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The common methodologies used to predict the smooth sunspot number (SSN) at peak (Rmax) and the rise time (Tr) for a cycle are noted. The estimates based on geomagnetic precursors give the best prediction of Rmax for five SSN cycles (20–24). In particular, an empirical technique invoking three-cycle quasi-periodicity (TCQP) in Ap index has made accurate predictions of Rmax and Tr for two consecutive SSN cycles (23 and 24). The dynamo theories are unable to account for TCQP. If it endures in the 21st century the Sun shall enter a Dalton-like grand minimum. It was a period of global cooling. The current status of the ascending phase of cycle 24 is described and the delayed reversal of the solar polar field reversal in the southern hemisphere in September 2013 is noted.  相似文献   

The decay phase of the sunspot cycle 23 exhibited two unusual features. First, it lasted too long. Second, the interplanetary magnetic field intensity at earth orbit reached the lowest value since in situ measurements in space began in October 1963. These physical anomalies significantly altered the early forecasts for the sunspot activity parameters for cycle 24, made by several colleagues. We note that there was a significant change in the solar behavior during cycle 22. We discuss the observed trends and their effect on our empirical solar activity forecast technique, leading to our prediction for cycle 24 parameters; cycle 24 will be only half as active as cycle 23, reaching its peak in May 2013. We speculate on the possible implications of this outcome on future earth climate change and the ensuing socio-economic consequences.  相似文献   

The solar cycle variation and seasonal changes significantly affects the ionization process of earth’s ionosphere and required to be monitored in real time basis for regional level refinement of existing models. In view of this, the present study has been carried out by using the ionospheric Total Electron Content (TEC) data observed with the help of Global Ionospheric Scintillation and TEC monitoring (GISTM) system installed at Indian Antarctic Research Station, “Maitri” [70°46′00″S 11°43′56″E] during the ascending phase of 24th solar cycle. The daily values of solar extreme ultraviolet (EUV) flux (0.1–50?nm wavelength), 10.7?cm radio flux F10.7 and Sunspot number (SSN) has been taken as a proxy to represent the solar cycle variation to correlate with TEC. The linear regression results revels better correlation of TEC with EUV flux rather than F10.7 and SSN. Also, the EUV and TEC show better agreement during summer as compared to winter and equinox period. Correlation between TEC and EUV appears significantly noticeable during ten internationally defined quiet days of each month (stable background geophysical condition) as compared to the overall days (2010–2014). Further, saturation effect has been observed on TEC values during the solar maxima year 2014. The saturation effects are more prominent during the night hours of winter and equinox season due to transportation losses manifested by the equator-ward direction of meridional wind.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of the analysis of the evolution of coronal holes (CHs) on the Sun during the period May 13, 2010 – March 20, 2022, covering Solar Cycle 24. Our study uses images in the extreme-ultraviolet iron line (Fe XII 193 Å) obtained with the Atmospheric Imager Assembly of the Solar Dynamics Observatory (AIA/SDO). To localize CHs and determine their areas, we used the Heliophysics Event Knowledgebase (HEK). We separate the CHs into polar and non-polar and study the evolutionary features of each group. During this period, an asymmetry between the Northern (N) and Southern (S) Hemispheres (N-S or hemispheric asymmetry) is detected both in the solar activity (SA) indices and in the localization of the maximum areas of the polar and non-polar CHs. It is shown that the hemispheric asymmetry of the areas of polar and non-polar CHs varies significantly over time and that the nature of these changes is clearly related to the SA cycle. We find that for most of the period, the polar CHs were predominated generated in the S- hemisphere while the non-polar CHs were dominant in the N- hemisphere. It is found that the maximum and minimum of the hemispheric imbalance in the areas of non-polar CHs are close in time to the maximum and minimum of the asymmetry of the SA indices (the number and areas of sunspots). The maximum hemispheric imbalance of the polar CH areas is observed at the maximum of Cycle 24, and the minimum imbalance is found at the cycle minimum. These results confirm our assumption that these two types of CHs are of a different nature and that the non-polar CHs, like sunspots, are elements of the general magnetic activity.  相似文献   

Based on ground-level data and on satellite data we determine in this work the observational spectrum of both, the Ground Level Enhancement of May 17, (2012) the so-called GLE71 and the Ground Level Enhancement of September 10, 2017 (GLE 72). We describe a simplified method to obtain the experimental spectrum at ground level. Data of the GLE71 and GLE72 indicate the presence of two different populations, each one with a different energy spectrum. On the other hand, we explore the kind of phenomena that take place at the source in these two particular events. In contrast with other methods based on the temporal synchronization between electromagnetic emissions of flares and coronal mass ejections (CME), here we develop an alternative option based on the study of the accelerated particles, by adjusting our theoretical spectra to the observational spectra. The main results of this work are the derivation of the source and acceleration parameters involved in the generation process. These results lead us to construct possible scenarios of particle generation in the source for each one of the two studied GLEs.  相似文献   



This epidemiologic study tested an hypothesized association between the year of birth of persons with major mental illnesses and solar activity over the past century.


We collected data on diagnoses and birthdates of psychiatric patients born between 1926 and 1975 (N = 1954) in south Italy for comparison to yearly solar activity as registered by the International Observatories.


We found a strong inverse correlation between high solar activity (HSA) and incidence of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder in a 20-year period whereas the incidence of non-affective/non-psychotic disorders was moderately associated with HSA in the same period.


Interpretation of the observed correlations between HSA during years of birth and the incidence of mental illnesses remains unclear, but the findings encourage further study.  相似文献   

We study two intense Forbush decreases that occurred during two adjacent SOLTIP (Solar connection of Transient Interplanetary Processes) intervals; namely SOLTIP 1 (22–27 March 1991) and SOLTIP 2 (1–17 June 1991); galactic cosmic ray intensity at the depth of the second Forbush decrease was the lowest ever recorded since continuous monitoring by Climax neutron monitor began in 1951 (58% below the solar minimum value of 1954), indicating extreme conditions in the heliosphere that prevented galactic cosmic rays from reaching the Earth. These decreases were seen propagating in outer heliosphere by the deep space missions Voyagers 1, 2 and Pioneer 10, 11, with suitable time delays. We analyze hourly, pressure corrected, neutron monitor data from the global sites in both hemispheres, and muon telescopes located underground; they respond to 10–300 GV range of the galactic cosmic ray spectrum. This circumstance provides us an ideal opportunity to study the rigidity dependence of the amplitudes of the two Forbush decreases. In both cases the amplitude is found to be a power law in rigidity, with negative exponents.  相似文献   

The annual mean sunspot number (SSN) has a minimum value in 2008, while the monthly mean SSN has a value of zero in August 2009. The galactic cosmic ray modulation for cycle 24 began at earth orbit in January 2010. We study the onset characteristics of the new modulation cycle using data from the global network of neutron monitors. They respond to time variations in different segments of the galactic cosmic ray rigidity spectrum. The corresponding temporal variations in the interplanetary magnetic field intensity (B) and solar wind velocity (V) as well as the tilt angle of the heliospheric current sheet are also studied. There is a lag of 3 months between a large, sharp increase of the tilt angle of the heliospheric current sheet and the onset of modulation. Some neutron monitors are undergoing long-term drifts of unknown origin.  相似文献   

The trends in foF2 are analyzed based on the data of Juliusruh and Boulder ionospheric stations. It is shown that using the traditional solar activity index F10.7 leads to an impossible trend in foF2 when the data for the 24th solar activity cycle are included into the analysis. It is assumed that the F10.7 index does not describe correctly the solar ultraviolet radiation variations in that cycle. A correction of this index using the Rz (sunspot number) and Ly (intensity of the Lyman-α line in the solar spectrum) is performed, and it is shown that in that case reasonable values of the foF2 trends are obtained.  相似文献   

Solar cycle prediction is a key activity in space weather research. Several techniques have been employed in recent decades in order to try to forecast the next sunspot-cycle maxima and time. In this work, the Gaussian process, a machine-learning technique, is used to make a prediction for the solar cycle 25 based on the annual sunspot number 2.0 data from 1700 to 2018. A variation known as Warped Gaussian process is employed in order to deal with the non-negativity constraint and asymmetrical data distribution. Tests using holdout data yielded a root mean square error of 10.0 within 5 years and 25.0–35.0 within 10 years. Simulations using the predictive distribution were performed to account for the uncertainty in the prediction. Cycle 25 is expected to last from 2019 to 2029, with a peak sunspot number about 117 (110 by the median) occurring most likely in 2024. Thus our method predicts that solar Cycle 25 will be weaker than previous ones, implying a continuing trend of declining solar activity as observed in the past two cycles.  相似文献   

In this study, Sq(H) field results for Sonmiani geomagnetic observatory (SON), Pakistan are presented first time for solar cycle i.e., Solar Cycle 24. Sonmiani observatory was established in 2008 and was included in the list of INTERMAGNET Magnetic Observatory (IMO) in 2012. The analysis of Sq(H) field is performed to examine diurnal, annual and seasonal behaviour of Sq(H) field at Sonmiani along with Honolulu which is used as reference observatory. Both the observatories lie at the Equatorial Ionisation Anomaly (EIA) crest. In general strong dependency of Sq(H) field on solar cycle has been observed. First peak of SC24 was visible in Sq(H) field at both observatories. However, at HON maximum Sq(H) was observed in 2015 instead of 2014, a year later than the year of solar maximum. Prominent longitudinal difference has been noted between both observatories. At HON, maximum Sq(H) was observed during equinox while at SON it was noted during equinox and summer as a consequence of shift in latitude of Sq focus. Phase shift of Sq(H) at SON followed a general trend, that is maximum Sq(H) shifted to later hours in solar maximum as compared to solar minimum. Whereas, an opposite trend was noted at HON which might be due to coastal effect. In case of seasonal phase shift, at both observatories maximum Sq(H) occurred at later hours in summer than in winter which is opposite to the results obtained by many workers. These points need further investigation and geomagnetic as well as wind, and electric field data of other observatories situated at the EIA crest region is required to interpret the Sq(H) phase shift extensively.  相似文献   

The analysis of the behavior of the critical frequency foF2 during the 24th solar activity cycle (Danilov and Konstantinova, 2020a, c) is prolonged for two more months and the nighttime hours. In addition to the Rz and Ly-α indices used in the aforementioned papers for correction of the F10.7 index during the 24th cycle, the commonly used Mg II index is added. The results confirm the previous conclusions on the existence of the “vague” period with chaotic behavior of foF2 and the recovery of the negative trend in foF2 after 2008–2010. A comparison of the F10.7 index with three other SA indices (Ly-α, Rz, and Mg II) for the 22nd, 23rd, and 24th SA cycles is performed. It is shown that the relationship between F10.7 and other indices is close in the 22nd and 23rd cycles but differs from that in the 24th cycle. The corrected values of F10.7 in the 24th cycle are proposed for analysis of ionospheric trends during that cycle.  相似文献   

We have studied the relationship between three different versions of the sunspot number (Group, International and American Sunspot Number) and the number of active days (i.e., the number of days with spots on the solar disk). We have detected an approximately linear relationship for low solar activity conditions. However, this relationship for the International Sunspot Number is very different to the ones obtained with the other versions of the sunspot number. The discordant values correspond to older observations.  相似文献   

The data on thermal fluctuations of the topside ionosphere have been measured by Retarding Potential Analyser (RPA) payload aboard the SROSS-C2 satellite over the Indian region for half of the solar cycle (1995–2000). The data on solar flare has been obtained from National Geophysical Data Center (NGDC) Boulder, Colorado (USA) and other solar indices (solar radio flux and sunspot number) were download from NGDC website. The ionospheric electron and ion temperatures show a consistent enhancement during the solar flares. The enhancement in the electron temperature is 28–92% and for ion temperature it is 18–39% compared to the normal day’s average temperature. The enhancement of ionospheric temperatures due to solar flares is correlated with the variation of sunspot and solar radio flux (F10.7cm). All the events studied in the present paper fall in the category of subflare with almost same intensity. The ionospheric electron and ion temperatures enhancement have been compared with the IRI model values.  相似文献   

利用相似周方法对第24活动周的开始时间与第23活动周下降相后期的太阳黑子数进行了预报.根据第23周已经出现的特征参量和下降相的形态特征,选取9,10,11,15,17和20等六个太阳活动周作为第23周下降相的相似周,对第24周开始时间进行预报.预报结果显示,第24活动周的开始时间为2007年5±1月,黑子数平滑月均极小值为7.1±2.6,第23太阳活动周长度为11.1年.与其他研究者的预报结果相比较,本文给出的结果与文献[11]和[12]及MSFC的结果比较一致.通过对相似周方法在下降相预测太阳活动周结束时间的研究讨论,及对第23周上升阶段的太阳黑子数和F10.7平滑月均值预报结果的评估,可以看出,相似周预报方法在太阳活动周长期预报中是很有应用价值的.  相似文献   

We investigate on the relationship between flares and coronal mass ejections (CMEs) in which a flare started before and after the CME events which differ in their physical properties, indicating potentially different initiation mechanisms. The physical properties of two types flare-correlated CME remain an interesting and important question in space weather. We study the relationship between flares and CMEs using a different approach requiring both temporal and spatial constraints during the period from December 1, 2008 to April 30, 2017 in which the CMEs data were acquired by SOHO/LASCO (Solar and Heliospheric Observatory/Large Angle Spectrometric Coronagraph) over the solar cycle 24. The soft X-ray flare flux data, such as flare class, location, onset time and integrated flux, are collected from Geostationary Environmental satellite (GOES) and XRT Flare catalogs. We selected 307 CMEs-flares pairs applying simultaneously temporal and spatial constraints in all events for the distinguish between two associated CME-flare types. We study the correlated properties of coincident flares and CMEs during this period, specifically separating the sample into two types: flares that precede a CME and flares that follow a CME. We found an opposite correlation relationship between the acceleration and velocity of CMEs in the After- and Before-CMEs events. We found a log-log relation between the width and mass of CMEs in the two associated types. The CMEs and flares properties show that there were significant differences in all physical parameters such as (mass, angular width, kinetic energy, speed and acceleration) between two flare-associated CME types.  相似文献   

日面上黑子数目反映了太阳活动水平的高低.黑子形态的复杂性和磁场的非势性与太阳活动爆发密切相关.随着高时空精度的太阳观测数据量的急剧增长,快速准确地自动识别日面上的黑子以及对黑子群特征自动提取已成为太阳活动预报的现实需求.本文针对SDO/HMI的活动区白光数据,利用数学形态法开展黑子自动识别研究,并在黑子识别基础上对黑子群的面积和黑子数进行了计算.通过对利用2011-2017年HMI活动区数据计算得到的黑子群面积和黑子数与NOAA/SWPC发布的活动区相应参量进行比较,发现本文计算结果与SWPC发布数据的变化趋势基本一致,相关性较好.其中黑子群面积的相关系数为0.77,黑子数的相关系数为0.79.研究结果表明,利用本文方法对SDO/HMI数据进行处理,能够得到高时间分辨率的黑子群特征参量,可为太阳活动预报提供及时准确的输入.  相似文献   

Vertical total electron content (VTEC) observed at Mbarara (geographic co-ordinates: 0.60°S, 30.74°E; geomagnetic coordinates: 10.22°S, 102.36°E), Uganda, for the period 2001–2009 have been used to study the diurnal, seasonal and solar activity variations. The daily values of the 10.7 cm radio flux (F10.7) and sunspot number (R) were used to represent Solar Extreme Ultraviolet Variability (EUV). VTEC is generally higher during high solar activity period for all the seasons and increases from 0600 h LT and reaches its maximum value within 1400 h–1500 h LT. All analysed linear and quadratic fits demonstrate positive VTEC-F10.7 and positive VTEC-R correlation, with all fits at 0000 h and 1400 h LT being significant with a confidence level of 95% when both linear and quadratic models are used. All the fits at 0600 h LT are insignificant with a confidence level of 95%. Generally, over Mbarara, quadratic fit shows that VTEC saturates during all seasons for F10.7 more than 200 units and R more than 150 units. The result of this study can be used to improve the International Reference Ionosphere (IRI) prediction of TEC around the equatorial region of the African sector.  相似文献   

We present here a study of Solar Energetic Particle Events (SEPs) associated with solar flares during 2010–2014 in solar cycle 24. We have selected the flare events (≥GOES M-class), which produced SEPs. The SEPs are classified into three categories i.e. weak (proton intensity?≤?1?pfu), minor (1?pfu?<?proton intensity?<?10?pfu) and major (proton intensity?≥?10?pfu). We used the GOES data for the SEP events which have intensity greater than one pfu and SOHO/ERNE data for the SEP event less than one pfu intensity. In addition to the flare and SEP properties, we have also discussed different properties of associated CMEs.  相似文献   

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