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The chlorophyll concentration of a water body is an important proxy for representing the phytoplankton biomass. Its estimation from multi or hyper-spectral remote sensing data in natural waters is generally achieved by using (i) the waveband ratioing in two or more bands in the blue-green or (ii) by using a combination of the radiance peak position and magnitude in the red-near-infrared (NIR) spectrum. The blue-green ratio algorithms have been extensively used with satellite ocean color data to investigate chlorophyll distributions in open ocean and clear waters and the application of red-NIR algorithms is often restricted to turbid productive water bodies. These issues present the greatest obstacles to our ability to formulate a modern robust method suitable for quantitative assessments of the chlorophyll concentration in a diverse range of water types. The present study is focused to investigate the normalized water-leaving radiance spectra in the visible and NIR region and propose a robust algorithm (Generalized ABI, GABI algorithm) for chlorophyll concentration retrieval based on Algal Bloom index (ABI) which separates phytoplankton signals from other constituents in the water column. The GABI algorithm is validated using independent in-situ data from various regional to global waters and its performance is further evaluated by comparison with the blue-green waveband ratios and red-NIR algorithms. The results revealed that GABI yields significantly more accurate chlorophyll concentrations (with uncertainties less than 13.5%) and remains more stable in different waters types when compared with the blue-green waveband ratios and red-NIR algorithms. The performance of GABI is further demonstrated using HICO images from nearshore turbid productive waters and MERIS and MODIS-Aqua images from coastal and offshore waters of the Arabian Sea, Bay of Bengal and East China Sea.  相似文献   

In this work a methodology for inferring water cloud macro and microphysical properties from nighttime MODIS imagery is developed. This method is based on the inversion of a theoretical radiative transfer model that simulates the radiances detected in each of the sensor infrared bands. To accomplish this inversion, an operational technique based on Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) is proposed, whose main characteristic is the ability to retrieve cloud properties much faster than conventional methods. Furthermore, a detailed study of input data is performed to avoid different sources of errors that appear in several MODIS infrared channels. Finally, results of applying the proposed method are compared with in-situ measurements carried out during the DYCOMS-II field experiment.  相似文献   

Monitoring of spatial and temporal distribution of chlorophyll (Chl-a) concentrations in the aquatic milieu is always challenging and often interesting. However, the recent advancements in satellite digital data play a significant role in providing outstanding results for the marine environmental investigations. The present paper is aimed to review ‘remote sensing research in Chinese seas’ within the period of 24 years from 1978 to 2002. Owing to generalized distributional pattern, the Chl-a concentrations are recognized high towards northern Chinese seas than the southern. Moreover, the coastal waters, estuaries, and upwelling zones always exhibit relatively high Chl-a concentrations compared with offshore waters. On the basis of marine Chl-a estimates obtained from satellite and other field measured environmental parameters, we have further discussed on the applications of satellite remote sensing in the fields of harmful algal blooms (HABs), primary production and physical oceanographic currents of the regional seas. Concerned with studies of HABs, satellite remote sensing proved more advantageous than any other conventional methods for large-scale applications. Probably, it may be the only source of authentic information responsible for the evaluation of new research methodologies to detect HABs. At present, studies using remote sensing methods are mostly confined to observe algal bloom occurrences, hence, it is essential to coordinate the mechanism of marine ecological and oceanographic dynamic processes of HABs using satellite remote sensing data with in situ measurements of marine environmental parameters. The satellite remote sensing on marine environment and HABs is believed to have a great improvement with popular application of technology.  相似文献   

A review of global satellite-derived snow products   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Snow cover over the Northern Hemisphere plays a crucial role in the Earth’s hydrology and surface energy balance, and modulates feedbacks that control variations of global climate. While many of these variations are associated with exchanges of energy and mass between the land surface and the atmosphere, other expected changes are likely to propagate downstream and affect oceanic processes in coastal zones. For example, a large component of the freshwater flux into the Arctic Ocean comes from snow melt. The timing and magnitude of this flux affects biological and thermodynamic processes in the Arctic Ocean, and potentially across the globe through their impact on North Atlantic Deep Water formation.  相似文献   

Information about the amount and spatial structure of atmospheric water vapor is essential in understanding meteorology and the Earth environment. Space-borne remote sensing offers a relatively inexpensive method to estimate atmospheric water vapor in the form of integrated water vapor (IWV). The research activity reported in the present paper is based on the data acquired by the HRPT/MODIS (High Resolution Picture Transmission, MODerate resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) receiving station established in Budapest (Hungary) by the Space Research Group of the Eötvös Loránd University. Integrated water vapor is estimated by the remotely sensed data of the MODIS instrument with different methods and also by the operational numerical weather prediction model of the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF). Radiosonde data are used to evaluate the accuracy of the different IWV fields though it has been pointed out that the in situ data also suffers from uncertainties. It was found that both the MODIS and the ECMWF based fields are of good accuracy. The satellite data represent finer scale spatial structures while the ECMWF data have a relatively poor spatial resolution. The high quality IWV fields have proved to be useful for radiative transfer studies such as the atmospheric correction of other satellite data from times different than the overpass times of satellites Terra/Aqua and the forecast times of the model data. For this purpose the temporal variability of IWV is scrutinized both using ECMWF and MODIS data. Taking advantage of Terra and Aqua overpasses, the mean rate of change of IWV estimated by the near infrared method was found to be 0.47 ± 0.45 kg m−2 h−1, while it was 0.13 ± 0.65 kg m−2 h−1 based on the infrared method. The numerical weather prediction model’s analysis data estimated −0.01 ± 0.13 kg m−2 h−1 for the mean growth rate, while using forecast data it was 0.24 ± 0.18 kg m−2 h−1. MODIS data should be used when available for the estimation of the IWV in other studies. If no satellite data are available, or available data are only from one overpass, ECMWF based IWV can be used. In this case the analysis fields (or the satellite field) should be used for temporal extrapolation but the rate of change should be calculated from the forecast data due to its higher temporal resolution.  相似文献   

Object-based rice mapping using time-series and phenological data   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Remote sensing techniques are often used in mapping rice, but high quality time-series remote sensing data are difficult to obtain due to the cloudy weather of rice growing areas and long satellite revisit interval. As such, rice mapping is usually based on mono-temporal Landsat TM/ETM+ data, which have large uncertainties due to the spectral similarity of different vegetation types. Moreover, conventional pixel-based classification method is unable to meet the required accuracy for rice mapping. Therefore, this study proposes a new strategy for mapping rice in cloud-prone areas using fused data of Landsat-8 OLI time-series and phenological parameters, based on the object-based method. We determine the critical growth stages of paddy rice from observed phenological data and MODIS-NDVI time-series data. The spatial and temporal adaptive reflectance fusion model (STARFM) is used to blend the MODIS and Landsat data to obtain a multi-temporal Landsat-like dataset for classification. Finally, an object-oriented algorithm is used to extract rice paddies from the Landsat-like, time-series dataset. The validation experiments show that the proposed method can provide high accuracy rice mapping, with an overall accuracy of 92.38% and a kappa coefficient of 0.85.  相似文献   

Research has been conducted in Semarang, Indonesia, to assess coastal vulnerability under enhanced land subsidence using multi-sensor satellite data, including the Advanced Land Observing Satellite (ALOS) Phased Array type L-band SAR (PALSAR), Landsat TM, IKONOS, and TOPEX/Poseidon. A coastal vulnerability index (CVI) was constructed to estimate the level of vulnerability of a coastline approximately 48.68?km in length using seven physical variables, namely, land subsidence, relative sea level change, coastal geomorphology, coastal slope, shoreline change, mean tidal range, and significant wave height. A comparison was also performed between a CVI calculated using seven parameters and a CVI using six parameters, the latter of which excludes the land subsidence parameter, to determine the effects of land subsidence during the coastal vulnerability assessment. This study showed that the accuracy of coastal vulnerability was increased 40% by adding the land subsidence factor (i.e., CVI 6 parameters?=?53%, CVI 7 parameters?=?93%). Moreover, Kappa coefficient indicated very good agreement (0.90) for CVI 7 parameters and fair agreement (0.3) for CVI 6 parameters. The results indicate that the area of very high vulnerability increased by 7% when land subsidence was added. Hence, using the CVI calculation including land subsidence parameters, the very high vulnerability area is determined to be 20% of the total coastline or 9.7?km of the total 48.7?km of coastline. This study proved that land subsidence has significant influence on coastal vulnerability in Semarang.  相似文献   

The algorithms being implemented in EUMETSAT’s IASI Level 2 Product Processing Facility are validated with real case situations using AIRS data and comparing the retrieved atmospheric states with ECMWF analyses. The tests have been performed for clear-sky ocean scenes during daytime.

The Empirical Orthogonal Function (EOF) retrievals show very good performance, with retrieved atmospheric states standard deviations between 1 and 2 K in temperature and 10% and 20% in relative humidity when compared with ECMWF analysis in the troposphere. The EOF retrievals show relatively smooth profiles.

Results from an iterative retrieval show a standard deviation between 2 and 3 K in temperature and 10% and 30% in relative humidity when compared with ECMWF analyses in the troposphere. They tend to show meteorologically reasonable discontinuities in both temperature and relative humidity. This seems to be the reason why they do not compare as well with ECMWF analyses as the EOF retrievals do. Whether they are closer to reality or not will have to be tested with co-located radiosondes or similar more accurate data, which generally do not exhibit such smooth vertical profiles as ECMWF analyses do.  相似文献   

The Sumatra tsunami on 26 December, 2004 in the Indian Ocean was generated by one of the largest earthquakes of the past 100 years. The present study investigated spatial and temporal changes of suspended sediment concentration (SSC) in North-East Indian Ocean (NEIO) after the Sumatra tsunami used satellite remote sensing data. The nLw551 products of MODIS-aqua data (using as indexing SSC) were analyzed for 5 years (2002–2006). Result shows SSC notably increased (55.6–200%) in large river estuaries along coast of the Bay of Bengal (BOB) in a short time (4 weeks) after the tsunami, especially the northwest coast of Indonesia, southeast coast of Myanmar, as well as the north offshore of BOB. Those increases were mainly caused by the re-suspension function induced by the initial surge of the tsunami. Monthly analysis indicates increases (4.26%) of SSC of the entire North-East Indian Ocean area in 2005; especially in November 2005 when increase of SSC increased by about 6.19% compared with other years; those may mainly be caused by the destruction of coastal vegetation and modifying of estuaries or wetlands by the 2004 tsunami. The increases of SSC have different mechanism in different region and period after the tsunami.  相似文献   

Land surface temperature (LST) as an important environmental variable provides valuable information for earth environmental system modelling. Currently, LST is obtained through satellite thermal sensors at various spatial and temporal resolutions. Although spatially continuous satellite-based LST measurements are intended to overcome the shortcomings of sparse ground-based LST measurements, LST images often contain anomalous values due to the existence of clouds or sensor malfunctioning. The problem becomes more serious where the users deal with high spatial resolution characterized by low temporal resolution. This study examines the capability of a newly developed graph signal processing (GSP) method using two-dimensional single-date thermal data. For this purpose, four Landsat/TIRS datasets are analyzed. The data of five elliptical regions on thermal images are eliminated and then reconstructed through the GSP method and using the LST values of the enclosing rectangles containing the ellipsoids. The results indicate that the temperature variation determined by the GSP method generally conforms to the original image LST values. According to a correlation test conducted on the original image LST and those obtained through the GSP method, the values vary from 58% to 95%, which is an above-the-average rate (RMSE from 0.69 to 2.27). The statistical analysis of the original image LST in both the elliptical regions and the enclosing rectangles containing the ellipsoids indicates that an increase in the variance of LST data causes an increased error in the calculation of temperature by the GSP method, and vice versa. The results of the analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Duncan test indicated that an increase in the number of the non-zero spectral bins would result in increased RMSE values for all the dates and the regions. Moreover, the model errors were significant at the 0.05 level across all the image date and five elliptical study regions. Based on the results, the use of this method is recommended for the reconstruction of LST missing values, where dissimilarity of atmospheric conditions limits the use of other methods that depend on the time series data of various dates and a great deal of data calculation.  相似文献   

Utilizing freely available MODIS NDVI and Natural color imageries of 250 m spatial resolution produced by NASA, an experiment was made to map land-cover and its change with an emphasis on vegetation cover in southeastern Sri Lanka, which plays a vital role for control of green house gas. For the change detection purpose, 1987 land cover map made by present authors from Landsat MSS image and extensive ground truth survey data was used as the base map. The result of the experiment shows that MODIS data are useful to make a land cover map of 250 m spatial resolution for tropical areas with high cloud coverage like Sri Lanka. It was found that the forest cover decrease amounted as large as 21% in 19 years time span in southeastern Sri Lanka, the prominent forest region of the country. On the other hand homestead/vegetation and mixed vegetation/scrub dominant categories increased by 13.7% and 7.1%, respectively. These changes are considered due to a large clearance of forest areas for agriculture and building houses to accommodate increasing inhabitants.  相似文献   

This research focuses on the application of HyMap airborne hyperspectral data and ASTER satellite multispectral data to mineral exploration and lithologic mapping in the Arctic regions of central East Greenland. The study area is the Kap Simpson complex in central East Greenland. The Kap Simpson complex is one of the largest exposed Palaeogene felsic complexes of East Greenland. It has been the target of several mineral exploration projects. The analysis of the HyMap data produced a detailed picture of the spatial distribution of the alteration minerals in the Kap Simpson complex, unavailable from field-based studies in the area. The analysis of the ASTER data produced mineral maps which due to the moderate spatial and spectral resolution of the ASTER imagery can be useful for reconnaissance level mineral exploration. Colour composites of the mean normalized ASTER thermal bands display lithological information and detected a large felsic igneous intrusion that has not been shown on the recently compiled geological maps of the area. The results of this research have considerable potential to evaluate the use of hyperspectral and multispectral remote sensing for geological purposes in the Arctic regions of central East Greenland.  相似文献   

Chlorophyll and suspended sediment concentrations (SSC) and sea surface temperature (SST) are important parameters in assessing the productivity of coastal regions. Numerous rivers flow into the eastern (Ganga, Subernarekha, Mahanadi, Godavari, Krishna, Penner, and Kaveri) and western (Narmada, Tapti, and Indus) coasts of the Indian sub-continent. Using IRS P4 (Oceansat-1) Ocean Color Monitor (OCM) and Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) data, we have retrieved chlorophyll, calcite, and SSC near the mouth of these rivers for the period during 2000–2004. The maxima of chlorophyll-a concentrations at the river mouth is much higher for the Himalayan and north India rivers (Ganga, Subernarekha, Mahanadi, and Indus) (10–14 mg/m3) compared to rivers in the southern parts of India (Kaveri and Penner) (∼4 mg/m3). The maxima of calcite concentration (∼45 moles/m3), chlorophyll (∼14 mg/m3), and sediment concentrations (∼9 g/m3) near river mouth are found to be influenced by river discharges (Ganga and Brahmaputra) during the monsoon season. The calcite concentration (∼45 moles/m3) at the mouth of Ganga river shows a major peak with the onset of monsoon season (June–July) followed by a maxima in chlorophyll-a with a time lag of 1–2 months. The Krishna, Kaveri, and Penner rivers show low chlorophyll concentrations (3–8 mg/m3), high calcite (0–40 moles/m3), and low SSC (<3 g/m3) compared to Narmada and Tapti rivers (chlorophyll-a 12–14 mg/m3, calcite 0–2 moles/m3, and SSC 13–19 g/m3). The Indus river shows similar behavior (maxima of chlorophyll ∼13 mg/m3 and SSC ∼8 g/m3) with respect to Ganga river except for high calcite concentration during winter months (∼25 moles/m3). The characteristics of the chlorophyll, calcite, and SSC at the mouth of these rivers show spatial and temporal variability along the eastern and westerns coasts of India which are found to differ widely. A comparison of the chlorophyll concentrations using OCM and MODIS data shows low chlorophyll concentrations in the Bay of Bengal as compared to the Arabian Sea.  相似文献   

Recent studies of the vegetation fluorescence show that it can be successfully used as an intrinsic indicator of plant photosynthetic activity. With respect to the vegetation spectral reflectance, the chlorophyll (Chl) fluorescence is more specific as an observable of basic biophysical processes in the plant cells. Laser induced fluorescence is widely used in near range remote sensing, but it is not suitable for the global monitoring of vegetation. Decades of active fluorometry studies have collected useful information of leaf reaction to natural and anthropogenic stress. Still the passive fluorescence, the one that could be registered from satellite orbit has still to prove its advantage over widely used reflectance signature. The weakness of the signal and the lack of experience with passive fluorescence measurements require extensive technical, theoretical and experimental studies. New imaging fluorometres are to be designed for measuring steady state fluorescence in controlled and natural conditions.

In order to compare reflectance and steady state fluorescence sensitivity to stress impact, a set of experiments have been conducted under controlled illumination conditions in a bio-chamber, designed by the author’s team. The equipment allows plant vitality to be monitored both by passive fluorescence and spectral reflectance imaging. Different types of stress factors (heat and drought stress, acid impact) were investigated to demonstrate equipments ability in monitoring changes of fluorescence signal. Selected fluorescence images of foliage illustrate an early detection of plant dysfunction and the temporal and spatial spreading of the stress impact. Analysis shows that fluorescence imaging of green plants can be developed as a highly effective early warning remote sensing method, which could have application for an ecosystems’ monitoring along with high-spectral reflectance imagery.  相似文献   

Sea-surface solar radiation (abbreviated as photosynthetically available radiation, PAR) in the visible wavelength (400–700 nm) is an essential parameter to estimate marine primary productivity and understanding phytoplankton dynamics, upper ocean physics and biogeochemical processes. Although many remote-sensing models were developed to estimate daily PAR (DPAR) from ocean colour data, these models often produce biases in the DPAR products under cloudy-sky and complex atmospheric conditions due to the lack of parameterization to deal with the cloud cover conditions and insufficient in-situ DPAR data. This study presents an Extended Sea-surface Solar Irradiance Model (ESSIM) for estimating DPAR over the global ocean. The ESSIM uses the direct and diffuse components from the Simple sea-surface Solar Irradiance Model (SSIM) along with a new parameter to handle cloudy conditions. The ESSIM produced DPAR products with greater accuracy under both clear and cloudy conditions. Its performance was tested on the time-series MODIS-Aqua images and compared with the concurrent in-situ data and the results from two global models. Results showed that the DPAR values produced by ESSIM agree with in-situ data better than the global models for all-sky conditions (with a mean relative error of 11.267 %; a root mean square error of 5.563 Em?2day?1; and a mean net bias of 2.917 Em?2day?1). The ESSIM performed slightly better than the SSIM for clear conditions and the Frouin's Operational Algorithm (FOA) for all-sky conditions. As the new parameterization accounts for cloudy conditions, the ESSIM produced more accurate results for cloud cover conditions across latitudes (up to 60°). The time-series Level-3 binned MODIS-Aqua data (global gridded) also demonstrated that the ESSIM improved the accuracy of DPAR products and produced spatially and temporally consistent DPAR products over the global ocean regardless of the seasons and sky conditions.  相似文献   

The scanning imaging absorption spectrometer for atmospheric chartography was launched successfully onboard ENVISAT on March 1, 2002. It observes the solar radiation transmitted and backscattered from the atmosphere and reflected from the ground in nadir, limb and occultation viewing modes. Chlorine dioxide (OClO), an important indicator for stratospheric chlorine activation, can be measured in the UV spectral range by differential optical absorption spectroscopy (DOAS).

First results of the DOAS retrieval of OClO slant column densities from the SCIAMACHY nadir measurements are presented and compared to measurements of the global ozone monitoring experiment (GOME), which has successfully measured OClO since 1995. While SCIAMACHY operates in the same orbit, it measures ≈30 min earlier than GOME and has an increased spatial resolution (30 × 60 km2 compared to 40 × 320 km2 for GOME).  相似文献   

Present study focuses on the estimation of rainfall over Indian land and oceanic regions from the Special Sensor Microwave/Imager (SSM/I) on the Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP) F-13. Based on the measurements at 19.35, 22.235 and 85.5 GHz channels of SSM/I Satellite, scattering index (SI) has been developed for the Indian land and oceanic regions separately. These scattering indices were co-located against rainfall from Precipitation Radar (PR) onboard Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) to develop a new regional relationship between the SI and the rain rate for the Indian land and oceanic regions. A non-linear fit between the rain rate and the SI is established for rain measurement. In order to have confidence in our method, we have also estimated rainfall using the global rainfall and scattering index relationship developed by Ferraro and Marks [Ferraro, R.R., Marks, G.F. The development of SSM/I rain rate retrieval algorithms using ground based radar measurements. J. Atmos. Ocean. Technol. 12, 755–770, 1995]. The validation with the rain-gauge shows that the present scheme is able to retrieve rainfall with better accuracy than that of Ferraro and Marks (1995). Further intercomparison with TRMM-2A12 and validation with rain-gauges rainfall showed that the present algorithm is able to retrieve the rainfall with reasonably good accuracy.  相似文献   

A statistical model is proposed for analysis of the texture of land cover types for global and regional land cover classification by using texture features extracted by multiresolution image analysis techniques. It consists of four novel indices representing second-order texture, which are calculated after wavelet decomposition of an image and after texture extraction by a new approach that makes use of a four-pixel texture unit. The model was applied to four satellite images of the Black Sea region, obtained by Terra/MODIS and Aqua/MODIS at different spatial resolution. In single texture classification experiments, we used 15 subimages (50 × 50 pixels) of the selected classes of land covers that are present in the satellite images studied. These subimages were subjected to one-level and two-level decompositions by using orthonormal spline and Gabor-like spline wavelets. The texture indices were calculated and used as feature vectors in the supervised classification system with neural networks. The testing of the model was based on the use of two kinds of widely accepted statistical texture quantities: five texture features determined by the co-occurrence matrix (angular second moment, contrast, correlation, inverse difference moment, entropy), and four statistical texture features determined after the wavelet transformation (mean, standard deviation, energy, entropy). The supervised neural network classification was performed and the discrimination ability of the proposed texture indices was found comparable with that for the sets of five GLCM texture features and four wavelet-based texture features. The results obtained from the neural network classifier showed that the proposed texture model yielded an accuracy of 92.86% on average after orthonormal wavelet decomposition and 100% after Gabor-like wavelet decomposition for texture classification of the examined land cover types on satellite images.  相似文献   

A robust method has been developed for estimating sediment settling velocity (ws) from high resolution optical remote sensing data in estuarine, coastal and harbor waters. This method estimates settling velocity as a function of the drag coefficient (Cd), Reynolds number (Re), grain size (D50), specific gravity (ΔSG) and grain shape (in terms of the Corey Shape Factor – CSF). These parameters were derived from the particulate inherent optical properties such as backscattering (bbp), beam attenuation (cp), suspended sediment concentration and turbidity using Landsat 8 OLI and HICO data. Preliminary results for the Gulf of Cambay in the eastern Arabian Sea and Yangtze river estuary in the East China Sea, showed that satellite-retrieved settling velocities (m?s?1) varied from very low values in clear oceanic waters, intermediate values in coastal waters, to very high values in river plumes and sediment-laden coastal waters. The remote sensing retrievals of sediment properties and their settling velocities were generally consistent with the field and laboratory results, which indicate that the proposed methodology will have important implications in various coastal engineering, environmental and management studies.  相似文献   

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