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During the past two years (2016-2018), great achievements have been made in the Chinese research of interplanetary physics, with nearly 100 papers published in the academic journals. The achievements are including but not limited to the following topics:solar corona; solar wind and turbulence; filament/prominence and jets; solar flare; radio bursts; particle acceleration at coronal shocks; magnetic flux ropes; instability; instrument; Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) and their interplanetary counterparts; Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) numerical modeling; solar energetic particles and cosmic rays. The progress further improves our understanding of the eruptions of solar activities, their evolutions and propagations in the heliosphere, and final geoeffects on our Earth. These results were achieved by the Chinese solar and space scientists independently or via international collaborations. This paper will give a brief review of these achievements.   相似文献   

Great progress has been made in the research of solar corona and interplanetary physics by the Chinese scientists during the past two years (2014-2016). Nearly 100 papers were published in this area. In this report, we will give a brief review to these progresses. The investigations include:solar corona, solar wind and turbulence, superhalo electron and energetic particle in the inner heliosphere, solar flares and radio bursts, Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) and their interplanetary counterparts, Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) numerical modeling, CME/shock arrival time prediction, magnetic reconnection, solar variability and its impact on climate. These achievements help us to better understand the evolution of solar activities, solar eruptions, their propagations in the heliosphere, and potential geoeffectiveness. They were achieved by the Chinese solar and space scientists independently or via international collaborations.   相似文献   

This is a survey of solar phenomena and physical models that may be useful for improving forecasts of solar flares and proton storms in interplanetary space. Knowledge of the physical processes that accelerate protons has advanced because of gamma-ray and X-ray observations from the Solar Maximum Mission telescopes. Protons are accelerated at the onset of flares, but the duration of any subsequent proton storm at 1 AU depends on the structure of the interplanetary fields. X-ray images of the solar corona show possible fast proton escape paths. Magnetographs and high-resolution visible-band images show the magnetic field structure near the acceleration region and the heating effects of sunward-directed protons. Preflare magnetic field growth and shear may be the most important clues to the physical processes that generate high energy solar particles. Any dramatic improvement in flare forecasts will require high resolution solar telescopes in space. Several possibilities for improvements in the art of flare forecasting are presented, among them: the use of acoustic tomography to probe for subsurface magnetic fields; a satellite-borne solar magnetograph; and an X-ray telescope to monitor the corona for eruptions.  相似文献   

本文综述了日冕瞬变现象的主要观测特征及其理论模型.日冕瞬变是从太阳日冕中向行星际空间大量抛出物质的过程,每次事件可有5×1015克的物质在103秒的时间内以约500公里/秒的典型速度被驱动流到日球中.日冕瞬变与太阳耀斑和爆发日珥事件有密切的相关性.作为一种新的太阳活动现象,近年来对日冕瞬变提出了许多理论解释.一种数值模拟方法将瞬变看成是由于热力学量或磁力在日冕底部的脉冲增长所产生的结果.许多分析模型认为是由磁环内部的电磁力或外部的磁压力驱动所致,或者是环中磁浮力驱动的结果.考虑到瞬变与耀斑和爆发日珥的相关性,活塞驱动模型认为,瞬变是稠密等离子体喷射,像活塞驱动机制.观测和理论都有待于进一步的研究.   相似文献   

Protection from the radiation effects of solar particle events for deep space mission crews requires a warning system to observe solar flares and predict subsequent charged particle fluxes. Such a system relates precursor information observed in each flare to the intensity, delay, and duration of the subsequent Solar Particle Event (SPE) at other locations in the solar system. A warning system of this type is now in operation at the NOAA Space Environment Services Center in Boulder, Colorado for support of space missions. It has been used to predict flare particle fluxes at the earth for flares of Solar Cycle 22. The flare parameters used and the effectiveness of the current warning system, based on Solar Cycle 22 experience, are presented, with an examination of the shortcomings. Needed improvements to the system include more complete observations of solar activity, especially information on the occurrences of solar mass ejections; and consideration of the effects of propagation conditions in the solar corona and interplanetary medium. Requirements for solar observations and forecasting systems on board the spacecraft are discussed.  相似文献   

The scientific objective of solar corona and interplanetary research is the understanding of the various phenomena related to solar activities and their effects on the space environments of the Earth. Great progress has been made in the study of solar corona and interplanetary physics by the Chinese space physics community during the past years. This paper will give a brief report about the latest progress of the corona and interplanetary research in China during the years of 2010?2012. The paper can be divided into the following parts: solar corona and solar wind, CMEICME, magnetic reconnection, energetic particles, space plasma, space weather numerical modeling by 3D SIP-CESE MHD model, space weather prediction methods, and proposed missions. They constitute the abundant content of study for the complicated phenomena that originate from the solar corona, propagate in interplanetary space, and produce geomagnetic disturbances. All these progresses are acquired by the Chinese space physicists, either independently or through international collaborations.   相似文献   

We present an analysis of the time-intensity profiles of 25 solar energetic proton events at 18.2 MeV, modelled by fitting an analytical function form (a modified Weibull function) to the observed intensities. Additionally relying on previous work that characterized the magnetic connectivity between the event-related solar flare and the observer in these events with three angular parameters, we investigate the fit function parameters, the connectivity parameters, and the iron-to-carbon ratio of the events for dependencies and correlations. We find that the fit parameter controlling the basic shape of the profile (parameter a) is not clearly dependent on the connectivity parameters or the Fe/C ratio, suggesting that the profile shapes of neither well and weakly connected nor generally “impulsive” and “gradual” events differ systematically during the early stages of the event at 1 AU. In contrast, the time scaling of the fit function (parameter b) is at least moderately correlated with both the magnetic connectivity parameters and the Fe/C ratio, in that well-connected and iron-rich events are typically shorter in relative duration than weakly connected and nominal-abundance events; intensity rise times display a similar correlation with the connectivity parameters. We interpret the former result as following from the combined effect of various transport processes acting on the particles in interplanetary space, while the latter is essentially consistent with established knowledge regarding the observed dependence of the time-intensity profile shapes of solar energetic particle events on their magnetic connectivity and heavy ion abundances. The desirability of modelling the particle transport effects in detail and extending the analysis to cover higher energies is indicated.  相似文献   

Intensity increases of 4 – 13 MeV protons correlated with recurrent high speed solar wind streams were observed on board Helios 1 and 2 at heliocentric distances between 0.3 and 1.0 AU. Study of events which occurred in the time period 1975 – 1976 showed that recurrent fast solar wind streams were sometimes not accompanied by corotating events and small events were more frequently observed than large corotating events, which occurred only occasionally. The explanation for these phenomena seems to be the variation of the number of suprathermal particles injected into the acceleration process. Radial gradients of corotating events from February till April 1976 were investigated. The gradient changed its sign in successive solar rotations and exhibited strong time dependence inside 1 AU. Clearly negative gradients were measured in corotating events which occurred in February and April 1976. These observations showed that probably there were no stationary corotating structures in interplanetary space. We suggest that this effect is related to local disturbances of solar origin, e. g. flare initiated shocks.  相似文献   

本文基于太阳高能电子和日冕区开放场及行星际磁场特征,建立了相对论电子束与伴有空间变化(空间周期变化)的轴向场相互作用模型,用数值方法研究了该体系产生的电磁不稳定性,结果指出只有当太阳高能电子束速度和空间振荡场波数大到一定程度时,该体系才可激发在旋电磁模不稳定性,当太阳高能电子束逐一通过日冕和行星际空间时,激发具有波频向低频漂移特征的电磁波.  相似文献   

For about the last 40 years, we have been trying to understand the propagation of cosmic rays and other energetic charged particles through the interplanetary medium. Identification of the basic processes affecting the propagation, namely diffusion, convection by the solar wind, adiabatic deceleration, and gradient and curvature drifts, was attained early on, but reaching detailed physical understanding, particularly of the roles of diffusion and gradient and curvature drifts, continues as an active topic of research to this day. Particularly unclear is the nature of the cross-field propagation. Many observations seem to require more efficient cross-field propagation than theoretical propagation models can easily produce. At the same time, there are other observations that seem to show strong guidance of the particles by the interplanetary magnetic field. With current measurements from spacecraft near Earth and from the Ulysses spacecraft, which samples nearly the complete range of heliographic latitudes in the inner heliosphere, critical tests of the ways in which cosmic rays and other energetic charged particles propagate through the interplanetary medium are possible. I briefly review the status of observations that are relevant to the characterization of diffusive propagation in the inner heliosphere and will present evidence for a possibly previously overlooked contribution from transport along magnetic flux tubes that deviate dramatically from the average interplanetary spiral configuration.  相似文献   

A current serious limitation on the studies of solar energetic particle (SEP) events is that their properties in the inner heliosphere are studied only through in situ spacecraft observations. Our understanding of spatial distributions and temporal variations of SEP events has come through statistical studies of many such events over several solar cycles. In contrast, flare SEPs in the solar corona can be imaged through their radiative and collisional interactions with solar fields and particles. We suggest that the heliospheric SEPs may also interact with heliospheric particles and fields to produce signatures which can be remotely observed and imaged. A challenge with any such candidate signature is to separate it from that of flare SEPs. The optimum case for imaging high-energy (E > 100 MeV) heliospheric protons may be the emission of π0-decay γ-rays following proton collisions with solar wind (SW) ions. In the case of E > 1 MeV electrons, gyrosynchrotron radio emission may be the most readily detectible remote signal. In both cases we may already have observed one or two such events. Another radiative signature from nonthermal particles may be resonant transition radiation, which has likely already been observed from solar flare electrons. We discuss energetic neutrons as another possible remote signature, but we rule out γ-ray line and 0.511 MeV positron annihilation emission as observable signatures of heliospheric energetic ions. We are already acquiring global signatures of large inner-heliospheric SW density features and of heliosheath interactions between the SW and interstellar neutral ions. By finding an appropriate observable signature of remote heliospheric SEPs, we could supplement the in situ observations with global maps of energetic SEP events to provide a comprehensive view of SEP events.  相似文献   

A sequence of six well defined interplanetary structures (magnetic clouds) was identified in the solar wind and magnetic field measurements of Helios-1 from 29 June-01 July, 1980. (location 0.64–0.67 AU, C. Long. ~165°, C. Lat. ~5.8°). These structures were characterized by a large northward directed solar wind flow; by well defined directional discontinuities of mainly the ‘tangential-type’ at their beginnings and ends; by some increase in proton and by very pronounced increases in alpha particle number densities - each accompanied by sudden temperature decreases (or in one case by an increase); by some times an increase in magnetic field strength and by values of Nα/Np typical of the inner solar atmosphere. These structures are suggested to have been ejections from a succession (27–29 June, 1980) of Type II producing flares in Hale Region 16923 which coronagraph and X-ray (GOES) data indicate constituted a family of transient producing events. Only two interplanetary shocks were identified in the relevant Helios-1 records. It is suggested on the basis of observations of the directionality of certain of the flare related Type II bursts that some of these shocks could have been missed by the spacecraft. This implies that, in the absence of directional information, correlation of an observed interplanetary shock wave with a solar Type II burst may not always lead to a unique result.  相似文献   

Many physical processes precede and accompany the solar energetic particles (SEP) occurrence on the Earth’s orbit. Explosive energy release on the Sun gives rise to a flare and a coronal mass ejection (CME). X-ray and gamma emissions are believed to be connected with flares. Radio emission is signature of disturbances traveling through the corona and interplanetary space. Particles can gain energy both in the flare and the accompanying wave processes. The beginning of the SEP events has the advantage of being the phase most close to the time of acceleration. Influence of interplanetary transport is minimal in the case of first arriving relativistic solar protons recorded by ground based neutron monitors in so called ground-level enhancements (GLE). The early phase of the SEP events attracts attention of many scientists searching for the understanding of particle acceleration. However, they come to the opposite conclusions. While some authors find arguments for coronal mass ejections as a sole accelerator of SEPs, others prove a flare to be the SEP origin. Here, the circumstances of SEP generation for several GLEs of the 23rd solar cycle are considered. Timing of X-ray, CME, and radio emissions shows a great variety from event to event. However, the time of particle ejection from the Sun is closer to maximum of X-ray emission than to any other phenomena considered. No correlation is found between the particle fluxes and the CME characteristics.  相似文献   

Numerical simulations of two types of flares indicate that magnetic reconnection can provide environments favorable for various particle acceleration mechanisms to work. This paper reviews recent test particle simulations of DC electric field mechanism, and discusses how the flare particles can escape into the interplanetary space under different magnetic configurations.  相似文献   

Significant progress has been made by Chinese scientists in research of interplanetary physics during the recent two years (2018-2020). These achievements are reflected at least in the following aspects:Activities in solar corona and lower solar atmosphere; solar wind and turbulence; filament/prominence, jets, flares, and radio bursts; active regions and solar eruptions; coronal mass ejections and their interplanetary counterparts; other interplanetary structures; space weather prediction methods; magnetic reconnection; Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) numerical modeling; solar energetic particles, cosmic rays, and Forbush decreases; machine learning methods in space weather and other aspects. More than one hundred and forty papers in the academic journals have been published in these research directions. These fruitful achievements are obtained by Chinese scholars in solar physics and space physics either independently or through international collaborations. They greatly improve people's understanding of solar activities, solar eruptions, the corresponding space weather effects, and the Sun-Earth relations. Here we will give a very brief review on the research progress. However, it must be pointed out that this paper may not completely cover all achievements in this field due to our limited knowledge.   相似文献   

The characteristics of solar energetic particle events as observed in interplanetary space depend on many physical processes acting at the source and during the transport from the source to the observer. These processes, such as acceleration at the Sun and the propagation near the Sun and in interplanetary space depend, in general, on both the particle velocity and rigidity. Thus, the evaluation of both the nuclear charge and/or atomic mass and the ionic charge of heavy ions turns out to be essential for the interpretation of the physical parameters observed, such as the energy spectra and the compositional variations during individual solar energetic particle events. In this paper recent results on the direct determination of the charge states of He, C, O, and Fe will be summarized. Using these results the compositional variations during individual solar particle events will be discussed. It will be shown that ratio changes by a factor of ~ 10 during the onset phase of solar particle events, as frequently observed, could be explained not only by rigidity dependent interplanetary propagation, but also by rigidity dependent diffusive propagation in the corona. However, there is now increasing experimental evidence that also other processes, such as compositional variations at the source and discontinuities of the interplanetary magnetic field, separating two different particle populations, may be important. Thus the picture emerges that these variations do not have a unique explanation but rather that each event has to be investigated individually.  相似文献   

Solar cycle 22 had significant, large fluence, energetic particle events on a scale reminiscent of the 19th solar cycle. Examination of the characteristics of these large events suggests that some of the old concepts of spectral form, intensity-time envelope and energy extrapolations, used to estimate the dose from large events that occurred during previous solar cycles should be re-evaluated. There has also been a dramatic change in perspective regarding the source of solar protons observed in interplanetary space. Very large fluence events are associated with powerful fast interplanetary shocks. The elemental composition and charge state of these events is suggestive of a dominate source in the solar corona and not from a very hot plasma. Furthermore, there is a strong suggestion that the intensity-time profile observed in space is dominated by the connection of the observer to an interplanetary shock source rather than to a unique location near the surface of the sun. These concepts will be examined from the perspective of energetic particles contributing to the dose experienced by an astronaut on an interplanetary space mission.  相似文献   

Based on the available measurement data, simulations of radiation conditions during spacecraft flights in the interplanetary space and in the Earth's and Jupiter's radiation belts has been carried out. The > or = 10 MeV and > or = 30 MeV solar flare proton fluence forecast has been proposed for Cycle 22. Radiation conditions due to both magnetospheric electrons and protons and to solar flare protons, magnetic rigidity cutoff being taken into account, have been evaluated on spacecraft trajectories in the Earth's and Jupiter's magnetospheres.  相似文献   

EPONA is an energetic particle detector system incorporating totally depleted silicon surface barrier layer detectors. Active and passive background shielding will be employed and, by applying various techniques, particles of different species, including electrons, protons, alpha particles and pick-up ions of cometary origin may be detected over a wide spectrum of energies extending from the tens of KeV into the MeV range.

The instrument can operate in two modes namely (a) in a cruise phase or storage mode and (b) in a real time mode. During the real time mode, observations at high spatial (octosectoring) and temporal (0.5s) resolution in the cometary environment permit studies to be made of accelerated particles at the bow shock and/or in the tail of the comet. In conjunction with magnetic field measurements on board Giotto, observations of energetic electrons and their anisotropies can determine whether the magnetic field lines in the cometary tail are open or closed. Further, the absorption of low energy solar particles in the cometary atmosphere can be measured and such data would provide an integral value of the pertaining gas and dust distribution. Solar particle background measurements during encounter may also be used to correct the measurements of other spacecraft borne instruments potentially vulnerable to such radiation.

Solar particle flux measurements, obtained during the cruise phase will, when combined with simultaneous observations made by other spacecraft at different heliographic longitudes, provide information concerning solar particle propagation in the corona and in interplanetary space.  相似文献   

Interplanetary physics study is an important ingredient in space weather research. Considerable progress this aspect has been achieved by the space physics community of China in recent years. This brief report summarizes the latest advances of the interplanetary physics research in China during the period of 2008--2010. This report includes solar corona and solar wind, interplanetary transients, energetic particles, MHD simulation, space plasma, and prediction methods for physical phenomena originating from both solar corona and interplanetary space.   相似文献   

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