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An alternate set of equations is given for the exact computation of the Kalman gains under the conditions of no maneuvering input noise and measurements in position and velocity. They are simpler than the standard recursive equations, and are useful in applications where implementation of the standard Kalman filter is not possible due to real-time restrictions. When there is maneuvering input noise, the same gains can still approximate the optimal gains with a very minor degradation in performance, even when some parameters, for example the measurement interval, change during a track. Simulation studies have indicated that there is negligible performance degradation with this method of gain approximation  相似文献   

给出了一种求解一维双曲型守恒律的五阶松弛格式.该格式以五阶WENO重构和显隐式Runge-Kutta方法为基础.本文格式保持了松弛格式简单的优点,即不用Riemann解算器和计算非线性通量函数的雅可比矩阵.用该格式对一维Euler方程进行了数值试验,并与三阶和四阶松弛格式的计算结果进行了比较,结果表明本文的格式具有更低的数值耗散和更高的分辨率.  相似文献   

双曲守恒型方程的二阶摄动有限差分格式   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
对双曲守恒型方程,将其一阶迎风格式空间差商的常系数摄动展开为时间步长和空间步长的幂级数,通过确定幂级数系数而获得二阶精度的摄动有限差分(PFD)格式。进而从双曲守恒型方程的通量分裂型一阶迎风格式出发,通过类似的摄动展开方法,获得空间精度为二阶的通量分裂形式的摄动有限差分(FPFD)格式。这两类格式保留了一阶守恒迎风格式的简洁结构形式,使用三节点即可达到二阶精度,又避免了三点二阶格式的非物理数值振荡。并将这两类格式推广应用到双曲守恒型方程组,最后通过模型方程和一维激波管流动的数值算例验证了格式的高精度、高分辨率性质。  相似文献   

采用熵守恒格式求解双曲守恒律方程不满足熵稳定条件.为了达到熵稳定,需要在熵守恒格式的基础上增加黏性机制,使总熵耗散.鉴于自适应人工黏性在不同的计算区域上其黏性大小的变化特点,在熵守恒通量的基础上添加经过修正的自适应人工黏性通量构造出一种新的结构简单的熵稳定格式.根据自适应人工黏性的自适应性,并经过简单调节黏性比例系数C之后,该格式可以在不使用限制器的情况下达到整体的高分辨率,表现出:在间断区域有足够的数值耗散保证稳定;在光滑区域,黏性很小,不会影响格式在此的高精度.最后的几个数值算例以熵稳定ERoe格式和高分辨率熵稳定EYee格式的数值结果作为参照,分析说明这种格式的特性.  相似文献   

Simple Procedures for Radar Detection Calculations   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The literature of radar contains results of Rice, Marcum, Swerling, and Schwartz in several families of curves, which permit radar engineersto estimate the signal energy ratio required for a given level of detectionperformance. The variety of radar problems, however, makes itimpractical to construct curves for all combinations of radar and targetparameters. The concept of detector loss is used here to evaluate lossesattributable to integration and collapsing, with an accuracy of ±0.3 dBon steady targets. This is added to a separate fluctuation loss, modifiedfor diversity effects, to obtain results on all Swerling target modelsand also on partially correlated targets. The accuracy of the combinedlosses is ±0.5 dB for a wide range of detection and false-alarm probabilities.Starting from the basic single-sample detection curves, onlythree additional graphs are needed to find the energy ratio for givendetection performance in any of these cases. Examples are given whichshow the ease with which different radar options may be compared asto performance on an arbitrary type of target.  相似文献   

A Simple Method for Sampling In-Phase and Quadrature Components   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We present a method of developing in-phase and quadrature samples of a band-limited RF waveform. The problem of matching gain and phase response differences between the two components is avoided by a combination of mixing to an IF frequency, sampling and digitizing, and digital filtering. The novelty of the method is in the design of the digital filter, which is realized as a pair of 900 phase splitting networks with several symmetries which are exploited to save computation.  相似文献   

航空发动机双余度智能位置控制器设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
崔勇  黄金泉 《推进技术》2005,26(6):535-539
针对航空发动机工作环境的复杂性与其高可靠性要求,利用软件和硬件冗余的方法,提出了一种由DSP和双口RAM构成的基于CAN总线的双余度智能位置控制器。该位置控制器适用于航空发动机分布式控制系统,由两条通道互为监控备份,可靠性大为提高。实验证明,该控制器能够较好的实现对电液伺服阀-作动简组合的位置控制,故障时能正确切换与报警。  相似文献   

一种新的间断侦测器及其在DGM中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据单元交界面左右变量的差别,提出了一种新的间断侦测器构造方法。该间断侦测器的构造原理简单,编程实现容易。针对一维和二维Euler方程,我们将此间断侦测器用于间断Galerkin格式的数值计算中。数值实验表明本文构造的间断侦测器能够准确捕捉到激波的位置,从而只在间断区域引入限制器,在减少计算量、保证光滑区计算精度的同时,提高了激波等强间断的分辨率,能够明显地改善流动精细结构的模拟精度。  相似文献   

无速度反馈的航天器姿轨耦合跟踪控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
党庆庆  桂海潮  徐明  徐世杰 《航空学报》2018,39(Z1):722202-722202
提出了一种无速度反馈的航天器姿轨耦合跟踪控制算法。首先建立起基于对偶四元数的带扰动和参数不确定性的航天器姿轨耦合动力学模型。然后基于浸入与不变流形理论设计了速度观测器,通过增益注入对非线性项抑制,从而同时估计角速度和线速度。利用李雅普诺夫函数分析了观测器状态量的收敛性以及注入增益的有界性,证明了该观测器的指数稳定性。最后设计了一个比例-微分(PD)位置与姿态跟踪控制器,该控制器可以实现航天器的任意姿态与位置跟踪,分析了这种观测-控制结构的闭环系统渐近稳定性。仿真验证了该速度观测器和控制器的有效性以及对于参数不确定性和测量噪声具有较好的鲁棒性。  相似文献   

The threshold value required to obtain a specified false-alarm probability, when postdetection integration follows a square-law or an envelope detector, is frequently needed in theoretical and practical studies of radar signal processor performance. The determination of such threshold values requires a substantial numerical computational effort. In this correspondence, simple expressions are presented with which these thresholds can be determined with excellent accuracy using only a scientific calculator.  相似文献   

In this paper, a simple and robust shock-capturing method is developed for the Flux Reconstruction(FR) framework by combining the Adaptive Mesh Refinement(AMR) technique with the positivity-preserving property. The adaptive technique avoids the use of redundant meshes in smooth regions, while the positivity-preserving property makes the solver capable of providing numerical solutions with physical meaning. The compatibility of these two significant features relies on a novel limiter designed for...  相似文献   

Moving towards the More Electric Aircraft, a hybrid actuator configuration, in which an electromechanical actuator (EMA) and an electrohydraulic servoactuator (EHSA) operate on the same control surface, provides an opportunity to introduce electromechanical actuators into primary flight controls. Besides the operation in active/passive or active/active mode, an “active/no-load” mode is promising. In this mode the EMA is controlled such that it actively follows the movement of the control surface without carrying external air loads, thereby reducing power dissipation compared to active/active mode and failure transients compared to active/passive mode. However, force fighting will occur if both actuators are actively controlled. In this paper, control concepts for a hybrid configuration, extending the original actuator control loops, are presented, enabling active/active as well as active/no-load operation. Nonlinear as well as linear models for an EMA, an EHSA, and a control surface structure are derived from technical data for an airworthy EHSA and combined to a model of the hybrid configuration. These models are used for matching of actuator dynamics and simulation of the developed control laws. For active/active mode, maximum force fighting between the actuators is reduced from about 500% to 7% of the stall load. For active/no-load mode, a force control loop is added to the EMA control, causing the EMA to follow movements of the control surface such that the external loads on the EMA are zero in steady-state. Force fighting is reduced to 30% of the stall load.  相似文献   

为了提高串列叶型设计的质量,建立了一套结合改进微粒群优化算法、自适应Kriging模型、非均匀有理B样条(NURBS)参数化方法的串列叶型优化设计系统。该系统可以实现叶型形状和叶型相对位置的耦合优化设计。提出了一种改进微粒群优化算法。在微粒群算法中,自适应改变微粒的惯性因子、学习因子、邻域微粒数目可以有效地平衡算法的全局和局部寻优能力。采用人工免疫算子对微粒群进行变异处理可以有效保持种群多样性。运用NURBS方法实现了串列叶型的参数化,设计了一种NURBS控制点的扰动方法,证明了改进EI(expected improvement)准则能使Kriging模型更容易跳出局部最优解。应用该系统优化某大弯角串列叶型,优化结果表明:在设计工况,优化后叶型的总压损失系数降低了40.4%,优化后的叶型在全攻角下的总压损失系数减小了,静压升增加了,在正攻角下的性能改善更明显,证明了该研究的耦合优化设计方法具有很好的实际应用价值。  相似文献   

采用快速计算方法进行高超声速气动力计算时,影响计算精度的关键问题主要在于模型面网格的划分和计算方法的选取。采用一种灵活实用的结构化面网格划分策略,使得模型的各个部件能分别选择合适的计算方法;发展一种基于近似流线的二阶激波膨胀波方法,该方法可以用于多种具有三维流场特性的部件,不仅降低对使用者的经验依赖,还能提高计算精度;配合激波位置计算方法,可以较为准确地计算模型的激波位置,保证边界层外缘参数的计算精度;粘性力计算使用基于起始面元修正的Spalding-Chi方法和参考温度方法。通过对四个典型算例的计算与分析,表明本文发展的高超声速气动力计算方法具有较高的计算精度,能够作为高超声速飞行器初步设计阶段的气动力快速分析工具。  相似文献   

This work extends the so-called simple adaptive control approach to direct model reference adaptive control of multi-input multi-output systems to include loss of control effectiveness failures. It is proven that all signals are bounded for loss of control effectiveness failures during a bounded input disturbance. A state space approach is introduced for computing the feedforward compensator that is required by the stability result. The adaptive algorithm is applied to a three input model of the linearized lateral dynamics of the F/A-18 aircraft. Simulation results are obtained with single, double, and triple control effectiveness failures of 88% during the occurrence of a lateral gust. These results show that the adaptive controller exhibits improved model following as compared with a fixed gain eigenstructure assignment controller.  相似文献   

结合某型机国产化中的螺纹标注实例 ,提出了普通螺纹制件图样中尺寸标注方面存在的问题 ,并探讨了螺纹合理标注形式  相似文献   

吴梅  侯砚泽 《飞行力学》2008,26(1):68-70,74
针对模型参考自适应控制对延迟鲁棒性较差的问题,提出了将动态特性接近被控对象的参考模型作为前馈补偿器,从而改进系统性能的补偿方法。仿真结果表明,该补偿方法效果明显,且对不确定的延迟扰动有一定的鲁棒性。  相似文献   

By expressing the input autocorrelation function in a power series of bandwidth, this paper derives a small bandwidth firstorder approximation for the covariance matrix of the broadband tapped delay line power inversion array. The structure of the associated eigenvalues is then deduced, giving (number of taps)/2 sets of eigenvalues, the eigenvalues in the ith set being proportional to (bandwidth)2(i-1). Thus a simple transformation preprocessor which depends only on the bandwidth, tap spacing, and number of taps is derived for eliminating the spread of eigenvalues due to the use of tapped delay line processing.  相似文献   

Most utility power quality problems are caused by sags, surges, and momentary outages which last from several cycles to several seconds. Modern loads are very sensitive to these short duration glitches resulting in major losses in revenue through system down-time and loss of product from work in process. Many of these problems are caused by normal transients as equipment and factories go on-line or shut down. Others are caused by lightening strikes and faults on the distribution system. Although power utility companies attempt to minimize the interruptions through filtering and system management, power quality problems continue to cost American industry billions of dollars a year. Batteries have been used for many years in uninterruptible power supplies (UPS) to protect critical loads. However, because many new facilities have a network of broadly distributed critical loads, a UPS on the order of one to several megawatts is needed to support the total plant rather than several small kilowatt installations. This paper reports on the implementation of such a utility scale power quality management system  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to validate an unstructured 3D Euler flow solver, USER3D, against the experimental data and to compare it with a classical, structured, Euler solver, FLU3M of ONERA, on two different missile geometries at a Mach number of 2 and at various angles of attack up to 20 ° . The first geometry is a conventional missile with an ogive nose, a cylindrical body and four straight tail fins. The second geometry is a unconventional missile with a lenticular body and no tail fins. The present results are found to be in good agreement with these available results and the discrepancies observed between them are explained in detail. The present unstructured Euler code has proved to be accurate, fast and reliable for the aerodynamic design of conventional and unconventional missiles.  相似文献   

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