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The presence of speckle in synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imagery makes image interpretation more difficult and worsens the performance of algorithms designed to detect objects in the imagery. Image processing techniques to reduce speckle usually do so at the expense of spatial resolution. Multichannel whitening is one image processing technique that reduces image speckle while maintaining spatial resolution. Multichannel whitening is applied to imagery recorded during a foliage penetration experiment undertaken by MIT Lincoln Laboratory using the NASA/JPL UHF, L-, C-band fully polarimetric SAR in July 1990. In this experiment, a 50 km2 forested area near Portage, Maine was imaged. Twenty-seven 8 ft trihedral corner reflectors were arrayed throughout the imaged area beneath the foliage in order to measure foliage attenuation. The detection performance for corner reflectors under foliage is compared for the raw data and whitened data, and the predictions of a product model for the degree of speckle reduction are compared with the data  相似文献   

Optimal speckle reduction in polarimetric SAR imagery   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Speckle is a major cause of degradation in synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imagery. With the availability of fully polarimetric SAR data, it is possible to use the three complex elements (HH, HV, VV) of the polarimetric scattering matrix to reduce speckle. The optimal method for combining the elements of the scattering matrix to minimize image speckle is derived, and the solution is shown to be a polarimetric whitening filter (PWF). A simulation of spatially correlated, K-distributed, fully polarimetric clutter is then used to compare the PWF with other, suboptimal speckle-reduction methods. Target detection performance of the PWF, span, and single-channel |HH|2 detectors is compared with that of the optimal polarimetric detector (OPD). A novel, constant-false-alarm-rate (CFAR) detector (the adaptive PWF) is as a simple alternative to the OPD for detecting targets in clutter. This algorithm estimates the polarization covariance of the clutter, uses the covariance to construct the minimum-speckle image, and then tests for the presence of a target. An exact theoretical analysis of the adaptive PWF is presented; the algorithm is shown to have detection performance comparable with that of the OPD  相似文献   

A technique for calibration of multipolarization synthetic-aperture radar (SAR) imagery is described. If scatterer reciprocity and lack of correlation between co- and cross-polarized radar echoes (for azimuthally symmetric distributed targets) are assumed, the effects of signal leakage between the radar data channels can be removed without the use of known ground targets. If known targets are available, all data channels can be calibrated relative to one another and radiometrically as well. The method is verified with simulation and application to airborne SAR data  相似文献   

Detecting moving targets in SAR imagery by focusing   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A new method for detecting moving targets in a synthetic aperture radar (SAR) image is presented. It involves segmenting a complex-valued SAR image into patches, focusing each patch separately, and measuring the sharpness increase in the focused patch. The algorithm is sensitive to azimuth velocities and is exquisitely sensitive to radial accelerations of the target, allowing it to detect motion in any direction. It is complementary to conventional Doppler-sensing moving target indicators, which can sense only the radial velocity of rapidly moving targets.  相似文献   

A multiresolution approach to discrimination in SAR imagery   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We develop and test a new algorithm for discriminating man-made objects from natural clutter in synthetic-aperture radar (SAR) imagery. This algorithm exploits characteristic variations in speckle pattern as image resolution is varied from course to fine. We model these variations as an autoregression in scale, and then use the autoregressive model to define a multiresolution log-likelihood ratio discriminant. We incorporate this discriminant into the existing Lincoln Laboratory SAR system for automatic target recognition (ATR), and test the augmented system by applying it to millimeter-wave SAR imagery having 0.3 m resolution and representing 56 square kilometers of terrain. At a probability of detection of 0.95, the addition of the multiresolution discriminant reduces the number of natural-clutter false alarms by a factor of six.  相似文献   

Nonlinear apodization for sidelobe control in SAR imagery   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imagery often requires sidelobe control, or apodization, via weighting of the frequency domain aperture. This is of particular importance when imaging scenes containing objects such as ships or buildings having very large radar cross sections. Sidelobe improvement using spectral weighting is invariably at the expense of mainlobe resolution presented here is a class of nonlinear operators which significantly reduce sidelobe levels without degrading mainlobe resolution implementation is via sequential nonlinear operations applied to complex-valued (undetected) SAR imagery. SAR imaging is used to motivate the concepts developed in this work. However, these nonlinear apodization techniques have potentially broad and far-ranging applications in antenna design, sonar, digital filtering etc., i.e., whenever data can be represented as the Fourier transform of a finite-aperture signal  相似文献   

A new technique for eliminating Doppler aliasing artifacts in synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imagery is presented. The technique uses continuous transmission of stepped-frequency (SF) waveforms to generate a simple, but effective, approximation of a two-dimensional |sinc|2 ambiguity function. This approach ensures aliasing artifacts are placed at nulls in a Doppler filter, effectively removing them from the imagery. Various methods of generating SF waveforms are introduced and their performance is quantified. Finally, simulated SAR imagery shows elimination of more than 99% of the aliased energy  相似文献   

Synthetic aperture radar(SAR)image is severely affected by multiplicative speckle noise,which greatly complicates the edge detection.In this paper,by incorporating the discontinuityadaptive Markov random feld(DAMRF)and maximum a posteriori(MAP)estimation criterion into edge detection,a Bayesian edge detector for SAR imagery is accordingly developed.In the proposed detector,the DAMRF is used as the a priori distribution of the local mean reflectivity,and a maximum a posteriori estimation of it is thus obtained by maximizing the posteriori energy using gradient-descent method.Four normalized ratios constructed in different directions are computed,based on which two edge strength maps(ESMs)are formed.The fnal edge detection result is achieved by fusing the results of two thresholded ESMs.The experimental results with synthetic and real SAR images show that the proposed detector could effciently detect edges in SAR images,and achieve better performance than two popular detectors in terms of Pratt's fgure of merit and visual evaluation in most cases.  相似文献   

Trajectory deviations in airborne SAR: analysis and compensation   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This paper concerns the analysis and compensation of trajectory deviations in airborne synthetic aperture radar (SAR) systems. Analysis of the received data spectrum is carried out with respect to the system geometry in the presence of linear, sinusoidal, and general aircraft displacements. This shows that trajectory deviations generally produce spectral replicas along the azimuth frequency that strongly impair the quality of the focused image. Based on the derived model, we explain the rationale of the motion compensation (MOCO) strategy that must be applied at the SAR processing stage in order to limit the resolution loss. To this end aberration terms are separated into range space invariant and variant components. The former can be accounted for either in a preprocessing step or efficiently at range compression stage. The latter needs a prior accommodation of range migration effect. We design the procedure for efficient inclusion of the MOCO within a high precision scaled FT based SAR processing algorithm. Finally, we present results on simulated data aimed at validating the whole analysis and the proposed procedure  相似文献   

A system study of a spaceborne along-track synthetic aperture radar (SAR) interferometer is presented. This sensor has been successfully experienced for detecting moving targets by using only airborne installations. Several key issues must be addressed when spaceborne configurations are envisaged. To this end, a quantitative evaluation of system performance and measurement accuracy has been conducted. First, the identification of possible space configurations has been accomplished. In particular, the two antennas can operate on a single satellite or they can be carried along appropriate trajectories by two spacecrafts. Then, an error budget of radial velocity measurement accuracy has been performed. Finally, two possible mission scenarios are dealt in details, and numerical results are reported  相似文献   

The temporal decorrelation characteristics of X-band radar backscatter from wind-influenced vegetation were investigated using a short-range CW radar. Radar reflectance data were gathered on various types of individual trees from a distance of approximately 30 m. The windspeed was monitored during each measurement, which lasted 5 s. The crown cover and the mean leaf area of the trees were also recorded. Autocovariance plots were generated for each measurement, from which the decorrelation time was estimated. As expected, the return signals decorrelated faster at higher wind speeds. However, the decorrelation time was also found to depend on the tree type, tree structure, and leaf cover characteristics. Measured decorrelation times for moderate winds (7-9 m/s) were often between 40-60 ms, although the lowest decorrelation time measured under these conditions was 14 ms for the Eastern Cottonwood. In lighter winds (1-4 m/s), decorrelation times were much longer, and there was substantial spread in the data  相似文献   

In high-resolution imaging, weak target pixel amplifiers may not be detected in the presence of clutter containing strong nonhomogeneities, when conventional approaches are used. The authors describe a constant false alarm rate (CFAR) approach that avoids the elimination of these significant target returns. The nonhomogeneous clutter as well as the weak target components are detected with this approach. The targets could then be discriminated from the homogeneities by discrimination techniques. It is shown how the lower amplitude components of the background noise and homogeneous clutter (which have Rayleigh statistics) can be detected in the presence of strong homogeneous clutter and targets. The average level of the homogeneous component is then determined using these lower-amplitude components. This CFAR approach avoids having a CFAR on the strong nonhomogeneities as well as the homogeneous component. The avoidance is what yields the ability to detect weak target pixel amplitudes  相似文献   

SAR imaging of moving targets   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
A method of forming synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images of moving targets without using any specific knowledge of the target motion is presented. The new method uses a unique processing kernel that involves a one-dimensional interpolation of the deramped phase history which we call keystone formatting. This preprocessing simultaneously eliminates the effects of linear range migration for all moving targets regardless of their unknown velocity. Step two of the moving target imaging technique involves a two-dimensional focusing of the movers to remove residual quadratic range migration errors. The third and last step removes cubic and higher order defocusing terms. This imaging technique is demonstrated using SAR data collected as part of DARPA's Moving Target Exploitation (MTE) program  相似文献   

弹载合成孔径雷达(Synthetic Aperture Radar,SAR)的目标距离、视线角由于高速逼近目标而快速变化,这导致传统的固定脉冲重复频率(Pulse Repetition Frequency,PRF)(简称重频)波形难以兼顾弹载SAR雷达在成像各方面的约束条件,故需要根据当前弹体运动和弹目关系变化情况实时计算重频。详细分析了影响重频选择的各项因素,包括避免距离模糊、方位模糊、高度杂波、发射遮挡影响及SAR成像分辨率、系统相参性要求等影响因素,并设计了自适应重频计算的工作流程。某SAR雷达系统实验表明,该设计能够在实际飞行弹道条件下根据实际弹目关系自适应调整脉冲重复频率,从而更好地实现SAR雷达系统的工作性能,有效解决了固定重频波形不能适应弹载SAR工作条件的难题。  相似文献   

Effects of polarization and resolution on SAR ATR   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Lincoln Laboratory is investigating the detection and classification of stationary ground targets using high resolution, fully polarimetric, synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imagery. A study is summarized in which data collected by the Lincoln Laboratory 33 GHz SAR were used to perform a comprehensive comparison of automatic target recognition (ATR) performance for several polarization/resolution combinations. The Lincoln Laboratory baseline ATR algorithm suite was used, and was optimized for each polarization/resolution case. Both the HH polarization alone and the optimal combination of HH, HV, and VV were evaluated; the resolutions evaluated were 1 ft/spl times/1 ft and 1 m/spl times/1 m. The data set used for this study contained approximately 74 km/sup 2/ of clutter (56 km/sup 2/ of mixed clutter plus 18 km/sup 2/ of highly cultural clutter) and 136 tactical target images (divided equally between tanks and howitzers).  相似文献   

Known results in the area of hard-limited array theory are extended and generalized for synthetic aperture radar (SAR) applications in order to obtain a significant reduction of the required transmission channel bandwidth. The results provide a theoretical basis for subsequent numerical experiments related to the SIR-B mission. The SAR signal is hard-limited (at the offset frequency, after the heterodyne process) and filtered, and the restored signal is processed in the conventional way to obtain the image of the pertinent scene. Results of this experiment may be useful in assessing image degradation due to 1-b coding  相似文献   

Generalized likelihood ratio tests (GLRTs) are derived for the problem of detecting targets in hyperspectral images. These detectors are derived under the assumptions that the signals from the materials in the image mix linearly and that the noise in the system is Gaussian. It is also assumed that the abundances of the signals from the various materials in a pixel must sum to one. This constraint models the fact that the material abundances in a pixel are just the fraction of the pixel that they occupy. Under these assumptions, detectors are derived which outperform the detectors derived without the sum-to-one constraint.  相似文献   

一种高光谱图像的双压缩感知模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
冯燕  王忠良  王丽 《航空学报》2015,36(9):3041-3049
高光谱图像因其海量数据性,给存储、传输及后续分析处理带来了挑战。压缩感知理论提供了一种全新的信号采集框架。针对高光谱数据的三维特性,提出一种双压缩感知的采样与重构模型。该模型在采样阶段兼顾高光谱数据的空间和谱间稀疏特性,构造了能同时实现空间和谱间压缩采样的感知矩阵;重构阶段不同于传统的压缩感知重构方法直接重构高光谱数据,而是将高光谱数据分离成端元和丰度分别进行重构,然后利用重构的端元和丰度信息合成高光谱数据。实验结果表明,所提双压缩感知在低采样率下重构精度较三维压缩采样提高了10 dB以上,更为显著的是运算速度提升了3个数量级,同时该方法还便于获得端元和丰度信息。  相似文献   

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