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论桂林旅游圈红色旅游的资源开发与品位提升   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
桂林红色旅游资源相当丰富,具有后发优势,但红色旅游起步晚,开发慢,存在基础设施不完善、景点管理体制不健全、旅游主题功能单一、旅游产品缺乏趣味性等方面的不足。桂林红色旅游要抓住机遇,依托大桂林旅游的区位优势,加大对桂林红色旅游的基础设施、管理体制、资源开发、产品特色、文化内涵和营销策略的规划和实施力度,提升红色旅游资源品位,促进桂林旅游经济的可持续发展。  相似文献   

论文在对桂林古村镇营销进行SWOT分析的基础上,对桂林古村镇旅游营销模式进行了探讨,认为桂林古村镇旅游营销首先要结合桂林山水文化塑造富有地方特色的古村镇旅游产品,综合利用旅游体验营销模式、品牌营销模式及垂直旅游企业合作营销模式开展营销工作,从而获得旅游市场的快速发展。  相似文献   

桂林会展旅游已初具规模,但在不同程度上遭遇了发展瓶颈.论文在解析会展旅游产生根源的基础上,对桂林会展旅游的市场定位做了合理界定.在此基础上认为,桂林会展旅游的快速稳步发展,有赖于产品战略、品牌战略、价格战略、分销战略、促销战略等具体营销战略的有效实施.  相似文献   

建成投产不久的桂林锦纶厂要在竞争激烈的弹力丝市场开创新局面,应首先立足于广西区内市场。可利用地理优势和根据产品消费的季节性特点,重点抓住本厂产品能满足需求的那部分目标市场;还可抓住影响广,容量大的中间商发展互惠合作关系,以点带面拓开销路。  相似文献   

通过对桂林米粉经营现状进行问卷调查和访谈,就桂林米粉经营的现状进行调研并在数据分析的基础上,针对桂林米粉在经营过程中遇到的问题,探索性地提出了针对桂林米粉经营发展方面的一些建设性建议,借以提高桂林米粉经营管理质量,提升其品牌知名度,进而促进桂林米粉走出地方,走向全国。  相似文献   

文章通过对桂林旅行社进行问卷调查,分析了桂林旅行社目前技术应用现状及其成因,提出桂林旅行社可以通过技术创新开发新产品、转变管理模式,建立科学合理的符合中国国情与客观规律的新型管理模式等策略,以解决桂林旅游业的"短板"问题。  相似文献   

桂林因独特的地理位置与和谐的政治环境成为中国抗战时期文化城,大批国际友人来到桂林援华抗战,使桂林成为世界反法西斯文化一个重要阵地,国际友人援华珍贵史料成为人类反法西斯文化遗产的重要组成部分。文章从归化与异化角度提出桂林抗战文化城国际友人援华史料的英译策略。  相似文献   

会展业对城市的发展有着重要的推动作用。文章在对桂林会展业的优势与劣势分析的基础上,对桂林会展业的发展对策进行了研究,提出了进一步发展桂林会展业的打造品牌、引进和培育人才等四个方面的对策。  相似文献   

2012年11月,国家发改委正式批复《桂林国际旅游胜地建设发展规划纲要》,标志着桂林国际旅游胜地建设的全面启动。桂林国际旅游胜地建设是一项庞大而复杂的系统工程,投资规模大,建设周期长,需要协调和解决的问题特别多。在这样一种大开发、大建设过程中,发生在旅游行业的各种成本费用将会普遍上升,因而必须通过价格调整进行补偿。在广泛探讨桂林国际旅游胜地建设过程中旅游价格调整必要性的基础上,深入分析了国际化背景下影响桂林旅游价格调整的主要因素,最后提出应对国际旅游胜地建设的桂林旅游价格调整策略,供有关部门决策参考。  相似文献   

21世纪的脚步声已清晰可闻了,知识经济作为世界经济主角初露端倪。高等教育是知识经济社会教育体系中的核心部分,它如何面对新世纪的挑战,尤为高等教育界所瞩目。文章对广西高等教育赍源中的桂林高等学校现状和未来,作了一个大胆的设想与分析,旨在引起有关部门和同行的共鸣。全文分为五个部分阐述:(1)桂林高等教育资源现状一瞥;(2)设立桂林大学的必要性和意义;(3)设立桂林大学的优势;(4)对桂林大学设立中的若干问题的建议;(5)对桂林大学的憧憬。  相似文献   

A string moving with geostationary angular velocity in its radial relative equilibrium configuration around the Earth, reaching from the surface of the Earth far beyond the geostationary height, could be used as track for an Earth to space elevator. This is an old dream of mankind, originating about 100 years ago in Russia. Besides the question of feasibility from a technological point of view also the question concerning the stability of such a configuration has not yet been completely solved. Under the assumption that a proper material (carbon nanotubes) is available, making the connection possible technologically, we address the question of existence and stability of the radial relative equilibrium of a tapered string on a circular geosynchronous trajectory around the Earth, reaching from the surface of the Earth far beyond the geostationary height.  相似文献   

In this paper, we analyze the illumination conditions, the thermal regime, and the possibility of deposits of volatile compounds existing in the vicinity region (NSR S5 region) near the southern pole of the Moon. It has been found that there are no permanently shadowed zones near the Scott crater and the NSR S5 region, though the temperature conditions allow the of compounds such as CH3OH, SO2, NH3, CO2, H2S, C2H4, and water to remain stable relative to evaporation for a long time (≥1 Gyr). It has been also shown that compounds like CO and CH4 cannot stably exist in these regions.  相似文献   

对老年人体育锻炼负荷量监控方法的探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对老年人体育锻炼活动的情况进行相关调查,发现目前老年人体育锻炼中存在一些误区。因此本文针对这些现实情况提出,应根据实际情况运用一些简单易行的方法来对老年人体育锻炼实施医务监督,达到提高老年人体育锻炼的科学性。  相似文献   

The results of an investigation of the distribution of plasma pressure, pressure gradients, and magnetic field near the equatorial plane in the plasma ring surrounding the Earth under magneto-quiet conditions are presented. Observational data obtained during the international THEMIS mission are used. The picture of the distribution of transverse-current density near the equatorial plane was obtained under assumption of observing the magnetostatic balance condition at geocentric distances from 6 to 12R E. In estimating the integral transverse current it was accepted that in daytime sector the magnetic-field minima on magnetic field lines are not localized in the equatorial plane. Estimates of the integral transverse current were obtained, which demonstrate the possibility of closing nighttime transverse currents at geocentric distances of up to ~12R E inside the magnetosphere, which form a high-latitudinal continuation of the ring current.  相似文献   

本文介绍了“三位一体”教育模式的内容,描述亍我们实施该模式所采取的措施及取得的成效。实践表明,“三位一体”教育模式能够提高学生的综合素质,为学生毕业后的发展打下坚实基础,对教育模式的改革具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

The paper has studied the accuracy of the technique that allows the rotational motion of the Earth artificial satellites (AES) to be reconstructed based on the data of onboard measurements of angular velocity vectors and the strength of the Earth magnetic field (EMF). The technique is based on kinematic equations of the rotational motion of a rigid body. Both types of measurement data collected over some time interval have been processed jointly. The angular velocity measurements have been approximated using convenient formulas, which are substituted into the kinematic differential equations for the quaternion that specifies the transition from the body-fixed coordinate system of a satellite to the inertial coordinate system. Thus obtained equations represent a kinematic model of the rotational motion of a satellite. The solution of these equations, which approximate real motion, has been found by the least-square method from the condition of best fitting between the data of measurements of the EMF strength vector and its calculated values. The accuracy of the technique has been estimated by processing the data obtained from the board of the service module of the International Space Station (ISS). The reconstruction of station motion using the aforementioned technique has been compared with the telemetry data on the actual motion of the station. The technique has allowed us to reconstruct the station motion in the orbital orientation mode with a maximum error less than 0.6° and the turns with a maximal error of less than 1.2°.  相似文献   

The possibility of the spacecraft insertion into the system of operational heliocentric orbits has been analyzed. It has been proposed to use a system of several operational heliocentric orbits. On each orbit, the spacecraft makes one or more revolutions around the Sun. These orbits are characterized by a relatively small perihelion radius and relatively high inclination, which allows one to investigate the polar regions of the Sun. The transition of the spacecraft from one orbit to another has been performed using an unpowered gravity assist maneuver near Venus and does not require the cruise propulsion operation. Each maneuver transfers the spacecraft into the sequence of operational heliocentric orbits. We have analyzed several systems of operational heliocentric orbits into which the spacecraft can be inserted by means of the considered transportation system with electric propulsion (EP). The mass of the spacecraft delivered to these systems of operational orbits has been estimated.  相似文献   

电阻式传感器的核心部件——电阻应变计是目前最常用的应力分析的敏感元件。也常用于测量力、压力、扭矩和加速度等物理量。作者简要回顾了电阻应变计的发展历史,介绍了电阻应变计的结构、分类及现状,展望了电阻式传感器的前景。  相似文献   

The results of modeling the dynamics of the Space Radiotelescope are presented. The results of ground-based vibration-dynamic tests are used to validate the calculation models and estimate the damping levels. The dynamic distortions of the reflecting surface caused by the operation of the pointing mechanism of the high-gain antenna are estimated.  相似文献   

论文简略介绍了静力轴压下园柱壳屈曲应力的工程计算方法,对某固体火箭发动机壳体的复杂受载条件对壳体屈曲应力的影响进行了分析,并对该火箭发动机壳体屈曲应力如何估计提出了建议。  相似文献   

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