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A Manned Mars Mission scenario had been developed in frame of the Project 1172 supported International Science & Technology Center in Moscow. The Mars transit vehicle (MTV) supposed to have a crew of 4–6 with Pilot Laboratory compartment volume of 185 m3 and with inner diameter of 4.1 m. A vegetable production facility with power consumption up to 10 kW is being considered as a component of the life support system to supply crew members by fresh vegetables during the mission. Proposed design of conveyor-type plant growth facility (PGF) comprised of 4-modules. Each module has a cylindrical planting surface and spiral cylindrical LED assembly to provide a high specific productivity relative to utilized onboard resources. Each module has a growth chamber that will be from 0.7 m to 1.5 m in length, and a crop illuminated area from 1.7 m2 to 4.0 m2. Leafy crops (cabbage, lettuce, spinach, chard, etc.) have been selected for module 1, primarily because of the highest specific productivity per consumed resources. Dietitians have recommended also carrot crop for module 2, pepper for module 3 and tomato for module 4. The maximal total PGF light energy estimated as 1.16 kW and total power consumption as about 7 kW. The module 1 characteristics have been calculated using own experimental data, information from the best on ground plant growth experiments with artificial light were used to predict crop productivity and biomass composition in the another modules. 4-module PGF could produce nearly 0.32 kg per crew member per day of fresh edible biomass, which would be about 50% of recommended daily vegetable supplement. An average crop harvest index is estimated as 0.75. The MTV food system could be entirely closed in terms of vitamins C and A with help of the PGF. In addition the system could provide 10–25% of essential minerals and vitamins of group B, and about 20% of food fibers. The present state of plant growth technology allows formulating of requirements specification for the flight-qualified modules.  相似文献   

对接机构地面仿真试验误差综合方法研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对仿真试验中仿真误差的综合是给出判断仿真结果的准确度和可信度依据的重要手段。针对在对接机构半实物仿真综合试验台上进行的对接机构的地面仿真试验,提出了一种基于Monte-Carlo方法的误差综合方法;并通过大量的仿真模拟,得出了对接机构地面仿真试验结果的统计规律;给出了仿真结果的置信区间与置信度。此结果可为评定仿真结果的准确性和可信性提供依据。  相似文献   

Gas exchange between man and plants in a closed ecological system based on atmosphere regeneration by plant photosynthesis is made consistent by attaining the equilibrium of human CO2 discharge and the productivity of the gas consuming bioregenerator. In this case the gas exchange might be, however, qualitatively disturbed from the equilibrium in terms of oxygen making it accumulate or decrease continuously in the air of the system. Gas exchange equilibrium in terms of O2 was attained in long-term experiments by equality of the human respiration coefficient and the plant assimilation coefficient. Varying the ratio of these parameters it is possible to control the oxygen concentration in the atmosphere to be reclaimed.  相似文献   

热负荷、给水压力等参数的匹配设计,对水升华器启动及运行过程中内部气 固 液相变界面的位置具有重要影响,从而影响其运行稳定性和使用策略。开展了水升华器分别在低热负荷低给水压力、高热负荷高给水压力工况下的启动试验研究,及水升华器在低热负荷低给水压力下启动运行至稳定后调整为高热负荷高给水压力运行的响应特性研究。阐明了热负荷及给水压力对水升华器启动和稳定运行策略的影响。试验结果表明:水升华器在较高热负荷及较高给水压力工况下启动,可以在更短时间内建立稳定状态,但发生“击穿”风险大;水升华器需在高热负荷、高给水压力下运行时,采用在低热负荷、低给水压力下启动,然后在高热负荷和高给水压力下运行的方式,可以减小启动过程的“击穿”风险,且不影响其稳态散热能力。  相似文献   

The Advanced Life Support/NASA Specialized Center of Research and Training (ALS/NSCORT) focuses on research and development of technologies to support human habitation during space missions. This research was done as part of an effort to maintain crewmembers’ water supply in a closed life-support system. The water subsystem was the primary focus of this study because water is one of the most expensive and important resources for human survival.  相似文献   

An experiment utilizing cowpeas (Vigna unguiculata L.), pinto beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) and Apogee ultra-dwarf wheat (Triticum sativa L.) was conducted in the soil-based closed ecological facility, Laboratory Biosphere, from February to May 2005. The lighting regime was 13 h light/11 h dark at a light intensity of 960 μmol m−2 s−1, 45 mol m−2 day−1 supplied by high-pressure sodium lamps. The pinto beans and cowpeas were grown at two different planting densities. Pinto bean production was 341.5 g dry seed m−2 (5.42 g m−2 day−1) and 579.5 dry seed m−2 (9.20 g m−2 day−1) at planted densities of 32.5 plants m−2 and 37.5 plants m−2, respectively. Cowpea yielded 187.9 g dry seed m−2 (2.21 g m−2 day−1) and 348.8 dry seed m−2 (4.10 g m−2 day−1) at planted densities of 20.8 plants m−2 and 27.7 plants m−2, respectively. The crop was grown at elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide levels, with levels ranging from 300–3000 ppm daily during the majority of the crop cycle. During early stages (first 10 days) of the crop, CO2 was allowed to rise to 7860 ppm while soil respiration dominated, and then was brought down by plant photosynthesis. CO2 was injected 27 times during days 29–71 to replenish CO2 used by the crop during photosynthesis. Temperature regime was 24–28 °C day/deg 20–24 °C night. Pinto bean matured and was harvested 20 days earlier than is typical for this variety, while the cowpea, which had trouble establishing, took 25 days more for harvest than typical for this variety. Productivity and atmospheric dynamic results of these studies contribute toward the design of an envisioned ground-based test bed prototype Mars base.  相似文献   

Srivastava et al. (2010) have observed a highly twisted coronal loop, which was anchored in AR10960 during the period 04:43 UT-04:52 UT on 4 June 2007. The loop length and radius are approximately 80 Mm and 4 Mm, with a twist of 11.5 ππ. These observations are used as initial conditions in a three dimensional nonlinear magnetohydrodynamic simulation with parallel thermal conduction included. The initial unstable equilibrium evolves into the kink instability, from which synthetic observables are generated for various high-temperature filters of SDO/AIA. These observables include temporal and spatial averaging to account for the resolution and exposure times of SDO/AIA images. Using the simulation results, we describe the implications of coronal kink instability as observables in SDO/AIA filters.  相似文献   

Understanding the balance between incoming radiation from the Sun and outgoing radiation from Earth is of critical importance in the study of climate change on Earth. As the only natural satellite of Earth, the Moon is a unique platform for the study of the disk-wide radiation budget of Earth. There are no complications from atmosphere, hydrosphere, or biosphere on the Moon. The nearside of the Moon allows for a focus on the solar radiation during its daytime, and on terrestrial radiation during its nighttime. Additionally, lunar regolith temperature is an amplifier of the terrestrial radiation signal because lunar temperature is proportional to the fourth square root of radiation as such is much more sensitive to the weak terrestrial radiation in nighttime than the strong solar radiation in daytime. Indeed, the long-term lunar surface temperature time series obtained inadvertently by the Heat Flow Experiment at the Apollo 15 landing site three decades ago may be the first important observation from deep space of both incoming and outgoing radiation of the terrestrial climate system. A revisit of the lunar surface temperature time series reveals distinct characteristics in lunar surface daytime and nighttime temperature variations, governed respectively by solar and terrestrial radiation.  相似文献   

基于并行技术对卫星数据流控制进行了研究,利用分治策略设计一种并行架构的卫星数据流控制方式.这种并行进行的通信方式与以往卫星采用的顺序轮询下位机的通信方式相比,可大大缩短与所有下位机完成通信所花费的时间,为中心计算机节约出大量的系统时间,让中心计算机可以利用更多的时间进行卫星姿态控制与轨道计算.  相似文献   

Gravity interacts with biological systems on different levels of complexity. For the understanding of the action of gravity on such systems at higher degrees of organisation, the investigation of interactions on the membrane and even on the molecular level is crucial. To do such studies, planar lipid bilayers with incorporated transport mediating molecules, i.e. membranes of defined biochemical composition, are close to perfect model systems. In our experiments we have used painted planar lipid bilayers doped with alamethicin. Alamethicin is especially suitable for such studies because of its high sensitivity to applied external forces, which is a result of its special pore forming mechanism. Additional, different to most other transport mediating molecules, a big amount of data from the literature is available about the dependency of alamethicin pores on physical and chemical membrane parameters. We found that the conductance of alamethicin doped bilayers is dependent on the angle of the bilayer with the gravitational vector and that it furthermore can be reduced significantly under hyper gravity conditions in a centrifuge. The effect of gravity here is not an effect on the pore conductance or the membrane-aqueous solution interface, but it is due to an interaction of gravity with the pore forming mechanism, as can be shown by investigating the dependency of the alamethicin pore kinetics on the applied forces.  相似文献   

It is the primary task for a bioregenerative life support system (BLSS) to maintain the stable concentrations of CO2 and O2. However, these concentrations could fluctuate based on various factors, such as the imbalance between respiration/assimilation quotients of the heterotrophic and autotrophic components. They can even be out of balance through catastrophic failure of higher plants in the emergency conditions. In this study, the feasibility of using unicellular Chlorella vulgaris of typically rapid growth as both “compensatory system” and “regulator” to control the balance of CO2 and O2 was analyzed in a closed ecosystem. For this purpose, a small closed ecosystem called integrative experimental system (IES) was established in our laboratory where we have been conducting multi-biological life support system experiments (MLSSE). The IES consists of a closed integrative cultivating system (CICS) and a plate photo-bioreactor. Four volunteers participated in the study for gas exchange by periodical breathing through a tube connected with the CICS. The plate photo-bioreactor was used to cultivate C. vulgaris. Results showed that the culture of C. vulgaris could be used in a situation of catastrophic failure of higher plant under the emergencies. And the productivity could recover itself to the original state in 3 to 5 days to protect the system till the higher plant was renewed. Besides, C. vulgaris could grow well and the productivity could be affected by the light intensity which could help to keep the balance of CO2 and O2 in the IES efficiently. Thus, C. vulgaris could be included in the design of a BLSS as a “compensatory system” in the emergency contingency and a “regulator” during the normal maintenance.  相似文献   

Tight integration can enhance the model strength and positioning performance by considering the characteristic of differential inter-system bias (DISB), especially in obstructed environments. However, limited work emphasizes the comprehensive analysis of five-frequency DISBs between BDS-3 and other systems considering the receiver type, receiver configuration, and antenna type. In addition, the overlapping DISBs between BDS-3 and BDS-2 are also in great demand for further investigation since they are often regarded as one system. In this study, one DISB-float model is introduced to estimate the DISBs, and one DISB-fixed model and one DISB-free model are formulated to enhance the model strength of tight integration. Four dedicated datasets were collected to estimate the DISBs, which are also comprehensively analyzed considering the receiver type, receiver configuration, and antenna type. The results show that the DISBs between BDS-3 and other systems are rather stable over a certain period and are related to the receiver type and receiver configuration, whereas are not related to the antenna type. More interestingly, the B1I code DISB between BDS-3 and BDS-2 exhibits significant magnitude with a mean value of ?1.44 m for the baseline composed of two different receivers. In this case, the B1I code DISB must be considered and the tight integration between BDS-3 and BDS-2 considering its calibration can improve the positioning performance. Besides, the tight integration of the DISB-fixed model can significantly improve the positioning accuracy between multiple GNSS. Compared to the loose integration, the improvement of 60.6 %, 56.6 %, and 61.2 % can be obtained in the E, N, and U directions, when only two satellites are available for each system. In real obstructed environments, the tight integration of the DISB-free model can also improve the positioning performance in terms of positioning availability and accuracy, as well as the ambiguity resolution performance.  相似文献   

针对无人机系统的研发和试验需要,设计研制了无人机半实物仿真系统。仿真系统采用传感器仿真和动力学/运动学建模,实现了对无人机系统的总体设计,验证了飞行控制软件的可靠性和控制率的正确性。  相似文献   

Observations of the prompt afterglow of γ-ray burst events are unanimously considered of paramount importance for GRB science and cosmology. Such observations at NIR wavelengths are even more promising allowing the monitoring of high-z Ly- absorbed bursts as well as events occurring in dusty star-forming regions. In these pages we present rapid eye mount (REM), a fully robotized fast slewing telescope equipped with a high throughput NIR (Z, J, H, K) camera dedicated to detecting the prompt IR afterglow. REM can discover objects at extremely high redshift and trigger large telescopes to observe them. The REM telescope will simultaneously feed REM optical slitless spectrograph (ROSS) via a dichroic. ROSS will intensively monitor the prompt optical continuum of GRB afterglows. The synergy between the REM-IR camera and the ROSS spectrograph makes REM a powerful observing tool for any kind of fast transient phenomena. Beside its ambitious scientific goals, REM is also technically challenging since it represent the first attempt to locate a NIR camera on a small telescope providing, with ROSS, unprecedented simultaneous wavelength coverage on a telescope of this size.  相似文献   

对Turbo码译码逆模型建立问题,提出使用神经网络结构的非线性滤波器来建立Turbo码译码自适应逆模型.采用最优常系数比例因子统计得到Turbo码期望衰减系数,通过利用期望衰减系数训练神经网络非线性自回归外输入NARX滤波器,建立全局范围内的Turbo码译码逆输入输出映射模型.在线性逆控制系统中采用该自适应逆模型,与非线性逆控制结构的自适应逆控制系统相比,具有系统结构简单、运算量小等特点.仿真结果表明在信噪比大于0?dB时,该自适应逆模型算法收敛迅速、稳定,计算误差保持在较小的范围之内.自适应逆译码模型从译码机理角度提供了一种改善译码性能的新途径.  相似文献   

High resolution airborne magnetic data acquired between 2005 and 2010 were used to determine depth to shallow and deep magnetic sources in some parts of Southeastern Nigeria. Various depth estimation methods such as standard Euler deconvolution (SED), source parameter imaging (SPI), spectral depth analysis (SDA) and two dimensional (2-D) forward modeling were applied. Results obtained from SED, SPI and models of profiles 1 and 2 indicate that the Abakaliki Anticlinorium (AA) and Ikom-Mamfe Rift (IMR) regions are dominated by short wavelength magnetic anomalies caused by extensive tectonic events. The SED map showed depth to shallow and deep magnetic sources ranging from ~ 16.6 to ~ 338.3 m and ~ 394.3 to ~ 5748.1 m respectively. Likewise, depth estimates from the SPI map varies from ~ 147.1 to ~ 554.2 m (shallow magnetic sources) and ~ 644.2 to ~ 6141.6 m (deep magnetic sources). The result obtained from SDA revealed depths to deep magnetic basement in the range of ~ 769 to ~ 6666 m with an average of ~ 3449 m. Also, it showed that depth to shallow magnetic sources vary between ~ 119 and ~ 434 m with mean of ~ 269 m. The 2-D forward modelling showed maximum depth values of ~ 4700, ~4600 and ~ 6500 m in the models of profiles 1, 2 and 3 within the Anambra Basin (AB), Afikpo Syncline (AS) and Calabar Flank (CF) respectively. Generally, from all the various methods applied the results indicate that AB, AS and CF are dominated by long wavelength anomalies. The 2-D models indicated that the basement framework is undulant. Also, depth estimates involving the various methods used in this study correlate strongly with each other in the AB, AS and CF geological regions.  相似文献   

弹道导弹在被动段轴向加速变轨弹道设计与优化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对在被动段脉冲发动机轴向加速变轨突防弹道计算建立了飞行动力模型,通过弹道仿真计算分析了脉冲发动机点火时间和脉冲发动机工作时间对弹道的影响.脉冲发动机总冲一定时,短时间-大推力模式下导弹的射程最大.在爬升段点火时,短时间-大推力导弹能量利用最高;在下降段点火时,长时间-小推力能量利用率最高.同时提出了脉冲轴向加速变轨突防弹道优化的约束条件,并对该问题进行了优化计算,优化后的发动机质量比优化前减少了24.87%.  相似文献   

The organic compounds on the Martian surface are still undetectable by the previous Viking mission that has been sent to Mars even though they are expected to be there by exogenous and/or endogenous synthesis. The high abiotic reactivity has been the most acceptable explanation for the apparently absence of organic matter in the regolith.  相似文献   

The history of creation and development of the network of cosmic ray stations in USSR-Russia goes back to the difficult years of the Second War (1944–1945). The Russian neutron monitor network continuously operates at the present time, having developed from a mechanical means of registration into a modern electronic system for the collection and processing of data with the results presented in the Internet in real time. Along with the improvement of the equipment and different methods of data processing, strong scientific groups, and even Institutes have grown up at a number of stations. They carry out scientific investigations on the basis of neutron monitor network data and provide the conditions for operative and real time exchange of data.  相似文献   

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