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The SAM II and SAGE satellite systems have provided to date more than 5 years and almost 3 years, respectively, of data on atmospheric aerosol profiles on a near-global scale. Studies with these unique data sets are developing a global aerosol climatology for the first time and have shown the existence and quantification of polar stratospheric clouds (PSC's) and tropical stratospheric cirrus. In addition, a tropospheric cirrus climatology is evolving. Since these two experiments were launched, a series of large volcanic eruptions have occurred which have greatly impacted the stratospheric aerosol loading. The aerosol layer produced by the eruption of El Chichon, for example, increased the 30 mb temperatures in the northern tropics by as much as 4°C for 6 months after the eruption. This paper will describe in detail, from a climate perspective, the evolving aerosol and cloud climatologies as a function of space and time, and show the stratospheric dynamics of volcanic injections and their enhancements on stratospheric optical depth and mass loading.  相似文献   

Beyond their role in the cycling of the major elements, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, etc., little is known about geobiological interactions involving plants with the elements of lower abundance. Plants influence the distribution of volcanic mercury by uptake from the atmosphere and soil fluids, transport to the shoot and re-release as Hg° into the atmosphere. Release rates as high as 2.5 × 10?4 g.h?1 per kg are known but even at more typical rates, fluxes far greater than the Environmental Protection Agency calculated U.S. average annual degassing rate of 130 × 10?6 g.m?2 should exist. On a global basis, the presence or absence of vegetative cover may be a significant regulator of Hg° transport between land surfaces and the atmosphere.  相似文献   

Corrected thermal net radiation measurements from the four Pioneer Venus entry probes at latitudes of 60°N, 31°S, 27°S, and 4°N are presented. Three main conclusions can be drawn from comparisons of the corrected fluxes with radiative transfer calculations: (1) sounder probe net fluxes are consistent with the number density of large cloud particles (mode 3) measured on the same probe, but the IR measurements as a whole are most consistent with a significantly reduced mode 3 contribution to the cloud opacity; (2) at all probe sites, the fluxes imply that the upper cloud contains a yet undetected source of IR opacity; and (3) beneath the clouds the fluxes at a given altitude increase with latitude, suggesting greater IR cooling below the clouds at high latitudes and water vapor mixing ratios of about 2–5×10?5 near 60°, 2–5×10?4 near 30°, and >5×10?4 near the equator.  相似文献   

The present paper has used a comprehensive approach to study atmosphere pollution sources including the study of vertical distribution characteristics, the epicenters of occurrence and transport of atmospheric aerosol in North-West China under intensive dust storm registered in all cities of the region in April 2014. To achieve this goal, the remote sensing data using Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer satellite (MODIS) as well as model-simulated data, were used, which facilitate tracking the sources, routes, and spatial extent of dust storms. The results of the study have shown strong territory pollution with aerosol during sandstorm. According to ground-based air quality monitoring stations data, concentrations of PM10 and PM2.5 exceeded 400?μg/m3 and 150?μg/m3, respectively, the ratio PM2.5/PM10 being within the range of 0.123–0.661. According to MODIS/Terra Collection 6 Level-2 aerosol products data and the Deep Blue algorithm data, the aerosol optical depth (AOD) at 550?nm in the pollution epicenter was within 0.75–1. The vertical distribution of aerosols indicates that the Cloud-Aerosol Lidar and Infrared Pathfinder Satellite Observations (CALIPSO) 532?nm total attenuates backscatter coefficient ranges from 0.01 to 0.0001?km?1?×?sr?1 with the distribution of the main types of aerosols in the troposphere of the region within 0–12.5?km, where the most severe aerosol contamination is observed in the lower troposphere (at 3–6?km). According to satellite sounding and model-simulated data, the sources of pollution are the deserted regions of Northern and Northwestern China.  相似文献   

Outgassing from materials as well as deliberate gaseous and liquid releases create contaminant clouds around spacecraft that can degrade both instrumentation and measurements. This paper describes a new method for estimating outgassing water vapor concentrations around space vehicles. Water vapor ions measured in the course of a rocket experiment performed at Eglin AFB, Florida, on December 12, 1980 at 2311 UT are utilized to demonstrate the technique. The H2O concentration near the payload's surface is calculated using the rate coefficient for the fast charge transfer process, O+ + H2O + H2O+ + O, the source of the observed water vapor ions. It is found that the measured H2O+ ions were produced within 3–4 cm of the sampling plate's surface and that the average H2O pressure over this distance was relatively constant on ascent at 8 × 10?6 torr, within a factor two, implying a steady outgassing rate.  相似文献   

The Pioneer anomaly, an unexpected acceleration of the Pioneer 10 and 11 spacecraft of ∼8.5 × 10−10 ms−2 directed towards the inner Solar System, has been of great interest for the physics community during the past decade: considered explanations range from new physical concepts to conventional mechanism. It is shown that non-isotropic outgassing of the complete spacecraft structure is comparable in magnitude and direction to the effect and should be considered as a significant contribution to the anomalous acceleration. Although gas leaks from e.g. the propulsion system and propulsive mass loss mechanism have been discarded as possible explanations for the anomaly, the arguments used against such mechanisms do not apply to global outgassing from the spacecraft.  相似文献   

985 whistlers observed between 1970 and 1975 in Hungary have been processed for equatorial plasmaspheric electron density and tube electron content above 1000 km (NT). The hourly median value of NT exhibits a diurnal variation with an amplitude of 1×1013 electrons/cm2-tube. 75 per cent of the electron flux values obtained from the time variation of NT are lower than 6×108 el cm?2s?1, while in some cases the fluxes reach a value as high as 3×109 el cm?2s?1. Between 17 and 04 LT the dominant flux direction is toward the ionosphere. The data also indicate that the day to day filling of the plasmasphere after magnetic disturbances continues through several days without exhibiting saturation, with higher filling rates for lower values of average Kp.  相似文献   

Based on the findings of the meeting of JSC experts on “Aerosol and Climate” (Geneva, 27–31 October 1980) the general research strategy consisting of three phases will be presented. The three phases are: Phase I: Sensitivity tests with available models Phase II: Improvement of climate models and data bases Phase III: Development of advanced climate models with internal aerosol generation and regulation processes. COSPAR's role within this research strategy is outlined.  相似文献   

Simultaneous measurements taken by instruments on the Atmosphere Explorer - C satellite were used to compare electron and proton particle energy deposition, Joule heating, and neutral density perturbations in the region of the cusp.Altitude profiles of Joule heating, electron energy deposition, and electron density are derived using measurements taken by the satellite as input to a computer model. Electric fields are calculated using ion drift measurements. Figures are presented for a representative orbital pass.A peak Joule heating rate of 0.059 Wm?2 occurred in the cusp region with a peak of 0.025 Wm?2 in the evening auroral electrojet. Peak volume heating rates corresponding to these regions were 1.4 × 10?6Wm?3 and 7.10?7 Wm?3, both occurring at an altitude of 115 km. Particle energy deposition was about an order of magnitude less than Joule heating. Large neutral density perturbations are related to regions of heating.  相似文献   

TOVS (TIROS Operational Vertical Sounder) comprises the three radiometers HIRS-2 (High resolution Infra Red Sounder Mod 2), MSU (Microwave Sounding Unit) and SSU (Stratospheric Sounding Unit) mounted on the TIROS-N series of operational spacecraft. Data from these sounders have been available since October 1978 and the series should continue to beyond 1985. The derivation and assessment of stratospheric geopotential height fields from these sounders, with particular reference to the SSU, are described. Measurements of stratospheric diurnal temperature effects and plots of zonally meaned brightness temperatures over a 450 day period are also presented.  相似文献   

A large (1455 cm2) hard X-ray telescope was successfully launched aboard a stratospheric balloon on October 4, 1980. During this flight four galactic X-ray sources were observed, namely the transient recurrent X-ray pulsar A0535+26, the Crab Nebula, Cygnus X-1 and X Persei. Here we report the results on the latter two sources. From Cygnus X-1 we measured a photon flux in the band 30 to 200 keV, of 3.5 × 10?2 photons cm?2 which is 6.5 times lower than that recieved from the source in a “low” intensity state in the same energy band. In addition, the photon spectrum in the same energy band was very soft and consistent with a power law with photon index α = 2.71 ± 0.14. Even if a simultaneous observation of the source at lower energies was not available, our data strongly suggest that we observed the source during a “high” intensity state. We report also positive detection in the band 30 to 200 keV of the low luminosity X-ray pulsar X Persei. In its spectrum we confirm the presence of a hard X-ray tail consistent with a power law (photon index α = 2.17 ± 0.42).  相似文献   

A system for microgravity experiments by using a stratospheric balloon has been planned and developed in ISAS since 1978. A rocket-shaped chamber mounting the experiment apparatus is released from the balloon around 30 km altitude. The microgravity duration is from the release to opening of parachute, controlled by an on-board sequential timer. Test flights were performed in 1980 and in 1981. In September 1983 the first scientific experiment, observing behaviors and brain activities of fishes in the microgravity circumstance, have been successfully carried out. The chamber is specially equipped with movie cameras and subtransmitters, and its release altitude is about 32 km. The microgravity observed inside the chamber is less than 2.9 × 10?3 G during 10 sec. Engineering aspects of the system used in the 1983 experiment are presented.  相似文献   

An extensive program to study nearby normal galaxies was carried out by various observers using the imaging instruments on the Einstein Observatory; more than 50 such galaxies were detected with 0.5 – 3.0 keV luminosities ranging from 2 × 1038 ergs s?1 to 3 × 1041ergs s?1. The X-ray luminosity of normal galaxies is ~2 × 10?4 of the optical luminosity and shows no strong correlation with morphological type. For the nearest galaxies, (the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds, M31 and M33,) studies, performed with the Observatory, were comparable to the Uhuru survey of the Galaxy. Approximately 30 new SNR were recognized in the Magellanic Clouds as a result. Over 90 sources were detected in M31 of which at least 20 are identified with globular cluster. The numbers of luminous (>1037 ergs s?1) sources detected in the nearest galaxies per unit mass are similar to that found in our own galaxy. Individual X-ray sources in the arms of nearby spirals can be very luminous; seven with luminosities in excess of 1039ergs s?1 have been discovered. The nuclei of some, but not all, normal galaxies are luminous X-ray sources; X-ray activity is not presently predictable from the radio or optical properties of the nucleus.  相似文献   

Data were obtained from the measurements of optical emissions, ion drift, DC magnetic field and energetic particles, on board INTERCOSMOS - BULGARIA - 1300 satellite. In two cases of night-time passes through auroral oval, an estimate has been made of the energy input by particle precipitation and Joule heating. In order to determine the Joule heating, the Pedersen currents flowing in the lower ionosphere were determined. In orbits 231 and 203 Pedersen currents of 0.94 Am?1 and 0.71 am?1 were observed. From these values estimates of Joule heating rates of2 × 10?7Wm?3 and8 × 10?7Wm?3 were obtained. The integral energy deposited by the precipitated particles was also estimated in the current systems regions. The possibility for identification of the auroral electrojet based only on satellite data is pointed out.  相似文献   

Stratospheric electrical conductivity measurements have been made from high altitude research balloons at various locations around the world for more than 40 years. In the stratosphere, conductivity changes may indicate changes in aerosol or water vapor content. In this paper, we will compare the short term variation amplitude in data taken at several latitudes from equatorial to polar cap. Short term variations that occur on time scales of weeks to months (105–107 s) can be attributed to Forbush decreases, geomagnetic storms, aerosol injections by volcanos and forest fires, etc. Variations with time scales of minutes to days (103–105 s) can have amplitudes of a factor of ∼2 or more at high magnetic latitude. The variance at equatorial latitude is much smaller. The sources of these fluctuations and the latitude gradient remain unknown. Variations of all origins completely obscure any long-term climatic trend in the data taken in the previous four decades at both mid and high latitude.  相似文献   

Lyman α and 58.4 nm HeI radiations resonantly scattered were observed with EUV spectrophotometers flown on Venera 11 and Venera 12. The altitude distribution of hydrogen was derived by limb observations from 250 km (exobase level) to 50,000 km. In the inner exosphere (up to ? 2,000 km of altitude) the distribution can be described by a classical exospheric distribution with TC = 275 ± 25 K and n = 4?2+3 × 104 atom. cm?3 at 250 km. The integrated number density from 250 to 110 km (the level of CO2 absorption) is 2.1 × 1012 atom. cm?2, a factor of 3 to 6 lower than that predicted by aeronomical models. This number density decreases from the morning side to the afternoon side, or alternately from equatorial to polar regions. Above 2,000 km a “hot” hydrogen population dominates, which can be simulated by T = 103K and n = 103 atom. cm?3 at the exobase level.The optical thickness of helium above 141 km (the level of CO2 absorption for 58.4 nm radiation) was determined to be τo = 3, corresponding to a density at 150 km of 1.6 × 106 cm?3. This is about 3 times less than what was obtained with the Bus Neutral Mass Spectrometer of Pioneer Venus, and about twice less than ONMS measurements, but is in agreement with earlier EUV measurement by Mariner 10 (2 ± 1 × 106 cm?3).  相似文献   

Vertical profiles of stratospheric nitrogen dioxide (NO2) have been retrieved from moderate resolution lunar occultation transmission spectra measured by Scanning Imaging Absorption spectroMeter for Atmospheric CHartographY (SCIAMACHY) on board the European Environmental Satellite (ENVISAT). These measurements were taken over the high southern latitude of 50°–90° during the period of 2003–2005. To assess the accuracy of the retrieved NO2 profiles, the SCIAMACHY nighttime NO2 profiles were compared with NO2 profiles retrieved from sunrise solar occultation spectra measured by the Halogen Occultation Experiment (HALOE) and the Stratospheric Aerosol and Gas Experiments II (SAGE II) using a photochemical correction model. The validation results show good agreement of SCIAMACHY lunar occultation NO2 with scaled HALOE and SAGE II profiles. The relative mean differences (rmd) with scaled HALOE profiles are within −13% to +5% and standard deviations (rms) of the relative differences are within 3–19% between 25 and 38 km. The rmd and rms with scaled SAGE II NO2 profiles are in the range of −9 to +7 and 10–17% respectively between 22 and 39 km.  相似文献   

We present observations of flaring active regions with the Very Large Array (V.L.A. at 6 cm and 20 cm wavelengths) and the Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope (W.S.R.T. at 6 cm wavelength). These are compared with photospheric magnetograms (Meudon) and with Hα and offband Hα photographs (Big Bear and Ottawa River Solar Observatories). The 6 cm radiation of these active regions marks the legs of dipolar loops which have their footpoints in lower-lying sunspots. The intense, million degree radiation at 6 cm lies above sunspot umbrae in coronal regions where the longitudinal magnetic field strength H? = 600 Gauss and the height above the sunspot umbrae h = 3.5±0.5 × 109 cm. Circularly polarized horseshoe structures at 6 cm ring the sunspot umbrae. The high degree of circular polarization (?c = 95%) of the horseshoes is attributed to gyroresonant emission above sunspot? penumbrae. The 20 cm radiation of these active regions exhibits looplike coronal structures which extend across regions of opposite magnetic polarity in the underlying photosphere. The 20 cm loops are the radio wavelength counterparts of the X-ray coronal loops. We infer semilengths L = 5 × 109 cm, maximum electron temperatures Te(max) = 3 × 106 K, emission measures ∫Ne2dl = 1028 cm?5, and electron densities Ne = 109 cm?3 (or pressures p = 1 dyn cm?2) for the 20 cm bremsstrahlung. A total of eight solar bursts were observed at 6 cm or 20 cm wavelength with second-of-arc angular resolution. The regions of burst energy were all resolved with angular sizes between 5″ and 30″, brightness temperatures between 2 × 107 K and 2 × 108 K, and degrees of circular polarization between 10% and 90%. The impulsive phase of the radio bursts are located near the magnetic neutral lines of the active regions, and between the flaring Hα kernels which mark the footpoints of magnetic loops. In one case there was preburst heating in the coronal loop in which a burst occurred. Snapshot maps at 10 s intervals reveal interesting burst evolution including rapid changes of circular polarization and an impulsive burst which was physically separated from both the preburst radio emission and the gradual decay phase of the burst.  相似文献   

In order to determine longterm trends in stratospheric temperature from observations by a series of satellite radiometers, it is necessary to establish the reproducibility and systematic drifts in both the radiometric and the spectroscopic performance of successive instruments. The practical limitations on long term temperature monitoring imposed by current operational designs are illustrated with time series of data from both the Stratospheric Sounding Unit (SSU) and Microwave Sounding Unit (MSU) on the TIROS-N series of NOAA spacecraft.  相似文献   

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