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美国国家航空航天局(NASA)最新拍摄的照片显示,在月球召开一次象征和平和友谊冬季奥运会完全可行,一切只是个时间问题。现在让我们一同来看看,月球究竟具备了哪些条件,可以举办冬季奥运会。  相似文献   

刘爽 《航天》2012,(6):33-35
许多人对国际空间站的科技成就如数家珍,但或许并没有意识到,空间站的意义已远远超越了科技层面。面对茫茫宇宙,空间站显得渺小而孤单,使命感与人类之间最质朴的情感战胜了其他杂念。不分种族、国家,空间站的每一成员都是兄弟姐妹,人们在这里体验着友谊与真诚。  相似文献   

2009年9月25日,中国北京潞河中学学生董明启程前往俄罗斯拜科努尔航天发射场。此前,在俄罗斯驻华大使馆为她举行了隆重的欢送仪式。俄罗斯联邦驻华大使拉左夫在仪式上发表了热情洋溢的讲话,他表示俄罗斯和中国之间一直以来都有着很好的交流与合作,特别是近几年来,这种交流与合作有了更深入更广泛的发展,他希望通过开展丰富多彩的中俄青少年交流活动,让中俄青少年对彼此都有更深入的了解,将中俄的友谊持续发展下去.  相似文献   

针对我们正在进入一个数字时代,图书馆面对的挑战和发展机遇是任何时代都无法相比的形势,介绍了图书馆与互联网、数字图书馆建设、图书馆在数字图书馆建设中的定位等情况,并对实体图书馆的建设和发展谈了看法。  相似文献   

胡杨 《航天》2012,(9):1-1
“这是一份来自一个遥远的小小世界的礼物。上面记载着我们的声音、我们的科学、我们的影像、我们的音乐、我们的思想和感情。我们正努力生活着我们的时代,进入你们的时代。”这是35年前,“旅行者”1号携带的一张铜质磁盘唱片上,美国总统卡特对“外星人”的问候。在这个送给“外星人”的见面礼上,录制了地球上人类55种语言的问候语和各类音乐,其中包括4种中国方言及中国古琴曲《流水》。  相似文献   

同志们:2005年就要过去了,2006年马上就要到来。岁末年初之际,我们通过视频会议的方式,把民航空管系统的所有单位和同志们召集在一起,共同学习刚刚结束的民航工作会议精神,回顾过去一年空管取得的成绩,展望明年空管系统的发展,并向空管系统全体干部职工拜年。首先,我代表民航总  相似文献   

王山而 《航天员》2009,(5):72-75
航天员体验营已经成功举办了八届,其中的精彩各有不同,此次“少年航天员体验营”更是别致,因为其中多数营员都是来自香港地区,他们和北京的孩子们一起走进北京航天城,共同学习、共同体验、共同进步、共同快乐……  相似文献   

庞士元 《航天员》2009,(6):32-36
“阿瑞斯1-X”的发射开启了美国后航天飞机的序幕,未来美国的载人航天时代也许将会由“阿瑞斯”火箭和它的伴侣“猎户座”飞船来共同演绎。作为美国后航天飞机时代的主要载人飞行器,“猎户座”又有哪些与众不同之处呢?  相似文献   

大数据时代的到来提醒着我们高校创新创业教育变革的必然性与重要性,大数据为创业教育从为教学改善提供所需的数据驱动、实现更具针对性的个体教育、提高学习的技巧性和有效性等多个角度带来了可行性的改变。大数据在创业教育中的融合可以从思维意识、信息技能、营销手段、资金运作和创业团队等五个方面入手,现有的应用则为创业教育改革提供了实践支撑。除此之外,大数据在应用中的潜在风险与应用保障也是实际中不可忽视的一个重要方面。  相似文献   

<正>我们是幸运的一代,我们生活的时代科技大发展、产业大转型、社会大变革,我们正在经历千载难逢之"发展机遇"。曾经,知识的积累是非常缓慢的,人类从走出非洲到大航海经历了几万年时间;而从大航海到登月,只经历了几百年而已。如今,我们每个人都生活在一个科技大爆炸、社会大变革的时代。1946年,世界上第一台电子计算机的运算速度仅为5000次/  相似文献   

In recent years, Bacteria and Archaea have been discovered living in practically every conceivable terrestrial environment, including some previously thought to be too extreme for survival. Exploration of our solar system has revealed a number of extraterrestrial bodies that harbor environments analogous to many of the terrestrial environments in which extremophiles flourish. The recent discovery of more than 105 extrasolar planets suggests that planetary systems are quite common. These three findings have led some to speculate that life is therefore common in the universe, as life as we know it can seemingly survive almost anywhere there is liquid water. It is suggested here that while environments capable of supporting life may be common, this does not in itself support the notion that life is common in the universe. Given that interplanetary transfer of life may be unlikely, the actual origin of life may require specific environmental and geological conditions that may be much less common than the mere existence of liquid water.  相似文献   

统计了近10年来欧洲、日本、美国的固体运载火箭发射情况,系统分析了这些火箭使用的固体发动机性能参数,梳理了其发展脉络。这些国家和地区固体运载火箭主动力系统低成本的技术思路、模块化的发展方向、自动化的生产条件、完备的寿命评估体系,能够为我国运载火箭固体动力系统现阶段的使用、改进,以及未来的发展、规划提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

Sample return is an essential component of solar system exploration. Samples provide a unique data set that is critical for understanding formation and evolution of our solar system. This uniqueness is based on the scale of observations, precision of measurements, the ability to modify experiments as logic and technology dictate, and the ability to use instruments free of the constraints on mass, power, reliability, and data rate of flight instruments. Advances in analytical capabilities in recent years enable fundamental measurements to be made on extremely small samples, greatly reducing mass constraints on robotic sample return spacecraft. Sample studies provide irreplaceable ground truth for remotely-sensed data on planetary surfaces and fit within a variety of architectures for human exploration of the solar system.  相似文献   

微纳卫星低成本和方案快速迭代的特点,对其热控系统提出了简化、通用、快速设计等新要求.文章考察分析微纳卫星在热控系统设计方面所面临的困难和技术挑战,针对一般性椭圆地球轨道给出空间外热流随时间变化的计算方法;在此基础上,针对微纳卫星的结构和传热特点,提出整星热平衡方程对真近点角的连续积分方法和卫星温度场的多节点集总参数分析...  相似文献   

我院机制工艺试点专业经过近8年的努力,取得了令人可喜的成绩。这期间,我们努力争取有关部门和领导的支持。创造条件,按照教改实施方案进行试点,使教改工作扎扎实实的进行。  相似文献   

Stern SA 《Astrobiology》2003,3(2):317-321
Like all low- and moderate-mass stars, the Sun will burn as a red giant during its later evolution, generating of solar luminosities for some tens of millions of years. During this post-main sequence phase, the habitable (i.e., liquid water) thermal zone of our Solar System will lie in the region where Triton, Pluto-Charon, and Kuiper Belt objects orbit. Compared with the 1 AU habitable zone where Earth resides, this "delayed gratification habitable zone" (DGHZ) will enjoy a far less biologically hazardous environment - with lower harmful radiation levels from the Sun, and a far less destructive collisional environment. Objects like Triton, Pluto-Charon, and Kuiper Belt objects, which are known to be rich in both water and organics, will then become possible sites for biochemical and perhaps even biological evolution. The Kuiper Belt, with >10(5) objects > or =50 km in radius and more than three times the combined surface area of the four terrestrial planets, provides numerous sites for possible evolution once the Sun's DGHZ reaches it. The Sun's DGHZ might be thought to only be of academic interest owing to its great separation from us in time. However, approximately 10(9) Milky Way stars burn as luminous red giants today. Thus, if icy-organic objects are common in the 20-50 AU zones of these stars, as they are in our Solar System (and as inferred in numerous main sequence stellar disk systems), then DGHZs may form a niche type of habitable zone that is likely to be numerically common in the Galaxy.  相似文献   

目前,基于空间链路扩展业务的交互支持已成为国际空间技术领域的一个研究热点,而我国地面系统尚不支持空间链路扩展业务。通过对空间链路扩展业务的研究和对国外应用现状的调研,结合我国地面系统特点,提出在我国地面系统实施该业务的具体方案,并探讨系统应用中如何保证数据传输完整性的问题。  相似文献   

Positive psychological effects of space missions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Being in space is a powerful experience that can have an enduring, positive impact on the psychological well-being of astronauts and cosmonauts. We sought to examine the frequency, intensity and distribution of such salutogenic experiences among persons who have flown in space, using a questionnaire we developed based on the scientific literature and first person accounts. All participants reported positive effects of being in space, but the degree of change varied widely, and some experiences were particularly common. Three of our five predicted attitude-behavior relationships were supported by the data. Response patterns did not vary according to demographics or time in space. Cluster analysis yielded two groups of participants. One group was generally more reactive and also placed a higher priority on perceptions of space than did the other group. We conclude that positive experiences are common among space travelers and seem to cluster into meaningful patterns that may be consequential for Mars missions. We consider the possible selection, training, and monitoring issues raised by our findings.  相似文献   

In the last 20 years, the biomedical problems facing man in space have been brought into sharper focus. Space motion sickness is presently our most serious problem. Its etiology remains obscure, but the "sensory conflict" theory appears most plausible. No valid predictive tests of susceptibility exist and presently we must rely on medication for prevention or mitigation of symptoms. Adaptation/biofeedback techniques may prove useful. Cardiovascular "deconditioning" may be effectively attenuated by use of anti-g suits or plasma expanding techniques. Recent bedrest simulation studies would seem to indicate that concerns about chronically elevated central venous pressure during space flight are unfounded. The loss of red cell mass in space flight appears to be self-limited, independent of mission duration, and not of clinical concern, based on recent Soviet experiences. And finally, clodronate, a new diphosphonate effective in preventing hypercalciuria and negative calcium balance in normal human bedrested subjects, may prove effective in preventing or lessening skeletal mineral loss in space.  相似文献   

美俄卫星太空碰撞事件及对航天活动的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章介绍了最近发生的美俄卫星太空碰撞重大事件;深入剖析了导致碰撞的可能原因;详细评述了卫星碰撞事件对空间碎片环境的严重恶化和对人类航天活动的影响;分析了碰撞事件对空间碎片研究带来的新困难和新挑战。文章指出,从航天器安全角度来讲,减缓、控制乃至清除空间碎片是全人类共同的责任和唯一选择。  相似文献   

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