our scenarios use Earth's atmospheric composition as well as very low O2 content in case anoxygenic photosynthesis dominates. With a line-by-line radiative transfer model, we calculate the incident spectral photon flux densities at the surface of the planet and under water. We identify bands of available photosynthetically relevant radiation and find that photosynthetic pigments on planets around F2V stars may peak in absorbance in the blue, K2V in the red-orange, and M stars in the near-infrared, in bands at 0.93-1.1 microm, 1.1-1.4 microm, 1.5-1.8 microm, and 1.8-2.5 microm. However, underwater organisms will be restricted to wavelengths shorter than 1.4 microm and more likely below 1.1 microm. M star planets without oxygenic photosynthesis will have photon fluxes above 1.6 microm curtailed by methane. Longer-wavelength, multi-photo-system series would reduce the quantum yield but could allow for oxygenic photosystems at longer wavelengths. A wavelength of 1.1 microm is a possible upper cutoff for electronic transitions versus only vibrational energy; however, this cutoff is not strict, since such energetics depend on molecular configuration. M star planets could be a half to a tenth as productive as Earth in the visible, but exceed Earth if useful photons extend to 1.1 microm for anoxygenic photosynthesis. Under water, organisms would still be able to survive ultraviolet flares from young M stars and acquire adequate light for growth.  相似文献   

综述了量子光谱成像技术的发展概况,简述了量子光谱成像原理的理论,详细介绍了纠缠双光子源的鬼成像,亚波长干涉以及热光的无透镜成像和热光的非定域双缝干涉实验及其原理。最后对量子光谱成像技术在未来的军用和民用对地观测的应用方面做出了展望。  相似文献   

Over the next 2 decades, NASA and ESA are planning a series of space-based observatories to detect and characterize extrasolar planets. This first generation of observatories will not be able to spatially resolve the terrestrial planets detected. Instead, these planets will be characterized by disk-averaged spectroscopy. To assess the detectability of planetary characteristics in disk-averaged spectra, we have developed a spatially and spectrally resolved model of the Earth. This model uses atmospheric and surface properties from existing observations and modeling studies as input, and generates spatially resolved high-resolution synthetic spectra using the Spectral Mapping Atmospheric Radiative Transfer model. Synthetic spectra were generated for a variety of conditions, including cloud coverage, illumination fraction, and viewing angle geometry, over a wavelength range extending from the ultraviolet to the farinfrared. Here we describe the model and validate it against disk-averaged visible to infrared observations of the Earth taken by the Mars Global Surveyor Thermal Emission Spectrometer, the ESA Mars Express Omega instrument, and ground-based observations of earthshine reflected from the unilluminated portion of the Moon. The comparison between the data and model indicates that several atmospheric species can be identified in disk-averaged Earth spectra, and potentially detected depending on the wavelength range and resolving power of the instrument. At visible wavelengths (0.4-0.9 microm) O3, H2O, O2, and oxygen dimer [(O2)2] are clearly apparent. In the mid-infrared (5-20 microm) CO2, O3, and H2O are present. CH4, N2O, CO2, O3, and H2O are visible in the near-infrared (1-5 microm). A comprehensive three-dimensional model of the Earth is needed to produce a good fit with the observations.  相似文献   

以近地小天体防御为背景,介绍了近地小天体的基本概念和物理特性,分析了超高速动能撞击偏转近地小天体的研究进展。讨论了超高速动能撞击近地小天体表面成坑形貌、相似律以及成坑过程中抛射物产生机制、演化过程和抛射物质量速度分布相似律。总结了基于结合点源假设、实验和数值模拟结果建立的超高速动能撞击小天体动量传递理论模型和相似律。分析了近地小天体的物理特性和撞击条件对动量传递系数的影响规律。归纳了超高速动能撞击偏转近地小天体研究中存在的问题,对超高速动能撞击防御小天体的发展趋势提出了若干建议。  相似文献   

谢平  杜永浩  姚锋  谭跃进 《宇航学报》2019,40(2):127-138
针对现代卫星载荷能力与机动能力不断提升以及卫星任务需求多样化与复杂化程度持续增加的现状,阐述了敏捷成像卫星调度问题的基本特征,给出了敏捷成像卫星调度问题的一般化描述方法。在此基础上,分别从自主感知、自主决策和自主协同三个方面梳理了国内外敏捷卫星自主调度关键技术的研究进展。最后,面向未来卫星技术发展需求,指出了敏捷成像卫星自主调度技术进一步的研究方向。  相似文献   

During the Spacelab mission D1 different organisms were investigated at the unicellular and multicellular level respectively. Microgravity affects growth and development of the organisms in a different manner, some processes are enhanced, others are inhibited. On the other hand, there are a lot of parameters. e.g. circadian rhythm or cell and organ polarity, which seem to be exclusively under genetical control.  相似文献   

The work is based on photometry of the Moon’s surface during the total lunar eclipse of June 15, 2011. Photometric data are used to retrieve the value of aerosol extinction coefficient in the troposphere above the Earth’s limb in various spectral bands in the optical and near-IR ranges. The results are analyzed in comparison with the data of previous eclipses in 2004–2008. The main result consists in an increased aerosol concentration in the South-East Asia, which is maximum among all eclipses observed in recent years. At the same time, no relationship between eclipse brightness and solar activity is observed, as well as unified latitude dependency of umbra brightness noticed earlier.  相似文献   

Zetzer  J. I.  Kozlov  S. I.  Rybakov  V. A.  Ponomarenko  A. V.  Smirnova  N. V.  Romanovsky  Yu. A.  Meng  C.-I.  Erlandson  R.  Stoyanov  B. 《Cosmic Research》2002,40(3):233-240
The measurements of infrared emission from an artificial structure, which was generated during the Fluxus experiment with plasma jet injection into the atmosphere, are obtained and discussed for the first time. Additional experimental data on the airglow in the visible spectral band of the disturbed region of the atmosphere are presented. A generalized analysis of the data is given.  相似文献   

基于地外天体起飞的真空羽流导引技术研究方案评述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着载人航天、深空探测的发展,探测器的地外天体发射起飞越来越多。发动机喷射的羽流所诱发的冲击振动以及反溅气流对上升级的气动力干扰,均对探测器的起飞稳定性造成不利的影响,同时也对探测器产生一定的热冲击效应。文章结合真空羽流场的流动特点和目前的研究现状,提出了基于地外天体起飞的真空羽流导引技术的研究思路、研究方法和研究路线;针对羽流导引方案,采用数值仿真和地面模拟试验相结合的方法进行了评价分析,确定了最优方案。真空羽流导引技术研究方案在某型号项目中的实施取得了良好的效果,证明了本研究思路的正确性。  相似文献   

随着人类活动的加剧与地球本身发展周期的影响,人类面临着愈来愈大的挑战。地球系统的全球化与对地观测技术的进步等推动了地球系统科学的产生和发展。为深刻认识全球变化,制订正确的政策,多个国家建立了对地观测系统。阐述了地球系统科学的主要内容,并以美国EOS和欧盟GMES为例,论述了对地观测计划及其发展趋势。  相似文献   

基于地球的椭球特性,讨论了对扫描式红外地球敏感器的测量值进行修正的问题。利用地球椭球的小扁率特性,给出了相应的一阶修正算法。与现有文献中的方法相比,给出的算法计算简单,具有较高的精度,仿真结果表明,对于中、低轨道而言该算法的精度优于0.01°  相似文献   

A major difficulty that has long hindered studies of organic-walled Precambrian microbes in petrographic thin sections is the accurate documentation of their three-dimensional morphology. To address this need, we here demonstrate the use of confocal laser scanning microscopy. This technique, both non-intrusive and non-destructive, can provide data by which to objectively characterize, in situ and at submicron-scale resolution, the cellular and organismal morphology of permineralized (petrified) microorganisms. Application of this technique can provide information in three dimensions about the morphology, taphonomy, and fidelity of preservation of such fossils at a spatial resolution unavailable by any other means.  相似文献   

Haas JR 《Astrobiology》2010,10(9):953-963
The modern search for life-bearing exoplanets emphasizes the potential detection of O(2) and O(3) absorption spectra in exoplanetary atmospheres as ideal signatures of biology. However, oxygenic photosynthesis may not arise ubiquitously in exoplanetary biospheres. Alternative evolutionary paths may yield planetary atmospheres tinted with the waste products of other dominant metabolisms, including potentially exotic biochemistries. This paper defines chlorinic photosynthesis (CPS) as biologically mediated photolytic oxidation of aqueous Cl(-) to form halocarbon or dihalogen products, coupled with CO(2) assimilation. This hypothetical metabolism appears to be feasible energetically, physically, and geochemically, and could potentially develop under conditions that approximate the terrestrial Archean. It is hypothesized that an exoplanetary biosphere in which chlorinic photosynthesis dominates primary production would tend to evolve a strongly oxidizing, halogen-enriched atmosphere over geologic time. It is recommended that astronomical observations of exoplanetary outgoing thermal emission spectra consider signs of halogenated chemical species as likely indicators of the presence of a chlorinic biosphere. Planets that favor the evolution of CPS would probably receive equivalent or greater surface UV flux than is produced by the Sun, which would promote stronger abiotic UV photolysis of aqueous halides than occurred during Earth's Archean era and impose stronger evolutionary selection pressures on endemic life to accommodate and utilize halogenated compounds. Ocean-bearing planets of stars with metallicities equivalent to, or greater than, the Sun should especially favor the evolution of chlorinic biospheres because of the higher relative seawater abundances of Cl, Br, and I such planets would tend to host. Directed searches for chlorinic biospheres should probably focus on G0-G2, F, and A spectral class stars that have bulk metallicities of +0.0 Dex or greater.  相似文献   

To date, NASA's “Near Earth Object Program” has discovered over 5500 comets and asteroids on trajectories that bring them within “the neighborhood” of Earth's orbit. Nearly 1000 of these objects are classified as “potentially hazardous,” passing within 0.05 astronomical units of Earth's orbit. Discovery rates of such threatening bodies increase each year. Given this multitude of threats, in addition to evidence that the planet has absorbed many impacts over its history, it is reasonable to assume that another object will strike the Earth at some point in the future. Consequently, researchers have studied and proposed several mitigation techniques for such an occurrence. This study seeks to determine how effectively the attachment of a tether and ballast mass would divert the trajectory of such threatening objects. Specifically, the study analyzes the effects over time of such a system on objects of varying orbital semimajor axis and eccentricity, using various tether lengths and ballast masses. It was determined that the technique is most effective for NEOs with high eccentricity and small semimajor axis, and that system performance increases as tether length and ballast mass increase.  相似文献   

文章研究了一比特谱相关算法(OBSCA),简化了相关运算环节,进一步研究了其数字实现方法,并设计了一种OBSCA高效并行实现方案,大大提高了谱相关函数的计算效率。  相似文献   

为避免传统惯性系自主定轨算法中的多次坐标转换,针对地固系分布式自主定轨算法原理及其中的关键技术开展研究。给出在地固系中进行自主星历生成的总体框图,推导了地固系自主定轨算法的基本方程,提出一种新的以地固系位置速度为状态量的状态转移矩阵解析计算方法并分析其计算量,证明了地固系自主定轨算法可以进一步降低定轨算法复杂度,且无需上注地球定向参数进行坐标转换。使用仿真数据和真实在轨测量数据的测试结果表明,提出的地固系分布式自主定轨算法与传统算法定轨精度相当,说明了所提算法的可行性,验证了星载自主定轨原型软件的有效性。  相似文献   

在搜集与分析大量国外有关重力场技术、模型和标准的基础上,从标准化角度介绍重力场模型发展过程和主要模型,重点介绍ECSS、NASA、美军有关重力场模型的情况,提出国内航天器重力场模型标准的制定应考虑的重点.  相似文献   

指出IGSO卫星轨道及姿态运动特点使得地敏探头会扫描经过两极区域,通过国外案例介绍说明分析工作的必要性。简要介绍摆动扫描式红外地球敏感器的复合视场及工作原理,重点分析地敏受两极地区红外辐射波动影响,说明地敏输出姿态角误差成因,建立基于STK软件的仿真工程,对地敏探头受扰情况进行仿真分析。提出解决地敏受两极红外辐射干扰问题的处理措施,利用仿真预报的受扰时段进行探头干扰保护,确保地敏输出姿态角正常。  相似文献   

Cryptoendolithic microbial communities and epilithic lichens have been considered as appropriate candidates for the scenario of lithopanspermia, which proposes a natural interplanetary exchange of organisms by means of rocks that have been impact ejected from their planet of origin. So far, the hardiness of these terrestrial organisms in the severe and hostile conditions of space has not been tested over extended periods of time. A first long-term (1.5 years) exposure experiment in space was performed with a variety of rock-colonizing eukaryotic organisms at the International Space Station on board the European EXPOSE-E facility. Organisms were selected that are especially adapted to cope with the environmental extremes of their natural habitats. It was found that some-but not all-of those most robust microbial communities from extremely hostile regions on Earth are also partially resistant to the even more hostile environment of outer space, including high vacuum, temperature fluctuation, the full spectrum of extraterrestrial solar electromagnetic radiation, and cosmic ionizing radiation. Although the reported experimental period of 1.5 years in space is not comparable with the time spans of thousands or millions of years believed to be required for lithopanspermia, our data provide first evidence of the differential hardiness of cryptoendolithic communities in space.  相似文献   

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