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杨彬  唐生勇  李爽  夏陈超 《宇航学报》2018,39(11):1197-1208
针对载人火星探测任务,结合我国现有技术基础,提出我国载人火星探测方案,重点研究载人火星探测任务推进系统的设计。首先,综合考虑载人深空探测任务的约束,采用Pork-Chop图设计了适用于不同任务场景的转移轨迹;然后,参考我国空间站技术,基于核热推进系统设计了我国载人火星探测任务的飞船;最后,对核热推进系统的发动机台数和推力进行了优化,得到了适用于不同任务场景的最优推进系统组合方案。本文所研究内容为我国未来载人火星探测任务提供了有益参考。  相似文献   

正NASA官员5月9日在载人火星探测峰会上表示,作为30年代送人前往火星计划的一部分,该局可能会在20年代末派宇航员在绕月轨道上飞行一年。NASA助理副局长威廉斯说,NASA最近宣布,其眼下的载人火星探测规划包括在月球周围建设一座"深空门廊",以充当载人火星探测任务所需操作和技术的试验场。他说,这座月球前哨站最终还会作为载人火星探测飞船的发射点。  相似文献   

NASA莫斯科办事处负责人鲍曼8月25日在一次国际航空航天会议上说.NASA已邀请俄方联合开展一项载人火星探测飞行。俄眼下打算在未来某个时间开展自己的载人火星探测任务。鲍曼说,载人火星探测任务应利用国际空间站项目所取得的成就,机组人员应来自多国。  相似文献   

俄计划2030年前载人登月 俄罗斯媒体3月13日报道说,俄联邦航天局已向政府提交《2030年前航天活动发展战略》草案,确定俄未来航天活动的主要方向,提出登月、建立火星研究站等一系列雄心勃勃的目标,并制定了整合火箭航天工业的分步计划。俄2030年前航天发展的战略目标是确保世界三大航天大国之一的地位。为此,新战略提出三项优先任务:第一,发展和利用航天设备、技术及服务;第二,研制载人、运货和飞往行星的航天工具,包括可重复使用火箭;第三,建造载人火星探测飞船和新一代轨道站。  相似文献   

随着人类社会和深空探测技术的不断发展,火星探测变得越来越有吸引力.从1960年苏联发射世界上第一个无人火星探测器至今,人类已发射无人火星探测器47次,对火星进行了详细的考察.载人火星探测在探索地外生命、星际移民、推动科技发展、提升国家地位和促进人类社会进步等方面具有重要意义.航天运输系统技术是载人火星探测任务实施的基础...  相似文献   

载人小行星探测的任务特点与实施途径探讨   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
介绍了载人小行星探测的发展现状,对目前美国基于"猎户座"飞船的载人小行星探测的概要方案进行了描述,包括探测器系统组成、运载火箭和飞行方案等内容。从速度增量、目标星引力等方面,分析了载人小行星探测的任务特点,并与载人火星探测、载人月球探测以及无人小行星探测的任务特点进行了比较。给出了载人小行星探测的实施途径建议,包括目标星选择、载人飞船系统设计等。讨论了其所涉及的推进、星际飞行安全保障、小行星表面行走等关键技术。研究结果可为我国开展载人深空探测提供参考。  相似文献   

<正>2015年10月8日,美国国家航空航天局(NASA)发布《NASA火星征程:制定太空探索的后续步骤》,阐述本世纪30年代人类到达火星空间、最终登陆火星并开展可持续探测的战略目标,提出以载人登陆火星为总目标的空间探测实施战略、原则和挑战,循序渐进地迈上"依赖地球"、"试验场"、"独立于地球"三个台阶,指导未来载人火星探测活动。载人火星探测是迄今人类历史上提出的规模最为宏大的航天工  相似文献   

俄罗斯火星载人探测技术现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
火星探测是人类探索太空的重要组成部分。俄罗斯在火星探测方面具有丰富的经验和大量技术储备。文章扼要介绍了俄罗斯火星载人探测技术的发展过程,重点阐述了俄罗斯现阶段火星探测方案和关键部件的研制现状和技术能力,对该方案的可行性进行了分析,并对火星探测技术可能的国际合作方式提出建议。  相似文献   

<正>按照10月8日发布的题为《NASA的火星之旅:开拓空间探测下一步》的报告,NASA要首先在低地轨道和月球附近的地月空间"试验场"积累载人航天飞行经验和专长,最终在30年代送人登上火星。NASA一段时间以来一直在研究这一分三步走的火星载人探测路线。在报告发布仪式上,该局主管载人探测与运行的副局长格斯顿梅尔称,这一战略规划描绘了一条通往远期目标  相似文献   

<正>减速技术是保障火星软着陆成功的关键技术之一,是进入、下降与着陆技术的组成部分。未来火星采样返回探测和载人火星探测等任务,需要火星探测器或载人飞船具备更高的火星表面大质量软着陆能力,这要求减速装置有更高的减速性能。为此,NASA于2011年在太空技术项目(STP)中设置了低密度超声速减速器(LDSD)技术验证任务,项目经费1.9亿美元。NASA希望通过对该项技术的验证,提高超声速段减速性能,掌  相似文献   

We compare a variety of mission scenarios to assess the strengths and weaknesses of options for Mars exploration. The mission design space is modeled along two dimensions: trajectory architectures and propulsion system technologies. We examine direct, semi-direct, stop-over, semi-cycler, and cycler architectures, and we include electric propulsion, nuclear thermal rockets, methane and oxygen production on Mars, Mars water excavation, aerocapture, and reusable propulsion systems in our technology assessment. The mission sensitivity to crew size, vehicle masses, and crew travel time is also examined. Many different combinations of technologies and architectures are applied to the same Mars mission to determine which combinations provide the greatest potential reduction in the injected mass to LEO. We approximate the technology readiness level of a mission to rank development risk, but omit development cost and time calculations in our assessment. It is found that Earth–Mars semi-cyclers and cyclers require the least injected mass to LEO of any architecture and that the discovery of accessible water on Mars has the most dramatic effect on the evolution of Mars exploration.  相似文献   

“Mars Direct”, is an approach to the space Exploration Initiative that allows for the rapid initiation of manned Mars exploration, possibly as early as 1999. The approach does not require any on-orbit assembly or refueling or any support from the Space Station or other orbital infrastructure. Furthermore, the Mars Direct plan is not merely a “flags and footprints” one-shot expedition, but puts into place immediately an economical method of Earth-Mars transportation, real surface exploratory mobility, and significant base capabilities that can evolve into a mostly self-sufficient Mars settlement. This paper presents both the initial and evolutionary phases of the Mars Direct plan. In the initial phase, only chemical propulsion is used, sendig 4 persons on conjunction class Mars exploratory missions. Two heavy lift booster launches are required to support each mission. The first launch delivers an unfueled Earth Return Vehicle (ERV) to the martian surface, where it fills itself with methane/oxygen bipropellant manufactured primarily out of indigenous resources. After propellant production is completed, a second launch delivers the crew to the prepared site, where they conduct regional exploration for 1.5 years and then return directly to Earth in the ERV. In the second phase of Mars Direct, nuclear thermal propulsion is used to cut crew transit times in half, increase cargo delivery capacity, and to create the potential for true global mobility through the use of CO2 propelled ballistic hopping vehicles (“NIMFs”). In this paper we present both phases of the Mars Direct plan, including mission architecture, vehicle designs, and exploratory strategy leading to the establishment of a 48 person permanent Mars base. Some speculative thoughts on the possibility of actually colonizing Mars are also presented.  相似文献   

火星载人探测中辐射防护综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
火星探测是人类太空探索的重要组成部分,火星载人探测中航天员的辐射安全问题是人们最为关心的问题。文章扼要介绍了美国/俄罗斯火星载人探测技术的发展过程,重点阐述了探测中的辐射环境、辐射效应以及国外探测结果;在此基础上,对火星探测中的辐射剂量进行了预示,提出了辐射防护建议。  相似文献   

《Acta Astronautica》2007,60(4-7):571-587
This paper discusses the findings for [Interior] configuration options, habitability and architectural aspects of a first human spacecraft to Mars.In 2003 the space architecture office LIQUIFER was invited by the European Space Agency's (ESA) AURORA Program committee to consult the scientists and engineers from the European Space and Technology Center (ESTEC) and other European industrial communities with developing the first human mission to Mars, which will take place in 2030, regarding the architectural issues of crewed habitats.The task was to develop an interior configuration for a transfer vehicle (TV) to Mars, especially a transfer habitation module (THM) and a surface habitat module (SHM) on Mars. The total travel time Earth—Mars and back for a crew of six amounts to approximately 900 days. After a 200-day-flight three crewmembers will land on Mars in the Mars excursion vehicle (MEV) and will live and work in the SHM for 30 days. For 500 days before the 200-day journey back the spacecraft continues to circle the Martian orbit for further exploration. The entire mission program is based on our present knowledge of technology. The project was compiled during a constant feedback-design process and trans-disciplinary collaboration sessions in the ESA-ESTEC concurrent design facility.Long-term human space flight sets new spatial conditions and requirements to the design concept. The guidelines were developed from relevant numbers and facts of recognized standards, interviews with astronauts/cosmonauts and from analyses about habitability, sociology, psychology and configuration concepts of earlier space stations in combination with the topics of the individual's perception and relation of space.Result of this study is the development of a prototype concept for the THM and SHM with detailed information and complete plans of the interior configuration, including mass calculations. In addition the study contains a detailed explanation of the development of the Design process including all suggested design and configuration options.  相似文献   

国外载人航天器回收着陆技术的进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
进入21世纪,国际上掀起了一个空间探索活动的新高潮,而作为载人空间探索活动重要支撑的回收和着陆技术也相应取得了重要进展。文章综述了关、欧、俄在载人飞船、登月舱、火星着陆器等载人航天器回收着陆技术方面的研究和进展。  相似文献   

介绍了目前国外提出的一种三元结构的火星采样返回任务方案,整个方案分3次发射,分别发射漫游车、着陆器和轨道器,每次发射间隔为4年,最终目的是将火星样品带回地球。该方案的优势在于,通过3次发射分别完成漫游车巡视勘察、着陆器现场探测、轨道器数据中继和在轨探测,最终综合完成火星采样返回,能够极大地缓解项目进度和资金压力,充分利用每次发射窗口分步骤完成探测任务。文章重点对方案涉及的关键技术进行了分析,包括样品获取与封装、行星保护、精准着陆、漫游车的危险规避能力和移动性、火星上升器、交会与样品捕获、地球再入器技术等;对方案的前景和优势进行了探讨,并给出几点启示,如精准着陆或成为今后行星探测着陆方式的新趋势,火星采样返回任务将是人类火星探测的里程碑,今后的深空探测任务趋向国际合作模式等。  相似文献   

The top priority in America's manned space flight program is the assurance of crew and vehicle safety. This priority gained greater focus during and after the Space Shuttle return-to-flight mission (STS-26). One of the interesting challenges has been to assure crew safety and adequate protection of the Space Shuttle, as a national resource, from increasingly diverse cargoes and operations. The control of hazards associated with the deployment of complex payloads and cargoes has involved many international participants. These challenges are examined in some detail along with examples of how crew safety has evolved in the manned space program and how the international partners have addressed various scenarios involving control and mitigation of potential hazards to crew and vehicle safety.  相似文献   

载人登月飞行方案研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
彭祺擘  李桢  李海阳 《上海航天》2012,29(5):14-19,72
根据载人登月任务有无地球轨道和月球轨道交会对接,将登月途径分为地球轨道交会-月球轨道交会、地球轨道交会-直接返回、地球轨道不交会-月球轨道交会,以及地球轨道不交会-月球轨道不交会四类,并对各自可能的演变登月方式进行了分析。对载人登月的质量规模及运载火箭需求进行了分析,讨论并比较了一次发射、基于环月轨道交会组装和基于近地轨道交会组装方案的时间窗口和登月方案,并给出了建议。研究可为我国载人登月任务方案选取提供参考。  相似文献   

At the time of the Apollo Programme, a first human mission to Mars was proposed as early as 1984 with the argument that the higher costs of human exploration would be more than justified by the increased effectiveness of human explorers. This was based on the Apollo experience, where "ground truth" measurements and sampling provided the basis for subsequent unmanned exploration of the Solar System. A human Mars mission is now not seen until 2030, at the end of a series of increasingly sophisticated unmanned probes. Each robot mission not only teaches us something about Mars, but also through experience increases our capabilities for the unmanned exploration of that planet. As a consequence, what a human mission would have to do becomes progressively more demanding. Any extended plan for the human exploration of Space will tend to be overtaken by advances in technology, and if this is not factored into the scenario the proposals will become progressively unrealistic.  相似文献   

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