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嫦娥二号月球卫星CCD立体相机在轨图像分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
嫦娥二号月球卫星从2010年10月1日发射至今,已在轨运行近2年,除全部完成预定的工程与科学目标外,还完成了若干扩展科学试验。CCD立体相机获得了月球虹湾地区的35轨空间分辨率约为1.3m的局域立体图像,以及7m空间分辨率、100%覆盖的全月立体图像,是迄今为止国际上分辨率最高、最清晰的全月立体图像。文章在简要介绍在轨图像获取情况的基础上,对15km/100km椭圆轨道及100km圆轨道上获取的图像进行了分析,重点讨论了拍摄时的太阳高度角对图像视觉效果以及图像信息量的影响,可为中国今后探测其他星球提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

肯索里努斯影像图是由嫦娥二号探测器上的CCD立体相机获得的。CCD相机采用线阵推扫的方式获取图像,轨道高度约100km,每一轨的月面幅宽43km,像元分辨率7m。  相似文献   

介绍了嫦娥二号卫星CCD立体相机的设计思想与结果、发射前检测与地面推扫成像试验.嫦娥二号卫星CCD立体相机仍采用与嫦娥一号相同的线阵推扫成像模式,但嫦娥二号卫星CCD立体相机的技术指标要求大幅度提高,主要表现为地元分辨率由嫦娥一号的120m提高为嫦娥二号在100km圆轨上优于7m与在100km/15km椭圆轨道近月弧段...  相似文献   

2007年11月26日,国防科工委在北京航天飞行控制中心举行仪式,正式发布由嫦娥一号拍摄到的首幅月球图片。公布的月面图像是嫦娥一号在11月20-21日期间,卫星上的CCD立体相机采用线阵推扫的方式获取的数据,经处理拼接而成。卫星轨道高度约200km,每一轨的月面幅宽60km,像元分辨率120m。  相似文献   

<正>2019年9月12日,"资源一号"02D卫星成功入轨,其主载荷是由北京空间机电研究所负责研制的全新一代载荷—可见近红外相机。该相机配置了9个谱段,采用低畸变光学系统、星敏感器与相机一体设计、抗弥散、电荷连续转移、长线阵新型TDICCD等手段,提高了图像定位精度,拓宽了图像动态范围。在778km轨道上,全色分辨率优于2.5m,成像幅宽达115km。相机的主要亮点如下:  相似文献   

正2017年6月15日11时,由珠海欧比特控制工程股份有限公司自主研发及运控的"珠海一号"遥感微纳卫星星座首批两颗视频卫星OVS-1A和OVS-1B搭载CZ-4B/Y31运载火箭成功发射。两颗卫星的视频相机均由北京空间机电研究所负责研制,相机分辨率优于2m,具有获取条带图像及动态视频能力,视频幅宽优于8km′6km,帧频为20帧/s,条带图像长度大于35km,相机质量仅在12kg  相似文献   

2015年12月29日,中国第一颗地球静止轨道高分辨率光学遥感卫星—"高分四号"卫星在西昌卫星发射中心成功发射,星上装载的北京空间机电研究所研制的高分辨率光学遥感凝视相机,可以获取星下点可见光近红外谱段(全色及多光谱)50m地面像元分辨率、中波红外谱段400m地面像元分辨率图像,地面覆盖超过400km?400km。文章介绍了该相机的组成及工作原理、相机的关键技术及实现情况,给出了地面测试与试验结果,对在轨运行和测试情况进行了简单介绍,列出了在轨测试的主要结论。  相似文献   

2012年2月6日,国家国防科技工业局发布了探月工程嫦娥二号月球探测器获得的7m分辨率全月球影像图,表明我国探月工程又取得了一项重大科研成果。7m分辨率国际领先水平按照嫦娥二号任务科学探测计划,截至2011年5月20日,先后获取了607轨100km高度和15km高度的月球影像数据。制作完成的7m分辨率的全月球分幅影像  相似文献   

环境减灾-1A、1B卫星宽覆盖多光谱CCD相机技术   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
环境减灾-1A、1B卫星装载的宽覆盖多光谱CCD相机实现了地面像元分辨率优于30m、对地幅宽大于700km、4个谱段推扫成像.CCD相机自2008年9月8日首次开机成像后,不断获取地面可见光信息,图像清晰、层次分明,图像数据广泛应用于灾害监测与评估、灾后恢复重建等方面.文章就HJ-1A、1B卫星CCD相机的设计原理、技术难点、进步点及创新点等进行了总结.  相似文献   

"高分四号"卫星是中国首颗地球静止轨道遥感卫星,其携带的凝视相机系统能够实现在36 000km的地球静止轨道拍摄到50m分辨率的图像信息。高轨道、高分辨率光学拍摄任务所带来的问题是,面阵CMOS图像传感器模块将以极快的速度产生大量的并行图像数据。这对以CMOS图像传感器模块为核心的视频电路提出了更高的要求。而传统的视频电路设计方法不仅会产生一些信号完整性问题,且并不能完全适用于基于这种大数据量的面阵CMOS图像传感器模块的视频电路设计。文章通过仿真分析和实验验证,对比常规的设计方法,结合CMOS图像传感器模块的特点和输入输出特点,对基于这种面阵CMOS图像传感器模块的相机视频电路提出了新的设计方案,并证明了文章所提出的设计方案正确可行,且效果优于常规的设计方案。文章提出的设计方案已成功应用在"高分四号"卫星,在要求日趋复杂的遥感领域亦有广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

黄河  周军  刘莹莹 《宇航学报》2014,35(12):1405-1411
针对近地轨道分离模块航天器集群,考虑航天器之间面质比差异,提出一种能在较长时间内维持两星之间相对距离的松散队形设计方法。该方法以相对偏心率向量和相对轨道倾角向量描述松散队形,以两颗卫星之间的轨道长半轴之差和相对相位角之差为优化变量,并且通过设置虚拟空间圆解决避碰问题,保证在考虑气动力摄动的情况下,异构航天器松散编队能够有较长时间满足距离要求。仿真研究表明,针对轨道高度为500 km的参考轨道,当两星面质比分别为0.003 m 2/kg和0.0032 m 2/kg时,两颗卫星之间的距离能够在50天内处于200 m到20 km之间。  相似文献   

董光亮  樊敏  李培佳  黄勇 《宇航学报》2013,34(4):457-463
针对嫦娥二号探测器直接进入地月转移轨道、距月面100km高度捕获月球、完成既定任务后飞往日地第二拉格朗日平动点等飞行轨道方面的新特点,分析了定轨预报策略,利用事后精密轨道,全面评估了关键变轨点定轨预报和变轨后快速定轨的精度,其中,近月制动前3h定轨预报至近月点的位置误差为1km,速度误差为 0.3m/s 。利用不同月球引力场模型进行环月轨道精密定轨,根据实测数据残差分析和精密星历比对的结果,采用SGM100h引力场模型的定轨残差均方根最大。此外,针对嫦娥二号扩展任务,分析了不同测轨条件下的定轨精度,测量数据残差分析结果表明,在扩展任务中途修正前的定轨弧段内,测距、时延和时延率数据的残差分别为5m,5ns和1ps/s。  相似文献   

低极轨卫星具有轨道周期短、对地观测分辨率高等优点,但由于所在轨道大气阻力大,其使用寿命受到较大限制。文章提出采用水平结构电动绳系抵消低极轨卫星大气阻力的方法,通过系绳电流与地球磁场相互作用产生洛仑兹力进行推进,进而在无燃料消耗的情况下实现对低极轨卫星轨道高度的维持。初步分析了该方法在低极轨不同尺寸卫星中的应用潜力,计算了160 、400 和800 km 典型高度低极轨卫星所经历的地球磁场、电离层和高层大气环境相关参数变化,比较了不同条件下电动绳系推力与大气阻力大小随轨道位置的变化。分析结果表明,该方法适用于400 km 轨道高度以上大卫星;在满足一定系绳长度和轨道高度的条件下,电动绳系可以有效延长低极轨卫星的轨道寿命。  相似文献   

常志巧  胡小工  杜兰  郭睿  何峰  李晓杰  王琰  董恩强 《宇航学报》2016,37(11):1298-1303
为统一北斗三类卫星的历书拟合算法,提出基于第二类无奇点根数进行历书参数设计的方法,设计了以倾角向量变率作为摄动参数的历书参数模型,并给出新的历书模型的用户使用算法。利用覆盖2013年全年的实际在轨卫星的数值轨道进行了历书拟合试验。结果表明,地球静止轨道(GEO)和倾斜地球同步轨道(IGSO)卫星的拟合位置误差为2~4km,拟合用户距离误差(URE)约为1km,中圆地球轨道(MEO)卫星的拟合位置误差为1~2km,拟合URE约为500m。通过分析6个轨道根数和2个摄动参数全年的变化范围,对新历书模型进行量化单位和占用比特位的通信接口设计,定量分析量化单位对历书表达精度的影响。结果表明,参数截断后对位置误差的影响小于50m,对URE误差的影响小于5m。因此,历书量化误差对信号捕获以及首次定位时间带来的影响可以忽略不计。  相似文献   

On 14 May 2009 the European Space Agency launched 2 space observatories: Herschel (with a 3.5 m mirror it is the largest space telescope ever) will collect long-wavelength infrared radiation and will be the only space observatory to cover the spectral range from far-infrared to sub-millimetre wavelengths, and Planck will look back at the dawn of time, close to the Big Bang, and will examine the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) radiation to a sensitivity, angular resolution and frequency range never achieved before. This paper will present the Flight Dynamics, mission analysis challenges and flight results from the first 3 months of these missions.Both satellites were launched on the same Ariane 5 and travelled to the L2 Lagrange point of the sun–earth system 1.5 million km from the earth in the opposite direction of the sun. There they were injected to a quasi-halo orbit (Herschel) with the dimension of typically 750,000 km×450,000 km, and a Lissajous orbit (Planck) of 300,000 km×300,000 km.In order to reach these Lissajous orbits it is mandatory to perform large trajectory correction manoeuvres during the first days of the mission. Herschel had its main manoeuvres on the first day. Planck had to be navigated on the first day and by a mid-course correction manoeuvre, the L2 orbit insertion manoeuvre was planned on day 50. If these slots were missed, fuel penalties would rapidly increase.This posed a heavy load on the operations teams because both spacecrafts have to be thoroughly checked out and put into the correct modes of their attitude control systems during the first hours after launch.The sequence of events will be presented and explained and the orbit determination results as well as the manoeuvre planning will be emphasised.  相似文献   

The infrared spectrometry of Venus in the range 6–45 μm allows one to sound the middle atmosphere of Venus in the altitude range 55–100 km and its cloud layer. This experiment was carried out onboard the Soviet automatic interplanetary Venera-15 station, where the Fourier spectrometer for this spectral range was installed. The measurements have shown that the main component of the cloud layer at all measured latitudes in the northern hemisphere is concentrated sulfuric acid (75–85%). The vertical profiles of temperature and aerosol were reconstructed in a self-consistent manner: the three-dimensional fields of temperature and zonal wind in the altitude range 55–100 km and aerosol at altitudes 55–70 km have been obtained, as well as vertical SO2 profiles and H2O concentration in the upper cloud layer. The solar-related waves at isobaric levels in the fields of temperature, zonal wind, and aerosol were investigated. This experiment has shown the efficiency of the method for investigation of the Venusian atmosphere. The Planetary Fourier Spectrometer has the spectral interval 0.9–45 μm and a spectral resolution of 1.8 cm?1. It will allow one to sound the middle atmosphere (55–100 km) of Venus and its cloud layer on the dayside, as well as the lower atmosphere and the planetary surface on the night side.  相似文献   

T. Godai  H. Nagasu 《Acta Astronautica》1979,6(11):1409-1431
Lower ionosphere is a transition region from outer-space to low atmosphere and had been unexplored on a continuous basis before Atmosphere Explorer satellites flew in the region. Purpose of a new aeronomy satellite, DAS (Dive and Ascent Satellite) having a capability to control orbits and flying at the very low perigee altitude less than 130 km is to explore the bottomside of ionosphere spreading over between 100 and 300 km altitudes. Preliminary study on the new aeronomy satellite is conducted at National Aerospace Laboratory in cooperation with Radio Research Laboratories and Meteorological Research Institute.This paper reviews the mission design, orbit decay and transfer analysis, typical orbit profile, aerodynamic characteristics and satellite configuration study, aerodynamic heating and thermal control analysis, attitude control analysis, on-board propulsion and power subsystems, and operation analysis with emphasis on their technical feasibility.  相似文献   

《Acta Astronautica》1986,13(10):607-621
The JANUS multimission platform has been designed to minimize the cost of the satellite (by a maximum reuse of equipment from other proprogrammes) and of its associated launch by Aŕiane (by a piggy-back configuration optimized for Ariane 4).The paper describes the application of the JANUS platform to an Earth observation mission with the objective to provide a given country with a permanent monitoring of its earth resources by exploitation of spaceborne imagery. According to this objective, and to minimize the overall system and operational cost, the JANUS Earth Observation Satellite (JEOS) will provide a limited coverage with real time transmission of image data, thus avoiding need for on-board storage and simplifying operations.The JEOS operates on a low earth, near polar sun synchronous orbit. Launched in a piggy-back configuration on Ariane 4, with a SPOT or ERS spacecraft, it reaches its operational orbit after a drift orbit of a few weeks maximum. In its operational mode, the JEOS is 3-axis stabilised, earth pointed.After presentation of the platform, the paper describes the solid state push-broom camera which is composed of four optical lenses mounted on a highly stable optical bench. Each lens includes an optics system, reused from an on-going development, and two CCD linear arrays of detectors. The camera provides four registered channels in visible and near IR bands. The whole optical bench is supported by a rotating mechanism which allows rotation of the optical axis in the across-track direction. The JEOS typical performance for a 700 km altitude is then summarized: spatial resolution 30 m, swath width 120 km, off-track capability 325 km,…The payload data handling and transmission electronics, derived from the French SPOT satellite, realizes the processing, formatting, and transmission to the ground; this allows reuse of the standard SPOT receiving stations. The camera is only operated when the spacecraft is within the visibility of the ground station, and image data are directly transmitted to the ground station by the spacecraft X-band transmitter.Finally, the paper presents a set of typical Earth observation missions which can be realized with JEOS, for countries which wish to have their own observation system, possibly also as a complement to the SPOT and/or LANDSAT observation data.  相似文献   

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