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A substantial quantity of wind data have been assembled from radar systems since CIRA-72 was formed: most of these radars include height ranging, and operate on a regular and even continuous basis. Systems include meteor and MF (medium frequency) Radars: an MST (mesosphere-stratosphere-troposphere) Radar (meteor mode); and an LF (low frequency) drift system. Latitudes represented are near 20° N/S, 35° N/S, 45° N/S, 50°N, 65° N/S. In all cases tidal oscillations were calculated so that corrected mean winds (zonal, meridional) are available - the meridional was not included in CIRA-72. Means for groups of years near 1980 are available, as well as individual recent years (1983, 1984) to allow assessment of secular trends: revised and improved analysis has been completed for several stations.Height-time cross-sections have been formed for each observatory: heights are typically ∼75–110 km, with time resolution of 7–30 days. Such detailed cross-sections were almost unknown before 1972. Comparisons with CIRA-72 are shown, and these emphasize the differences between hemispheres (NH, SH) in the radar winds. Other new winds from rockets and satellite radiances are contrasted with the radar set. There are important differences with the satellite-derived geostrophic winds (1973–78): possible explanations involve secular trends, longitudinal variations, and ageostrophy.  相似文献   

A Doppler radar at 3.17 MHz has been installed at Saura close to the Andøya Rocket Range as part of the ALOMAR observatory at Andenes, Norway in summer 2002 to improve the ground based capabilities for measurements of small scale features and turbulence in the mesosphere. The main feature of the new Saura MF radar is the transmitting/receiving antenna which is arranged as a Mills Cross of 29 crossed half-wave dipoles with a minimum beam width of about 7°. Each dipole is fed by its own transceiver, and the individual phase control of the 58 transceiver modules on transmission and reception provides high flexibility in beam forming and pointing as well as transmission switching between ordinary and extraordinary mode circular polarisation. In addition, beams with different widths at the same pointing angle can be formed. For multiple receiver applications (spaced antenna wind measurements, all-sky meteor detections) four independent receiving channels are available.  相似文献   

New meteor radar (MR) horizontal wind data obtained during 2015–2018 at Kazan (56°N, 49°E) are presented. The measurements were carried out with a state-of-the-art SKiYMET meteor radar. Monthly mean vertical profiles of zonal and meridional components of the prevailing wind speeds, also amplitudes and phases of the components of diurnal (DT) and semidiurnal tide (SDT) winds are displayed as contour plots for a mean calendar year over the four recent years and compared with distributions of these parameters provided by the previous multiyear (1986–2002) meteor radar (MR) measurements at Kazan and by the recent HWM07 empirical model. The analysis shows that the SKiYMET zonal and meridional prevailing wind speeds are generally in good agreement, sharing the same seasonal features, with the earlier MR seasonal winds. Comparisons with the HWM07 model are not favourable: eastward solstitial cells as modelled are significantly larger, >30?m/s compared to 15–20?m/s. Also, reversal lines are too variable with height, and the positions of modelled cells (positive and negative) are unlike those of either MRs at Kazan or other MLT radars. Both MR systems provide the large SDT amplitudes, approximately 30?m/s and vertical wavelengths, approximately 55?km, for both components at middle latitudes in winter. They also show the well known strong SDT September feature (heights 85–100?km, the vertical wavelength ~55–60?km), and the weak summer SDT for 80–91?km. HWM07 shows unrealistic amplitudes and phases above 90?km by height and month: minimal amplitudes in equinoxes and no September feature.The weak DT of middle to high latitudes provide similar amplitude and phase structures from both MRs, 1986–2002 and 2015–2017: largest amplitudes (10–12 or 8–10?m/s) for the evanescent meridional tide in summer, peaking in late July; weakest (0–2, 2–4?m/s) at 80 to 92–96?km, when the tide is vertically propagating (January, February, November, December) with a vertical wavelength near 40?km. Again, HWM07 differs in amplitude and phase structures: showing peak amplitudes in equinoxes: April, 15?m/s at 88?km; October, 21?m/s at 89?km.Coupling of the MR wind parameters with the ERA5 wind parameters is studied for a case in 2016. It is shown that the prevailing winds and DT amplitudes and phases of both datasets can be simply linked together, but that the ERA5 SDT amplitudes are significantly underestimated at the top model levels of the ERA5 reanalysis project.  相似文献   

A new meteor radar system was installed at the Amundsen–Scott station South Pole in 2001 to further the understanding of the dynamics of the Antarctic region. The antenna array consists of four yagis pointed along the 0°, 90°, 180°, and 270° meridians and five folded crossed dipoles arranged in a cross configuration and operating as an interferometer to provide position measurements for the detected radio meteors. The four yagis are time division multiplexed and used for both transmitting and receiving while the five folded crossed dipoles are only used for reception. The current arrangement of data acquisition (DAQ) systems at the South Pole allows the collection of meteors in a configuration similar to the previous meteor radar system that operated at the South Pole in the mid 1990s while also using an interferometer to accurately determine the meteor positions in the sky, which enables the determination of the vertical structure of the observed waves. This has been accomplished through the use of two DAQ and post-processing systems: COBRA (Colorado Obninsk radar) connected to the yagis and MEDAC (meteor echo detection and collection) connected to the folded crossed dipoles. With two separate DAQ systems operating in parallel we have the ability to directly compare the results and understand the inherent variability in the derived scientific results based on different system architectures and processing assumptions. The impact of operating a system without an interferometer on the amplitudes and phases of the observed wave components is considered. We find that the lack of altitude resolution of the COBRA DAQ system leads to an underestimation of the amplitude of the s = 1 component of the semidiurnal tide of ∼20% during the summer months.  相似文献   

中频雷达用来开展夜间100km高度以上的流星观测,获得流星随时间、高度、方位的分布情况及流星体速度、流星辐射点、流星余迹径向速度等参数,其探测数据可用于流星天文学、中层大气动力学等领域的研究.利用2017年11月16日12:00UT-22:00UT期间廊坊观测站(39.4°N,116.7°E)的中频雷达数据,首次开展了中国中纬度地区夜间流星观测实验,共检测到94个流星回波信号,集中分布在97~115km高度范围内,平均高度为106.5km,计算得到了流星回波的双极扩散系数、方位分布等相关参数,并与国外中频雷达流星探测结果进行了初步比较.   相似文献   

We have estimated temperatures from meteor radar measurements using the gradient method and the full width at half maximum method over Kazan (56°N 49°E) and Collm (51°N, 13°E). The time series cover the period 2016–2019. The temperature gradient model is constructed from SABER temperature observations. We demonstrate that annual mean, amplitudes and phases of the annual and semiannual oscillations of the radar temperatures are close to those of the MLS and SABER temperatures. The annual mean temperatures over Kazan and Collm differ non-significantly. The seasonal variability of the radar temperature is mostly due to the annual cycle which tends to grow with latitude. The gradient method produces temperatures which agree with the SABER temperatures better than with the MLS ones. The harmonics of the annual oscillations from periods of 73 days up to periods of about 40 days are the most significant day-to-day temperature oscillations and have zonal wavenumber zero. Their periods and phases are in good correspondence with those of the MLS and SABER ones. We also show some results which demonstrate that at 56°N the FWHM method is not as robust as the gradient method.  相似文献   

We present results of wind measurements near the mesopause carried out with meteor radars (MRs) at Collm (51°N, 13°E), Obninsk (55°N, 37°E), Kazan (56°N, 49°E), Angarsk (52°N, 104°E) and Anadyr (65°N, 178°E) from October 1, 2017 till March 31, 2018. The Collm and Kazan MRs are SKiYMET radars with vertical transmission and radio echo height finding, while the other radars operate with horizontal transmission and without height finding. We paid particular attention to the meridional wind variability with periods of 4–6 days and 9–11 days. The waves with these periods are seen as spots of the wave activity in the wavelet spectra and include oscillations with different periods and different discrete zonal wavenumbers. These wave packets successively propagate as a group of waves from one site to another one in such a way that they are observed at one site and almost disappear at the previous one. The 4–6 wave group includes planetary-scale oscillations (individual spectral components) which have eastward phase velocities and mostly zonal wavenumbers 2 and 3, and the vertical wavelength exceeds 70 km at middle latitudes. The source of the oscillations is the polar jet instability. The wave group itself propagates westward, and the amplitudes of wind oscillations are approximately 5–6 m/s as obtained from the wind data averaged over the meteor zone. The 9–11 day wave set propagates westward as a group and mainly consists of spectral components which have westward phase velocity and zonal wavenumber 1. Amplitudes of these wind perturbations strongly vary from station to station and can reach, approximately, 8 m/s. The vertical wavenumber is 0.014 km−1 as taken from the Kazan and 0.05 km−1 according to the Collm data. We obtained a global view on the waves by using the AURA MLS geopotential data. We found a good correspondence between wave features obtained from the MR wind measurements and the MLS data. To our knowledge, such a wave propagation of planetary wave in the mesosphere/lower thermosphere (MLT) region has so far not obtained much attention.  相似文献   

Using the D1 method in the LF range, monthly mean zonal and meridional winds in the mesosphere/lower thermosphere height range are measured continuously at Collm, Germany. The wind data are accompanied by reference height measurements since 1983, allowing the construction of an empirical long-term climatology of mean winds and tidal amplitudes and phases at 52N, 15E, which covers the height range of 80–110 km in winter, and about 83–107 km in summer. The climatology includes the time interval from 1983 to date, thus covering nearly two solar cycles. Vertical wind parameter profiles can also be constructed for individual years, so that from the time series interannual variability and long-term trends can be deduced. Here, we present the results for 2003 in comparison with the climatological means.  相似文献   

We have used the technique suggested by Hocking [Hocking, W. A new approach to momentum flux determinations using SKiYMET meteor radars. Ann. Geophys. 23, 2005.] to derive short period wind variances in the 80–100 km region from meteor radar data. We find that these fluctuating winds, assumed to correspond to gravity waves and turbulence, are closely correlated with the vertical shear of the horizontal tidal winds. This close correlation suggests that in situ wind shear may be a major source of gravity waves and turbulence in the MLT. If this is the case, gravity waves generated in the troposphere and propagating up to the MLT region, generally assumed to constitute an important influence on the climatology of the region, may be a less important source of energy and momentum in the 80–100 km region than has been hitherto believed.  相似文献   

In this paper, we use canonical correlation analysis (CCA) method to investigate the semi-diurnal tidal winds in mesosphere and low thermosphere (MLT) region, observed by a newly installed meteor radar at Wuhan (30.6°N, 114.4°E), during the year 2002. In general, 4(3) effective semi-diurnal tidal pairs of patterns are obtained, which represent ∼2/3 total variances of the origin data set. These patterns are expected to be corresponding to the atmospheric oscillations within the semi-diurnal frequency band excited or modulated by different sources, i.e., the seasonal variations, the modulations by the planetary wave oscillations or the solar 27-day activity. Among all the patterns, the 1st pattern, which represents ∼1/3 of total variances, is the most notable. Its amplitudes show maximum values in spring and autumn, and the vertical wavelengths are longer in summer and shorter in winter, which is in line with the results obtained from traditional harmonic analysis. The vertical wavelengths of the higher order patterns (∼50 km) suggest the classic semi-tidal mode S(2, 4)/S(2, 5) is dominant.  相似文献   

This paper presents the meteor observations obtained using two radars installed at Davis (68.6°S, 78.0°E), Antarctica. The Davis MST radar was installed primarily for observation of polar mesosphere summer echoes, with additional transmit and receive antennas installed to allow all-sky interferometric meteor radar observations. The Davis meteor radar performs dedicated all-sky interferometric meteor radar observations. The annual count rate variation for both radars peaks in mid-summer and minimizes in early Spring. The height distribution shows significant annual variation, with minimum (maximum) peak heights and maximum (minimum) height widths in early Spring (mid-summer). Although the meteor radar count rate and height distribution variations are consistent with a similar frequency meteor radar operating at Andenes (69.3°N), the peak heights show a much larger variation than at Andenes, while the count rate maximum-to-minimum ratios show a much smaller variation. Investigation of the effects of the temporal sampling parameters suggests that these differences are consistent with the different temporal sampling strategies used by the Davis and Andenes meteor radars. The new radiant mapping procedure of [Jones, J., Jones, W., Meteor radiant activity mapping using single-station radar observations, Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 367(3), 1050–1056, doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2966.2006.10025.x, 2006] is investigated. The technique is used to detect the Southern delta-Aquarid meteor shower, and a previously unknown weak shower. Meteoroid speeds obtained using the Fresnel transform are presented. The diurnal, annual, and height variation of meteoroid speeds are presented, with the results found to be consistent with those obtained using specular meteor radars. Meteoroid speed estimates for echoes identified as Southern delta-Aquarid and Sextantid meteor candidates show good agreement with the theoretical pre-atmospheric speeds of these showers (41 km s−1 and 32 km s−1, respectively). The meteoroid speeds estimated for these showers show decreasing speed with decreasing height, consistent with the effects of meteoroid deceleration. Finally, we illustrate how the new radiant mapping and meteoroid speed techniques can be combined for unambiguous meteor shower detection, and use these techniques to detect a previously unknown weak shower.  相似文献   

During the last decade a large number of radars (~12) have been developed, which have produced substantial quantities of tidally-corrected mean winds data. The distribution of the radars is not global, but many areas are well covered: the Americas with Poker Flat (65°N), Saskatoon (52°N), Durham (43°N), Atlanta (34°N), Puerto Rico (18°N); Europe with Kiruna (68°), Garchy (47°N) and Monpazier (44°N); and Oceania with Christchurch (44°S), Adelaide (35°S), Townsville (20°S), and Kyoto (35°N). Zonal and meridional wind height-time cross-sections from 6080 km (MF/Meteor Radar) to ~110 km have been prepared for the last 5–6 years. They are compared with cross-sections from CIRA-72 for zonal winds, and Groves (1969) for meridional winds.It is shown that while CIRA-72 is still a useful model for many purposes, significant differences exist between it and the new radar data. The latter demonstrate important seasonal, latitudinal, longitudinal and hemispheric variations. The new meridional cross-sections are of great value. The common features with Groves (1969) are the equatorward cells in summer near 85 km; however their strength (~10 ms?1) and size are less. Systematic and somewhat different variations emerge at higher (?52°N) and middle (35–44°) latitudes.  相似文献   

Every day billions of meteoroids impact and disintegrate in the Earth’s atmosphere. Current estimates for this global meteor flux vary from 2000 to 200,000 tons per year, and estimates for the average velocity range between 10 km/s and 70 km/s. The basic properties of this global meteor flux, such as the average mass, velocity, and chemical composition remain poorly constrained. We believe much of the mystery surrounding the basic parameters of the interplanetary meteor flux exists for the following reason, the unknown sampling characteristics of different radar meteor observation techniques, which are used to derive or constrain most models. We believe this arises due to poorly understood radio scattering characteristics of the meteor plasma, especially in light of recent work showing that plasma turbulence and instability greatly influences meteor trail properties at every stage of evolution. We present our results on meteor plasmas simulations of head echoes using particle in cell (PIC) ions, which show that electric fields strongly influence early stage meteor plasma evolution, by accelerating ions away from the meteoroid body. We also present the results of finite difference time domain electromagnetic simulations (FDTD), which can calculate the radar cross section of the simulated meteor plasmas. These simulations have shown that the radar cross section depends in a complex manner on a number of parameters. These include the angle between radar and meteor entry, a large dependence on radar frequency, which shows that for a given meteor plasma size and density, the reflectivity as a function of probing radar frequency varies, but typically peaks below 100 MHz.  相似文献   

Temperature observations at 20–90 km height and 5°N–15°N during the period of December 1992–March 1993 from the WINDII and MLS experiments on the UARS satellite are analysed together with MF radar winds and UKMO assimilated fields of temperature and zonal and meridional winds. The correlation between the different datasets at the tropics and zonal mean wind data at mid latitudes is examined for period February–March 1993, when series of stratospheric warming events were observed at middle and high latitudes. Wavelet analysis is applied to investigate coupling between stationary and travelling planetary waves in the stratosphere and the upper mesosphere. Planetary waves m = 1 with periods of 4–7 days, 8–12 days and 13–18 days are found to dominate the period. Westward 7- and 16–18 day waves at the tropics appear enhanced by stationary planetary waves during sudden stratospheric warming events.  相似文献   

The development of the new CIRA will require the combination of winds from many sources, e.g. rockets (ROCOB) up to ~60 km, and radar winds ~60–110 km. Difficulties are that such rocket data have larger errors at 60–65 km, and tidal effects may become significant. Radar data for 60–80 km may also have tidal contamination, due to ? 16h of data per day: from 80–110 km tidal corrections are usually reliable.Comparisons are made between the unique Saskatoon MF radar set, which is continuous from mid 1978–1983, and the ROCOB data from Primrose Lake, which is only 340 km northwest. While the agreement is satisfactory, special care is required when matching the two regions: particular problems are the low rocket sampling rate, and the unexpectedly large amplitude of the diurnal tide. Important differences from the zonal winds of CIRA-72 emerge, especially in winter months. Meridional cross-sections differ from previous data models in the extent of the summer equatorward flow.  相似文献   

Winds from a meteor radar at Wuhan (30.6°N, 114.5°E) and a MF radar at Adelaide (35°S, 138°E) are used to study the 16-day waves in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere (MLT). The height range is 78–98 km at Wuhan and 70–98 km at Adelaide. By comparison, it is found that the zonal components at both sites are generally larger than the meridional ones, and eastward motion of the zonal background winds is favorable for the 16-day waves penetration to the MLT region. The zonal maximum amplitude appears in the autumn (September–October) around 86–98 km at Wuhan and in the winter months and early spring (July–October) around 72–82 km at Adelaide. Differences are found in wave amplitudes and time of appearance between the two years of 2002 and 2003. In 2003, the intensity of the wave amplitudes is relatively smaller than that for 2002 at both sites. The summer 16-day waves are comparatively weaker at Adelaide in both years, but stronger in 2002 at Wuhan near the mesopause and the lower thermosphere (86–98 km). The strong summer waves at Wuhan may come from the winter southern hemisphere.  相似文献   

The Indian MST radar facility at Gadanki (13.5°N, 79.2°E) has been utilised to study the propagation of gravity waves from the troposphere/lower stratosphere to the mesosphere and their interaction with the radar backscattered signal variations. The main objective is to correlate vertically propagating gravity waves derived from the tropospheric velocity fields with the dynamics of mesospheric scattering centres. The tropospheric wind velocities and signal strengths over the entire height range have been subjected to power spectral and wavelet analysis to determine the predominant wave periods/amplitudes and the coupling between the lower atmosphere and mesosphere. Results show that (a) the gravity waves are clearly detectable near tropopause heights, (b) while relatively higher period gravity waves (20–50 min) interact with mesospheric scattering centres, the lower period waves (<20 min) are absorbed in the troposphere itself, (c) the mesospheric scattering layers are affected by gravity waves of complementary periods.  相似文献   

Scale height, H, estimates are calculated from the decrease/increase of ionospheric virtual reflection heights of low-frequency (LF) radio waves at oblique incidence in suitably defined morning intervals around sunrise during winter months. The day-to-day variations of H qualitatively agree with daily mean temperature variations around 90 km from meteor radar measurements. Since mesospheric long-period temperature variations are generally accepted to be the signature of atmospheric planetary waves, this shows that LF reflection height measurements can be used for monitoring the dynamics of the upper middle atmosphere. The long-term variations of monthly mean H estimates have also been analysed. There is no significant trend, which is in agreement with other measurements of mesopause region temperature trends.  相似文献   

The mid-latitude mesosphere and lower thermosphere (MLT) wind speeds measured by two SKiYMET meteor radars (MRs) at Collm (51°N, 13°E) and Kazan (56°N, 49°E) during 2016–2017 were analyzed to study longitudinal wind structures. The differences between monthly mean prevailing wind speeds and tidal amplitudes were compared with the corresponding differences obtained from TIMED/TIDI satellite winds and gradient wind speeds from the AURA/MLS instrument. It is shown that the MR wind difference between the two sites is statistically significant. The difference of the horizontal prevailing winds can be explained by a superposition of the background zonal flow, which is different at the two latitudes, with stationary planetary waves of different origin. Non-migrating tides contribute significantly to the difference of the semidiurnal tidal winds between the two sites.  相似文献   

The occurrence of ionospheric scintillations with S4 ? 0.2 was studied using GPS measurements at Guilin, China (25.29°N, 110.33°E; geomagnetic: 15.04°N, 181.98°E), a station located near the northern crest of the equatorial anomaly. The results are presented for data collected from January 2009 to March 2010. The results show that nighttime amplitude scintillations only took place in February and March of the considered years, while daytime amplitude scintillations occurred in August and December of 2009. Nighttime amplitude scintillations, observed in the south of Guilin, always occurred with phase scintillations, TEC (Total Electron Content) depletions, and ROT (Rate Of change of TEC) fluctuations. However, TEC depletions and ROT fluctuations were weak during daytime amplitude scintillations, and daytime amplitude scintillations always took place simultaneously for most of the GPS satellites which appeared over Guilin in different azimuth directions. Ground-based GPS scintillation/TEC observations recorded at Guilin and signal-to-noise-ratio (SNR) measurements obtained from GPS-COSMIC radio occultation indicate that nighttime and daytime scintillations are very likely caused by ionospheric F region irregularities and sporadic E, respectively. Moreover, strong daytime amplitude scintillations may be associated with the plasma density enhancements in ionospheric E region caused by the Perseid and Geminid meteor shower activities.  相似文献   

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