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Based on the forthcoming second stage of the Japanese Lunar mission ILOM (2013), when an optical telescope will be set on the surface near one of the Lunar poles, the possibility to detect free Lunar modes (Chandler-like wobble and free-core nutation) is considered. The difference between the Lunar Eulerian and Chandler-like wobble is explained. The terms “arbitrary libration” and “free libration” are discussed. The geometrical and physical interpretations of the free polar motion over the Lunar surface are considered from the viewpoints of Lunar surface-based observations and the Lunar Navigation Almanac. The dependencies of the free libration period on the core’s radius, density, and ellipticity are modelled and discussed.  相似文献   

Near-infrared diffuse radiation at 1 μm – 5 μm was observed using cold optics on board a sounding rocket. The observed surface brightness is too bright to be explained by known diffuse sources and its significant part is possibly attributed to the cosmic origin. Extragalactic background radiation thus obtained is brighter than theoretically estimated so that new energy sources at an early epoch of the universe are required.  相似文献   

Ultraviolet spectra (1100–1900 Å) of the sky background of 10 wide angle (6°×6°) regions obtained between 70 000 km and 200 000 km from the Earth with the photoelectric spectrometer “GALACTIKA” on board the satellite “PROGNOZ-6” are considered. The spectral energy distribution of the sky background, after subtraction of the stellar component, is similar for regions on both sides of the Milky Way and exhibits a strong U.V. light contribution. On the contrary, the Milky Way (lII=190° bII=+6°) is less rich in far U.V. light; this can be related to the predominance of an expected selective absorption near the galactic plane. The nature of U.V. excess at high galactic latitudes needs further investigations.  相似文献   

Stars that explode as Type I Supernovae (SNI) are white dwarfs with masses practically equal to the Chandrasekhar limit Mch. These white dwarfs forme either as a result of gas overflow onto a degenerate component in a binary system or due to the evolution of nuclei of the stars whose mass, on the main sequence, was 3 to 7 Mo. The masses of their nuclei are quite close to Mch. It is convenient to consider three types of stellar evolution 1) “hyperbolic”: masses of nuclei formed as a result of evolution are > Mch; such evolution ends in a Type II Supernova (SNII) outburst; 2) “parabolic” - masses of nuclei ≈ Mch, with the evolution ending in an SNI outburst; 3) “elliptical” with nuclei masses < Mch. The latter type of evolution leads to the formation of planetary nebulae and white dwarfs. A new hypothesis is suggested that explains more frequent occurrence of SNI in irregular galaxies by flashes of star formation.  相似文献   

Accreting black holes in binary systems exhibit two properties that distinguish them from the vast majority of binary X-ray sources: (1) rapid ≤ 1 s variability and (2) bi-modal spectral behaviour. These findings are based primarily on the observed properties of Cyg X-1 where an estimate of the X-ray source mass from radial velocity studies indicates a mass of 10 M. The recently suggested black hole candidacy of LMC X-3 is based on a similar mass estimate. The X-ray properties are similar to those of Cyg X-1 in its “high state”. The unique spectral properties of these systems are used to search for other similar systems, and new “possible” candidates are suggested, that include several transient sources. A possible spectral connection between these systems and their more massive counterparts in AGN is discussed.  相似文献   

Observations of the transient X-ray A0535+26 source with the SIGNE-2MP instrument on-board the Soviet “Prognoz-6” and “Prognoz-7” satellites are considered in the paper.  相似文献   

The spectrum of turbulent pulsations induced in the atmosphere by the galactic cosmic rays is defined. A possible manifestation of genesis of fractal dimensions in the system of “spectrum of turbulent pulsations of cosmic plasma – galactic cosmic rays’ spectrum – spectrum of atmospheric turbulent pulsations” is analyzed.  相似文献   

Japanese future space programs for high energy astrophysics are presented. The Astro-E2 mission which is the recovery mission of the lost Astro-E has been approved and now scheduled to be put in orbit in early 2005. The design of the whole spacecraft remains the same as that of Astro-E, except for some improvements in the scientific instruments. In spite of the five years of delay, Astro-E2 is still powerful and timely X-ray mission, because of the high energy resolution spectroscopy (FWHM 6 eV in 0.3–10 keV) and high-sensitivity wide-band spectroscopy (0.3–600 keV). The NeXT (New X-ray Telescope) mission, which we propose to have around 2010, succeeds and extends the science which Astro-E2 will open. It will carry five or six sets of X-ray telescopes which utilize super-mirror technology to enable hard X-ray imaging up to 60–80 keV. In mid-2010s, we would participate in the European XEUS mission, which explores the early (z>5) “hot” universe.  相似文献   

The spatial distribution of a complete redshift sample of nearby rich clusters of galaxies is studied. Strong superclustering, extending to very large scales (100h−1Mpc), is observed in the cluster distribution. In particular, we determined and discuss below the following studies:I. The spatial correlation function of rich clusters of galaxies.II. The construction of a complete catalog of superclusters and a study of their growth (percolation).III. The finding of large-scale superclusters surrounding the giant galaxy void in Bootes.IV. The finding of a 300 Mpc void of rich clusters of galaxies.All the above studies provide evidence for the existence of large-scale structure in the universe, and reveal some of its characteristics. These findings are of importance to models of the formation of galaxies and structure in the universe.  相似文献   

The IONOSAT project (from IONOspheric SATellites) is proposed by National Space Agency of Ukraine for First European Space Program as a part of Space Weather (SW) Program. As it is commonly accepted, Space Weather means the changes of the conditions on the Sun, in solar wind, magnetosphere and ionosphere which may affect the operation and reliability of on-board and ground technological systems and threaten human health. In this chain ionosphere is specific and integral part of SW formation. Moreover, namely in the ionosphere main part of the energy absorption of Sun-activated sporadic corpuscular and radiation fluxes takes places. The excitation of ionosphere by falling fluxes produces its “luminescence” in wide frequency band – from ULF waves till ultraviolet – and by this ionosphere works as an efficient “screen” or SW indicator.A goal of the proposed project is long-term spatial–temporal monitoring of main field and plasma parameters of ionosphere with aim to further develop fundamental conceptions of solar-terrestrial connections physics, nowcasting and forecast of SW, and diagnostics of natural and technogenic hazards with the help of scientific payload installed on-board a cluster of 3 low-Earth orbit (LEO) microsatellites (tentative launch date – 2012 year).The state of the project proposal and realization plans are discussed.  相似文献   

The entropy in the hot X-ray gas in groups of galaxies is a fossil of the process of galaxy formation The amount of entropy in these low mass systems considerably exceeds that predicted from structure formation models. To explain these results requires “extra” energy which is a relic of the process of star formation and active galaxy heating. We present new XMM results on the entropy and entropy profiles. These results are inconsistent with pre-heating scenarios which have been developed to explain the entropy floor in groups but are broadly consistent with models of structure formation which include the effects of heating and/or the cooling of the gas. The total entropy in these systems provides a strong constraint on all models of galaxy and group formation, and on the poorly defined feedback process which controls the transformation of gas into stars and thus the formation of structure in the universe.  相似文献   

The TUS (Tracking Ultra-violet Set up) space fluorescence detector has to be launched in 2010 as a separated platform in Foton (Bion) mission prepared by the Samara enterprise. This detector was designed for another satellite and the updated variant of the TUS detector for a new platform is presented. The data on UV glow of the atmosphere obtained in operation of one pixel of the TUS detector on board the Moscow State University “Universitetsky-Tatiana” satellite was taken into account in design of the updated TUS detector. The data on UV transient flashes registered in “Universitetsky-Tatiana” mission are of special interest. Electronics of the TUS detector able to select and register different types of UV events in the atmosphere is presented.  相似文献   

The effect of gravity on super-escape particles spiralling along magnetic field lines need not be negligible when the field lines are long enough and the field-strength variation small. If the magnetic field strength decreases with altitude but only very slowly, some unexpected phenomena may occur owing to gravity: some super-high-velocity particles can possess an upper level of reflection which impedes their escape into higher regions. Some of these “super-escape particles may, however, propagate through the level at which their pitch angle is 90° and continue spiralling in the same direction (“hole” boundary). In addition, the pitch angle of some super-escape particles may only achieve a maximum which can be very small (hole effect). Many plasma phenomena can be derived from these charecteristic features of particle trajectories.  相似文献   

Based upon a simple cosmological model with no expansion, we find that the rotational terms appearing in the Gödel universe are too small to explain the Pioneer anomaly. Following a brief summary of the anomaly, cosmological effects on the dynamics of local systems are addressed – including a derivation of the equations of motion for an accelerated Pioneer-type observer in a rotating universe. The rotation or vorticity present in such a cosmological model is then subjected to astrophysical limits set by observations of the cosmic microwave background radiation. Although it contributes, universal rotation is not the cause of the Pioneer effect. In view of the related fly-by anomalies, frame-dragging is also discussed. The virial theorem is used to demonstrate the non-conservation of energy during transfers from bound to hyperbolic trajectories.  相似文献   

The “twin jet model” for SS 433 is briefly described, and its likely superiorority to other models demonstrated. It is then used as a framework within which the implications of the main observational results are discussed. Many theoretical questions about SS 433 are raised, but only few are answered.  相似文献   

The results from the photometric observations of the x-ray source KR Aur for the period Oct. 1979 – Mai 1983 obtained at the National Astronomical Observatory, Bulgarian Acedemy of Sciences, are presented. The 1981 – 1982 minimum of the light curve is discussed.  相似文献   

Recent astronomical observations of supernovae and cosmic microwave background indicate that the universe is accelerating. Scalar–tensor theories of gravity give rise to suitable cosmological models where a late-time accelerated expansion is naturally realized. In an alternative proposal the cosmic acceleration is generated by means of a scalar field (quintessence), in a way similar to the early-time inflation. In this paper, we consider two classes of cosmological models with scalar fields. The first one corresponds to the Jordan–Brans–Dicke tensor–scalar theory with a cosmological scalar and the second one contains a conformally coupled scalar field with quartic potential. In both type of models the cosmological dynamics is described and the deceleration parameter is evaluated. The values of the parameters are specified for which a late-time accelerated expansion is realized.  相似文献   

“With all reserve, we advance the view that a supernova represents the transition of an ordinary star into a neutron star.”This conclusion, reached just 50 years ago in a classic paper by Walter Baade and Fritz Zwicky (1934), was published three decades before the first direct observational evidence for the existence of neutron stars was uncovered. It still informs the standard picture of neutron star production in the Galaxy. We examine herein some recent evidence bearing on this question which has been derived from Observatory X-ray observations of supernova remnants and radio pulsars. In particular, the discovery that X-ray synchrotron nebulae are found surrounding most young ( 106 yr) pulsars observed to date is discussed. We explore the implications of the lack of such nebulae in the majority of supernova remnants (SNR) for the properties and frequency of neutron star formation in supernova events.  相似文献   

In the ROSAT all-sky-survey 7 classical novae were detected, but only 1 of the 26 that had an outburst in the 10 years before the survey. 3 are new X-ray detections; 1 source is a known intermediate polar and 4 are suspect “magnetic novae”. 3 objects show a very soft spectrum. Among the objects related to novae we found 2 dwarf-novae with unusually long periodicity, the peculiar source KR Aur and 4 X-ray novae. One of these, V404 Cyg, was detected at quiescence for the first time.  相似文献   

The thermonuclear model for x-ray burster and “soft transient” is discussed. The mass accretion rate M, the chemical composition of accreted matter, the gravitational potential of the neutron star and thermal state of outer layer / or core/ are the main parameters which determine the burning regime. Importance of nuclear network used for the properties of subsequent flashes is pointed out.  相似文献   

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