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长征系列火箭为中国航天运载火箭的统称。文章讨论了该系列火箭的组成和航天发射情况。  相似文献   

松鼠 《航天》2014,(1):37-39
如果说欧洲的"阿里安"-5火箭的改进主要着眼于商业发射,日本的H-II系列火箭就要无趣的多。日本的H-II系列火箭一直徘徊在国际商业发射市场之外,改进更多是"闭门造车"的结果。虽然日本改进H-II系列火箭也申明加强商业发射竞争能力,但从实际改进措施看,他们更多关注的还是提高可靠性和性能。  相似文献   

Nemo 《航天》2014,(1):44-48
日本新一代固体火箭艾普西龙于2013年9月14日成功发射,2006年退役的M-V火箭终于后继有人。M-V火箭的近地轨道运力为1.8吨,艾普西龙火箭更降低到1.2吨,而H-IIA系列火箭中运力最弱的H-IIA 202型号,近地轨道运力也高达10吨,不论是M-V火箭还是艾普西龙火箭,运载能力与日本现役的H-IIA系列火箭之间都有很大的缺口,致使日本不得不使用H-IIA火箭发射中小型载荷。  相似文献   

在中国第一个实用探空火箭系列——T-7系列探空火箭首次发射成功45周年之际,回顾了该系列火箭的研制由来和基本情况,论述了该系列火箭对中国开发中层大气和太空所起到的探路作用。  相似文献   

在中国第一个实用探空火箭系列--T-7系列探空火箭首次发射成功45周年之际,回顾了该系列火箭的研制由来和基本情况,论述了该系列火箭对中国开发中层大气和太空所起到的探路作用.  相似文献   

图1 1995年巴黎航展上最早展出的安加拉火箭从2001年起,商业卫星发射市场上将陆续出现几种俄罗斯的新面孔火箭。它们均来自由赫鲁尼切夫国家航天科研生产中心研制生产的安加拉火箭系列。为了摆脱俄对哈萨克斯坦境内拜科努尔航天发射场的依赖,新火箭将在普列谢茨克航天发射场发射,并且将使用原来为天顶2火箭建造但却从未使用过的一座发射台。当然,这座旧发射台要进行必要的改造。安加拉火箭系列在今年的巴黎航展上亮相后,美国洛马公司和赫鲁尼切夫中心已达成协议,同意由两家的合资公司国际发射服务公司作为该系列火箭的独家…  相似文献   

结合长征三号甲系列火箭高密度发射与适应不同用户需求的特点,提出了火箭构型统一、精简技术状态的要求,介绍了长征三号甲系列火箭的构型、构型统一的必要性及总体思路,以提高产品通用性和互换性,加速产品化工作进程。  相似文献   

周威 《中国航天》2004,(12):26-26,29
上世纪70年代,前苏联为了将运载火箭发展成为小、中、重型全系列标准型运载火箭.将11K77型火箭(即现在的天顶2)纳入中型运载火箭系列发展计划。这样,11K55、11K77和11K37就组成了一个完整的系列运载火箭。这三种火箭共用相同的推进系统、控制系统、助推级、上面级以及火箭准备与发射设施。  相似文献   

<正>俄罗斯质子号火箭制造厂家赫鲁尼切夫国家科研生产航天中心总经理卡里诺夫斯基3月中旬在2015年卫星大会上说,俄计划在2025年让现已服役50年、飞行约400次的质子号重型运载火箭退役。他说,拟接替质子号的安加拉系列火箭将在2021年正式投入使用,2025年完全取代质子号。同样由赫鲁尼切夫中心制造的安加拉系列火箭迄今已开展了两次试飞,包括轻型型号的一次亚轨道试射和重型安加拉5火箭12月份的一次静地轨道试射。卡里诺夫斯基说,该系列的下次试飞定  相似文献   

苏联在发射了第一颗人造地球卫星以后的25年中,一直依靠五种基本型运载火箭进行轨道发射。这五种运载火箭是: (1)警棍系列(A系列);(2)凉鞋火箭(B);(3)短剑火箭(C);(4)质子系列(D系列);(5)悬崖系列(F系列); 本文将对苏联运载火箭的未来发展趋势作一预测。当然,这种预测极难面面俱到,  相似文献   

我国大型低温液体运载火箭组成系统多、各系统耦合关联程度大、射前流程复杂,实现“零窗口”发射难度大。基于大型低温液体运载火箭的系统特点和射前约束条件,提出了实现“零窗口”发射的技术方案。通过能力挖潜主动拓展了任务故障适应性和窗口宽度,并辅以科学的测试发射策略,将技术和流程相结合,共同实现大型低温运载火箭“零窗口”发射目标。这对全面提升大型运载火箭和发射场“零窗口”发射能力、适应未来航天发展需求具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

The Smart Dragon 1(SD-1) launch vehicle is the first commercial rocket developed by China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology(CALT), targeting to the international launch market for small satellites. As the smallest launch vehicle in China at present, SD-1 is one of the most efficient solid boost rockets nationwide in terms of launch capacity. Compared with current domestic rockets, it provides remarkable access to space with a faster response, higher orbit-injection accuracy and better payload accommodation at a lower cost. On August 17, 2019, SD-1 completed its maiden flight and delivered three satellites into the desired Sun Synchronous Orbit(SSO) of 550 km accurately. In this article, a technical review of SD-1 is presented detailing the design concept and the use of state of the art technology throughout its development.  相似文献   

After a proposition from Russia to France, ESA agreed to see Soyuz rockets take off from French Guiana. From industry, to governments and agencies, many Russian and European actors were involved in this project and they all had different motives. It is therefore relevant to try to discern them so as to understand the rationale behind this cooperative endeavor. Soyuz's primary role is to consolidate Arianespace commercial position in the launching market and to bring activity and founding to a stagnating Russian space sector. With this decision Arianespace will have a full range of commercially available launchers with Soyuz completing the two European rockets Vega and Ariane V. But since Vega and Ariane must have the priority, there is a risk to see an insufficient launch rate for Soyuz, which would not satisfy the Russian partners. Commercial elements alone cannot justify the agreement. There is a larger strategic ambition behind. What is at stake is the future development of innovative launch systems. It is important for ESA to maintain an autonomous access to space and to maintain a dynamic and strong European propulsion industry. Cooperation with Russia can offer an increase of expandable rockets capabilities and can pave for the next generation of launch vehicles. Moreover, we can detect an interest in acquiring a system that has the potential for human space flight capacity. Finally, the decision to launch Soyuz from French Guiana was the conjunction of Russian and French national interests, which led to a complete redefinition of the relations between Europe and Russia. It is of strategic importance that we, Europeans, adapt to this evolution and understand the new place that Russia takes in our space sector.  相似文献   

中国航天固体火箭技术的发展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
叙述了20世纪50年代以来中国航天固体火箭推进技术的发展历程,介绍了9种最具代表性的固体火箭发动机的技术特征、研制过程、地面试验和飞行情况,这些发动机分别应用于中国的探空火箭、运载火箭上面级和应用卫星变轨系统。文中还简要地评述了中国固体推进各单项技术的发展水平。  相似文献   

空间短时飞行试验是指以探空火箭、气球、亚轨道重复发射工具等为主要实现手段,将待试验对象发射到一定高度,进行科学实验和技术验证的研究方法。对空间短时飞行试验工具的发展历史和应用现状进行综述,对探空火箭、气球、亚轨道重复发射工具在科学观测、新技术试验中发挥的作用进行总结和概括,以NASA飞行机会计划FOP为例,对其在有效载荷技术成熟度评估中的应用情况进行了重点阐述,结合我国空间科学探测和空间技术试验的迫切需求,对空间短时飞行试验工具在我国的应用前景进行了展望和预测。  相似文献   

运载火箭的测试发射模式对火箭和发射场总体方案起着重要作用,目前各国常用的测发模式主要有一平两垂、三垂和三平模式。研究和总结国内外运载火箭测发模式及其特点,从任务适应性、环境适应性、可靠性和安全性、经济性这4个指标中细化出13项影响因素,在此基础上开展了3种测发模式影响因素对比分析。结合我国发射场环境地质条件和现有建设条件,提出一种运载火箭测发模式定量分析方法,完成了我国小型、中型、大型及重型运载火箭在现有4个发射场最优测发模式分析,为我国运载火箭未来测发模式发展提供重要参考。  相似文献   

运载火箭发射场无人值守加注发射技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
针对我国火箭在发射场射前操作项目多、保障人员多的问题,分析了国内外火箭发射场无人值守加注发射的现状。结合火箭射前状态,从火箭系统、地面测发控系统和发射场系统等方面提出了无人值守加注发射总体方案,通过火箭状态远程监测及故障处理技术、连接器零秒脱落技术、箭地接口组合连接技术、连接器自动对接技术和火工品自动短路保护与解保技术等关键技术研究,可提高人员和产品的安全性,为后续我国火箭实现无人值守加注发射提供参考。  相似文献   

Multistage rockets are commonly employed to place spacecraft and satellites in their operational orbits. Performance evaluation of multistage rockets is aimed at defining the maximum payload mass at orbit injection, for specified structural, propulsive, and aerodynamic data of the launch vehicle. This work proposes a simple method for a fast performance evaluation of multistage rockets. The technique at hand is based on three steps: (i) the flight-path angle at each stage separation is guessed, (ii) the spacecraft velocity is maximized at the first and second stage separation, and (iii) for the last stage the thrust direction is obtained through the particle swarm optimization technique, in conjunction with the use of the Euler–Lagrange equations and the Pontryagin minimum principle. The coast duration at the second stage separation is optimized as well. The method at hand is extremely simple and easy-to-implement, but nevertheless it proves to be capable of yielding near-optimal ascending trajectories for a multistage launch vehicle with realistic structural, propulsive, and aerodynamic characteristics. The solutions found with the technique under consideration can be employed either for a rapid evaluation of the multistage rocket performance or as guesses for more refined optimization algorithms.  相似文献   

The question of how far rockets used for commercial launch services are subsidised by their respective governments remains highly topical. This article traces the history of the first legal challenge to be made on this basis by a US launch service provider against Arianespace, a case which also called into question the pricing of the Space Shuttle. The perceptions, deliberations and negotiations of both sides are traced and it is noted that their most important outcome was not settlement of the case itself but agreement to start serious consultations on defining ‘rules of the road’ regarding government support to the commercial launch industry.  相似文献   

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