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The distribution of interstellar dust within 500 pc from the sun obtained from recent investigations is described. Statistical properties of dust clouds in the neighbourhood of the sun and individual data of two near clouds in high galactic latitudes are discussed. The present knowledge of the chemical composition of the interstellar dust grains is outlined. Possible relations between solar system solids and interstellar solids are indicated.  相似文献   

This paper reports the first extensive study of the existence and effects of interstellar hydrogen bonding. The reactions that occur on the surface of the interstellar dust grains are the dominant processes by which interstellar molecules are formed. Water molecules constitute about 70% of the interstellar ice. These water molecules serve as the platform for hydrogen bonding. High level quantum chemical simulations for the hydrogen bond interaction between 20 interstellar molecules (known and possible) and water are carried out using different ab-intio methods. It is evident that if the formation of these species is mainly governed by the ice phase reactions, there is a direct correlation between the binding energies of these complexes and the gas phase abundances of these interstellar molecules. Interstellar hydrogen bonding may cause lower gas abundance of the complex organic molecules (COMs) at the low temperature. From these results, ketenes whose less stable isomers that are more strongly bonded to the surface of the interstellar dust grains have been observed are proposed as suitable candidates for astronomical observations.  相似文献   

For three decades, magnetic fields have been known to permeate interstellar space. Each decade focussed attention on a different problem concerning the role of magnetic fields in star formation, and developed distinct techniques for the solution of the respective problem. A historical perspective of this period is given first. Then theoretical studies of the role of magnetic fields in star formation are reviewed critically, with emphasis on the dynamical processes occuring in collapsing interstellar clouds and on the interplay between theory and observation. A synthesis in the form of a scenario, albeit incomplete, for star formation in magnetic clouds is given. Prospects for the solution, during the 1980's, for remaining fundamental problems are discussed, and the need for certain kinds of observations is emphasized.  相似文献   

In the coming decades the detection of Earth-like extrasolar planets, either apparently lifeless or exhibiting spectral signatures of life, will encourage design studies for craft to visit them. These missions will require the elaboration of an interstellar planetary protection protocol. Given a specific dose required to sterilize microorganisms on a spacecraft, a critical mean velocity can be determined below which a craft becomes self-sterilizing. This velocity is calculated to be below velocities previously projected for interstellar missions, suggesting that an active sterilization protocol prior to launch might be required. Given uncertainties in the surface conditions of a destination extrasolar planet, particularly at microscopic scales, the potential for unknown biochemistries and biologies elsewhere, or the possible inoculation of a lifeless planet that is habitable, then both lander and orbiter interstellar missions should be completely free of all viable organisms, necessitating a planetary protection approach applied to orbiters and landers bound for star systems with unknown local conditions for habitability. I discuss the case of existing craft on interstellar trajectories – Pioneer 10, 11 and Voyager 1 and 2.  相似文献   

  迄今为止,世界航天大国和组织纷纷制定出了载人星际考察计划,其中有俄罗斯载人飞行计划、美国航天计划、欧洲航天局(ESA)的“奥夫罗拉”(Abpopa)计划,其中俄罗斯能源公司用于月球、火星及小行星飞行的运载器发展设想,还包括火星及月球飞行医学保障构想等。  相似文献   

We investigate the relationship between the 5 GHz interstellar scintillation (ISS) and the 15 GHz intrinsic variability of the compact, radio-selected active galactic nuclei (AGN) common to the Microarcsecond Scintillation-Induced Variability (MASIV) Survey and the Owens Valley Radio Observatory blazar flux density monitoring program. As part of this investigation, we also re-examine the reported intrinsic nature of the February 1990 VLA observations of the blazar S5 0716+714. We are also examining the presence of IDV/ISS in the Owens Valley 15 GHz flux density monitoring data. We find a significant relationship between the Owens Valley 15 GHz modulation index and the MASIV modulation index. We also discuss the implications of these findings for RadioAstron.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional (3D) distribution of micrometeoroids, representing the interplanetary dust cloud, has been investigated by light scattering analysis of the zodiacal light. Classical models imply, however, that there are homogeneous physical properties of the grains throughout the visible zodiacal cloud. IRAS results have questioned this assumption and suggested, e.g., a possible spatial decrease of albedo with solar distance, which would result in a more moderate decrease of number densities. The discussion of the conventional and corresponding modified models shows that the IRAS measurements propose a flatter interplanetary dust cloud than the visual models. This tendency is also supported by other IR-observations. A dynamical analysis reveals that this flattening of the dust cloud on account of the IRAS-data is achieved by a change in the major axis distribution of the particle orbits only, whereas in the other models the inclination distribution is also changed.  相似文献   

The properties of dust ejecta from Comet Halley are studied on the basis of (a) evidence from the comet's past apparitions and (b) analogy with recent, physically similar comets. Specifically discussed are the light curve and spectrum, discrete phenomena in the head, the physical properties of the nucleus (size, albedo, rotation, surface temperature, and morphology), and an interaction between the nucleus and dust atmosphere. Also reviewed are constraints on the size and mass distributions of dust particles, information on submicron-size and submillimeter-size grains from the comet's dust tail and antitail, and the apparent existence of more than one particle type. Similarities between the jet patterns of Halley and the parent comet of the Perseid meteor stream are depicted, and effects of the surface heterogeneity (discrete active regions) on the dust flow are assessed. Current dust models for Halley are summarized and the existence of short-term variations in the dust content in the comet's atmosphere is suggested.  相似文献   

An analytic model for the motion of a positively charged lunar dust grain in the presence of a shadowed crater at a negative potential in vacuum is presented. It is shown that the dust grain executes oscillatory trajectories, and an expression is derived for the period of oscillation. Simulations used to verify the analytic expression also show that because the trajectories are unstable, dust grains are either ejected from the crater’s vicinity or deposited into the crater forming “dust ponds.” The model also applies to other airless bodies in the solar system, such as asteroids, and predicts that under certain conditions, particularly near lunar sunset, oscillating dust “canopies” or “swarms” will form over negatively charged craters.  相似文献   

Rendezvous Missions to Comets lead to low velocities at the nucleus of the comet. The resulting impact velocity of the cometary dust on a target will range between 10 and 400 m/s. The dust particle which impacts on a target can be collected for a subsequent in-situ analysis.

The collection efficiency of a target depends in addition to obvious geometrical conditions upon the surface of the target. The surface characteristics can be divided into two groups:

• “dirty” surfaces, covered with silicate or hydrocarbon compounds (for example vacuum grease),

• “clean” surfaces, like gold (with additional sputtering).

This paper deals with the experimental and theoretical investigation of the collection efficiency of “clean” targets. Laboratory experiments are described which were conducted at the Technische Universität München, Lehrstuhl für Raumfahrttechnik, and the Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik, Heidelberg. In both experiments an electromagnetic accelerator is used to accelerate different types of dust in vacuum to velocities between 10 and 400 m/s.

The target is then examined under the microscope and a secondary ion mass spectrometer (which is a model of the laboratory carried on board of the spacecraft for “in situ” analysis). The adhesion of the dust grains at the target is evaluated experimentally in an ultracentrifuge.  相似文献   

We discuss the potential (charge) on dust particles in various environments. We first consider the classical case of a single isolated dust particle. In conditions which apply to planetary dust rings, the exact value of the dust potential depends critically on several effects (e.g. secondary electron emission, photoelectric efficiency) which are not well known for small dust particles of relevant material and surface conditions. In dust clouds of high dust densities the classical approach fails to give the correct value of the dust potential due to the neglect of collective effects. In terms of an ordering parameter P = aμNd0/n0 (dust radius in microns × cloud dust density/exterior plasma density) the collective effects on the dust potential become apparent at P ~ 10?6. For increasing values of P the collective effects increase, whence the dust potentials decrease and eventually approach zero.  相似文献   

Dust rings have been observed around each of the giant planets and may also exist around Mars. The particles comprising these rings have short lifetimes due to a number of processes including exospheric and plasma drag, Poynting-Robertson drag, sputtering, collision with other circumplanetary particles, and the Lorentz force for charged grains. The supply of dust is maintained by collisions between macroscopic ring particles and bombardment of moons and ring particles by interplanetary impactors. All of the processes that act to remove or alter the circumplanetary dust grains are functions of particle size, so the initial size distribution of the grains released from an impact onto a moon or ring particle is modified. The size distribution of the impact ejecta can be described by a power-law of the form n(r)drrqdr where n(r)dr is the number of particles in the size range [r,r + dr] and q is the power-law index. For hypervelocity impact excavation, q ≈ 3.5. Drag acts more efficiently on smaller grains resulting in a reduction in q of 1. Other dynamical processes can lead to particle-size dependent collision rates with other circumplanetary objects. These processes can lead to local steepening of the size distribution (increase in q) and to truncation of the dust size distribution to a narrow range of sizes.  相似文献   

The thermal emission from the dust coma of a comet can be analyzed to yield the flux and size distribution of the dust grains and the relative abundance of silicate and absorbing grains.  相似文献   

The large beam size of the Infrared Astronomy Satellite (IRAS) focal plane detector array is well suited to measuring the low level thermal emission from cometary dust. Eight comets discovered in 1983 and nine previously known periodic comets were observed by IRAS during its ten month active lifetime. Dust production rates are derived for a wide range of heliocentric distances. Grain properties are inferred from application of simple models to the long wavelength spectral energy distribution.  相似文献   

On 15th February 1992, ISAS space engineering satellite HITEN was successfully inserted into an elliptical orbit around the moon with perilune between some 100 km and 8000 km and apolune of about 50.000 km. On board was a small scientific experiment designed to detect cosmic dust particles, MDC - Munich Dust Counter. During a period of more than one year, until Hiten's hard landing on the moon surface at 10th of April 1993 (UTC), measurements of impact velocity, mass and crude flight direction of micrometeoroid particles have been performed. In total 150 cosmic dust impacts were detected and evaluated. From these measurements, the impact rate versus time and the dust flux versus distance from the moon are derived. The evidence of moon ejecta and some indications of particles which are orbiting the moon will be discussed. The spatial distribution of the measured particles is shown in lunarcentric as well as in heliocentric coordinate systems. The directional distribution is also given, showing the different populations of cosmic dust particles. Finally, the gathered data will be compared with previous results from measurements in the vicinity of the Earth and in the geomagnetic tail region.  相似文献   

Electric antenna responds to three effects caused by a dust impact-induced plasma cloud: -change separation electric fields, -charging of the antenna, -pulse of the spacecraft potential. Each effect, being a function of the induced charge (particle mass), depends on the ambient plasma conditions, including photo- and secondary emissions. The first two effects are also strongly dependent on the impact geometry. In the paper an attempt is made to consider systematically the dependence on the charge and ambient conditions for two main types of antenna (probe, wire/cylinder) and for both configurations (monopole, dipole). A conclusion is drawn that for a plasma wave/radio experiment to be utilized as a dust detector, the most advantageous option is a monopole, whose probe (wire/cylinder) is not exposed to dust-induced plasma.  相似文献   

火星尘埃与探测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
火星表面尘埃与太阳辐射、热辐射的相互作用直接影响火星大气的结构、热平衡和动力学过程,并会产生改变火星表面反照率和火星地貌的长期效应.火星尘埃环境还对登陆于火星表面的着陆器能源系统和光学载荷等系统构成影响.为此需开展火星大气尘埃的直接就位探测.在介绍了火星的尘埃特性与主要探测方法基础上,提出了采用微质量计技术开展火星表面尘埃就位探测的综合探测器方案.探测器包含3种传感器.尘埃累积传感器通过设置其敏感晶体表面朝上,可以探测火星表面尘埃的沉积质量与速率;荷电尘埃传感器通过加置不同极性的偏置电压,可以探测荷正电尘埃和荷负电尘埃的累积特性;磁尘传感器通过在敏感晶体后加设小型永久磁铁,可以探测磁性尘埃的累积特性.传感器感测质量范围为10-11~10-4g.火星尘埃综合探测器可应用于未来的火星着陆探测计划.  相似文献   

Dust trails are observed in the orbits of some short-period comets. Large particles, having diameters in the submillimeter range and larger, are ejected by these comets into orbits close to that of the parent comet. By considering the effects of ejection and radiation forces, we are able to model the spread of particles of different diameters along a parent comet's orbit, both ahead and behind the comet in mean anomaly. Using this model, we estimate the ages of the dust trail material associated with P/Tempel 2, P/Gunn, P/Encke, and P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 1. We find them to consist of emissions occuring over a minimum of one to a few orbital periods. We are also able to constrain the particle diameters in a trail segment forward of a comet's orbital position. Such a forward extention is observed in the Tempel 2 and Gunn dust trails, but not the Encke and S-W 1 dust trails. Relative particle sizes among these trails are discussed. The Tempel 2 dust trail is found to have an excess of particles with diameters greater than 1 mm. This may be characteristic of the refractory component of the nucleus of P/Tempel 2, or possibly indicative of active mantle formation and destruction at its surface.  相似文献   

While interplanetary dust constitutes a primary source of cosmic particulate matter in planetary magnetospheres, the debris produced by its impact with small satellites and ring material provides an important secondary source. Internal processes, such as volcanic activity, particularly in the smaller satellites, could result in a third source. In the case of the terrestrial magnetosphere there are also artificial (internal) sources: 1–10μ sized A?2O3 particles injected by solid rocket mortar burns between near earth and geosynchronous orbit constitute one such source, while the fragments of larger bodies (artificial satellites) due to explosions (e.g., “killer satellites”) and collisions constitute another. Finally, if we include the purely induced cometary magnetosphere among planetary magnetospheres, the injection of cometary dust into it due to entrainment by the outflowing gases constitutes another source.As a result of being immersed in a radiative and plasma environment these dust grains get electrically charged up to some potential (positive or negative). Particularly in those regions where the magnetospheric plasma is hot and dense and their own spatial density is low, the dust grains could get charged to numerically large negative potentials.While this charging may have physical consequences for the larger grains, such as electrostatic erosion (“chipping”) and disruption, it also can effect the dynamics of the smaller grains. Indeed, the small but finite capacitance of these grains, which leads to a phase lag in the gyrophase oscillation of the grain potential, could even lead to the permanent magneto-gravitational capture of interplanetary grains within planetary magnetospheres in certain situations. Here we will review the sources of dust in planetary magnetospheres and discuss their physics and their dynamics under the combined action of both planetary gravitational and magnetospheric electromagnetic forces.  相似文献   

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