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运载火箭末级发动机点火后,在制导系统的导引下,火箭最终抵达入轨位置、取得入轨速度,卫星进入运行轨道。火箭末级飞行动力学模型为非线性微分方程形式,难以利用解析方法得到火箭姿态变化特性,进而控制火箭飞行过程中的状态变量。将火箭入轨约束条件转化为最优控制的性能指标函数,利用庞德里亚金极小值原理与牛顿梯度法相结合的方式来解决动力学方程求解问题,得到末级飞行标准轨道;火箭动力学建模过程中,由于参数难以精确计量等的影响,存在建模误差,导致火箭实际飞行轨道会偏离标准轨道。对模型进行线性化处理,引入状态反馈,可以使实际飞行轨道接近于标准轨道,提高卫星荷载入轨要求精度。仿真结果表明:该制导算法可较好地减小火箭载荷入轨误差。  相似文献   

航天器交会对接发射时间的选择与确定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
朱仁璋  蒙薇  林彦 《宇航学报》2005,26(4):425-430
在航天器交会对接飞行试验中,追踪飞船与目标飞船发射时间的选择不是独立的,而是相互关联的,并且涉及多方面因素,如轨道共面要求、对太阳电池帆板的日照角限制以及最终平移段目标飞船的照明需求等。综合考虑这些约束条件,提出追踪飞船与目标飞船发射时间选择与确定的方法,并以图表形式给出许多模拟计算结果,对航天器交会对接设计与飞行试验具有应用价值。  相似文献   

杨华波  蔡洪  张士峰 《宇航学报》2008,29(6):1852-1857
讨论了一种九加速度计构型安装误差的标定方法与补偿方法。根据九加速 度计无陀螺惯性系统的安装方式,设计了一种能标定九个加速度计共45项构型安装误差的标 定方法。针对九加速度计构型特点,给出了九加速度计导航误差的补偿方案,该方案能够用 一个反馈系统表示。理论分析与仿真计算表明,在给出的标定方案中,方向安装误差标定精 度较位置安装误差要高,而且转台角速度对位置安装误差的标定精度影响较大,对方向安装 误差影响很小;补偿方案实现方便,能够补偿85%以上的导航误差。

一种天基光学GEO目标定位方法及初轨算法观测几何评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王雪莹  李骏  安玮 《航天控制》2012,30(2):46-50,56
提出一种基于天基光学短弧观测数据对GEO区目标进行定位的方法,以GEO区目标半径、偏心率为几何约束,通过最小二乘法估计目标位置、速度,估计结果可作为初轨算法的输入,也可以为初值预测轨道,引导其它平台对目标观测。利用广义Laplace初轨算法对多平台多观测弧段处理,为表征观测几何对定轨性能的影响,将几何精度因子(GOP)扩展到多平台多观测弧段,并引入几何精度因子的误差灵敏度(ESGOP)表征测量误差对观测几何的影响,仿真结果表明:对GEO目标而言,当GOP不小于0.03、ESGOP不大于0.005时,对目标的初轨精度可控制在50km之内。  相似文献   

超音速反舰导弹人在回路的电视末制导系统仿真分析研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
基于操控员和超音速反舰导弹随机鲁棒自动驾驶仪数学模型,建立反舰导弹人在回路的电视末制导仿真分析系统,并对某型超音速反舰导弹电视末制导系统进行了仿真分析研究,给出在反舰导弹导引回路中人对制导精度起主要影响作用的分析结果。  相似文献   

A mathematically well-posed technique is suggested to obtain first-order necessary conditions of local optimality for the problems of optimization to be solved in a pulse formulation for flight trajectories of a spacecraft with a high-thrust jet engine (HTJE) in an arbitrary gravitational field in vacuum. The technique is based on the Lagrange principle of derestriction for conditional extremum problems in a function space. It allows one to formalize an algorithm of change from the problems of optimization to a boundary-value problem for a system of ordinary differential equations in the case of any optimization problem for which the pulse formulation makes sense. In this work, such a change is made for the case of optimizing the flight trajectories of a spacecraft with a HTJE when terminal and intermediate conditions (like equalities, inequalities, and the terminal functional of minimization) are taken in a general form. As an example of the application of the suggested technique, we consider in this work, within the framework of a bounded circular three-point problem in pulse formulation, the problem of constructing the flight trajectories of a spacecraft with a HTJE through one or several libration points (including the case of going through all libration points) of the Earth–Moon system. The spacecraft is launched from a circular orbit of an Earth's artificial satellite and, upon passing through a point (or points) of libration, returns to the initial orbit. The expenditure of mass (characteristic velocity) is minimized at a restricted time of transfer.  相似文献   


This study investigated the effects of featural information (landmarks) and geometric information (pre-exposure to a structural map) and their possible interaction during the process of spatial knowledge acquisition of 8- and 11-year-old children and adults in a virtual environment. The study confirmed the well-known result of a developmental achievement in spatial cognition from childhood to adulthood. Although landmarks and the pre-exposure to a structural map did not affect the time to learn a specific route, they influenced the use of behavior in spatial learning and eased the acquisition of spatial knowledge measured by a route reversal and map-drawing tasks. Children and adults are able to integrate featural and geometric information in the spatial knowledge acquisition process in an environmental space, but their integration depends on the spatial processing stages that are investigated. Moreover, it was successfully demonstrated that the use of desktop virtual environments seems to be appropriate to investigate the development of spatial cognition.  相似文献   

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