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A new neural network (NN) based global empirical model for the F2 peak electron density (NmF2) has been developed using extended temporal and spatial geophysical relevant inputs. Measured ground based ionosonde data, from 84 global stations, spanning the period 1995 to 2005 and, for a few stations from 1976 to 1986, obtained from various resources of the World Data Centre (WDC) archives (Space Physics Interactive Data Resource SPIDR, the Digital Ionogram Database, DIDBase, and IPS Radio and Space Services) have been used for training a NN. The training data set includes all periods of quiet and disturbed magnetic activity. A comprehensive comparison for all conditions (e.g., magnetic storms, levels of solar activity, season, different regions of latitudes, etc.) between foF2 value predictions using the NN based model and International Reference Ionosphere (IRI) model (including both the International Union of Radio Science (URSI) and International Radio Consultative Committee (CCIR) coefficients) with observed values was investigated. The root-mean-square (RMS) error differences for a few selected stations are presented in this paper. The results of the foF2 NN model presented in this work successfully demonstrate that this new model can be used as a replacement option for the URSI and CCIR maps within the IRI model for the purpose of F2 peak electron density predictions.  相似文献   

A new neural network (NN) based global empirical model for the foF2 parameter, which represents the peak ionospheric electron density, has been developed using extended temporal and spatial geophysical relevant inputs. It has been proposed that this new model be considered as a suitable replacement for the International Union of Radio Science (URSI) and International Radio Consultative Committee (CCIR) model options currently used within the International Reference Ionosphere (IRI) model for the purpose of F2 peak electron density predictions. The most recent version of the model has incorporated data from 135 global ionospheric stations including a number of equatorial stations.  相似文献   

A new set of data obtained at low solar activity from Ilorin, Nigeria (geog. latitude 8.5°N, geog longitude, 4.6°E, dip 4.1°S) is used to validate the IRI 2001 model at low solar activity. The results show in general a good agreement between model and observed B0 at night but an over estimation during daytime. The overestimation is greatest during the morning period (0600LT–1000LT). The model prediction for B1 is fairly good at night and during the day. A dependence of B0 on solar zenith angle χ is observed during the daytime. A formulation of the form B0 = A[cos(χ)n] is therefore proposed. Values of the constants n and A were determined for the period of low solar activity for this station.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the ability of the International Reference Ionosphere IRI-2007 storm time model to predict foF2 ionospheric parameter during geomagnetic storm periods. Experimental data (based on availability) from two low latitude stations: Vanimo (geographic coordinates, 2.7 °S, 141.3 °E, magnetic coordinates, 12.3 °S, 212.50 °E) and Darwin (geographic coordinates, 12.45 °S, 130.95 °E, magnetic coordinates, 22.9 °S, 202.7 °E) during nine storms that occurred in 2000 (Rz12 = 119), 2001(Rz12 = 111) and 2003 (Rz12 = 64) are compared with those obtained by the IRI-2007 storm model. The results obtained show that the percentage deviation between the experimental and IRI predicted foF2 values during these storm periods is as high as 100% during the main and recovery phases. Based on the values of “relative deviation module mean” (RDMM) obtained (i.e. between 0.08 and 0.60), it is observed that there is a reasonable to poor agreement between measured foF2 values and the IRI-storm model prediction values during main and recovery phases of the storms under investigation. As a result, in addition to other studies that have been carried out from different sectors, more studies are required to be carried out. This will enable IRI community to improve on the present performance of the model. In general the IRI-storm model predictions follow normal trend of the foF2 measured values but does not reproduce well the measured values.  相似文献   

We have used the technique of expansion in Empirical Orthogonal Functions (EOFs) to develop regional models of the critical frequencies of E and F2 layers (foE, foF2), peak height (hmF2), and semi-thickness of F2 layer (YmF2) over Pakistan. In the present study levels of solar activity specified by Smoothed Sunspot Number (R) from 10 to 200 are taken into account. The magnetic dip angle for the model ranges from 30° to 60°. We have compared the regional model and the International Reference Ionosphere (IRI) with measurements of three ionosondes in Pakistan. The model parameters foE and foF2 are found overall comparable to the observed hourly median values during daytime at Karachi (geographic latitude = 24.95°N, longitude = 67.13°E, magnetic inclination = 37°), Multan (30.18°N, 71.48°E, 45°) and Islamabad (33.75°N, 73.13°E, 51.5°) during the years 1988, 1996 and 2000. For hmF2 the computed values by regional and IRI model for the year 1995 are found close to each other. However, for YmF2the results are better during daytime as compared to nighttime.  相似文献   

A numerical model of the peak height of the F2 layer, hmF2_top, is derived from the topside sounding database of 90,000 electron density profiles for a representative set of conditions provided by ISIS1, ISIS2, IK19 and Cosmos-1809 satellites for the period of 1969–1987. The model of regular hmF2 variations is produced in terms of local time, season, geomagnetic latitude, geodetic longitude and solar radio flux. No geomagnetic activity trends were discernible in the topside sounding data. The nighttime peak of hmF2_top evident for mid-latitudes disappears near the geomagnetic equator where a maximum of hmF2_top occurs at sunset hours when it can exceed 500 km at solar maximum. The hmF2 given by the IRI exceeds hmF2_top at the low solar activities. The hmF2_top, obtained by extrapolation of the first derivative of the topside profile to zero shows saturation similar to foF2 the greater the solar activity. The proposed model differs from hmF2 given by IRI based on M(3000)F2 to hmF2 conversion by empirical relationships in terms of foF2, foE and R12 with these quantities mapped globally by the ITU-R (former CCIR) from ground-based ionosonde data. The differences can be attributed to the different techniques of the peak height derivation, different epochs and different global distribution of the source data as well as the different mathematical functions involved in the maps and the model presentation.  相似文献   

Loss of function of DNA repair genes has been implicated in the development of many types of cancer. In the last several years, heterozygosity leading to haploinsufficiency for proteins involved in DNA repair was shown to play a role in genomic instability and carcinogenesis after DNA damage is induced, for example by ionizing radiation. Since the effect of heterozygosity for one gene is relatively small, we hypothesize that predisposition to cancer could be a result of the additive effect of heterozygosity for two or more genes critical to pathways that control DNA damage signaling, repair or apoptosis. We investigated the role of heterozygosity for Atm, Rad9 and Brca1 on cell oncogenic transformation and cell survival induced by 1 GeV/n56Fe ions. Our results show that cells heterozygous for both Atm and Rad9 or Atm and Brca1 have high survival rates and are more sensitive to transformation by high energy iron ions when compared with wild-type controls or cells haploinsufficient for only one of these proteins. Since mutations or polymorphisms for similar genes exist in a small percentage of the human population, we have identified a radiosensitive sub-population. This finding has several implications. First, the existence of a radiosensitive sub-population may distort the shape of the dose–response relationship. Second, it would not be ethical to put exceptionally radiosensitive individuals into a setting where they may potentially be exposed to substantial doses of radiation.  相似文献   

The hourly measurements of M(3000)F2 (M(3000)F2meas) and the hourly quiet-time values of M(3000)F2 (M(3000)F2QT) relative to the ionospheric observatories of Poitiers, Lannion, Dourbes, Slough, Rome, Juliusruh, Kaliningrad, Uppsala, Lyckesele, Sodankyla, and Kiruna as well as the hourly time-weighted accumulation series derived from the geomagnetic planetary index ap (ap(τ)), were considered during the period January 1957–December 2003 and used for the development of 11 short-term forecasting local models (STFLM) of M(3000)F2.  相似文献   

The time series of hourly electron density profiles N(h) obtained from 27 ionosonde stations distributed world-wide have been used to obtain N(h) average profiles on a monthly basis and to extract the expected bottom-side parameters that define the IRI profile under quiet conditions. The time series embrace the time interval from 1998 to 2006, which practically contains the entire solar cycle 23. The Spherical Harmonic Analysis (SHA) has been used as an analytical technique for modeling globally the B0 and B1 parameters as general functions on a spherical surface. Due to the irregular longitudinal distribution of the stations over the globe, it has been assumed that the ionosphere remains approximately constant in form for a given day under quiet conditions for a particular coordinate system. Since the Earth rotates under a Sun-fixed system, the time differences have been considered to be equivalent to longitude differences. The time dependence has been represented by a two-degree Fourier expansion to model the annual and semiannual variations and the year-by-year analyses of the B0 and B1 have furnished nine sets of spherical harmonic coefficients for each parameter. The spatial–temporal yearly coefficients have been further expressed as linear functions of Rz12 to model the solar cycle dependence. The resultant analytical model provides a tool to predict B0 and B1 at any location distributed among the used range of latitudes (70°N–50°S) and at any time that improves the fit to the observed data with respect to IRI prediction.  相似文献   

Total electron content (TEC) derived from ionosonde data recorded at the station of Korhogo (Lat = 9.33°N, Long = 5.43°W, Dip = 0.67°S) are compared to the International Reference Ionosphere (IRI) model predicted TEC for high (1999) and low (1994) solar activity conditions. The results show that the model represents the diurnal variation of the TEC as well as a solar activity and seasonal dependence. This variation is closer to that of the ionosonde-inferred TEC at high solar activity. However, at low solar activity the IRI overestimates the ionosonde-inferred TEC. The relative deviation ΔTEC is more prominent in the equinoctial seasons during nighttime hours where it is as high as 70%. At daytime hours, the relative deviation is estimated to 0–30%.  相似文献   

It is the primary task for a bioregenerative life support system (BLSS) to maintain the stable concentrations of CO2 and O2. However, these concentrations could fluctuate based on various factors, such as the imbalance between respiration/assimilation quotients of the heterotrophic and autotrophic components. They can even be out of balance through catastrophic failure of higher plants in the emergency conditions. In this study, the feasibility of using unicellular Chlorella vulgaris of typically rapid growth as both “compensatory system” and “regulator” to control the balance of CO2 and O2 was analyzed in a closed ecosystem. For this purpose, a small closed ecosystem called integrative experimental system (IES) was established in our laboratory where we have been conducting multi-biological life support system experiments (MLSSE). The IES consists of a closed integrative cultivating system (CICS) and a plate photo-bioreactor. Four volunteers participated in the study for gas exchange by periodical breathing through a tube connected with the CICS. The plate photo-bioreactor was used to cultivate C. vulgaris. Results showed that the culture of C. vulgaris could be used in a situation of catastrophic failure of higher plant under the emergencies. And the productivity could recover itself to the original state in 3 to 5 days to protect the system till the higher plant was renewed. Besides, C. vulgaris could grow well and the productivity could be affected by the light intensity which could help to keep the balance of CO2 and O2 in the IES efficiently. Thus, C. vulgaris could be included in the design of a BLSS as a “compensatory system” in the emergency contingency and a “regulator” during the normal maintenance.  相似文献   

Plants grown on long-term space missions will likely be grown in low pressure environments (i.e., hypobaria). However, in hypobaria the transpiration rates of plants can increase and may result in wilting if the water is not readily replaced. It is possible to reduce transpiration by increasing the partial pressure of CO2 (pCO2), but the effects of pCO2 at high levels (>120 Pa) on the growth and transpiration of plants in hypobaria are not known. Therefore, the effects of pCO2 on the growth and transpiration of radish (Raphanus sativus var. Cherry Bomb II) in hypobaria were studied. The fresh weight (FW), leaf area, dry weight (DW), CO2 assimilation rates (CA), dark respiration rates (DR), and transpiration rates from 26 day-old radish plants that were grown for an additional seven days at different total pressures (33, 66 or 101 kPa) and pCO2 (40 Pa, 100 Pa and 180 Pa) were measured. In general, the dry weight of plants increased with CO2 enrichment and with lower total pressure. In limiting pCO2 (40 Pa) conditions, the transpiration for plants grown at 33 kPa was approximately twice that of controls (101 kPa total pressure with 40 Pa pCO2). Increasing the pCO2 from 40 Pa to 180 Pa reduced the transpiration rates for plants grown in hypobaria and in standard atmospheric pressures. However, for plants grown in hypobaria and high pCO2 (180 Pa) leaf damage was evident. Radish growth can be enhanced and transpiration reduced in hypobaria by enriching the gas phase with CO2 although at high levels leaf damage may occur.  相似文献   

In higher plants, gravity is a major environmental cue that governs growth orientation, a phenomenon termed gravitropism. It has been suggested that gravity also affects other aspects of morphogenesis, such as circumnutation and winding movements. Previously, we showed that these aspects of plant growth morphology require amyloplast sedimentation inside gravisensing endodermal cells. However, the molecular mechanism of the graviresponse and its relationship to circumnutation and winding remains obscure. Here, we have characterized a novel shoot gravitropic mutant of morning glory, weeping2 (we2). In the we2 mutant, the gravitropic response of the stem was absent, and hypocotyls exhibited a severely reduced gravitropic response, whereas roots showed normal gravitropism. In agreement with our previous studies, we found that we2 mutant has defects in shoot circumnutation and winding. Histological analysis showed that we2 mutant forms abnormal endodermal cells. We identified a mutation in the morning glory homolog of SHORT-ROOT (PnSHR1) that was genetically linked to the agravitropic phenotype of we2 mutant, and which may underlie the abnormal differentiation of endodermal cells in this plant. These results suggest that the phenotype of we2 mutant is due to a mutation of PnSHR1, and that PnSHR1 regulates gravimorphogenesis, including circumnutation and winding movements, in morning glory.  相似文献   

A new version of global empirical model for the ionospheric propagation factor, M(3000)F2 prediction is presented. Artificial neural network (ANN) technique was employed by considering the relevant geophysical input parameters which are known to influence the M(3000)F2 parameter. This new version is an update to the previous neural network based M(3000)F2 global model developed by Oyeyemi et al. (2007), and aims to address the inadequacy of the International Reference Ionosphere (IRI) M(3000)F2 model (the International Radio Consultative Committee (CCIR) M(3000)F2 model). The M(3000)F2 has been found to be relatively inaccurate in representing the diurnal structure of the low latitude region and the equatorial ionosphere. In particular, the existing hmF2 IRI model is unable to reproduce the sharp post-sunset drop in M(3000)F2 values, which correspond to a sharp post-sunset peak in the peak height of the F2 layer, hmF2. Data from 80 ionospheric stations globally, including a good number of stations in the low latitude region were considered for this work. M(3000)F2 hourly values from 1987 to 2008, spanning all periods of low and high solar activity were used for model development and verification process. The ability of the new model to predict the M(3000)F2 parameter especially in the low latitude and equatorial regions, which is known to be problematic for the existing IRI model is demonstrated.  相似文献   

The combined attitude and thermal control system (CATCS) combines the conventional attitude control and thermal control subsystems. Its principle is based on circulating a heat conducting fluid inside a closed duct wielding the excess onboard heat in order to produce the attitude control torques. Previously only the proportional-integral (PI) controller has been tested for CATCS. In this paper two other control options for CATCS were designed based on the H2 and H control methods to improve the attitude control performance of a small satellite. The control gain matrix with the minimum cost function is obtained by solving the Riccati equation and fed back to the system in order to achieve the system’s performance. The designed controllers can efficiently control the roll, pitch and yaw satellite attitudes. Simulations for the two techniques were carried out using Matlab and Simulink for ideal and non-ideal system models. Results show that the H2 controller has a better attitude control performance over the H controller and PI controller itself.  相似文献   

This work is a continuation of the previous article and it focuses on low solar activity and modeling effort. NeQuick model uses Epstein layer formalism to model each part of the profile. We study the diurnal and seasonal variations of B2bot, ΔB2 (B2best − B2NeQuick2) and R (B2best/B2NeQuick 2) at Hainan station during low solar activity. The results show it is possible to improve the B2bot parameter of the NeQuick model at that region during low solar activity. Then, we use a function ?(t) with LT in different seasons to correct the B2bot formula of NeQuick 2. The correction shows that (1) By the correction formula, the B2bot of NeQuick is improved. The maximum standard deviation is improved for 9 km. (2) The correction formula is more effective in summer than in equinox and winter and performs better during early morning hours than during the rest of the day.  相似文献   

The J2 problem is an important problem in celestial mechanics, orbital dynamics and orbital design of spacecraft, as non-spherical mass distribution of the celestial body is taken into account. In this paper, the J2 problem is generalized to the motion of a rigid body in a J2 gravitational field. The relative equilibria are studied by using geometric mechanics. A Poisson reduction process is carried out by means of the symmetry. Non-canonical Hamiltonian structure and equations of motion of the reduced system are obtained. The basic geometrical properties of the relative equilibria are given through some analyses on the equilibrium conditions. Then we restrict to the zeroth and second-order approximations of the gravitational potential. Under these approximations, the existence and detailed properties of the relative equilibria are investigated. The orbit–rotation coupling of the rigid body is discussed. It is found that under the second-order approximation, there exists a classical type of relative equilibria except when the rigid body is near the surface of the central body and the central body is very elongated. Another non-classical type of relative equilibria can exist when the central body is elongated enough and has a low average density. The non-classical type of relative equilibria in our paper is distinct from the non-Lagrangian relative equilibria in the spherically-simplified Full Two Body Problem, which cannot exist under the second-order approximation. Our results also extend the previous results on the classical type of relative equilibria in the spherically-simplified Full Two Body Problem by taking into account the oblateness of the primary body. The results on relative equilibria are useful for studies on the motion of many natural satellites, whose motion are close to the relative equilibria.  相似文献   

This is to investigate ways of improving the Equatorial F2-layer peak heights estimated from M(3000)F2 ionosonde data measured using the Ionospheric Prediction Service (IPS-42) sounder at Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso (Latitude +12.4°N, Longitude +1.5°W, Dip latitude +5.9°N) during a low solar activity year (1995). For this purpose, we have compared the observed hmF2 (hmF2obs) deduced using an algorithm from scaled virtual heights of quiet day ionograms and the predicted hmF2 values which is given by the IRI 2007 model (hmF2IRI 2007) with the ionosonde measured M(3000)F2 estimation of the hmF2 values (hmF2est) respectively. The correlation coefficients R2 for all the seasons were found to range from 0.259 to 0.692 for hmF2obs values, while it ranges from 0.551 to 0.875 for the hmF2IRI 2007 values. During the nighttime, estimated hmF2 (hmF2est) was found to be positively correlated with the hmF2obs values by the post-sunset peak representation which is also represented by the hmF2IRI 2007 values. We also investigated the validity of the hmF2est values by finding the percentage deviations when compared with the hmF2obs and hmF2IRI 2007.  相似文献   

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