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The requirements of systematic exploration of the outer solar system have been intensively studied by a Science Advisory Group (SAG) of consulting scientists for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). Comets and Asteroids were excluded from this study, as a separate group is planning missions to these bodies. This paper and accompanying articles on specific related scientific subjects written by members of the SAG, summarize the findings and recommendations of this group. These recommendations should not be interpreted as official NASA policy. Following some general introductory remarks, a brief sketch is given of the development and current status of scientific missions to the inner planets by the U.S. and the U.S.S.R. With this perspective, the development of the U.S. program for investigation of the outer solar system is described. The scientific focus of outer solar system exploration has been studied in detail. The relationship of the outer planetary bodies to one another and to the inner planets, as parts in a unified solar system evolved from a primitive solar nebula, is emphasized. Deductions from outer solar system investigations regarding the conditions of the solar nebula at the time of planetary formation have been considered. Investigations have been proposed that are relevant to studies of the atmospheric structure and dynamics, internal structure of the planets, satellite composition and morphology, and planetary and interplanetary fields and energetic particles. The mission type and sequence required to conduct a systematic exploration of the outer solar system has been developed. Technological rationales for the suggested missions are discussed in general terms. The existing NASA program for outer solar system exploration is comprised of four missions:
  1. Pioneer 10 fly-by mission to Jupiter and beyond, currently underway, with launch on 3 March 1972;
  2. Pioneer G, intended for a similar mission with planned launch 2–22 April 1973; and
  3. Two Mariner Jupiter/Saturn fly-bys in 1977, with experiment selection scheduled for late 1972 and detailed engineering design during 1972–74.
The Science Advisory Group advocates that detailed mission planning be undertaken on the following additional missions for launches during the late 1970's and early 1980's. Together with existing plans, these would provide a balanced, effective exploration program.
  1. 1976 Pioneer Jupiter/Out-of-Ecliptic (One Mission)
  2. 1979 Mariner Jupiter/Uranus Fly-bys (Two Missions)
  3. 1979 Pioneer Entry Probe to Saturn 1980 Pioneer Entry Probe to Uranus via Saturn Fly-by (Three Missions)
  4. 1981/1982 Mariner Jupiter Orbiter (Two Missions).

The ionosphere of Mars has been explored mostly with the radio occultation experiment onboard Mariners 6, 7, 9; Mars 2, 3, 4, 6; Viking 1, 2, and more recently on Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) and Mars Express (MEX). In addition to the radio occultation experiment, MEX also carried Mars Advanced Radar for the Subsurface and Ionosphere Sounding (MARSIS) experiment which provided electron density profiles well above the main ionospheric peak. The atmosphere of Mars was measured directly by the neutral mass spectrometer onboard Viking 1 and 2 Landers. Later, an accelerometer and radio occultation experiment on MGS provided large data sets of atmospheric density at various locations in the upper and lower atmospheres of Mars, respectively. In this paper we review results of these upper and lower atmospheric/ionospheric measurements. Results of these measurements have been compared with theoretical models by several workers; therefore, we also review various atmospheric and ionospheric models of Mars.  相似文献   

Although General Relativity had provided the physical basis of black holes, evidence for their existence had to await the Space Era when X-ray observations first directed the attention of astronomers to the unusual binary stars Cygnus X-1 and A0620-00. Subsequently, a number of faint Ariel 5 and Uhuru X-ray sources, mainly at high Galactic latitude, were found to lie close to bright Seyfert galaxies, suggesting the nuclear activity in AGN might also be driven by accretion in the strong gravity of a black hole. Detection of rapid X-ray variability with EXOSAT later confirmed that the accreting object in an AGN is almost certainly a supermassive black hole.  相似文献   

The empirical properties of the various dynamic phenomena are reviewed and interrelated with emphasis on recent observational results. The topics covered are:
  1. Introduction
  2. Aperiodic Phenomena
  3. Externally Driven Phenomena
  4. Umbral Flares
  5. Inverse Evershed Flow
  6. Internally Driven Phenomena
  7. Penumbra
  8. Penumbral Grains
  9. Evershed Flow
  10. Umbra
  11. Umbral Dots
  12. Inhomogeneity of the Umbral Magnetic Field
  13. Umbral Turbulence
  14. Oscillations and Waves
  15. Chromosphere
  16. Umbra: Oscillations and Flashes
  17. Penumbra: Running Waves and Dark Puffs
  18. Photosphere
  19. Overview
It is proposed from the observations that umbral dots and penumbral grains are essentially the same phenomenon, and that the observational goal of highest priority with respect to both the origin of the periodic phenomena and the problem of the missing heat flux is to better determine the nature of these elementary bright features.  相似文献   

Accretion onto black holes powers most luminous compact sources in the Universe. Black holes are found with masses extending over an extraordinary broad dynamic range, from several to a few billion times the mass of the Sun. Depending on their position on the mass scale, they may manifest themselves as X-ray binaries or active galactic nuclei. X-ray binaries harbor stellar mass black holes—endpoints of the evolution of massive stars. They have been studied by X-ray astronomy since its inception in the early 60-ies, however, the enigma of the most luminous of them—ultra-luminous X-ray sources, still remains unsolved. Supermassive black holes, lurking at the centers of galaxies, are up to hundreds of millions times more massive and give rise to the wide variety of different phenomena collectively termed “Active Galactic Nuclei”. The most luminous of them reach the Eddington luminosity limit for a few billions solar masses object and are found at redshifts as high as z≥5–7. Accretion onto supermassive black holes in AGN and stellar- and (possibly) intermediate mass black holes in X-ray binaries and ultra-luminous X-ray sources in star-forming galaxies can explain most, if not all, of the observed brightness of the cosmic X-ray background radiation. Despite the vast difference in the mass scale, accretion in X-ray binaries and AGN is governed by the same physical laws, so a degree of quantitative analogy among them is expected. Indeed, all luminous black holes are successfully described by the standard Shakura-Sunyaev theory of accretion disks, while the output of low-luminosity accreting black holes in the form of mechanical and radiative power of the associated jets obeys to a unified scaling relation, termed as the “fundamental plane of black holes”. From that standpoint, in this review we discuss formation of radiation in X-ray binaries and AGN, emphasizing their main similarities and differences, and examine our current knowledge of the demographics of stellar mass and supermassive black holes.  相似文献   

In-situ spectral observations of power-line harmonic radiation (PLHR) are still quite rare and almost all the detailed characteristics have been derived from studies at Antarctic stations such as Siple and Halley, and their conjugates in North America. Because of the lack of more direct satellite evidence of PLHR and the difficulties in interpretation of morphological studies, such as those of Ariel 3 and 4, there is considerable controversy concerning the relative importance of PLHR and its contribution to wave-particle interactions (WPI) in the magnetosphere. The early Ariel 3 and 4 global surveys indicated that, in terms of true mean wave energy, there is no longitudinal localisation, the contribution of world-wide intense VLF emissions, associated with magnetic storms, being dominant. Also, the most intense wave emission, that of plasmaspheric hiss at ELF (< 1 kHz) exhibits little evidence of localisation. The PLHR phenomenon is most conspicuous by its persistence in quiet times (Kp ≤ 2+) at 45° < Λ < 55° over North America and its conjugate region, even though the less frequent strongest emissions, to which it gives rise in the summer, are located polewards at 3 < L < 5. In the northern winter, when spheric activity over both North America and its conjugate are low, there is a high occurrence of strong discrete emissions, which are more sharply localised than in the summer, on the NE industrial U.S.A. field line. The most recent Ariel 4 studies, particularly on the spheric wavefield over North America (using data from the Appleton Laboratory impulse counters) and on the character of the wavefield over the mainland and over the Atlantic immediately to the east (where the spheric contribution is similar) throw new light on the problem. It appears that the principal role of the PLHR may be to sustain duct structure and multihop propagation which is relatively much rarer over the Atlantic. Typical industrial PLHR consists of a series of narrow pulses at twice the mains frequency. It is suggested that these ‘artificial spherics’ may help to sustain the WPI and multihop duct structure. At L = 4, Yoshida et al. (1980) have shown that there is a strong, sharp maximum for WPIs originating in spherics, at f ? 3 kHz, in good agreement with Siple observations.  相似文献   

The Voyager Project, managed by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, involves the lauching of two advanced spacecraft to explore the Jovian and Saturnian systems, as well as interplanetary space. The one-month lauch period opens on August 20, 1977, with arrivals at Jupiter in March and July of 1979, and at Saturn in November of 1980 and August of 1981. Gravity-assist swingbys of Jupiter are utilized in order to reduce the lauch energy demands needed to reach Saturn. In addition, a gravity-assist targeting option at Saturn will be maintained on the second-arriving Voyager for a possible continuation on to Uranus, with arrival in January of 1986. Flight through the Jovian and Saturnian systems will achieve close to moderate flyby encounters with several of the natural satellites, including special flyby geometry conditions for Io and Titan, as well as an Earth occultation of the spacecraft's radio signal by the rings of Saturn. The purpose of this paper is to describe the Voyager mission characteristics in order to establish a framework upon which to better understand the objectives and goals of the eleven scientific investigations which are described in subsequent papers.  相似文献   

In this work, we summarize the development and current status of the Global Muon Detector Network (GMDN). The GMDN started in 1992 with only two muon detectors. It has consisted of four detectors since the Kuwait-city muon hodoscope detector was installed in March 2006. The present network has a total of 60 directional channels with an improved coverage of the sunward Interplanetary Magnetic Field (IMF) orientation, making it possible to continuously monitor cosmic ray precursors of geomagnetic storms. The data analysis methods developed also permit precise calculation of the three dimensional cosmic ray anisotropy on an hourly basis free from the atmospheric temperature effect and analysis of the cosmic ray precursors free from the diurnal anisotropy of the cosmic ray intensity.  相似文献   

The planned missions to Comet Halley, which will arrive at the nearest space of the Sun in 1986, have recently revived interest in studying solar wind interaction with comets. Several unsolved problems exist and the most urgent of them are as follows:
  1. The character of the solar wind interaction with comets: bow shocks and contact surface formation near comets; similarities and differences of solar- wind interaction with comets and with Venus. The differences are probably associated with a great extension of neutral atmospheres of comets (due to a practical lack of cometary gravitation) and the ‘loading’ of the solar wind flux by cometary ions during the interaction.
  2. The anomalous ionization in cometary heads.
  3. The problem of the anamalously high accelerations of ions in the plasma tails of comets.
  4. The variability of plasma structures observed in cometary tails.

The visible extragalactic background (though as yet undetected) is insufficient to explain the abundance of heavy elements in galaxies: either there should be some diffuse extragalactic light in the near infrared (from 1 to 10 m) and/or in the far infrared (100 m) if dust has reprocessed the star light. We propose a new space mission to be dedicated to the search and mapping of primordial stellar light from the visible to the mid-infrared (20 m). In this spectrum range, detectors have reached such a sensitivity that the mission should aim at being (source) photon noise limited, and not any longer background photon noise limited. For that purpose, a small passively cooled telescope with large format CCDs and CIDs could be sent beyond the zodiacal dust cloud (which is absent beyond a solar distance of about 3 AU). In that case, the only remaining foregrounds before reaching the extragalactic background, is due to the Milky Way integrated emission from stars and the diffuse galactic light due to scattering and emission by interstellar dust, which are all unavoidable. Maps of the extragalactic light could be obtained at the arcminute resolution with high signal to noise ratio. This mission is the next logical step after IRAS, COBE and ISO for the study of extragalactic IR backgrounds. It has been proposed as a possible medium-sized mission for the post-horizon 2000 ESA program that could be a piggy back of a planetary mission.  相似文献   

The GRASP mission Gamma-Ray Astronomy with Spectroscopy and Positioning addresses the scientific goals of fine spectroscopy with imaging and accurate positioning of gamma-ray sources, an unexplored area within gamma-ray astronomy. The assessment of GRASP as a future space astronomy mission in the mid-1990s has led to the design of the instrument outlined in this article. Thus GRASP is a third generation gamma-ray telescope and is designed to operate as a high quality spectral imager in the mid-1990s, when, following the GRO, SIGMA, and GAMMA-1 missions, there will be requirement for a more sophisticated instrument to maintain the momentum of advance in gamma-ray astronomy. The telescope will be capable of locating point sources with a precision of typically 1 arc min, whilst making a fine spectral analysis (E/E 1000) of any gamma-ray line features. The high sensitivity of this instrument and the long (> 2 year) lifetime of the mission will enable a large number ( 1000) of astronomical objects to be studied. The GRASP mission has the potential to move gamma-ray astronomy from an era of basic exploration to one in which detailed and novel measurements can be used to gain a better understanding of many astrophysical problems.  相似文献   

The use of the Grazing Incidence Solar Telescope (GRIST) for the observation of celestial sources other than the Sun in the Extreme Ultraviolet (EUV) is discussed. By use of galactic point sources as sample objects, the capabilities offered by the presently proposed telescope and its focal plane instruments set are shown to be substantial, in spite of the short duration of a single Shuttle mission. This seems to legitimate complementary technical studies needed to demonstrate the feasibility of stellar pointing.Proceedings of the Conference Solar Physics from Space, held at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETHZ), 11–14 November 1980.  相似文献   

Results are presented from an X-ray survey of 50 square degrees of the high galactic latitude sky at sensitivities in the range 7·10–14 – 5·10–12 erg/cm2 sec (0·3–3·5 keV) carried out with the Imaging Proportional Counter (IPC) aboard the Einstein Observatory. The extragalactic sample consists of 48 sources which have been used to determine the number flux relation. The content of the sample is analyzed in terms of types of sources and is found to be significantly different from the content of similar samples selected at higher fluxes.  相似文献   

Some of the most important questions about the diffuse gamma-ray continuum emission from the Galaxy are reviewed, based on Compton Observatory (CGRO) results, especially COMPTEL and EGRET, and also earlier COS-B analyses. The key issues include the rôle of emission from cosmic-ray interactions with molecular hydrogen and its energy dependence, emissivity gradients and their interpretation, the cosmic-ray electron spectrum and the effect of discrete sources. The relative contribution of the various emission processes at low and high latitudes is estimated and a plausible synthesis of the observed spectrum over 5 decades of energy is presented. In the energy range above 30 MeV, models based either on explicit cosmic-ray gradients or cosmic-ray/gas coupling can give acceptable fits to the data, and a clear distinction has yet to be made. The quality of the EGRET data may make this possible in the future. The value of the CO-to-H2 conversion factor from -rays is still uncertain and there is considerable evidence for cloud-to-cloud variations. The existence of a small emissivity gradient is well established, but is difficult to explain in a diffusive cosmic-ray propagation picture with sources distributed like SNR or pulsars unless there is a larger halo than suggested by cosmic-ray composition studies. In the energy range 1–30 MeV covered by COMPTEL the spectrum of the diffuse emission has been measured and is consistent with a combination of bremsstrahlung and inverse-Compton emission; spatial analysis shows strong evidence for a component with a wide latitude extent which is plausibly identified with the inverse-Compton component. The molecular hydrogen appears to be only a weak -ray emitter at low energies, which can be interpreted in terms of reduced MeV cosmic-ray electron density in molecular clouds. New data on the hard X-ray diffuse galactic emission is becoming available and indicates the need for a low-energy upturn in the electron spectrum or some other additional component. The contribution of unresolved sources to the diffuse emission is unknown but-probably lies in the range 10–20%. At high latitudes the galactic emission is intense enough to significantly complicate the identification of the extragalactic component; in particular the inverse-Compton emission from a halo a few kpc in extent can account for much of the high-latitude galactic emission. The detection of the Large Magellanic Cloud and the non-detection of the Small Magellanic Cloud provide constraints on extragalactic cosmic-rays, and provide an interesting comparison with the properties of the galactic system. On account of the large amount of data from CGRO now available, this is a subject in rapid development, and this paper provides a snapshot of the situation around mid-1995.  相似文献   

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