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In the primary roots of lettuce shoots grown under altered gravitational conditions--180 degrees inversion on the centrifuged clinostat, horizontal clinostat and in dynamic weightlessness--localization of the cellular organelles, cell morphology and peculiarities of growth have been studied. Significant changes took place in the localization of amyloplasts on the horizontal clinostat. The changes of amyloplast position in the cap cells on the horizontal clinostat and under weightlessness are similar. A change of the normal shoot position (180 degrees inversion and horizontal clinostat) causes an inhibition of growth. Weightlessness increases the length of axial organs and cells in the zone of elongation, but decreases the nitotic index in comparison to the centrifuged control. The anlysis of the formation of generative organs has been carried out for Arabidopsis plants grown on board the orbital station Salyut-6. The ability of plants to undergo vegetative growth and to pass through early phases of generative development under weightlessness was confirmed.  相似文献   

S3 absorption cross section equals 6×10−17 cm2 at 400 nm, 6 × 10−19 cm2 at 500 nm (less by a factor of 4 than that given by Sanko), 4×10−20 cm2 at 600 nm. That of S4 equals 1.5 × 10−17 cm2 at 450 nm, 8 × 10−17 cm2 at 500 nm, and 4.7 × 10−17 cm2 at 600 nm. Preliminary evaluation of the S3 mixing ratio in the lower atmosphere of Venus is (8±3)×10−11 at 5 to 25km according to the Venera 14 measurements and several times lower at the locations of the Veneras-11 and -13.  相似文献   

Plant growth, development and embryogenesis during Salyut-7 flight.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The growth and geotropic movements of roots and hypocotyls of lettuce have been studied on board the Salyut 7 station in a stationary position and on the centrifuge at 0.01, 0.1 and 1 g. On the centrifuge at 0.1 and 0.01 g as well as under weightlessness, the final length of hypocotyls was by 8-16% greater than in control plants on the centrifuge at 1 g. The length of roots, however, was reduced by 17% at 0.01 g and under weightlessness; at 0.1 g their growth is much the same as at 1 g. On the Earth, while growing in a vertical position, and in space at 0 < or = g, the roots and hypocotyls deviate from the longitudinal axis of the seed. Average values of deviation eagles on the Earth are always equal to zero, while this is not always the case in space, which indicates the biological effect of microgravity conditions on board a spacecraft. The threshold of geotropic sensitiveness of lettuce hypocotyls, calculated from the linear regression parameters of the dependence of the response geotropic reaction upon the value of the centrifugal force, comprised 2.9 x 10(-3) g. In the Fiton 3 micro-greenhouse under spaceflight conditions, the plants of Arabidopsis thaliana (L) Heynh have, for the first time, undergone a full cycle of individual development. The seeds sown during the flight germinated, performed growth processes, formed vegetative and generative organs and, judging by the final result, they succeeded in fecundation, embryogenesis and ripening. Despite the noted modification of growth and development of plants in space, 42% of formed seeds appeared to be valuable biologically.  相似文献   

Soft X-ray observations by SMM and other spacecraft have shown that the abundance of certain elements in solar corona varies from flare to flare. In this study, observations made by the Yohkoh Bragg Crystal Spectrometer (BCS) in helium-like Ca XIX have been analysed, and Ca abundance determined for 177 flares observed during the first four years of the mission (1991–1995). The average abundance of Ca relative to H for all flares is ACa = (3.64±0.39) × 10−6. As with an earlier study of SMM data, the abundance is found to be enhanced compared to the photosphere ((2.24±0.10) × 10−6), and with only minor variation from flare to flare. However, the absolute value and range of values determined by this study is smaller than in the previous study; these differences are discussed.  相似文献   

The Geminga light curve obtained with the “Gamma-1” telescope features two peaks separated by 0.5 ± 0.03 period. The light curve is pronounced for γ-quanta energies higher than 400 MeV. The pulsed flux upper limit (1σ) in the energy interval 50 – 300 MeV is 6·10−7 cm−2sec−1. For energies >300 MeV the pulsed component power law spectrum has an exponent 1.1 −0.3+1.1 and an integral flux (1.1±0.3)·10−6 cm−2sec−1.  相似文献   

We review the advantages and possibilities of small satellites. New results of data reduction of the satellite-borne experiment RELICT-1 are presented. For the inflation spectrum of primordial perturbations we obtained the estimate for quadrupole component 6·10−6 <ΔT2/T<3.3·10−6. The RELICT-2 mission will provide a possibility of measurement of CBR anisotropy down to the level less than ΔT2/T = 10−8. We present the results of engineering testing of RELICT-2 measurement system and discuss ways of improving of the radiometers sensitivities.  相似文献   

During the 3rd main expedition on board the “Salyut-6” orbital station in 1979 the integral characteristics of cosmic radiation were measured in various positions inside the manned modules (experiment “Integral”). Measurements were performed with thermoluminescent dosimeters, photographic films and solid state plastic detectors supplied for the experiment by specialists of the USSR, Bulgaria, Hungary, GDR and Romania. The dose gradient inside the manned modules of the station amounted to 70 % for long intervals of time. During the experimental period the dose rate inside the station was 15 to 30 mrad per day. The mean flux of particles with z 6 and LET 200 keV/μm was found to be 0.22 cm−2 day−1.  相似文献   

A 40.6 cm Newtonian telescope has been interfaced to the Fabry-Perot interferometer at the Arecibo Observatory to make high spectral resolution measurements of Comet Halley emissions at 6562.72 Å (H-alpha) and 6300.3 Å (OI). In March 1986 the H-alpha surface brightness for a 5′.9 field of view centered on the comet nucleus decreased from 39±7.8 rayleighs on 12 March to 16±3.8 rayleighs on 23 March. The atomic hydrogen production rate on 12 March 1986 was 1.62±0.5 × 1030 s−1, and on 23 March 1986 it was 6.76±2.3 × 1029 s−1. Using spectral resolution of 0.196 Å, we found the atomic hydrogen outflow velocity to be approximately 7.9±1.0 km s−1. In general, the H-alpha spectra are highly structured, and indicative of a multiple component atomic hydrogen velocity distribution. An isotropic outflow of atomic hydrogen at various velocities is not adequate to explain the spectra measured at H-alpha. The 6300.3 Å emission of O(1D) had a surface brightness of 81±16 rayleighs on 15 March 1986, and 95±11 rayleighs on 17 March 1986. After adjustment for atmospheric extinction, the implied O(1D) production rate on 15 March is 6.44±3.0 × 1028 s−1, and the production rate on 17 March is 5.66±2.7 × 1028 s−1. These spectra included a feature at 6300.8 Å that we attribute to NH2. The brightness of this emission feature was 37±11 rayleighs on 15 March.  相似文献   

The program of the 7-day flight of the biosatellite Cosmos-1667 launched in July 1985 included experiments on two rhesus monkeys, ten Wistar SPF rats, ten newts, Drosophila flies, maize seedlings, lettuce sprouts, and unicellular organisms - Tetrahymena. The primate study demonstrated that transition to orbital flight was accompanied by a greater excitability of the vestibular apparatus and an increased linear blood flow velocity in the common carotid artery. The rat studies showed that atrophy of antigravity muscles and osteoporosis of limb bones developed even during short-term exposure to microgravity. The experiments on other living systems revealed no microgravity effects on the cell division rate, proliferative activity of cells of regenerating tissues and organs, energy metabolism of developing insects, structure or chemical composition of higher plant seedlings.  相似文献   

The Galactic plane was scanned nearly three times by the UCSD/MIT Hard X-Ray and Low Energy Gamma-Ray Experiment on HEAO-1 from August 1977 through September 1978. Its Medium Energy Detectors were of the NaI/CsI phoswich type and operated over the 100 keV to 2 MeV range, with a 17° FWHM field of view and a 9% energy resolution at 511 keV. Sky maps for each epoch of observation were constructed in several energy bands. After subtraction of known point sources, a component associated with the galactic plane remains, whose spectrum is consistent with a power law and a positron annihilation spectrum. In the 333 to 583 keV energy band the flux is concentrated within ±35° of the galactic center, and the ratio of flux/radian (anticenter) is high, with a 2σ lower limit of 13. The parameters of the galactic center region's annihilation spectrum are positronium fraction of 0.9±0.1 and 511 keV flux of (2.0±0.7)×10−3 photons/cm2-sec-rad.  相似文献   

We report results of a statistical study correlating ionized solar wind (ISW) fluxes observed by ACE during late 2000 and throughout 2001 with neutral solar wind (NSW) fluxes observed by IMAGE/LENA over the same period. The average correlation coefficient between the neutral and ionized solar wind is 0.66 with correlations greater than 0.80 occurring about 29% of the time. Correlations appear to be driven by high solar wind flux variability, similar to results obtained by in situ multi-spacecraft correlation studies. In this study, however, IMAGE remains inside the magnetosphere on over 95% of its orbits. As a function of day of year, or equivalently ecliptic longitude, the slope of the relationship between the neutral solar wind flux and the ionized solar wind flux shows an enhancement near the upstream direction, but the symmetry point appears shifted toward higher ecliptic longitudes than the interstellar neutral (ISN) flow direction by about 20°. The estimated peak interstellar neutral upstream density inside of 1 AU is about 7 × 10−3 cm−3.  相似文献   

For the study of gravity's role in the processes of plant cell differentiation in-vitro, a model "seed-seedling-callus" has been used. Experiments were carried out on board the orbital stations Salyut-7 and Mir as well as on clinostat. They lasted from 18 to 72 days. It was determined that the exclusion of a one-sided action of gravity vector by means of clinostat and spaceflight conditions does not impede the formation and growth of callus tissue; however, at cell and subcellular levels structural and functional changes do take place. No significant changes were observed either on clinostat or in space concerning the accumulation of fresh biomass, while the percentage of dry material in space is lower than in control. Both in microgravity (MG) and in control, even after 72 days of growth, cells with a normally developed ultrastructure are present. In space, however, callus tissue more often contains cells in which the cross-section area of a cell, a nuclei and of mitochondria are smaller and the vacuole area--bigger than in controls. In microgravity a considerable decrease in the number of starch-containing cells and a reduction in the mean area of starch grains in amyloplasts is observed. In space the amount of soluble proteins in callus tissue is 1.5 times greater than in control. However, no differences were observed in fractions when separated by the SDS-PAGE method. In microgravity the changes in cell wall material components was noted. In the space-formed callus changes in the concentration of ions K, Na, Mg, Ca and P were observed. However, the direction of these changes depends on the age of callus. Discussed are the possible reasons for modification of morphological and metabolic parameters of callus cells when grown under changed gravity conditions.  相似文献   

Spatial distribution of the continuum radiation in the range of 0.95–1.9 μm presumes total dust production rate of the comet of 10ρ tonne s−1 (ρ is the dust material density) and its angular distribution proportional cos . Observations of the water vapor band at 1.38 μ m reveal strong jets, their time shift from the dust jet measured in situ is consistent with gas velocity of 0.82±0.1 km s−1 and dust velocity of 0.55±0.08 km s−1. The OH vibrational-rotational bands observed are excided directly via photolysis of water vapor. Water vapor production rate deduced from the H2O band and OH band intensities is 8×1029 s−1. Intensity of the CN(0,0) band result in the CN column density of 9×1012 cm−2, i.e. larger by a factor of 3 than given by the violet band.  相似文献   

Growth of dark-grown Arabidopsis hypocotyls was suppressed under hypergravity conditions (300 g), or was stimulated under microgravity conditions in space (Space Shuttle STS-95). The mechanical extensibility of cell walls decreased and increased under hypergravity and microgravity conditions, respectively. The amounts of cell wall polysaccharides (pectin, hemicellulose-I, hemicellulose-II and cellulose) per unit length of hypocotyls increased under hypergravity conditions, and decreased under microgravity conditions. The amount and the molecular mass of xyloglucans also increased under the hypergravity conditions, while those decreased under microgravity conditions. The activity of xyloglucan-degrading enzymes extracted from hypocotyl cell walls decreased and increased under hypergravity and microgravity conditions, respectively. These results indicate that the amount and the molecular mass of xyloglucans are affected by the magnitude of gravity and that such changes are caused by changes in xyloglucan-degrading activity. Modifications of xyloglucan metabolism as well as the thickness of cell walls by gravity stimulus may be the primary event determining the cell wall extensibility, thereby regulating the growth rate of Arabidopsis hypocotyls.  相似文献   

A two-dimensional electromagnetic simulation model is used to investigate the production of whistler waves in connection with electron beam experiments in space. The spectrum is observed to peak near 0.7 ωe, and the conversion efficiency of beam energy to whistler waves is about 5 × 10−5. The whistlers can be trapped in a density trough extending out from the spacecraft and experience ducted propagation.  相似文献   

微重力作为典型的空间环境因素,对植物生长发育的影响机制是空间生命科学的研究热点。微重力环境直接或间接影响植物代谢,并引起许多生理适应。 随着系统生物学的发展,代谢网络模型使微重力环境下的植物代谢建模成为可能。采用流平衡分析方法对模式植物拟南芥不同组织的代谢网络进行分析,研究微重力对拟南芥生长发育的影响机制。通过比较空间与地面条件下拟南芥的生物质产量,发现空间条件下拟南芥黄化幼苗、幼苗、芽、根、下胚轴的生物量分别下降了33.00%,51.52%,6.89%,12.53%,11.70%,与空间环境下拟南芥的长势变化趋势一致。代谢通路富集分析发现,微重力使得拟南芥的碳固定等通路下调,而磷酸戊糖途径上调,初步解析了微重力对拟南芥生长发育的影响机制,也验证了流平衡方法用于微重力生物学效应研究中的可行性。   相似文献   

In order to investigate the movement of a statolith complex along the longitudinal axis of root cap statocytes under different mass accelerations, a series of experiments with Lepidium sativum L. in an automatically operating centrifuge during the Bion-11 satellite flight and on a centrifuge-clinostat have been performed. During spaceflight, roots were grown for 24 h under root-tip-directed centrifugal 1-g acceleration, then exposed to microgravity for 6, 12 and 24 min and chemically fixed. During the first 6 min of microgravity, the statoliths moved towards the cell center with a mean velocity of 0.31 +/- 0.04 micrometers/min, which decreased to 0.12 +/- 0.01 micrometers/min within subsequent 12-24 min period. The mean relative position of the statolith complex in respect to the distal cell wall (% of total cell length) increased from 24.0 +/- 0.5% in 1 g-grown roots to 38.8 +/- 0.8% in roots exposed for 24 min to microgravity, but remained smaller than in roots grown continuously in microgravity (48.0 +/- 0.7%). The properties of the statolith movement away from the distal pole of the statocyte were studied in roots grown for 24 h vertically under 1 g and then placed for 6 min on a fast rotating clinostat (50 rpm) or 180 degrees inverted. After 2 min of both treatments, the mean relative position of the statoliths increased by about 10% versus its initial position. Later on, the proximal displacement of amyloplasts slowed down under simulated weightlessness, while it proceeded at a constant velocity under 1 g inversion. In roots grown on the clinostat and then exposed to 1 g in the longitudinal direction, amyloplast sedimentation away from the central region of statocyte was similar at the beginning of distal and proximal 6-min 1-g stimulation. However, at the end of this period statolith displacement was more pronounced in proximal direction as compared to distal. It is proposed that statolith position in the statocyte of a vertical root is controlled by the force of gravity, however, the intracellular forces, first of all those generated by the network of the cytoskeleton, are manifested when an usual orientation of the organ is changed or the statocytes are exposed to microgravity and clinorotation.  相似文献   

Based on the ion, electron and neutral gas observations, performed by five of the six sensors comprising the PLASMAG-1 experiment on board VEGA-1 and -2, the following results are discussed: (1) the existence of the bow shock and its location at 1.1×106 km for VEGA-1 inbound; (2) the existence of a cometopause and its location at 1.6×105 km for VEGA-2 inbound; (3) the plasma dynamical processes occurring inside the cometosheath; (4) the phenomena taking place within the cometary plasma region including mass-spectroscopy of cometary ions at distances 1.5×104 km; (5) the existence of keV electrons near closest approach to the nucleus; and (6) the radial dependence of the cometary neutral gas and the comparison with model calculations, yielding a mean ionization scale length of 2×106 km and an overall production rate of 1.3×1030 molecules s−1 for VEGA-1 inbound. The results are also discussed in the context of the other, both remote and in-situ, observations, performed on board the VEGA- and GIOTTO-spacecraft.  相似文献   

Information about the amount and spatial structure of atmospheric water vapor is essential in understanding meteorology and the Earth environment. Space-borne remote sensing offers a relatively inexpensive method to estimate atmospheric water vapor in the form of integrated water vapor (IWV). The research activity reported in the present paper is based on the data acquired by the HRPT/MODIS (High Resolution Picture Transmission, MODerate resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) receiving station established in Budapest (Hungary) by the Space Research Group of the Eötvös Loránd University. Integrated water vapor is estimated by the remotely sensed data of the MODIS instrument with different methods and also by the operational numerical weather prediction model of the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF). Radiosonde data are used to evaluate the accuracy of the different IWV fields though it has been pointed out that the in situ data also suffers from uncertainties. It was found that both the MODIS and the ECMWF based fields are of good accuracy. The satellite data represent finer scale spatial structures while the ECMWF data have a relatively poor spatial resolution. The high quality IWV fields have proved to be useful for radiative transfer studies such as the atmospheric correction of other satellite data from times different than the overpass times of satellites Terra/Aqua and the forecast times of the model data. For this purpose the temporal variability of IWV is scrutinized both using ECMWF and MODIS data. Taking advantage of Terra and Aqua overpasses, the mean rate of change of IWV estimated by the near infrared method was found to be 0.47 ± 0.45 kg m−2 h−1, while it was 0.13 ± 0.65 kg m−2 h−1 based on the infrared method. The numerical weather prediction model’s analysis data estimated −0.01 ± 0.13 kg m−2 h−1 for the mean growth rate, while using forecast data it was 0.24 ± 0.18 kg m−2 h−1. MODIS data should be used when available for the estimation of the IWV in other studies. If no satellite data are available, or available data are only from one overpass, ECMWF based IWV can be used. In this case the analysis fields (or the satellite field) should be used for temporal extrapolation but the rate of change should be calculated from the forecast data due to its higher temporal resolution.  相似文献   

A cytological study was performed on Maize roots ( s) which were grown in space (flight Biocosmos 1985) and on control roots on earth. Two criteria were selected : cell elongation in the cortical zone in the four mm of the extremity of the root and mitotic activity of the meristem. The results show that in microgravity the length of the meristem is reduced of 1/3 and that its mitotic activity increases of about twofold comparatively to the synchronous control. In parallel the cell differentiation begin closer to the root cap junction. These results are discussed relative to the influence of gravistimulation on cell proliferation and cell differentiation in roots.  相似文献   

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