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Nonlinear dust acoustic dressed soliton are studied in a four component dusty plasma. Nonthermal distributions for electrons are considered. The Korteweg–de Vries (KdV) equation is derived by using reductive perturbation technique. A higher order inhomogeneous differential equation is obtained for the higher order correction. The expression for dressed soliton is obtained by the renormalization method. The expressions for higher order correction are determined using a series solution technique.  相似文献   

In semiconductor manufacturing, contamination due to particulates significantly decreases the yield and quality of device fabrication, therefore increasing the cost of production. Dust particle clouds can be found in almost all plasma processing environments including both plasma etching devices and in plasma deposition processes. Dust particles suspended within such plasmas will acquire an electric charge from collisions with electrons and ions in the plasma. If the ratio of inter-particle potential energy to the average kinetic energy is sufficient, the particles will form either a “liquid” structure with short-range ordering or a crystalline structure with long-range ordering. Many experiments have been conducted over the past decade on such colloidal plasmas to discover the character of the systems formed, but more work is needed to fully understand these structures. The preponderance of previous experiments used monodisperse spheres to form complex plasma systems. However, most plasma processing environments contain more arbitrary distributions of particle size. In order to examine in more detail the effects of a size distribution, experiments were carried out in a GEC rf reference cell modified for use as a dusty plasma system. Using two monodisperse particle sizes, experiments were conducted to determine the manner in which phase transitions and other thermodynamic properties depended upon the overall dust grain size distribution. Plasma crystals were formed from different mixtures of 8.89 and 6.50 μm monodisperse particles in argon plasma. With the use of various optical techniques, the pair correlation function was determined at different pressures and powers and then compared to measurements obtained for monodisperse spheres.  相似文献   

In this paper we re-examined the fundamental physics of charging of a dust particle in the moon environment by tenuous anisotropic solar wind plasma. The majority of work on dusty (complex) plasmas is largely concerns with laboratory plasmas, in which charging process of dust grains is very fast, thus making practical the working concept of dynamically equilibrium floating potential and grain charge. However, solar wind plasma parameters are considerably different at the moon orbit, and we found the characteristic charging time of lunar dust grains to be considerably longer, ranging from 3 to 4.6 min for micron size particles, and up to 7.6 h for 10-nm grains, depending on the value of plasma streaming velocity. These findings make it clear that the transient stage of charging process is important in the moon environment, and equilibrium floating potential and grain charge could be considered as long time asymptotic values. For this reason we re-formulated the moon dust charging process as an inherently time-dependent problem and derived the time-dependent charging equation for the grain potential for general case of anisotropic solar wind plasma. Using the results of our kinetics analysis we found that the distribution of charge density over grain surface submerged into solar wind plasma is highly anisotropic, thus making the OML model, which is based on the assumption of isotropic distribution of surface charge density, not applicable to the grain charging problem by the solar wind plasma.  相似文献   

We present a general self-consistent kinetic theory for plasma sheath formation in solar wind plasma. The theory could be applied to anisotropic, as well as to isotropic collisionless plasma without resorting to any simplifications, limitations, or assumptions, such as the necessary existence of a ‘pre-sheath’ region of ions acceleration to ensure the Bohm criterion. The kinetic framework is first applied to sheath formation around an arbitrary oriented planar absorbing surface, charged by solar wind anisotropic plasma, under the condition of negligible photoelectric effect. We then make use of our kinetic approach for the plane geometry in isotropic collisionless plasma, as a particular case of a planar electrode orientation parallel to plasma streaming velocity, also analyzing the sheath structure around spherical and cylindrical absorbing electrodes submerged in isotropic collisionless plasma. Obtained results demonstrate principal differences in spatial charge distributions in sheath regions between spherical or cylindrical electrodes of large size and an unbound planar surface submerged in isotropic plasma. In the case of a planar electrode, we directly compare results obtained in our kinetic and hydrodynamic theories and conventional hydrodynamic theory of plasma sheath formation. The outcome from the present study have direct implications to the analysis of plasma sheath structure and associated distribution in space of charged dust grains, which is relevant to the moon exploration near the optical terminator region or in shadowed craters in the moon.  相似文献   

In this paper we study the charging process of small grain particles by anisotropic multi-component solar wind plasmas (electrons, protons and heavy ions), versus two-component (electron/proton) plasmas. We are focusing attention on the important characteristics of the charging process, namely the charging time, floating potential and current content as functions of plasma parameters such as He++/H+ (α/p) number density and Tα/Tp temperature ratios of alpha particles to protons, as well as plasma streaming velocity v0. Measured statistical properties of solar wind plasma parameters at 1 AU show considerable variations in α/p-temperature ratios from 1 to 10, in α/p-number density ratio from 0.01 to 0.35, as well as in values of streaming velocity v0 from 200 km/s to 1000 km/s and more. Periods of these variations could last for several days each, leading to significant variability in the charging process, according to newly derived general analytical expressions. Numerical calculations performed for protons/alphas plasmas showed large disparity in the charging characteristics. For example, in anisotropic plasma, grain charging time varies up to 90% depending on α/p-particles temperature and number density ratios, whereas changes in floating potential are up to 40%. In contrast, in isotropic plasma, charging characteristic for grains do not change very much for the same plasma parameters variations, with charging time varying about 12% and floating potential only varying about 4%. It is also shown that in highly anisotropic plasma, with all ballistic electrons and ions, dust grains could not hold their charges, and characteristic discharged time is calculated. We note that the analysis is equally applicable to any sized body immersed in solar wind plasma.  相似文献   

A theoretical investigation has been made for adiabatic positive and negative dust charge fluctuations on the propagation of dust-ion acoustic waves (DIAWs) in a weakly inhomogeneous, collisionless, unmagnetized dusty plasmas consisting of cold positive ions, stationary positively and negatively charged dust particles and isothermal electrons. The reductive perturbation method is employed to reduce the basic set of fluid equations to the variable coefficients Korteweg–de Vries (KdV) equation. Either compressive or rarefactive solitons are shown to exist depending on the critical value of the ion density, which in turn, depends on the inhomogeneous distribution of the ion. The dissipative effects of non-adiabatic dust charge variation has been studied which cause generation of dust ion acoustic shock waves governed by KdV-Burger (KdVB) equation. The results of the present investigation may be applicable to some dusty plasma environments, such as dusty plasma existing in polar mesosphere region.  相似文献   

Within a quantum hydrodynamic model and using the reductive perturbation technique, the nonlinear ion-acoustic wave (IAW) excitations due to a moving charged object in an electron-pair-ion quantum plasma are studied both analytically and numerically. In such quantum plasmas we have derived forced Korteweg-de Vries (fKdV) type equation for finite amplitude nonlinear IAWs. The effect of relevant plasma parameters on solitonic excitations is investigated. Numerical simulation shows the generation of advancing solitons ahead of the forcing term traveling at a faster rate with trailing wakes behind the forcing disturbance. It is found that propagation characteristics of nonlinear excitations are significantly affected by quantum parameter. Additionally, we have pursued our analysis by extending it to account for arbitrary amplitude IA solitons, and derived a system of nonlinear differential equations which are analyzed numerically to study the dynamics. Nonlinear analysis predicts the existence of periodic and quasiperiodic nature of the nonlinear system and reveals that the transition from quasiperiodic to periodic behavior occurs due to the variation of quantum diffraction.  相似文献   

快磁声波是空间等离子体中一种接近垂直传播的右旋极化电磁波,能够在等离子体层内外传播.快磁声波与带电粒子的回旋共振相互作用能够导致高能电子随机加速和投掷角扩散、能量质子投掷角扩散等,从而影响辐射带高能带电粒子的动态过程.分别基于完整的色散关系和高密度近似的色散关系,在不同空间等离子体条件下研究多离子空间等离子体中不同传播角的快磁声波色散曲线,并计算了快磁声波与H+,He+和O+离子的最小共振能量.结果表明,当传播角较小时,采用高密度近似与采用完整色散关系计算的离子最小共振能量没有太大差别.在中低密度中强磁场空间等离子体中,传播角≥ 88°时高密度近似色散关系会带来很大的误差,因此应利用完整色散关系计算最小共振能量.  相似文献   

The whistler-mode waves and electron temperature anisotropy play a key role prior to and during magnetic reconnection. On August 21, 2002, the Cluster spacecrafts encountered a quasi-collisionless magnetic reconnection event when they crossed the plasma sheet. Prior to the southward turning of magnetospheric magnetic field and high speed ion flow, the whistler-mode waves and positive electron temperature anisotropy are simultaneously observed. Theoretic analysis shows that the electrons with positive temperature anisotropy can excite the whistler-mode waves via cyclotron resonances. Using the data of particles and magnetic field, we estimated the whistler-mode wave growth rate and the ratio of whistler-mode growth rate to wave frequency. They are 0.0016fce (Electron cyclotron frequency) and 0.0086fce, respectively. Therefore the whistler-mode waves can grow quickly in the current sheet. The combined observations of energetic electron beams and waves show that after the southward turning of magnetic field, energetic electrons in the reconnection process are accelerated by the whistler-mode waves.  相似文献   

This paper is devoted to the study of propagation of disturbances caused by interplanetary shocks (IPS) through the Earth’s magnetosphere. Using simultaneous observations of various fast forward shocks by different satellites in the solar wind, magnetosheath and magnetosphere from 1995 till 2002, we traced the interplanetary shocks into the Earth’s magnetosphere, we calculated the velocity of their propagation into the Earth’s magnetosphere and analyzed fronts of the disturbances. From the onset of disturbances at different satellites in the magnetosphere we obtained speed values ranging from 500 to 1300 km/s in the direction along the IP shock normal, that is in a general agreement with results of previous numerical MHD simulations. The paper discusses in detail a sequence of two events on November 9th, 2002. For the two cases we estimated the propagation speed of the IP shock caused disturbance between the dayside and nightside magnetosphere to be 590 km/s and 714–741 km/s, respectively. We partially attributed this increase to higher Alfven speed in the outer magnetosphere due to the compression of the magnetosphere as a consequence of the first event, and partially to the faster and stronger driving interplanetary shock. High-time resolution GOES magnetic field data revealed a complex structure of the compressional wave fronts at the dayside geosynchronous orbit during these events, with initial very steep parts (10 s). We discuss a few possible mechanisms of such steep front formation in the paper.  相似文献   

The paper discusses the possibility of particle acceleration up to high energies in relativistic waves generated by various explosive processes in the interstellar medium. We propose to use the surfatron mechanism of acceleration (surfing) of charged particles trapped in the front of relativistic waves as a generator of high-energy cosmic rays (CRs). Conditions under which surfing in the waves under consideration can be made are studied thoroughly. Ultra-high-energy CRs (up to 1020 eV) are shown to be obtained due to the surfing in relativistic plane and spherical waves. Surfing is supposed to take place in nonlinear Langmuir waves excited by powerful electromagnetic radiation or relativistic beams of charged particles, as well as in strong shock waves generated by relativistic jets or spherical formations that expand fast (fireballs).  相似文献   

In this paper the investigation of wave-particle interaction during simultaneous injection of electron and xenon ion beams from the satellite Intercosmos-25 (IK-25) carried out using the data of the double satellite system with subsatellite Magion-3 (APEX). Results of active space experiment devoted to the beam-plasma instability are partially presented in the paper Baranets et al. (2007). A specific feature of the experiment carried out in orbits 201, 202 was that charged particle flows were injected in the same direction along the magnetic field lines B0 so the oblique beam-into-beam injection have been produced. Results of the beam-plasma interaction for this configuration were registered by scientific instruments mounted on the station IK-25 and Magion-3 subsatellite. Main attention is paid to study the electromagnetic and longitudinal waves excitation in different frequency ranges and the energetic electron fluxes disturbed due to wave-particle interaction with whistler waves. The whistler wave excitation on the 1st electron cyclotron harmonic via normal Doppler effect during electron beam injection in ionospheric plasma are considered.  相似文献   

The distributing profile of electric current in solar plasma loop is a key factor for the MHD instabilities of the loops. However, it is very difficult to measure such profile in single loop. In this paper, we assume that, in spite of the complexity of the structure in most of the sunspots, the distribution of the electric current in some small simple sunspots may reflect the main feature of the distribution in solar plasma loops. We utilize the high-cadence, high-resolution vector magnetograms observed by Big Bear Solar Observatory (BBSO) to derive the longitudinal electric current and analyze the distribution of the longitudinal electric current in the region of sunspots, and simulate the distributing features of the solar plasma loops. From these analysis, we find that the electric current in some small simple sunspots, or to say in plasma loops, are concentrated to their center. Such distribution feature is consistent with the theory of pinch effect in current-carrying plasma loops.  相似文献   

Equatorial spread-F is a common occurrence in the equatorial ionosphere that is associated with large variations in plasma density that often cause scintillation and interference in communication signals. These events are known to result from Rayleigh–Taylor instability, but the day-to-day variability of their occurrence is not well understood. The triggering mechanism of plasma depletions is still a matter of debate, but may be linked to gravity waves that under favorable conditions propagate to the middle atmosphere. Understanding the triggering of ESF was the focus of the SpreadFEx campaign near Brasilia, Brazil in 2005. The campaign provided co-located airglow and GPS observations to study the onset of plasma depletions and their evolution as they traversed the region. Comparisons between the 630.0 nm airglow data and GPS data demonstrate the ability of the compact dual frequency GPS array to detect the plasma bubbles and retrieve reliable propagation characteristics of the depletions. In this case study, a plasma depletion was detected and moved over the array at velocities of 85–110 m/s, slowing as it moved towards the east. Correlation of consecutive airglow images gives consistent estimates of the eastward drift over the same time period. Mapping the airglow data to the GPS line-of-sight geometry allows direct comparison and reveals a resolvable westward tilt of the plasma depletion that may be due to vertical shear. The uniqueness of this study is the ability to resolve locally the characteristics of the plasma depletion without relying on assumptions about the mapping of the depletion along magnetic field lines to large latitudinal distances. It presents new information for understanding ESF development and the development of depletions strong enough to produce scintillation.  相似文献   

超燃燃烧室等离子体点火和火焰稳定性能   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:10  
为了研究热等离子点火器在超燃冲压发动机中的应用,在来流马赫数2.0工况下,针对乙烯和氢气两种燃料,进行了超燃环境中等离子体点火的试验和仿真研究.在来流总温1 500~1 950 K,燃料当量比0.1~0.55范围内对等离子点火器的点火和改善燃烧性能的性质进行了详细分析.结果显示:对于氢气和乙烯燃料,等离子体点火器使两种燃料的点火性能均得到明显改善,点火延迟时间大大缩短,燃料着火范围扩大、贫燃极限当量比降低.但未观察到其在加速掺混以及改善燃烧性能方面的明显作用.进行了与乙烯燃烧试验对应的数值仿真工作,选用了两种乙烯化学反应模型进行对比研究.仿真结果显示:8步9组分反应模型与试验结果符合较好,而3步6组分反应模型过高的估计了反应剧烈程度,燃烧室压力值偏高,压力起始上升位置偏向上游.所用的8步模型比3步模型更适合于超燃燃烧室中乙烯反应的模拟.  相似文献   

为研究等离子体对多组分燃气在发动机补燃室中的助燃特性,建立了多组分燃气供给系统以及扩散燃烧实验模型。测量了等离子体炬的发射光谱,得到了等离子体炬的主要激发态粒子;拍摄了多组分燃气在补燃室的扩散火焰照片,得到了等离子体对多组分燃气的扩散火焰形貌的影响;测量了补燃室4个不同截面上的静压和总压,分析了等离子体对多组分燃气在发动机中燃烧效率的影响。实验结果表明:等离子体炬主要产生氮气和氧气的激发态粒子;加入等离子体后,喷出冲压尾喷管的火焰长度得到进一步缩短,说明等离子体可以在更短的燃烧室长度内使得多组分燃气得到更加充分的燃烧;加入等离子体时,补燃室不同截面的静压和总压都会出现突升台阶,说明等离子体可以加快燃气的化学反应速率,提高多组分燃气在发动机中的燃烧效率,且等离子体功率越高,燃气燃烧效率的增长率越高。  相似文献   

In this paper we consider an idea of the troposphere tide influence on the character of the longitudinal variations in the distribution of the equatorial plasma bubbles (EPBs) observed in the topside ionosphere. For this purpose, the obtained EPB longitudinal patterns were compared with the thermosphere and ionosphere characteristics having the prominent “wave-like” longitudinal structures with wave number 4, which are uniquely associated with the influence of the troposphere DE3 tides. The characteristics of the equatorial mass density anomaly (EMA), equatorial ionization anomaly (EIA), zonal wind and pre-reversal E?×?B drift enhancement (PRE) were used for comparison. The equinox seasons during high solar activity were under consideration. It was obtained that the longitudinal patterns of the EMA and zonal wind show the surprising similarity with the EPB distributions (R???0.8, R???0.72). On the other hand, the resemblance with the ionosphere characteristics (EIA, PRE) is rather faint (R???0.37, R???0.12). It was shown that the thermosphere zonal winds are the most possible transfer mediator of the troposphere DE3 tide influence. The most successful moment for the transfer of the troposphere DE3 tide energy takes place in the beginning of the EPB production, namely, during the seed perturbation development.  相似文献   

Collisionless unmagnetized plasma consisting of a mixture of warm ion-fluid and isothermal-electron is considered, assuming that the ion flow velocity has a weak relativistic effect. The reductive perturbation method has been employed to derive the Korteweg–de Vries (KdV) equation for small – but finite-amplitude electrostatic ion-acoustic waves in this plasma. The semi-inverse method and Agrawal’s method lead to the Euler–Lagrange equation that leads to the time fractional KdV equation. The variational-iteration method given by He is used to solve the derived time fractional KdV equation. The calculations show that the fractional order may play the same rule of higher order dissipation in KdV equation to modulate the soliton wave amplitude in the plasma system. The results of the present investigation may be applicable to some plasma environments, such as space-plasmas, laser-plasma interaction, plasma sheet boundary layer of the earth’s magnetosphere, solar atmosphere and interplanetary space.  相似文献   

Process of second harmonics generation due to development of corresponding instability has been investigated for pure electron weakly oblique Bernstein mode. This mode was supposed to be modified by taking into account the influence of pair Coulomb collisions and weak large-scale electric field in flare loop. Investigated area was located near the loop foot-point in the “lower–middle” chromosphere of active region. It has been shown, that for the Fontenla–Avrett–Loeser model of solar atmosphere the investigated process of second harmonics generation starts at the extremely low threshold values of subdreicer electric field, well before the beginning of “preheating” phase of flare process.  相似文献   

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