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For six decades, the global network of neutron monitors (NMs) has provided a continuous stream of very valuable data to the heliophysics community, leading to many insights into the myriad modes of charged particle transport in the tangled magnetic fields that permeate the 3D heliosphere. Earlier, Ahluwalia and Ygbuhay (2012) reported on the drifts in some high latitude NM counting rates in the American zone. We continue our enquiry by testing the stability of the counting rate baselines of some NMs operating in Europe, Africa, and Asia. The data from these detectors have been extremely valuable for the short-term time variation studies, but caution is advised in using the data for long-term studies from NMs with baselines that are drifting for cause(s) unknown.  相似文献   

Some unknown historical facts of cosmic ray studies in the north-east of the former Soviet Union related to the Yakutsk scientific group are reported for the benefit of the international scientific community. It focuses on the founders of Yu.G. Shafer Institute of Cosmophysical Research and Aeronomy of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences. A chronology of measurements of cosmic ray intensity variations since 1949 in Yakutia (Sakha Republic; NE Siberia) is given. In particular, for the first time the data of the first solar cosmic ray event registered at Yakutsk (GLE04), with a small ionization chamber S-2 (volume: 20 L) are presented. Moreover, the data of the large ionization chamber ASK-1 (volume: 950 L) for the 1953–2003 period useful for specialists in the field of cosmic ray variations are also shown.  相似文献   

In order to understand the physics under extreme solar conditions such as those producing ground level enhancements of solar cosmic rays, it is important to use accurate and reliable models. The NM-BANGLE Model is a new cosmic ray model which couples primary solar cosmic rays at the top of the Earth’s atmosphere with the secondary ones detected at ground level by neutron monitors during GLEs. This model calculates the evolution of several GLE parameters such as the solar cosmic ray spectrum, anisotropy and particle flux distribution, revealing crucial information on the energetic particle propagation and distribution. The total output of the NM-BANGLE Model is a multi-dimensional GLE picture that gives an important contribution to revealing the characteristics of solar energetic particle events recorded at ground level. In this work, the results of the NM-BANGLE Model application to the recent GLE of 13 December 2006 are presented and discussed. Moreover, a comparison with the extreme event of 20 January 2005 (GLE69) has been realized.  相似文献   

The worldwide neutron monitor network is a unique tool for obtaining with high accuracy the information on density variations, energy spectrum and anisotropy of comic rays at the Earth, outside its atmosphere and magnetosphere. These hourly averaged parameters were obtained over the whole period of cosmic ray monitoring by the ground level neutron monitor network (from 1957 till present) and are collected within the MySQL database. The Internet-project has developed for free access and supplying of cosmic ray density and anisotropy data in different formats.  相似文献   

The mountain cosmic ray (CR) station of the Ionosphere Institute of Kazakhstan Republic (CR station Alma-Ata B, 43.1N latitude, 76.6E longitude, geomagnetic rigidity cutoff 6.69 GV) is a center for an experimental study of the non-stationary processes caused by cosmic rays of different origin in the interplanetary and near-Earth space, so as their influence on the state of the Earth’s magnetosphere and the upper atmosphere layers. This paper summarizes efforts performed over the years by the Almaty CR group till its present status.  相似文献   

Close to the current solar activity minimum, two large solar cosmic ray ground-level enhancements (GLE) were recorded by the worldwide network of neutron monitors (NM). The enormous GLE on 20 January 2005 is the largest increase observed since the famous GLE in 1956, and the solar cosmic-ray event recorded on 13 December 2006 is among the largest in solar cycle 23. From the recordings of the NMs during the two GLEs, we determined the characteristics of the solar particle flux near Earth.  相似文献   

Systematic recording of the cosmic radiation commenced in Hobart in 1946 and at Mawson in Antarctica in 1955, making these two of the longest running cosmic ray observatories in the world. For the IGY, observations were also made at a sub-Antarctic island and near the equator, and an airborne survey of the nucleonic component was made from Geomagnetic Latitude −60°, south of Australia, to Japan and back. At Hobart there were neutron monitors, vertical and inclined muon telescopes, an ionization chamber, and two muon telescopes at ∼40 m of water equivalent underground. The research based on these and other observations determined the energy dependence of the Forbush and 11-year variations and concentrated, in particular, on understanding the anisotropic nature of galactic cosmic rays up to 150 GeV; the anisotropies in the onset phase of Forbush decreases; and the anisotropies in solar cosmic ray events. An investigation was initiated to calculate the trajectories and cutoff rigidities of cosmic rays in a high order simulation of the geomagnetic field. This was completed in 1959–60.  相似文献   

Cosmic ray research in Mexico dates from the early 1930s with the work of the pioneering physicist, Manuel Sandoval Vallarta and his students from Mexico. Several experiments of international significance were carried out during that period in Mexico: they dealt with the geomagnetic latitude effect, the north–south and west–east asymmetry of cosmic ray intensity, and the sign of the charge of cosmic rays. The international cosmic ray community has met twice in Mexico for the International Cosmic Ray Conferences (ICRC): the fourth was held in Guanajuato in 1955, and the 30th took place in Mérida, in 2007. In addition, an international meeting on the Pierre Auger Collaboration was held in Morelia in 1999, and the International Workshop on Observing UHE Cosmic Rays took place in Metepec in 2000. A wide range of research topics has been developed, from low-energy Solar Energetic Particles (SEP) to the UHE. Instrumentation has evolved since the early 1950s, from a Simpson type neutron monitor installed in Mexico City (2300 m asl) to a solar neutron telescope and an EAS Cherenkov array, (within the framework of the Auger International Collaboration), both at present operating on Mt. Sierra La Negra in the state of Puebla (4580 m asl). Research collaboration has been undertaken with many countries; in particular, the long-term collaboration with Russian scientists has been very fruitful.  相似文献   

A study of daily variations of secondary Cosmic Rays (CR) is performed using data on charged and neutral CR fluxes. Particle detectors of Aragats Space-Environmental Center (ASEC), Space Environmental Viewing and Analysis Network (SEVAN) and neutron monitors of the Neutron Monitor Database (NMDB) are used. ASEC detectors continuously register various species of secondary CR with different threshold energies and incident angles. NMDB joins data of 12 Eurasian neutron monitors. Data at the beginning of the 24th solar activity cycle are used to avoid biases due to solar transient events and to establish a benchmark for the monitoring of solar activity in the new started solar cycle.  相似文献   

The annual mean sunspot number (SSN) has a minimum value in 2008, while the monthly mean SSN has a value of zero in August 2009. The galactic cosmic ray modulation for cycle 24 began at earth orbit in January 2010. We study the onset characteristics of the new modulation cycle using data from the global network of neutron monitors. They respond to time variations in different segments of the galactic cosmic ray rigidity spectrum. The corresponding temporal variations in the interplanetary magnetic field intensity (B) and solar wind velocity (V) as well as the tilt angle of the heliospheric current sheet are also studied. There is a lag of 3 months between a large, sharp increase of the tilt angle of the heliospheric current sheet and the onset of modulation. Some neutron monitors are undergoing long-term drifts of unknown origin.  相似文献   

To improve the physical understanding of the Forbush decreases (FD) and to explore the Space Weather drivers, we need to measure as much geospace parameter as possible, including the changing fluxes of secondary cosmic rays. At the Aragats Space Environmental Center (ASEC) are routinely measured the neutral and charged fluxes of secondary cosmic rays. Each of species has different most probable energy of primary “parent” proton/nuclei. Therefore, the energy range of the Galactic Cosmic Rays (GCR) affected by Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejection (ICME) can be effectively estimated using data of the ASEC monitors. We presented relations of the magnitude of FD observed in different secondary particle fluxes to the most probable energy of the primary protons. We investigate the correlations between the magnitude of FD with the size, speed, density and magnetic field of the ICME. We demonstrate that the attenuation of the GCR flux incident on the Earth’s atmosphere due to passing of the ICME is dependent on the speed and size of the ICME and the magnetic field strength.  相似文献   

The history of creation and development of the network of cosmic ray stations in USSR-Russia goes back to the difficult years of the Second War (1944–1945). The Russian neutron monitor network continuously operates at the present time, having developed from a mechanical means of registration into a modern electronic system for the collection and processing of data with the results presented in the Internet in real time. Along with the improvement of the equipment and different methods of data processing, strong scientific groups, and even Institutes have grown up at a number of stations. They carry out scientific investigations on the basis of neutron monitor network data and provide the conditions for operative and real time exchange of data.  相似文献   

Depth dependency of neutrons produced by cosmic rays (CRs) in the lunar subsurface was estimated using the three-dimensional Monte Carlo particle and heavy ion transport simulation code, PHITS, incorporating the latest high energy nuclear data, JENDL/HE-2007. The PHITS simulations of equilibrium neutron density profiles in the lunar subsurface were compared with the measurement by Apollo 17 Lunar Neutron Probe Experiment (LNPE). Our calculations reproduced the LNPE data except for the 350–400 mg/cm2 region under the improved condition using the CR spectra model based on the latest observations, well-tested nuclear interaction models with systematic cross section data, and JENDL/HE-2007.  相似文献   

Solar modulations of galactic cosmic ray (GCR) intensity contain a wealth of information about their transport in the heliosphere. To extract this information from the data one studies the dependence of the observed modulations on the mean energy of response of detectors providing data for the analyses. There is a great deal of confusion about the detector energy response to GCR spectrum in the literature. We present a preliminary report on the computations of the mean energy of response for the Climax neutron monitor (CL/NM) and IMP 8 cosmic ray nuclear composition instrument to GCR protons for 1973–1998, covering the solar cycles 21 and 22. We find that for penetrating proton channel on IMP 8 the mean energy changes by a factor of over two whereas for the neutron monitor the change is only 21%. However, the corresponding change for the computed modulation function is a factor of about 3.5.  相似文献   

Two phenomena connected with the maximum phase of the 11-year solar cycle in the galactic cosmic ray intensity – the change in the energy dependence of the intensity variations and the double-peak structure in the intensity modulation time profile – are considered for the last five solar cycles (Nos. 19–23). The distinct 22-year cycle in the magnitude of the so called energy hysteresis is observed.The periods of the solar cycle maximum phase in the galactic cosmic ray intensity, characterized by the specific energy dependence of the intensity, are estimated. It is found that the double-peak structures belonging to the solar cycle maximum phase and those around it are very similar both in the amplitude and in its energy dependence.  相似文献   

After entering our local astrosphere (called the heliosphere), galactic cosmic rays, as charged particles, are affected by the Sun’s turbulent magnetic field. This causes their intensities to decrease towards the inner heliosphere, a process referred to as modulation. Over the years, cosmic ray modulation has been studied extensively at Earth, utilizing both ground and space based observations. Moreover, modelling cosmic ray modulation and comparing results with observations, insight can be gained into the transport of these particles, as well as offering explanations for observed features. We review some of the most prominent cosmic ray observations made near Earth, how these observations can be modelled and what main insights are gained from this modelling approach. Furthermore, a discussion on drifts, as one of the main modulation processes, are given as well as how drift effects manifest in near Earth observations. We conclude by discussing the contemporary challenges, fuelled by observations, which are presently being investigated. A main challenge is explaining observations made during the past unusual solar minimum.  相似文献   

We study the long term dynamics of isolated neutron stars (NSs) for different initial conditions. From the resulting phase-space distributions, we estimate the fraction of NSs bound to the Milky Way. We also estimate the surface and spatial density of NSs in the solar neighborhood and the mean velocity of NSs in the Galactic disk. Estimates of the sky density of NSs towards specific lines of sight, i.e. the Galactic center and the Magellanic Clouds, are also given.  相似文献   

After the solar wind termination shock crossings of the Voyager spacecraft, the acceleration of anomalous cosmic rays has become a very contentious subject. In this paper we examine several topics pertinent to anomalous cosmic ray oxygen acceleration and transport using a numerical cosmic ray modulation model. These include the effects of drifts on a purely Fermi I accelerated spectra, the effects of introducing higher charge states of oxygen into the modulation model, examining the viability of momentum diffusion as a re-acceleration process in the heliosheath and examining energy spectra, and intensity gradients, in the inner heliosphere during consecutive drift cycles.  相似文献   

Forty years passed since the optical identification of the first isolated neutron star (INS), the Crab pulsar. 25 INSs have been now identified in the optical (O), near-ultraviolet (nUV), or near-infrared (nIR), hereafter UVOIR, including rotation-powered pulsars (RPPs), magnetars, and X-ray-dim INSs (XDINSs), while deep investigations have been carried out for compact central objects (CCOs), Rotating RAdio transients (RRATs), and high-magnetic field radio pulsars (HBRPs). In this review I describe the status of UVOIR observations of INSs, their emission properties, and I present the results from recent observations.  相似文献   

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