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正2017年6月15日,我国"慧眼"硬X射线调制望远镜(HXMT)卫星在众所期盼中奔向太空。这一举世瞩目、自主创新的重大科学工程的实施,不仅填补了我国空间X射线空间望远镜研制的空白,为中国航天的技术进步画上了浓墨重彩的一笔,并且使我国首次具有自主获取高能天体原始观测数据的能力,实现了在高能天体物理  相似文献   

硬X射线调制望远镜(HXMT)卫星是中国首颗空间X射线天文卫星.为充分利用卫星资源,使科学产出最大化,需要进行长期任务规划.长期任务规划是一个复杂的多目标优化问题.通过分析HXMT观测特点和约束条件,建立了HXMT长期任务规划问题模型,并采用贪婪算法加遗传算法对模型进行求解.实例分析结果表明该方法能够有效解决HXMT长期任务规划问题.   相似文献   

透视宇宙的眼睛——“硬X射线调制望远镜”   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
卢方军 《国际太空》2009,(12):13-18
中国“硬X射线调制望远镜”(Hard X-ray Modulation Telescope,简称HXMT)天文卫星将是国际上已知计划中唯一一台既可以实现宽波段、高灵敏度X射线巡天成像,又能够研究黑洞、中子星等高能天体的短时标光变和宽波段能谱的空间X射线天文观测设备。作为我国第1颗天文卫星,HXMT已被明确列入国家《“十一五”空间科学发展规划》和《航天发展“十一五”规划》。HXMT上天后,不仅将使我国的高能天体物理观测研究达到国际先进水平,还可为提升我国在深空探测等方面的能力作出重要贡献。  相似文献   

正"慧眼"硬X射线调制望远镜(HXMT)是我国自主研制的第一个X射线空间望远镜。该空间望远镜于2017年6月15日在酒泉卫星发射场采用长征-4B运载火箭发射升空,并已成功获得首批数据。1"慧眼"情况简介20世纪90年代初,中国科学院高能物理研究所(简称高能所)李惕碚和吴枚在高能天体物理数据分析中发展了直接解调方法(DDM),该方法克服了  相似文献   

硬X射线调制望远镜(Hard X-ray Modulation Telescope,HXMT)的最重要的工作模式是扫描观测,包括巡天扫描观测和小天区深度扫描观测. HXMT的标准成像需要被观测天区完整的二维扫描观测数据,而同时利用HXMT的观测数据中包含的空间调制信息和旋转调制信息,快视成像可以在只有一维扫描的情况下获得被观测天区的较粗略的流强分布,从而可以在卫星的视场扫过一块天区后很快给出被观测天区的尽可能多的信息.本文详细介绍了快视成像的过程,并通过模拟计算给出了巡天扫描观测快视成像的灵敏度、定位精度和角分辨能力的分布.快视成像能提高HXMT发现暂现源的灵敏度,及时发现并定位出现在HXMT视场中的高能爆发现象,减少较强的暂现源和爆发对标准成像干扰将是标准成像的重要补充.   相似文献   

正中国首台空间X射线天文望远镜发射成功2017年6月15日11时,中国第一台空间X射线天文望远镜——硬X射线调制望远镜(HXMT)成功发射。这台望远镜被命名为"慧眼",是向高能物理领域杰出的女科学家、中国天体物理学奠基人之一何泽慧先生致敬,也饱含着HXMT团队对未来的期望——期望借助这只"慧眼",穿过星际迷尘的遮挡,去探寻那些深藏在宇宙深处的奥秘。"我们将用‘慧眼’对银河系进行非常详细的大天区扫描巡天,预期会发现一些新的黑洞活动,  相似文献   

<正>2017年6月15日,中国首颗硬X射线调制望远镜卫星"慧眼"在酒泉成功发射,将对银河系进行高灵敏度、高频次的宽波段X射线巡天监测。"慧眼"入轨后将先进行为期5天的整体功能测试,然后开展为期140天的仪器性能测试、在轨标定观测和试观测,计划于2017年11月进入常规科学观测阶段。"慧眼"呈立方体构型,设计寿命4年,装载高能、中能、低能X射线望远镜和空间环境监测器  相似文献   

正作为硬X射线调制望远镜和天宫二号伽马暴偏振探测两个重要项目的首席科学家,中国科学院粒子天体物理重点实验室主任张双南主要通过天文观测和理论计算来研究中子星、黑洞、星系、星系团以及宇宙演化,同时还在论证中国下一代X射线太空望远镜以及未来中国空间站上的天文观测项目。1992年张双南在美国国家航空航天局(NASA)工作。他利用医学成像专业软件处理天体  相似文献   

硬X射线调制望远镜(HXMT)卫星是中国首个专门进行天文探测的空间科学实验卫星,运行于高度约550km、倾角约43°的低地球轨道.星载空间环境监测器为星上科学任务开展提供背景辐射实测资料.该监测器采用固体探测器望远镜系统和扇形阵列全新组合设计,可获取轨道空间高能质子和高能电子能谱、方向综合动态结果,给出更为全面的粒子辐射分布图像.初步探测结果显示,卫星运行轨道遭遇的带电粒子辐射集中分布在经度80°W-20°E,纬度0°-40°S的南大西洋异常区,粒子辐射在该区域表现出不同程度的方向差异分布,高能电子方向差异分布显著强于高能质子.2017年9月空间环境扰动期间,爆发的太阳质子事件并未对该轨道粒子辐射产生影响,而地磁活动导致该轨道穿越经度120°W-60°E,纬度40°-43°N的北美上空和经度60°-120°E,纬度43°-40°S的澳大利亚西南区域时遭遇增强粒子辐射影响,增强的粒子辐射表现出极强的方向分布.   相似文献   

美航宇局(NASA)在哥伦比亚号航天飞机的第35次任务飞行时搭载天体望远镜“ASTRO”,以实施轨道观测。ASTRO与卫星型的“哈勃”空间望远镜不同,它是一个从航天飞机货物舱进行天体观测的望远镜设施。它主要在紫外线和X射线照射不到的地面区域进行观测。  相似文献   

The Hard X-ray Modulation Telescope (HXMT) is China's first astronomical satellite. It will perform a broad band (1-250keV) scan survey and do pointed observations of X-ray sources to study their spectra and multi-wavelength temporal properties. The pre-flight models of the satellites have been finished, and the flight models are in production. The expected launch date of HXMT is in late 2015.   相似文献   

The Hard X-ray Modulation Telescope (HXMT) is China's first X-ray (1-250 keV) astronomical satellite officially approved in 2011. It will scan the Galactic plane to detect new transient sources and do pointed observations of X-ray sources to study their spectra and multiwavelength temporal properties. Now the flight model of the satellite is in the final testing stage, and the expected launch date is in late 2016.   相似文献   

The HXMT mission concept consists of a slat-collimated hard X-ray detector assembly sensitive in 20~250 keV with a collection area of about 5000 cm2. Based on the reconstruction technique by direct demodulation developed in recent years, HXMT is mainly devoted to performing a hard X-ray all-sky imaging survey with both high sensitivity and high spatial resolution. It can also be used to make pointed observations of X-ray sources to study their spectroscopic and temporal properties in details. The main detector of HXMT consists of 18 individual cylindrical NaI(T1)/CsI(Na) phoswich modules, each with anarea of 283.5 cm2 and a field of view of 5.7°× 1.1° (FWHM). Its spatial resolution and position accuracy are 5′ and 1′ by using the direct demodulation in 1994, and in 2000 its feasibility and technical demonstration study was selected as a project under the Major State Basic Research Program of China. In October 2005, this project entered the full design phase and was listed as a candidate for the first dedicated astronomy satellite around 2010. We are now also considering secondary low energy instruments for this satellite.  相似文献   

HXMT卫星的空间硬X射线巡天和定点观测计划切换频繁,需要对卫星有效载荷在轨状态进行实时监测和判别.目前采用的是地面监测人员根据总结的规则进行人工监测的方式,虽然执行方便,可解释性强,但人力消耗较大,且对规则之外的情况无法灵活处理.本文利用HXMT卫星的实时遥测数据,提出一种基于LightGBM机器学习模型的在轨运行模式监测算法,将监测工作规约为多分类问题,并构建判别模型,对卫星在轨运行模式进行判断.在保障判别准确率的前提下,算法模型构建迅速,具有很高的实用性.基于真实遥测数据的试验表明,模型的判别准确率达到99.9%,满足在轨运行模式监测要求,可为HXMT卫星的运行监控任务提供参考依据.   相似文献   

The science analysis of the data from the High Energy X-ray Telescope (HE) on the Hard X-ray Modulation Telescope (HXMT) satellite is organized in three stages: calibration, screening and extraction of high-level scientific products. At the first stage, the raw PHA value of each event is converted to PI value accounting for temporal changes in gain and energy offset. At the second stage, the calibrated events are screened by applying cleaning criteria. At the third stage, scientific products, i.e. spectra, light curves and redistribution matrix files, are extracted. This work will introduce the three stages as well as the screening criteria and the data combining method.   相似文献   

X-ray telescopes have been providing high sensitivity X-ray observations in numerous missions. For X-ray telescopes in the future, one of the key technologies is to expand the energy band beyond 10 keV. We designed depth-graded multilayer, so-called supermirrors, for a hard X-ray telescope in the energy band up to 40 keV using lightweight thin-foil optics. They were successfully flown in a balloon flight and obtained a hard X-ray image of Cyg X-1 in the 20–40 keV band. Now supermirrors are promising to realize a hard X-ray telescope. We have estimated the performance of a hard X-ray telescope using a platinum–carbon supermirror for future satellite missions, such as NeXT (Japan) and XEUS (Europe). According to calculations, they will have a significant effective area up to 80 keV, and their effective areas will be more than 280 cm2 even at 60 keV. Limiting sensitivity will be down to 1.7 × 10−13 erg cm−2 s−1 in the 10–80 keV band at a 100 ks observation. In this paper, we present the results of the balloon experiment with the first supermirror flown and projected effective areas of hard X-ray telescopes and action items for future missions.  相似文献   

The Hard X-ray Modulation Telescope (HXMT) was launched at Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center on June 15, 2017, and was named as Insight-HXMT after the launch. Now all the instruments work properly in space, dozens of sources have been observed, and some early scientific results have been published. The nominal lifetime of Insight-HXMT is 4 years.   相似文献   

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