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In this article, we study fast shocks at CIR boundaries during an extended interval of 15 consecutive major high speed solar wind streams in 1992–1993. Ulysses was 4–5 AU from the sun. The Abraham-Schrauner shock normal method and the Rankine-Hugoniot relations were used to determine fast shock directions and speeds. Out of 33 potential CIR shocks, 14 were determined to be fast forward shocks (FSs) and 14 were fast reverse shocks (RSs). Of the remaining 5 events, 2 were forward waves and 3 were reverse waves. CIR edges at latitudes below ∼30o were, for the most part, bounded by fast magnetosonic shocks. The forward shocks were generally quasi-perpendicular (average θnBo = 67o). The reverse shocks were more oblique (average θnBo = 52o), but they extended to all angles. Both FSs and RSs had magnetosonic Mach numbers ranging from 1 to 5 or 6. The average Mach numbers were 2.4 and 2.6 for FSs and RSs, respectively. The shock Mach numbers were noted to generally decrease with increasing latitude. The non-shock events or waves were noted to occur preferentially at high (∼−30° to −35°) heliolatitudes where stream-stream interactions were presumably weaker. These results are consistent with expectations, indicating the general accuracy of the Abraham-Schrauner technique.  相似文献   

The galactic cosmic rays (GCR) are the main ionization source at altitude of ∼3–35 km in the atmosphere. For high latitude anomalous cosmic ray (ACR) component has also a significant influence on the atmospheric ionization. We propose an empirical model for differential spectra D(E) of galactic and anomalous cosmic rays in energy interval 1 MeV–100 GeV during solar cycle. In the model data are used which cover three solar cycles: 20, 22 and 23. The LEAP87, IMAX92, CAPRICE94, AMS98 and BESS experimental spectra for protons and alpha particles are fitted to the proposed empirical model. The modulated GCR differential spectra are compared with force-field approximation to the one-dimensional transport equation and with solutions of two-dimensional cosmic ray transport equation. For experimental spectra, the calculation of the model parameters is performed by Levenberg–Marquardt algorithm, applied to the special case of least squares. Algorithm that combines the rapid local convergence of Newton–Raphson method with globally convergent method for non-linear systems of equations is applied for theoretically obtained differential spectra. The described programmes are realized in algorithmic language C++. The proposed model gives practical possibility for investigation of experimental data from measurements of galactic cosmic rays and their anomalous component.  相似文献   

This work presents the spectral and temporal features of radio bursts with fine structures (FSs) at broad band from 1.1 to 7.6 GHz. Fifteen burst events are studied with high frequency and temporal cadence observation from the Solar Broadband Radio Spectrometer at three frequency bands. It is found that the amount and species of radio FS decrease with increasing frequency band; the pulsation, type III burst and continuum are most frequently recorded; almost in all the burst events, more radio FSs occur before the soft X-ray (SXR) maximum than after; at 1.1–2.06 GHz, all types of radio FSs have more before the SXR peak except fiber; at 2.6–3.8 GHz, pulsation, fiber and spike prefer to appear after the peak; the separation between neighboring emission lines of zebra pattern increases with increasing frequency and the magnetic field deduced from the whistler model is 29–86 G at 1.1–2.06 GHz and 89–268 G at 2.6–3.8 GHz.  相似文献   

The descent of sunspot cycle 23 to an unprecedented minimum of long duration in 2006–2009 led to a prolonged galactic cosmic ray (GCR) recovery to the highest level observed in the instrumental era for a variety of energetic charged particle species on Earth, over a wide range of rigidities. The remarkable GCR increase measured by several ground-based, balloon-borne, and detectors on a satellite is described and discussed. It is accompanied by a decrease in solar wind velocity and interplanetary magnetic field at 1 a.u., reaching the lowest values since measurements of the solar wind began in October 1963; the solar polar field strength (μT) measured at the Wilcox Solar Observatory (WSO) is also significantly reduced compared to prior cycles since the start of the program in 1976, the polar field in the northern hemisphere reversed in June 2012 and again in February 2014, that in the southern hemisphere reversed in July 2013. If updates of WSO data confirm the second reversal in northern solar hemisphere, it would pose a serious challenge to the Dynamo Theory. The long-term change in solar behavior may have begun in 1992, perhaps earlier. The physical underpinnings of these solar changes need to be understood and their effect on GCR modulation processes clarified. The study discusses the recent phenomena in the context of GCR modulation since 1900. These happenings affected our empirical predictions for the key parameters for the next two sunspot cycles (they may be progressively less active than sunspot cycle 24) but it enhanced support for our prediction that solar activity is descending into a Dalton-like grand minimum in the middle of the twentyfirst century, reducing the frequency of the coronal mass ejections; they determine the space weather affecting the quality of life on Earth, radiation dose for hardware and human activities in space as well as the frequency of large Forbush decreases at 1 a.u.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to introduce a new deployable mast design that may provide a means to scale up solar sails to very large dimensions. The paper describes the basic analytical approach for truss beams, compares this new design with the state-of-art truss used in NASA’s solar sail development work, and provides analyses of novel applications enabled by the mast design.  相似文献   

A lidar has been operated in São José dos Campos, Brazil (23.2°S, 45.8°W) since 1972, mainly dedicated to the study of mesospheric sodium at the 589 nm resonant line. The molecular Rayleigh scattering can also be used provided we limit the height to ∼75 km where the sodium scattering begins. Nevertheless, the weak signal obtained only permits the determination of density and temperature profiles by accumulating a large number of shots giving only nocturnal average profiles. Temporal variations in density and temperature on the scale of hours can however, be obtained by performing a superposed epoch analysis for a given time interval and covering a period of several days. In this way we obtained hourly mean profiles grouped by months, seasons and overall, with data acquired from 1993 to 2004. The difference between the hourly temperatures and the nocturnal means shows for some months, with enough data coverage, downward propagating structures that apparently have tidal origin. The seasonal averages show a recurrent feature with high temperatures before and low temperatures after midnight above 50 km. Some similarity is found with the GSWM model, but the observed temperature amplitudes are twice of that for the model.  相似文献   

Since 1993, a muon telescope located at Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe (Karlsruhe Muon Telescope) has been recording the flux of single muons mostly originating from primary cosmic-ray protons with dominant energies in the 10–20 GeV range. The data are used to investigate the influence of solar effects on the flux of cosmic rays measured at Earth. Non-periodic events like Forbush decreases and ground level enhancements are detected in the registered muon flux. A selection of recent events will be presented and compared to data from the Jungfraujoch neutron monitor. The data of the Karlsruhe Muon Telescope help to extend the knowledge about Forbush decreases and ground level enhancements to energies beyond the neutron monitor regime.  相似文献   

The geometries, electron affinities and/or electron detachment energies for the CnS and CnO (n = 2–8) molecules and their anions were calculated by using the RCCSD (T) method. The CnS (even n = 4, 6, and 8) and CnO (even n = 6 and 8) anions are found to be substantially more stable than their corresponding neutral species. Several anions are potentially detectable as interstellar molecules.  相似文献   

Some evidence indicates the deterioration of the cardiovascular system during space storms. It is plausible that the space weather conditions during and after hospital admission may affect the risk of coronary events in patients with acute coronary syndromes (ACS). We analyzed the data of 1400 ACS patients who were admitted to the Hospital Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, and who survived for more than 4 days. We evaluated the associations between geomagnetic storms (GS), solar proton events (SPE), and solar flares (SF) that occurred 0–3 days before and after hospital admission and the risk of cardiovascular death (CAD), non-fatal ACS, and coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) during a period of 1 year; the evaluation was based on the multivariate logistic model, controlling for clinical data. After adjustment for clinical variables, GS occurring in conjunction with SF 1 day before admission increased the risk of CAD by over 2.5 times. GS 2 days after SPE occurred 1 day after admission increased the risk of CAD and CABG by over 2.8 times. The risk of CABG increased by over 2 times in patients admitted during the day of GS and 1 day after SPE. The risk of ACS was by over 1.63 times higher for patients admitted 1 day before or after solar flares.  相似文献   

This paper first describes briefly some of the forefront global simulations of Titan’s atmosphere that have been carried out up to now. In these experiments, an initial gaseous mixture of N2/CH4 is submitted to a single energy source and the retrieved gas and/or solid phase(s) is/are analyzed by different techniques.  相似文献   

In the field of terrestrial climatology the continuous monitoring of the solar irradiance with highest possible accuracy is an important goal. SolACES as a part of the ESA mission SOLAR on the ISS is measuring the short-wavelength solar EUV irradiance from 16–150 nm. This data will be made available to the scientific community to investigate the impact of the solar irradiance variability on the Earth’s climate as well as the thermospheric/ionospheric interactions that are pursued in the TIGER program. Since the successful launch with the shuttle mission STS-122 on February 7th, 2008, SolACES initially recorded the low EUV irradiance during the extended solar activity minimum. Thereafter it has been observing the EUV irradiance during the increasing solar activity with enhanced intensity and changing spectral composition. SolACES consists of three grazing incidence planar grating spectrometers. In addition there are two three-signal ionisation chambers, each with exchangeable band-pass filters to determine the absolute EUV fluxes repeatedly during the mission. One important problem of space-borne instrumentation recording the solar EUV irradiance is the degradation of the spectrometer sensitivity. The two double ionisation chambers of SolACES, which could be re-filled with three different gases for each recording, allow the recalibration of the efficiencies of the three SolACES spectrometers from time to time.  相似文献   

The geometries, dipole moments, and rotational constants for the linear and/or bent cations, Cn+1H+ and CnN+(n = 1–6), were studied by the B3LYP method with the modest basis sets. For CnH+(n = odd; 3, 5, 7) and CnN+(n = even; 2, 4, 6), the theoretical rotational constants (Bes) of closed-shell singlet C3H+, C5H+, C7H+, CCN+, C4N+, and C6N+ were calculated to be about 11,244, 2420, 885.2, 11,970, 2439, and 880.8 MHz, respectively. By contrast, the triplets are stable than the corresponding singlets for CnH+(n = odd; 2, 4, 6) and CnN+(n = even; 3, 5) except CN+.  相似文献   

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