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世界上最大的单口径射电望远镜FAST已经完成验收并正式运行,而甚长基线干涉观测是FAST的核心课题之一,FAST可以为甚长基线观测网提供重要贡献。为了发挥FAST在甚长干涉观测网中的作用,总结了国际上其他大型射电望远镜的主要研究成果,结合FAST的特点,挑选适合FAST的研究课题;介绍了FAST现有的VLBI观测系统,和天马望远镜进行的VLBI干涉条纹;讨论了FAST VLBI系统的发展,包括未来适合FAST参与的VLBI观测网。研究最终挑选到了适合FAST VLBI的6个研究课题;应用FAST与天马望远镜获得了首条VLBI干涉条纹;FAST在CVN、EVN、LBA的VLBI观测方面,可发挥其极高灵敏度的优势;研究发现附近的小天线可为FAST参加相位参考观测提供帮助。  相似文献   

高精度VLBI技术在深空探测中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
介绍了适合单探测器测定轨的高精度VLBI技术和适合多探测器测定位的同波束VLBI技术的研究进展。利用"嫦娥3号"着陆器的ΔDOR型VLBI观测,得到了误差0.67ns的VLBI群时延数据。利用"嫦娥3号"着陆器和月球车的同波束VLBI观测,得到了随机误差0.3ps的差分相时延数据,以数厘米的灵敏度监测出月球车的移动、转弯等动作,并把月球车的相对定位精度提高至1m。针对深空探测,提出了使VLBI时延测量精度进一步提高所需要开展的部分研究内容。  相似文献   

我国将于2020年首次发射由环绕器和着陆巡视器组成的火星探测器,火星探测器的跟踪及精密测定轨是完成工程任务和科学探测的基础。火星探测器的跟踪和测定轨,目前主要采用基于地面无线电测量的测距、测速和甚长基线干涉VLBI测角3种手段。主要针对VLBI技术予以介绍,主要内容为:△DOR型VLBI技术在国内外的应用情况、火星探测器VLBI测定轨技术分析、基于同波束VLBI的火星车定位技术、火星探测器VLBI观测等。这些内容对我国的火星探测器测定轨有重要的应用价值。  相似文献   

新型氢激射器的环境性能分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文描述了为国内VLBI网络而建立的新型、可搬运氢激射器的环境性能测试,给出了磁场、压力、热性能的测试结果。测试表明,在0~3.33×10~3Pa压力变化范围内无明显压力效应,而磁场与热灵敏度分别为1.1×10~(-12)/G与3×10~(-14)/℃(时间常数为32小时或更长),后者还包含了快作用与慢作用两个过程。  相似文献   

针对"嫦娥5号"(CE-5)探测器间高精度相对测量需求,设计了我国深空干涉测量处理中心框架下的同波束VLBI处理算法,分析了X波段同波束VLBI相位解模糊条件和结果;通过引入群时延辅助的相位干涉技术,大幅抑制了干涉时延随机误差,为同波束VLBI中相位解模糊提供了先验条件;利用CE-5对接实测数据验证了本文工作的有效性,为CE-5任务同波束VLBI的实施奠定了基础。  相似文献   

用于太阳系天体VLBI观测的时延模型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
VLBI观测技术可以用于对深空航天器的跟踪定位以及测速观测.这类近距离天体发出的射电信号波前是球面波.为此,本文提出了一个1ps精度下近距离射电天体地面VLBI观测时间延迟模型.  相似文献   

实用型氢激射器频标锁相接收系统   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了使上海天文台两台氢激射器频率标准更好地适应甚长基线干涉(VLBI)实验的要求,我们充分利用国内外新器件,采用新技术方案,研制出一种实用型氢激射器锁相接收系统。该系统具有接收灵敏度高(≤-120dBm)、噪音系数烛(≤1.8dB)、体积小、自动搜索人锁以及可靠性高等特点。本文主要以系统设计为实例,讨论了氢激射器频标锁相接收系统的总体设计原则、锁相环路的设计考虑和环路对系统的噪声抑制的定量估算等问题。最后,介绍了运用该系统后氢激射器频标的短期频率稳定度达到1.88×10-~(13)/S、3.7×~(-14)/10S、9.2/10~(-15)/100S9.5×10~(-15)/1000s,完全满足了甚长基线干涉实验的需要。  相似文献   

针对地球静止轨道(GEO)卫星全天时全天候高精度的监测需求,考虑传统甚长基线干涉(VLBI)测站高成本、高投入和GEO卫星专用观测时段有限等制约条件,研发了简易型VLBI观测系统,并组建了包括上海、都匀和乌鲁木齐三站的微型VLBI网(micro VLBI network,MVN),开展了并置站测试以及对GEO卫星亚太6C的连续监测,并评估了当前MVN的观测能力。结果表明MVN扣除系统差后的单站接收精度为2ns,各基线观测时延拟后残差约几纳秒,GEO目标实测位置精度为百米级(内外符精度分别约100m和400m)。不同于传统VLBI和其他GEO监测手段,MVN还具备全天时、全天候、低造价、易布设及易推广等特点,充分表明了其在GEO卫星监测领域的应用价值。  相似文献   

甚长基线干涉测量(VLBI)是深空探测器导航定位的重要手段之一,深空探测器的VLBI观测通常采用差分单程测距(DOR)信标和双差单程测距(Delta-DOR)测量体制,精确地测量深空探测器相对于河外射电源的角距.相位杂散是影响Delta-DOR测量精度的主要误差源之一,针对这项误差研究了一种基于伪随机噪声调制方式的新型...  相似文献   

A space-based Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) program, named as the Cosmic Microscope, is proposed to involve dual VLBI telescopes in the space working together with giant ground-based telescopes (e.g., Square Kilometre Array, FAST, Arecibo) to image the low radio frequency Universe with the purpose of unraveling the compact structure of cosmic constituents including supermassive black holes and binaries, pulsars, astronomical masers and the underlying source, and exoplanets amongst others. The operational frequency bands are 30, 74, 330 and 1670 MHz, supporting broad science areas. The mission plans to launch two 30-m-diameter radio telescopes into 2 000 km×90 000 km elliptical orbits. The two telescopes can work in flexibly diverse modes. (i) Space-ground VLBI. The maximum space-ground baseline length is about 100 000 km; it provides a high-dynamic-range imaging capacity with unprecedented high resolutions at low frequencies (0.3 mas at 1.67 GHz and 20 mas at 30 MHz) enabling studies of exoplanets and supermassive black hole binaries (which emit nanoHz gravitational waves). (ii) Space-space single-baseline VLBI. This unique baseline enables the detection of flaring hydroxyl masers, and more precise position measurement of pulsars and radio transients at mas level. (iii) Single dish mode, where each telescope can be used to monitor transient bursts and rapidly trigger follow-up VLBI observations. The large space telescope will also contribute in measuring and constraining the total angular power spectrum from the Epoch of Reionization. In short, the Cosmic Microscope offers astronomers the opportunity to conduct novel, frontier science.   相似文献   

Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) allows to monitor universal time (UT1) by conducting regular international experiments. Such dedicated observation networks are equipped with different hardware components, which require different processing strategies when the data are correlated. As the timing units at each stations are usually offset with respect to universal time (UTC) this effect should be considered during correlation processing. Thus, it is investigated how neglecting of these offsets theoretically impacts the estimation of UT1. Three different strategies for the proper handling of the timing offset will be discussed and their advantages/drawbacks will be pointed out. Moreover, it is studied how neglecting of these timing offsets affects UT1 time-series and how such a missing correction can be applied a posteriori. Although the discussed effect is for most of the UT1 experiments smaller than the formal error of the estimates, it is important to consider station clock offsets properly in next-generation VLBI systems, which are expected to improve accuracy of results by about one order of magnitude.  相似文献   

The balloon-borne very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) experiment is a technical feasibility study for performing radio interferometry in the stratosphere. The flight model has been developed. A balloon-borne VLBI station will be launched to establish interferometric fringes with ground-based VLBI stations distributed over the Japanese islands at an observing frequency of approximately 20?GHz as the first step. This paper describes the system design and development of a series of observing instruments and bus systems. In addition to the advantages of avoiding the atmospheric effects of absorption and fluctuation in high frequency radio observation, the mobility of a station can improve the sampling coverage (“uv-coverage”) by increasing the number of baselines by the number of ground-based counterparts for each observation day. This benefit cannot be obtained with conventional arrays that solely comprise ground-based stations. The balloon-borne VLBI can contribute to a future progress of research fields such as black holes by direct imaging.  相似文献   

A newtork of VLBI and GPS sites in Canada will provide a framework for precise geodetic and geodynamic observations to study continent-wide crustal deformations, post-glacial uplift and plate tectonics. The VLBI component will consist of three permanent stations with a 3000-km baseline located on the geologically stable Canadian Shield as the principal calibration line; it will facilitate continuous monitoring of the earth's rotational dynamics and by means of collocated GPS receivers will serve to maintain the accuracy and the long-term stability of GPS satellite orbit computations. A mobile VLBI system will be used to establish fiducial points with a spacing of about 1000-km to provide a reference for high-precision regional GPS surveys. The unique Canadian VLBI data acquisition and processing system features time-domain multiplexing, a wave-front clock and 24 Mb/sec data recording on standard video cassettes. High-precision differential GPS positions with uniform spacing of about 500-km will complement the VLBI network; these will be reoccupied at regular intervals to facilitate construction of a strain map of Canada. Absolute gravity observations will be carried out at most VLBI and GPS sites to provide additional constraints for geophysical interpretation.1  相似文献   

As we move into the next era of geodetic VLBI, the scheduling process is one focus for improvement in terms of increased flexibility and the ability to react with changing conditions. A range of simulations were conducted to ascertain the impact of scheduling on geodetic results such as Earth Orientation Parameters (EOPs) and station coordinates. The potential capabilities of new automated scheduling modes were also simulated, using the so-called ‘dynamic scheduling’ technique. The primary aim was to improve efficiency for both cost and time without losing geodetic precision, particularly to maximise the uses of the Australian AuScope VLBI array.We show that short breaks in observation will not significantly degrade the results of a typical 24?h experiment, whereas simply shortening observing time degrades precision exponentially. We also confirm the new automated, dynamic scheduling mode is capable of producing the same standard of result as a traditional schedule, with close to real-time flexibility. Further, it is possible to use the dynamic scheduler to augment the 3 station Australian AuScope array and thereby attain EOPs of the current global precision with only intermittent contribution from 2 additional stations. We thus confirm automated, dynamic scheduling bears great potential for flexibility and automation in line with aims for future continuous VLBI operations.  相似文献   

Recently developed atomic hydrogen masers have achieved stability well into the 10?16 domain for averaging time intervals beyond 1000 sec and future devices promise further improvements. These devices are very adaptable for space use in very high precision measurements of angle through Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) and range and range-rate through Doppler techniques. Proposed space missions using these clocks will be discussed for the measurement of the sun's gravity field distribution and tests of gravitation and relativity including a search for pulsed low frequency (~0.001 Hz) gravitational waves, and orbiting VLBI stations. Estimates of system performance capability will be discussed and the accuracy capability of relativistic measurements evaluated in terms of results from the 1976 NASA/SAO spaceborne clock test of the Einstein Equivalence Principle.  相似文献   

Baseline lengths and their time-derivatives among 58 geodetic VLBI stations were fitted by using 4439 observing sessions from the International VLBI Service for Geodesy and Astrometry (IVS). First, the velocities of eight stations in Eurasian continent were set as unknown quantities. Then, two standard global solutions from 3523 IVS sessions and 1110 sessions from database code XA, respectively, were applied prior to all-station coordinates and the non-estimated station velocities. Finally, from the relations among the coordinates, velocities, baseline length and its time-derivative, two types of baseline post-adjustment (BPA) were used to estimate the velocities of the eight stations. We discuss the data processing details, including the effect of different prior values for the stations and the optimal solution.  相似文献   

精密GPS卫星钟差的改正和应用   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:13  
分析了GPS卫生钟差的变化特性,探讨了利用GPS地面跟踪站的观测数据估算GPS卫星钟差的可行性,建立了相应的算法和软件系统,并把由地面跟踪站的实测数据估算的卫星钟差用于星载GPS定轨计算,得到优于1m的定轨精度。  相似文献   

The International Terrestrial Reference Frame (ITRF), as a realization of the International Terrestrial Reference System (ITRS), is represented by a set of station positions and linear velocities. They are intended to be used as regularized coordinates to which some corrections should be added to access instantaneous coordinates. The latest ITRS realization is the ITRF2005, which has integrated time series of station positions to form long-term solutions for the four space geodetic techniques. Currently, a purely linear model is used to parameterize station displacements in the estimation process, plus occasional discontinuities in case of earthquakes or equipment changes. However the input data have been derived without applying surface loading models and so surface loading effects are supposed to be embedded in the coordinates as measured quantities. We evaluate the effect of applying a posteriori loading corrections, which include the effect of atmospheric, non-tidal ocean, and continental water loading, to time series of positions estimated from Satellite Laser Ranging (SLR), Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI), and Global Positioning System (GPS) data. We notice that they reduce about 50% or more of the annual signals in the translation and scale parameter time series of the SLR and VLBI techniques, except in SLR Z translation. In general, the estimated secular frame definition is negligibly affected and estimated positions and velocities are not significantly modified for stations that have accumulated a large number of observations. A multi-technique combination of such derived frames allows concluding that, for some cases, loading model corrections might degrade co-located station coordinates almost as much as they benefit them. However, most significant improvement of the estimated secular coordinates is observed for stations with less than 100 estimated positions as demonstrated with a multi-technique combination.  相似文献   

A multi-technique space geodetic analysis software named c5++ has been developed and allows one to combine data on the observation level. With SLR and VLBI modules being ready and tested, this software has been used to compute coordinate time series of the geodetic fundamental station TIGO, located near Concepción, Chile. It can be shown that the combination of space geodetic data on the observation level leads to a significant improvement of station position repeatability, which is an important measure for the stability of a station in the terrestrial reference frame. Moreover, it could be demonstrated that the geophysical signal of the post-seismic tectonic plate movement is usually more complete than detected by any of the two single-technique solutions. In addition, it has been confirmed that so-called nuisance parameters, which are relying on data from a single technique, are not biased when combing observations from different space geodetic techniques.  相似文献   

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