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<正>图-144是前苏联图波列夫设计局设计制造的第一架超音速运输机。为了缩短研制周期,抢先投入航线使用,图-144原型机采用了与英法合作的协和号超音速运输机非常相近的气动布局。图-144采用了狭长三角形机翼和无尾的型式,4台发动机和翼下进气道,机翼大部分无扭转。据称,研制过程中,曾用一架米格-21改装狭长三角翼无尾试验机,进行了几十次飞行试验。图-144的生产型于1973年5月在巴黎博览会上首次展出。与原型 相似文献
介绍了依据超音速运输机图-144LL的飞行试验数据进行的低阶等效系统模型识别。飞行试验包括在超音速巡航状态下,纵向和横/航向的机动。采用飞行员扫频和多步机动获取闭环低阶等效系统建模的数据。使用灵活的高精度傅氏变换和频域范围内的方程误差/输出误差(EE/OE)公式估算了模型参数,将结果与参数估算值做比较。其估计方法是采用频谱估算和在伯德图上对频响数据做连续最小二乘拟配,两种方法所取得的结果对于扫频和多步连续机动来说都十分吻合,对多步机动来说,EE/OE方法给出了一个可改进预估能力的较好的模型拟合,给出了图-144LL闭环低阶等效系统识别结果的计算值及列表,包括估算参数。标准差,飞行品质等级的预测值。 相似文献
图-144LL飞机计划于4月开始进行为期6个月的飞行试验,目的是推进在下个世纪初对第二代超音速试验台所需技术的研究。3月中旬,图-144LL超音速试验台在茹科夫斯基飞行试验中心推出,它将作为飞行实验室用于获取飞行数据和验证计算机模拟气动、结构和声学性能数据,飞行试验计划将进行32次飞行,此 相似文献
DAI Sizong 《飞机工程》2006,(3):1-4,8
概要介绍了第一代超音速运输机的发展情况,阐述了新一代超音速运输机的有关技术,包括主要设计参数、气动布局设计、结构设计与材料、动力装置及经济性等方面,展望了未来超音速运输机的发展前景。 相似文献
“协和”号7.15空难似乎又重新唤起了美国对研制新一代超音速运输机的热情,但担任新一轮研制计划的单位不是 NASA,而是美国国防部预研局( DARPA),首先攻关的不是大型民用运输机,而是集中于超音速军用运输机,同时衍生出民用型。新计划鼓励采用创新性的技术,如超音速层流机翼、新翼型、流场控制、泡沫材料等 相似文献
在70年代中期,英法合作研制了“协和”号,原苏联研制了图-144,这都是第一代超音速运输机.“协和”号由于耗油量大,航程短,载客少,起降时噪声太大,许多航空公司不愿使用它,因此于1979年停产,只生产了19架.图-144也因严重的技术问题未得到解决,于1980年底停产,只生产了13架.上述两种飞机分别采用“奥林帕斯”593和NK-144发动机.随着国际交往增加和旅游业 相似文献
秦五诗 《飞机设计参考资料》2005,(2):15-22
文章对NASA高速研究计划和相关的高速民用运输机计划(HSCT)进行了定性评估,回答了M2.4、可搭载300名旅客的运输机或者与之类似的超音速商用飞机(SSBJ)是否具有用于未来军事行动的价值的问题。在HSCT和SSBJ预计作战能力的基础上,提出了几种能够支援的军事行动。这些行动包括:空军远征军作战行动快速跨洋支援和高优先权空运任务、航空医疗救援、武装总司令和重要人士访问、特种作战支援、危机反应支援。文章还提出一项高速研究计划,该项计划所产生的技术和研究成果可以被用于未来轰炸机的研制。这种轰炸机是迈出高超音速飞行(MS及以上)漫长技术道路的关键一步。在高速研究计划上进行军事投资还可以产生除下一代轰炸机之外的成就。它能激励高速民用飞机计划在民用航空航天领域的生产,因此能够推动国家和军事快速进入超音速运输机时代。 相似文献
主要叙述了国外第二代超音速民用运输机(SST)发动机的主要要求、研究特点;着重介绍了美国“高速民用运输机”(HSCT)、英国“先进超音速运输机”(AST),法国“未来超音速运输机”(ASTF),日本“高超音速运输机”(HST)等国家第二代SST发动机的研究情况以及在燃烧室、尾喷管、进气道和高温材料等关键技术方面的研究成果。 相似文献
汇中 《民用飞机设计与研究》2001,(3)
图-134是在图-124基础上发展起来的由前苏联图波列夫集团设计的双发涡扇短/中程运输机.该机有两种型别:图-134和图-134A.后者较前者机身加长2.10米;载客68~84名(图-134为64~72名);行李容积增加2米,座位较宽;机翼局部伸长;主起落架伸长并装有伊尔-18机轮刹车;在Д-30 Ⅱ型索洛维也夫涡扇发动机上装有反推力装置;无线电和导航设备均符合国际标准,保证了飞机的全天候使用APU用于发动机起动和驾驶舱地面空调,向机上系统供电;增加了载油量. 相似文献
安东诺夫设计局和新西伯利亚工厂正竭力敦促加快第一架安-38多用途运输机的总装和试验计划,以实现原订1993年年底飞行的目标。该机装美国盖瑞公司TPE331-14GR涡桨发动机,发动机于1993年11月运 相似文献
超声速民用运输机一直以来都是航空业界的热门话题。它对于减少洲际飞行时间、缓解越来越严重的空中交通拥堵问题、满足日益增长的航空运输需求都有积极意义。尽管首个超声速客机协和号已在2003年停止了服役,但人类并未停止对超声速运输机(SST)的追求。本文介绍了日本航字研究开发机构相继开展的NEXST和S3TD超声速运输机研究计划。 相似文献
超声速引射器在航天发动机、化学激光器等的地面试验所需压力恢复系统中有着重要的应用,采用超-超引射方式是优化压力恢复系统的性能和实现设备小型化的途径之一。为探索适用于超-超引射器的设计准则,对一种两级超声速引射器的超-超引射流动现象开展了研究,试验发现该构型引射器在特定压力匹配范围内即可实现一、二级主流间的超-超引射又可以实现主流对二次流的超-超引射,结合数值仿真对流场结构和参数的分析表明超-超引射的形成机制可归结为压力匹配问题,通过提高来流总压与混合室匹配静压的压比可建立超-超引射;混合室匹配静压由引射气流主导;提高二次流总压或降低主流压力均可提高二次流马赫数,该规律对建立超-超引射、提高引射效率有指导意义。 相似文献
为了研究超声速涡轮叶栅通道内的超声速气膜冷却,采用数值计算的方法,对主流压比2.33~4、冷气入射角度15°~45°条件下的涡轮叶栅超声速气膜流动和传热进行了研究。计算结果表明:超声速气膜射流与主流作用后产生的斜激波与尾缘激波交汇,形成两道反射激波,其中一道反射激波作用在气膜孔下游的叶片表面又形成了反射;在不同的主流压力下,超声速气膜射流在叶片法向和展向上展现出不同的发展特征,对转涡对(CVP)在展向上相互挤压,扼制了高温主流卷入叶片壁面;主流压比增加到4,气膜射流区在法向拉长,在展向相对较弱,导致主流在对转涡对(CVP)的作用下被卷入气膜射流的底层,壁面冷却效率降低;气膜入射角从15°增大到45°,冷却效率整体上呈先上升后下降趋势,在入射角30°时冷却效率相对最大,这与射流的穿透能力、冷却气流再覆壁面特征有关。 相似文献
各国对超声速民用飞机的研制还在继续,态度最为积极的日本在技术上已取得突破,但为了降低风险正在寻求国际合作,美国和俄罗斯也有自己的计划.超声速公务机的开发走在超声速喷气客机研制的前面. 相似文献
实现超声速飞行一直是人类追求的目标之一。具有超声速巡航能力的作战飞机已经装备部队,而超声速民用飞机的使用和研制却屡遭挫折,目前这种形势已经出现了变化。 相似文献
参加美国国防部预研局的“静音超音速平台”项目的美国航宇公司都完成了对超音速轰炸机的初步设计方案,基本的性能数据和作战思想也已由参与研究的各方提出。相关技术领域的突破使得超音速轰炸机成为现实的可能性大大增强。美国国防部预研局已选择两家公司进入“静音超音速平台”项目的第二阶段 相似文献
O. Igra 《Progress in Aerospace Sciences》1975,16(3):299-366
In the supersonic expansion of an ionized gas, the dominant factor in describing the atomic processes is the recombination rate constant KR. Several models describing the recombination process have been reviewed in some detail. It has been found that, depending on the adopted definition, different models will yield different values of KR for the same electron temperature and number density. A comparison of experimentally and theoretically derived values for KR has to be done with great care, as in the majority of the experiments KR is determined from the measured rate of disappearance of free electrons. These measurements give the correct “decay coefficient”, but only in certain circumstances will it reduce to the correct recombination rate. In the light of the important role that KR plays in any numerical solution of nonequilibrium expansion flow of plasmas, details of experiments on a 15-degree corner expansion flow of ionized argon are given. In these experiments the plasma flow which was generated by driving strong normal shock waves into quiescent argon was studied mainly by optical diagnostics. Using a dual-frequency laser interferometer, the plasma properties around a corner expansion were recorded. The analysis of the interferograms has yielded values for the recombination rate constant as a function of the plasma macroscopic properties. The range of shock Mach number, electron number density, temperature and initial channel pressure and temperature were as follows: It was found that the theoretically predicted values for the three-body, electron-ion-electron collisional recombination rate are in good agreement with those measured gasdynamically in a well-defined flow. The measured flow quantities substantiate a previous analysis based on the method of characteristics. 相似文献
Supersonic biplane—A review 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
One of the fundamental problems preventing commercial transport aircraft from supersonic flight is the generation of strong sonic booms. Sonic booms are the ground-level manifestation of shock waves created by airplanes flying at supersonic speeds. The strength of the shock waves generated by an aircraft flying at supersonic speed is a direct function of both the aircraft’s weight and its occupying volume; it has been very difficult to sufficiently reduce the shock waves generated by the heavier and larger conventional supersonic transport (SST) configuration to meet acceptable at-ground sonic-boom levels. It is our dream to develop a quiet SST aircraft that can carry more than 100 passengers while meeting acceptable at-ground sonic-boom levels. We have started a supersonic-biplane project at Tohoku University since 2004. We meet the challenge of quiet SST flight by extending the classic two-dimensional (2-D) Busemann biplane concept to a 3-D supersonic-biplane wing that effectively reduces the shock waves generated by the aircraft. A lifted airfoil at supersonic speeds, in general, generates shock waves (therefore, wave drag) through two fundamentally different mechanisms. One is due to the airfoil’s lift, and the other is due to its thickness. Multi-airfoil configurations can reduce wave drag by redistributing the system’s total lift among the individual airfoil elements, knowing that wave drag of an airfoil element is proportional to the square of its lift. Likewise, the wave drag due to airfoil thickness can also be nearly eliminated using the Busemann biplane concept, which promotes favorable wave interactions between two neighboring airfoil elements. One of the main objectives of our supersonic-biplane study is, with the help of modern computational fluid dynamics (CFD) tools, to find biplane configurations that simultaneously exhibit both traits. We first re-analyzed using CFD tools, the classic Busemann biplane configurations to understand its basic wave-cancellation concept. We then designed a 2-D supersonic biplane that exhibits both wave-reduction and cancellation effects simultaneously, utilizing an inverse-design method. The designed supersonic biplane not only showed the desired aerodynamic characteristics at its design condition but also outperformed a zero-thickness flat-plate airfoil. (Zero-thickness flat-plate airfoils are known as the most efficient monoplane airfoil at supersonic speeds.) Also discussed in this paper is how to design 2-D biplanes, not only at their design Mach numbers but also at off-design conditions. Supersonic biplanes have unacceptable characteristics at their off-design conditions such as flow choking and its related hysteresis problems. Flow choking causes rapid increase of wave drag and it continues to be kept up to the Mach numbers greater the cruise (design) Mach numbers due to its hysteresis. Some wing devices such as slats and flaps, which could be used at take-off and landing conditions as high-lift devices, were utilized to overcome these off-design problems. Then supersonic-biplane airfoils were extended to 3-D wings. Because that rectangular-shaped 3-D biplane wings showed undesirable aerodynamic characteristics at their wingtips, a tapered-wing planform was chosen for the study. A 3-D biplane wing having a taper ratio and aspect ratio of 0.25 and 5.12, respectively, was designed utilizing the inverse-design method. Aerodynamic characteristics of the designed biplane wing were further improved by using winglets at its wingtips. Flow choking and its hysteresis problems, however, occurred at their off-design conditions. It was shown that these off-design problems could also be resolved by utilizing slats and flaps. Finally, a study on the aerodynamic characteristics of wing-body configurations was conducted using the tapered biplane wing. In this study a body was chosen in order to generate strong shock waves at its nose region. Preliminary parametric studies on the interference effects between the body and the tapered biplane wing were performed by choosing several different wing locations on the body. From this study, it can be concluded that the aerodynamic characteristics of the tapered biplane wing are minimally affected by the disturbances generated from the body, and that the biplane wing shows promise for quiet commercial supersonic transport. 相似文献