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数字化弯管成形技术作为一种新型全自动管材加工技术,基于目前热门的工业机器人平台,配合弯曲末端装置实现了复杂弯曲构件的柔性成形。基于数字化弯管成形技术原理,建立了弯管机器人成形工艺轨迹及运动过程解析方法,设计并搭建了匹配的弯曲末端装置,使得弯管机器人可以实现管材的数字化弯曲工艺。采用有限元模拟与试验相结合的方法,研究了管件在机器人弯曲成形过程中应力的变化规律,讨论了由机器人运动提供的补料功能,并分析了该功能对于弯曲构件成形质量的影响。结果表明,搭建的弯管机器人成形试验平台及解析方法可以实现管材连续弯曲成形,成形管材最大应力值增大的幅度较小。机器人主动进给补料作用可有效改善弯管壁厚减薄现象。但同时补料也易导致管材弯曲内侧材料发生堆积,试验时较易出现起皱缺陷。未来的研究工作中,需着重开展基于起皱缺陷的机器人运动、弯曲速度等参数的优化研究。  相似文献   

三维自由弯曲成形技术及在航空制造业中的潜在应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
三维自由弯曲成形技术作为金属塑性成形领域近年来一项重要的技术创新,能够实现管材、型材、线材在各种弯曲半径条件下的精确成形,对传统弯曲成形技术带来了巨大的挑战.从三维自由弯曲成形技术的基本原理入手,对三轴、五轴以及基于并联机构的六轴自由弯曲系统的技术优势、关键工艺参数与成形缺陷、相关技术及装备研究进展情况等进行了系统介绍,并对其在航空复杂弯曲构件制造领域的应用前景进行了分析和展望.  相似文献   

先进航空板材成形技术应用现状与发展趋势   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
板材成形技术是武器装备发展中至关重要的技术之一,是一个国家军事技术能力和科技水平的重要组成部分。本文综合论述了以超塑成形/扩散连接技术、喷丸和蠕变时效成形技术、柔性多点模具蒙皮拉形技术和旋压成形技术等为代表的先进航空板材成形技术的应用现状,总结和提出了航空板材成形技术的发展趋势和重点。  相似文献   

橡皮囊液压成形是钣金成形的主要方法之一,在飞机上有大量橡皮囊液压成形的钣金零件。橡皮囊液压成形工艺制造水平的提升,能大幅提高钣金零件的表面质量和疲劳寿命,从而改善飞机的整体性能。针对国内外橡皮囊液压成形工艺的研究现状进行总结,介绍了橡皮囊液压成形工艺的特点及应用领域,重点从钣金材料成形性能及工艺参数、成形缺陷、有限元仿真建模等方面综述了橡皮囊液压成形工艺的相关研究成果,对今后开展橡皮囊液压成形技术研究提供指导。  相似文献   

随着航空产业的快速发展,大型、整体、精密和高性能的模锻件在航空关键构件中的占比不断提高。航空关键构件尺寸的增大、复杂程度的增加以及材料强度的提高,给大型航空关键构件的整体模锻成形带来了巨大挑战。首先介绍了实现大型航空关键构件整体模锻成形面临的关键挑战以及解决途径,然后综述了整体精密模锻成形技术在典型大型航空关键构件如飞机承力框、起落架和发动机涡轮盘中的研究进展,最后对大型航空关键构件整体模锻成形技术的未来发展前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

航空航天用多功能SiC/Al复合材料研究进展(英文)   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Multi-functional Al-matrix composites with high volume fraction (55%-57%) of SiC particles are produced with the new pressureless infiltration fabrication technology. X-ray detection and microscopic observation display the composites which are macroscopically homogeneous without porosity. The investigation further reveals that the SiC/Al composites possess low density (2.94 g/cm^3), high elastic modulus (220 GPa), prominent thermal management function as a result of low coefficient of thermal expansion (8 × 10^4 K^-1) and high thermal conductivity (235 W/(m.K)) as well as unique preventability of resonance vibration. By adopting a series of developed techniques, the multi-functional SiC/Al composites have managed to be made into near-net-shape parts. Many kinds of precision components of space-based optomechanical structures and airborne optoelectronic platform have been turned out. Of them, several typical products are being under test in practices.  相似文献   

航空金属滤网的特种加工技术(英文)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Thanks to recent advances in manufacturing technology, aerospace system designers have many more options to fabricate high-quality, low-weight, high-capacity, cost-effective filters. Aside from traditional methods such as stamping, drilling and milling, many new approaches have been widely used in filter-manufacturing practices on account of their increased processing abilities. How- ever, the restrictions on costs, the need for studying under stricter conditions such as in aggressive fluids, the complicity in design, the workability of materials, and others have made it difficult to choose a satisfactory method from the newly developed processes, such as, photochemical machining (PCM), photo electroforming (PEF) and laser beam machining (LBM) to produce small, inexpensive, lightweight aerospace filters. This article appraises the technical and economical viability of PCM, PEF, and LBM to help engineers choose the fittest approach to turn out aerospace filters.  相似文献   

以第三代航空齿轮钢圆柱齿轮的弯曲疲劳性能作为研究对象,修正了国标(GB)给出的齿轮弯曲夹具计算公式,设计了弯曲疲劳试验用圆柱齿轮参数,并对该材料的齿轮进行了弯曲疲劳试验.通过对试验结果数据采用对数正态分布、二参数威布尔分布数据处理方法对试验数据进行了处理,得到了该材料的试验齿轮弯曲疲劳极限及可靠-应力-寿命(R-S-N...  相似文献   

Thin-walled tube numerical control (NC) bending is a tri-nonlinear physical process with multi-defect and multi-die constraints. The clearance on each contact interface is the major factor to indicate the contact conditions. A three-dimensional-finite element (3D-FE) model is established to consider the realistic dynamic boundary conditions of multiple dies under ABAQUS/Explicit platform. Combined with experiment, numerical study on bending behavior and bendability under different clearance between tube and various dies is conducted in terms of wrinkling, wall thinning and cross section deformation. The results show that (1)with smaller clearance of tube-wiper die and tube-mandrel, the wrinkling can be restrained while the wall thinning It and cross-section deformation Id increase; while excessive small clearance blocks tube materials to flow past tangent point and causes piles up, the onset of wrinkling enhances It and Id. (2)Both It and Id decrease with smaller clearance of tube-pressure die; the wrinkling possibility rises with larger clearance on this interface if the mandrel’s freedom along Y-axis is opened; smaller clearance of tube-bend die prevents wrinkling while increases It, and the clearance on this interface has little effect on Id. (3)A modified Yoshida buckling test (YBT) is used to address the wrinkling mechanisms under normal constraints in tube bending: the smaller clearance may restrain wrinkling efficiently; the smaller wall thickness, the less critical clearance needed; the critical clearance for tube bending 38 mm×1 mm×57 mm (tube outer diameter×wall thickness×centerline bending radius) equals about 20% of initial wall thickness.  相似文献   

薄壁管数控弯曲过程中失稳起皱的主要影响因素   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
林艳  杨合  李恒  詹梅 《航空学报》2003,24(5):456-461
 针对薄壁管数控弯曲精确成形过程在多因素交互作用下可能发生失稳起皱这一复杂物理问题, 基于起皱能量准则和有限元方法相结合, 提出了预测该过程起皱发生的能量( 数值) 方法, 研究了影响薄壁管数控弯曲成形过程起皱发生的主要因素及影响机制。结果表明, 弯曲半径、相对管径、芯棒伸长量和摩擦因素是影响薄壁管数控弯曲精确成形过程起皱发生的主要因素, 而材料的应力强度系数和加工速度等对起皱发生影响较小。研究结果为薄壁管数控弯曲精确成形过程参数的确定和优化创造了条件。  相似文献   

以新型高温渗碳不锈航空齿轮钢圆柱齿轮为研究对象,采用国标GB/T 14230-1993规定的\"B试验法\"开展了齿轮弯曲疲劳试验,并对轮齿的断裂的失效机理进行了研究.分析结果发现存在三种造成轮齿断裂失效的诱因:表面碳化物、表面缺陷和内部碳化物.其中,表面碳化物对轮齿弯曲疲劳寿命的影响比内部碳化物和表面加工缺陷都要严重.当...  相似文献   

分析介绍了电火花高速小孔加工原理和特点,重点叙述了围绕提高航空发动机叶片气膜孔加工质量,对若干关键技术进行攻关提升以及多轴数控电火花高速小孔加工技术和设备在航天、航空等关键制造业的应用情况.  相似文献   

汤一华  陈士橹  徐敏 《飞行力学》2012,30(2):97-100,109
分析了空天一体化力量在未来战争中的重要作用,以及国外空天一体化力量的发展概况和发展趋势.在此基础上,重点探讨了我国空天一体化力量未来发展的五个主要方向.最后,针对世界空天一体化力量的发展趋势,结合我国具体国情给出了几点建议.  相似文献   

Three dimensional (3D) tubes, which possess the characteristics of space saving, lightweight and high strength, are widely used in many high-end industries such as aviation, aerospace, automobile and shipbuilding. However, when manufacturing a 3D tube in flexible bending process, springback is a big obstacle for improving the forming quality. In this paper, a new comprehensive strategy for springback control of 3D tubes is proposed. The strategy can be described as follows: (1) define the desired shape and manufacture shape; (2) optimize the manufacture shape using two tooling design methods (e.g. DA (displacement adjustment) method and B&T (bending and twisting) method presented in this paper); (3) make a discretization of the manufacture shape to acquire the optimized forming parameters. Additionally, experiment is implemented to validate the effectiveness of the new strategy. Results show that forming parameters acquired by the new strategy are partially effective. The new strategy also demonstrates that, during 3D tubes forming, the deviation caused by over-bent elements can be counteracted by the deficient-bent elements. This principle is helpful to reduce the difficulty of parameter determination in future.  相似文献   

刘春梅  刘郁丽  任家海  杨合 《航空学报》2015,36(4):1320-1329
 双脊矩形管的绕弯成形受内外侧模具的共同约束,不同模具约束下管坯的受力不同,使得其截面变形情况也不相同,而截面变形严重地影响弯管件的成形质量和使用性能。因此,基于ABAQUS有限元平台建立了双脊矩形管E弯成形三维有限元模型,并通过实验验证了模型的可靠性。采用所建模型,研究了内外侧模具约束条件对双脊矩形管E弯截面变形的影响规律,发现当只有内腹板脊槽受约束时,内腹板脊槽的内缩变形可得到较好的控制,而其他部位的变形则有增大的趋势;当只有外腹板脊槽受约束时,内腹板脊槽宽度变形基本不发生变化,而其他部位的变形则有减小的趋势;当内外腹板脊槽均受约束时,可较好地控制双脊矩形管E弯过程中的截面变形。芯头个数对整管截面高度、宽度、外腹板脊槽宽度与两脊槽底部的间距的变形影响较大,但对内腹板脊槽宽度的变形影响不显著。  相似文献   

伴随复合材料的迅速发展,其在航空航天方面的应用也日益普遍,但因复合材料的各向异性,在制造过程中会导致某些缺陷的产生。敲击检测作为一种实时原位的无损检测,在复合材料的检测中效果明显。由于敲击检测尚未找到合理的数据处理方法,所以其应用范围受到限制。从解决敲击检测数据处理方法的角度出发,提出将改进层次聚类法应用于敲击检测中,并在应用实例环节对该方法进行了应用,通过实验结果对比,表明改进层次聚类方法可以解决敲击检测数据处理的问题。  相似文献   

军用航空动力采购的激励与约束机制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
军用航空动力采购是军用飞机获取动力的根本方式。在对军用航空动力采购现存机制分析的基础上,为从根本上提高发动机效用,就如何建立激励与约束机制,从建立机制的突破点、采购的委托代理模型、机制设计原则、机制设计方式等角度进行了研究。   相似文献   

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