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<正> 《"黑鹰"之路》是一部全面介绍"黑鹰"直升机的著作。作者作为"黑鹰"项目的主要负责人之一,铜鼓亲身经历,全面介绍了西科斯基公司如何参与"黑鹰"项目的竞争,如何通过修改设计满足军方要求,试飞过程中对"黑鹰"直升机进行的一系列设计修改,以及"黑鹰"直升机在美国军方和国际客户中的使用情况。《"黑鹰"之路》一书内容翔实,是了解"黑鹰"直升机难的的图书。  相似文献   

荀子根据"勇"与"义"、"利"的关系提出了"狗彘之勇"、"贾盗之勇"、"小人之勇"、"士君子之勇",只有"士君子之勇"是值得提倡的。荀子还将"勇"划分为上勇、中勇、下勇,认为只有上勇才是真正的大勇。真正的勇并不是先天具有的,是后天"人为"的结果,需要重视礼的作用,树立重义轻利的求荣避辱观念,通过师法不断培养才能形成。  相似文献   

CIMES2012将于6月12日在北京隆重开幕。届时,代表当今世界顶尖技术水平的机床工具产品将大放异彩。本届展会的主题是"发展智能和绿色机床,引领中国‘智造’"。为此,本刊推出了"未来机床"、"未来刀具"、"未来测量"和"未来工厂"4期特别策划。  相似文献   

<正>关于"道"、"器"之辩,《周易·系词》曰:"形而上者谓之道,形而下者谓之器。"在此,非物体、形而上者称之为"道",物体的、形而下者叫做 "器"。 "器"强调的是物体的形体、用提等特征,强调事务的实际效用和功能,也可理解为追求物的手段或技能。与此相对的"道",  相似文献   

CIMES2012将于6月12日在北京隆重开幕。届时,代表当今世界顶尖技术水平的机床工具产品将大放异彩。本届展会的主题是"发展智能和绿色机床,引领中国‘智造’"。为此,本刊推出了"未来机床"、"未来刀具"、"未来测量"和"未来工厂"4期特别策划。本期是以"未来机床"为  相似文献   

当前,网络上"全城最低价"、"网购超低价"、"秒杀"等活动令人眼花缭乱,但让网购一族为之疯狂的低廉价格背后却往往隐藏着消费陷阱。陷阱一:骗子网站,只收款不发货[案例]消费者周先生反映,上海恒泰电子公司的网站在搞"苹果"笔记本电脑促销,标价为498元。他立即订购并网上付款成功,网站承诺隔天送货。不料,第二天他就接到该网站客服电话称,为了确保交易成功须"预缴"1000元"送货保证金",并承诺"保证金"在送货时退还。他按要求付款后,网站又称,他须再付1000  相似文献   

东方宣教  东子 《航空港》2012,(12):14-25
吸引超过1300万网友互动投票的上海"城市新印象"项目于7日揭晓"城市,让生活更美好—成功举办2010年上海世博会"等5大系列、50个项目当选。为生动反映2007-2012年间作为社会关注的上海经济社会发展成就,从今年2月起,由中共上海市委宣传部牵头,在全市集中开展"城市新印象(2007-2012)"主题系列宣传教育活动,发动全社会推荐、宣传和评选五年来上海的"十大重要进展"、"十大改革创新"、"十大民生变化"、"十大新景新貌"、"十大心灵感动"等五个系列的"城市新印象"项目。  相似文献   

CIMES2012将于6月12日在北京隆重开幕。届时,代表当今世界顶尖技术水平的机床工具产品将大放异彩。本届展会的主题是"发展智能和绿色机床,引领中国’智造’"。为此,本刊推出了"未来机床"、"未来刀具"、"未来测量"和"未来工厂"4期特别策划。  相似文献   

基于贝叶斯网络的某型导弹状态评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
针对传统"是非制"状态评判方法过于粗略的问题,将某型导弹状态重新细划为"优"、"良"、"中"、"差"和"故障"5个等级。在充分考虑导弹定量信息和定性信息的基础上,结合云模型建立了多状态信息融合的贝叶斯网络模型,提出了基于贝叶斯网络的状态评估方法,以期为装备质量的科学有效管理提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

CIMES2012将于6月12日在北京隆重开幕。届时,代表当今世界顶尖技术水平的机床工具产品将大放异彩。本届展会的主题是"发展智能和绿色机床,引领中国‘智造’"。为此,本刊推出了"未来机床"、"未来刀具"、"未来测量"和"未来工厂"4期特别策划。  相似文献   

Observations from the ground and four fly-by spacecraft have provided initial reconnaissance of Jupiter's atmosphere. The Pioneer and Voyager data have raised new questions and underlined old ones about the basic state of the atmosphere and the processes determining the atmosphere's behavior. This paper discusses the main atmospheric science objectives which will be addressed by the Galileo (Orbiter and Probe) mission, organizing the discussion according to the required measurements of chemical composition, thermal structure, clouds, radiation budget, dynamics, upper atmosphere, and satellite atmospheres. Progress on the key questions will contribute not only to our knowledge of Jupiter's atmosphere but to a general understanding of atmospheric processes which will be valuable for helping us to understand the atmosphere and climate of the Earth.Realization of the atmospheric science objectives of the Galileo mission depends upon: (a) coordinated measurements from the entry probe and the orbiter; (b) global observations; and (c) observations over the range of time-scales needed to characterize the basic dynamical processes.The Atmospheres Working Group also includes: M. D. Allison, M. J. S. Belton, R. W. Boese, R. W. Carlson, C. R. Chapman, T. Encrenaz, V. R. Eshleman, P. J. Gierasch, C. W. Hord, H. T. Howard, L. J. Lanzerotti, H. B. Niemann, G. S. Orton, T. Owen, C. B. Pilcher, J. B. Pollack, B. Ragent, W. B. Rossow, A. Seiff, A. I. Stewart, P. H. Stone, F. W. Taylor, G. L. Tyler, U. von Zahn, and R. A. West.  相似文献   

The use of space robots (SRs) for on-orbit services (OOSs) has been a hot research topic in recent years. However, the space unstructured environment (i.e.: confined spaces, multiple obstacles, and strong radiation interference) has greatly restricted the application of SRs. The coupled active-passive multilink cable-driven space robot (CAP-MCDSR) has the characteristics of slim body, flexible movement, and electromechanical separation, which is very suitable for extreme space environments. However, the dynamic and stiffness modeling of CAP-MCDSRs is challenging, due to the complex coupling among the active cables, passive cables, joints, and the end-effector. To deal with these problems, this paper proposes a workspace, stiffness analysis and design optimization method for such type of MCDSRs. Firstly, the multi-coupling kinematics relationships among the joint, cables and the end-effector are established. Based on hybrid series-parallel characteristics, the improved coupled active–passive (CAP) dynamic equation is derived. Then, the maximum workspace, the maximum stiffness, and the minimum cable tension are resolved, among them, the overall stiffness is the superposition of the stiffness produced by the active and the passive cable. Furthermore, the workspace, the stiffness, and the cable tension are analyzed by using the nonlinear optimization method (NOPM). Finally, an 8-DOF CAP-MCDSR experiment system is built to verify the proposed modeling and trajectory tracking methods. The proposed modeling and analysis results are very useful for practical space applications, such as designing a new CAP-MCDSR, or utilizing an existing CAP-MCDSR system.  相似文献   

The solar rotation causes the solar Doppler difference bias, which leads to the decline of the velocity measurement accuracy. Modeling and compensation are an effective solution. The limited model with specific geometric direction, where the solar rotation axis is perpendicular to the plane through the Sun, the Earth and Mars, was established. However, in fact, the geometric relationship among the Sun, Mars and the spacecraft is not fully in line with the hypothesis of the model due to the spacecraft orbital angle and the solar rotation axis drift. Thus, this model is not consistent with the fact. In order to solve this problem, a universal solar Doppler difference bias model, which provides the expression with arbitrary rotation axis, is established in this paper. In this method, for any point at the solar surface, four variables including the direction of the solar rotation linear velocity at this point, the distance from this point to the rotation axis, the vector from this point to Mars, and the vector from this point to the spacecraft are calculated. Based on these four variables, the solar Doppler difference bias corresponding to this point is obtained. The theoretical analysis and simulation results demonstrate that the solar Doppler difference bias model with the actual rotation axis is different from that with one of the specific rotation axes. Therefore, it is indispensable to build the proposed model for compensation. Besides, the direction of the solar rotation axis, the spacecraft-Mars-Sun angle and the spacecraft-to-Mars distance are important impact factors for the proposed model.  相似文献   

随着新时代的到来和科技的飞速发展,现代战争正在朝着高技术化、信息化、网络化和智能化方向发展。在这个背景下,新质作战飞机成为战争中至关重要的角色。新质作战飞机是航空技术的高峰,是实现国家军事现代化的重要手段。新质作战飞机具备高速、超声速、高机动、高侦察、高指挥、高攻击等多种机能,是战争中的制高点。论文的目的是通过总体概念论证方法的的思考探讨,展示总体概念论证方法在新质作战飞机研究中的应用,进一步提高新质作战飞机的研究能力和研究创新性。针对未来可能出现的新质作战飞机,从设计方向、设计要求、设计技术、设计模型等内涵进行了初步的分析研究。同时给出了面向新质作战飞机的总体概念论证思考,从主要目的、理论方法、主要步骤、原则要求4个方面对其进行了分析与探讨。  相似文献   

The flow control of hydraulic transformers is a great challenge.To meet this challenge,a new kind of hydraulic transformer,variable hydraulic transformer(VHT),is proposed in this work.This paper focuses on the power characteristics of the newly proposed VHT,including instantaneous power,average power,power pulsation,and efficiency.In the analyses,the concepts of efficiency,input power,output power,starting angle,and ceasing angle are defined or redefined.To investigate the power characteristics,their models are derived by considering the governing factors such as the control angle of the swash plate and the structure of the port plate.This work highlights that the load flow can be adjusted by adjusting the control angle of the swash plate,and the power characteristics at the B-port produce a remarkable change.In addition,the VHT has a starting angle and a ceasing angle,and these two angles can be adjusted by the influencing factors.The results reveal that the power pulsation and the jump points of the instantaneous power are the primary causes of a less smooth work.Then,it is shown that the control angle of the port plate,the control angle of the swash plate,and the pressures at the ports are the three key elements for a stable operation.The results also reveal that the adjustment of the influencing factors can improve the efficiency.  相似文献   

对以高温燃气作为引导火焰的煤油 空气预混气流超声速燃烧进行了数值模拟,系统研究了预混气流的温度、压力、当量比,以及预混气流与高温燃气的压力匹配关系等多种重要因素对超声速燃烧的影响。结果表明:随着预混气流静温、静压的升高,着火点诱导的压缩波增强,最高燃烧温度升高,火焰传播角相应增大;预混气流的当量比为化学恰当比时,燃烧温度最高;与静压匹配的情况相比,静压不匹配情况下的火焰传播角增大,当预混气流的静压高于高温燃气的静压时,着火点前移,反之,着火点则后移;此外,在多种情况下,燃烧室下壁面边界层都出现了自燃现象。  相似文献   

We discuss here the energy deposition of solar FUV, EUV and X-ray photons, energetic auroral particles, and pickup ions. Photons and the photoelectrons that they produce may interact with thermospheric neutral species producing dissociation, ionization, excitation, and heating. The interaction of X-rays or keV electrons with atmospheric neutrals may produce core-ionized species, which may decay by the production of characteristic X-rays or Auger electrons. Energetic particles may precipitate into the atmosphere, and their collisions with atmospheric particles also produce ionization, excitation, and heating, and auroral emissions. Auroral energetic particles, like photoelectrons, interact with the atmospheric species through discrete collisions that produce ionization, excitation, and heating of the ambient electron population. Auroral particles are, however, not restricted to the sunlit regions. They originate outside the atmosphere and are more energetic than photoelectrons, especially at magnetized planets. The spectroscopic analysis of auroral emissions is discussed here, along with its relevance to precipitating particle diagnostics. Atmospheres can also be modified by the energy deposited by the incident pickup ions with energies of eV’s to MeV’s; these particles may be of solar wind origin, or from a magnetospheric plasma. When the modeling of the energy deposition of the plasma is calculated, the subsequent modeling of the atmospheric processes, such as chemistry, emission, and the fate of hot recoil particles produced is roughly independent of the exciting radiation. However, calculating the spatial distribution of the energy deposition versus depth into the atmosphere produced by an incident plasma is much more complex than is the calculation of the solar excitation profile. Here, the nature of the energy deposition processes by the incident plasma are described as is the fate of the hot recoil particles produced by exothermic chemistry and by knock-on collisions by the incident ions.  相似文献   

武仲科  吴骏恒 《航空学报》1995,16(6):662-670
讨论了用复形方法建立统一的产品模型 ,给出非流形的一个严格的数学定义 ,将代数拓扑中的单纯复形的概念和方法引入到非流形中。给出一种新的非流形的 B- REP——粘合边结构 ,并且在其上建立了一些基本操作和高级操作 ,讨论的模型具有严格的数学基础、灵活、易扩充 ,能容纳悬边、悬点、悬面。此模型的这些优点 ,使工程中的各种约束 ,如参数化、优化方法、人工智能等能够加入到系统中 ,此模型可能成为下一代 CAD系统——智能 CAD系统 ( INTELLI-GENT CAD)的几何模型的核心  相似文献   

基于光伏组件产生功率模型,研究了太阳能飞机中飞行速度、高度、时间及区域等状态参数影响组件性能的规律。以单晶硅组件及Xihe太阳能飞机为研究对象,当飞机飞行速度增加时,组件产生的功率随之增加但趋于饱和。原因在于速度的增加能有效降低组件的表面温度,但提升是有限的。飞机所需的功率随飞行速度呈现指数增加,且组件产生的功率与飞机所需的功率有能量平衡点。组件产生的功率随飞行高度的增加而增加,但有饱和的趋势。原因在于,当飞行高度上升,大气温度随之下降,组件表面温度下降;同时海拔越高,大气密度和大气通透率越大,太阳辐射增加,从而组件产生的功率增加了;饱和的原因在于组件本身性能的限制。一天之中,组件产生的功率基本以太阳时12点为中心左右近似对称,中午最强;一年中组件性能在夏季最强,冬季最弱。原因在于组件性能主要由所受太阳辐射决定。随着纬度的增加,组件产生的功率减小。原因在于,纬度越高,太阳高度角越小,组件所能接受到的太阳辐射也就越小;纬度越低,组件总产生功率越高且平稳。纬度低的地区更适合太阳能飞机的飞行。该文为太阳能飞机的能量分配、长时间驻空提供一定的帮助。  相似文献   

为研究船用天然气发动机气体燃料中掺入不同比例氢气对燃烧和排放的影响。运用改装的氢气-天然气-柴油三燃料混烧发动机进行台架实验,测试对比负荷特性下掺氢比为0%、5%、10%、15%四个工况发动机排放物中CO、CO2、NO、NOx、烟温等数据,然后针对掺氢比分别为0%、5%、10%、15%、20%、25%的六个工况,运用CHEMKIN-PRO模拟计算点火延迟时间和层流火焰速度。结果显示,随着氢气比例增加,缸内燃烧点火延迟时间缩短,缸内最高温度升高,层流火焰速度增快,掺氢比对NOx排放影响不明显,相同输出功率下掺氢比高的工况CO排放更低,燃料掺氢工况CO2排放低于纯天然气工况。研究认为,燃料掺氢有助于改善船用LNG动力发动机的燃烧和排放,具有较大的研究和应用前景。  相似文献   

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