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The imaging capabilities of the Exosat and Einstein satellites at soft X-ray wavelengths have begun to show that suitable Galactic X-ray sources have extended ( 10 arcmin) haloes due to scattering of soft X-rays by interstellar dust. A simple argument suggests that similar haloes, due to scattering by intergalactic dust, should exist around distant (z 1) quasars and detailed analysis confirms this conclusion. A search for such haloes around suitable X-ray quasars could provide valuable, model-independent, constraints on the amount and origin of intergalactic dust.  相似文献   

In this review the present state of our knowledge on the properties of heavy ions in low energy cosmic rays measured in the Skylab mission and in other spacecrafts is summarised and the possible mechanisms of their origin are discussed. A brief review of the general features of the galactic and solar cosmic rays is given in order to understand the special features of the low energy heavy ions of cosmic rays. The results of the cosmic ray experiment in the Skylab show that in the low energy interval of 8–30 MeV/N, the abundances of oxygen, nitrogen, and neon ions, relative to carbon are enhanced by a factor of 5 to 2 as compared to high energy cosmic rays; while Mg, Si, S, and A are depleted. In 50–150 MeV/N energy interval the abundance of nuclei of Ca-Cr relative to iron-group (Z = 25–28) is found to be highly enhanced, as compared to high energy cosmic rays. Furthermore the observations of the energy spectra of O, N, and Ne ions and their fairly large fluences in the energy interval of 8–30 MeV/N below the geomagnetic cut off energy of 50 MeV/N for fully stripped nuclei at the Skylab orbit indicate that these heavy ions are probably in partly ionised states. Thus, it is found that the Skylab results represent a new type of heavy ion population of low energy cosmic rays below 50 MeV/N, in the near Earth space and their properties are distinctly different from those of high energy cosmic rays and are similar to those of the anomalous component in the interplanetary space. The available data from the Skylab can be understood at present on the hypothesis that low energy interplanetary cosmic ray ions of oxygen etc. occur in partly ionised state such as O+1,O+2, etc. and these reach the inner magnetosphere at high latitudes where stripping process occurs near mirror points and this leads to temporarily trapped ions such as O+3, O+4, etc. It is noted that the origin of these low energy heavy cosmic ray ions in the magnetosphere and in interplanetary space is not yet fully understood and new type of sources or processes are responsible for their origin and these need further studies.  相似文献   

After some introductory discussions about morphological concepts and limitations of various measurement techniques, existing low energy plasma data, orginating primarily from the GEOS, Dynamics Explorer, and Prognoz spacecraft, is described and discussed. The plasmasphere measurements are not included (but for some observations of plasmasphere refilling). It is finally concluded that we are very far from a complete picture of the low-energy plasma component in the magnetosphere and that this problem has to be given high priority in planning payloads of future space plasma physics missions.  相似文献   

在野外等一些环境下的无线数据采集系统中,由于地理环境恶劣、节点数量多等原因很难更换电源电池,因此有效地降低系统各层的功耗、提高系统的生命周期尤为重要.文中在论述传感器节点结构的基础上,分析如何对传感器节点的动态电压调度、MCU能量消耗控制、动态功率管理、收发模块节能等硬件电路以及对MAC层、网络层的软件协议降低系统耗能.  相似文献   

黄普  郭璞  张国雪 《飞行力学》2020,(1):80-83,94
针对我国地面测站对高轨卫星监视能力缺乏的问题,提出一种低轨卫星对高轨卫星仅测角初轨计算方法。该算法引入天基跟踪坐标系,消除测距信息影响,建立仅测角观测方程;引入法向运动,增加摄动因素影响,建立扩展拉普拉斯动力学模型;推导分析观测模型和动力学模型的关系方程,将初轨计算问题转换为非线性方程求解问题,利用高斯全主元消去法完成方程求解。通过实战和仿真测角数据对方法进行检验,结果表明,该方法能利用仅测角数据对非合作目标进行初轨确定,精度在公里量级,可为我国地基监视系统提供补充参考。  相似文献   

Gamma-ray observations from HINOTORI satellite and possible neutron observations from the Tokyo neutron monitor are reviewed. Time histories of gamma-ray and X-ray emissions for both typical impulsive and gradual flares are discussed in connection with the particle acceleration time. The gamma-ray spectral hardening observed around 400 keV is explained from superimposition of two different electron bremsstrahlung spectra. Proton-energy spectra derived from the gamma-ray observations are compared with the solar energetic particle spectra in interplanetary space. The weak correlation between the gamma-ray fluence and the proton flux is discussed in connection with the particle trapping and escaping in the flare region. The limb darkening of the 2.22 MeV line resulting from neutron-proton capture is interpreted in terms of the attenuation by the Compton scattering in the photosphere. Possible solar neutron events recorded by the Tokyo neutron monitor are presented and the correlation between the gamma-ray fluence and the neutron fluence are described.  相似文献   

采用描述电子能非平衡的三温度模型,结合11组分空气的化学反应模型,对多种高速高温热化学非平衡流场开展数值模拟,并与描述电子能平衡的两温度模型结果进行对比,研究电子能非平衡对高超声速流场特性的影响。圆球弹道靶试验算例表明电子能非平衡不影响激波脱体距离。RAM-C II飞行器的4个飞行工况算例表明,尽管两温度和三温度模型结果存在差异,但二者电子数密度分布的趋势和量级接近,均可与飞行试验数据保持一致,其中三温度模型的预测效果更好。FIRE II飞行器极高温流场模拟结果显示,电子能非平衡几乎不影响飞行器表面的对流传热。  相似文献   

Recent results from observations of the southern sky objects are summarized. The unpulsed, persistent very high energy (VHE) emission from the gamma ray pulsars, the Crab and PSR1706-44, is discussed. A process of energetic electrons ejection may take place from a variety of other objects such as from X-ray binaries, similarly to the pulsars. Such an effect may be seen also in pair halos around extragalactic VHE gamma ray emitters, the observational study of which is still in a preliminary stage in the southern hemisphere.  相似文献   

The current status of gamma-ray burst astronomy is reviewed briefly, with emphasis on experiments which might determine the burster distance scale. Recent observations by the EGRET experiment aboard the Compton Observatory, indicating the presence of delayed, high energy emission, are summarized. It is shown that searches for TeV emission from burst sources are feasible, and may be fruitful. Detection of such emission might resolve the question of whether burst sources are at cosmological distances.  相似文献   

晁宁  李言俊 《飞行力学》2011,29(3):72-75
分析了不同转移轨道间的性能指标,以黄道面与白道面交线作为庞加莱截面实现不同系统轨道的拼接,利用其中耗能最小的日地系稳定流形和地月系的不稳定流形设计了一条低能耗转移轨道.最后对不同轨 道进行了能量分析和对比,优化了国内提出的低能探月轨道.仿真结果表明,文中方法比直接通过霍曼转移节约21.1%的能量,对探月工程的轨道设计具...  相似文献   

低能量状态对飞行安全的危害及改出方法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
对民机在进近着陆阶段可能诱发飞行事故的低能量状态和驾驶员的改出操纵方法进行了研究。根据近年的民机事故分析报告,结合运输类飞机适航标准CCAR-25-R4、飞行试验指南AC25-7C、军用规范及相关行业标准,较系统地提出了涉及着陆拉平、侧风着陆和可控撞地的低能量状态的定量判定准则。以某型支线客机为例,采用数字仿真计算的方法,分别研究了在进近着陆过程中低动能和低势能状态可能导致的飞行安全问题及其特点。针对低动能改出提出了增加速度并抑制爬升的方法,针对低势能改出提出了增大俯仰姿态并保持速度的方法,最后通过仿真计算验证了两种改出方法的有效性。研究结果可为低能量告警系统的设计和驾驶员的改出操纵培训等提供理论参考。  相似文献   

The specific features of the energy parameter calculation for centrifugal low specific speed pumps in operation on different working fluids in a wide range of viscosity variation are considered. The relations for conversion of the pump parameters obtained during model tests to operational parameters are presented.  相似文献   

Cir X-1 was extremely faint when we observed it with EXOSAT. The light curve clearly shows the source in two states; a faint variable state and a very faint but more constant state. The spectrum is very complicated but clearly shows the existence of an iron line.  相似文献   

Following a solar flare in April 1979, a stream of ions and electrons appeared in interplanetary space for about 8 days. The ions follow a classic ESP pattern. Large fluxes of low energy (2–11 keV) electrons are also present throughout the event. Several distinct populations of these electrons can be identified in association with filaments of interplanetary magnetic field. The electron energy spectrum is remarkably well fit by a power law exponent -2.7 during most of the event.The pitch angle distribution of the low energy electrons are complex and undergo many changes. Weak pitch angle scattering and adiabatic effects play a role in shaping these distributions. The low energy electron fluxes increase following the strong interplanetary shock on 5 April 1979.An invited paper presented at STIP Workshop on Shock Waves in the Solar Corona and Interplanetary Space, 15–19 June, 1980, Smolenice, Czechoslovakia.Physics Department and Space Sciences Laboratory.Space Sciences Laboratory.  相似文献   

低速回流式风洞中拐角部位的流动损失占总损失的比重很大,该位置导流片绕流的流动状况对于流动损失有明显的影响。与常规的工程估算方法不同,风洞实验与数值计算相结合,并通过正交优化能够对不同工作条件下导流片流动及其性能指标的变化规律进行研究,对特定的导流片找到了最佳的工作条件。  相似文献   

张佩宇  周鑫  李应红 《航空学报》2022,43(4):154-178
单晶涡轮叶片高能束增材再制造是修复磨损、烧蚀和裂纹等损伤缺陷的主要方式,是航空发动机热端部件特种加工领域最具挑战性的工作之一,其中蕴含的外延生长组织接续与调控机制、内部冶金缺陷控制等科学问题和关键工艺尚未完全突破。梳理了熔焊熔池内凝固组织定向生长的理论发展,基于已有的枝晶异质形核和异向生长理论,构建了单晶高能束修复的基础原理框架;详细分析了“修复工艺-熔池特性-凝固组织”之间的内在关联,提出了保持单晶连续稳定生长的工艺调控准则和熔池监控方法;总结了修复区γ′相等微观组织以及热裂纹、气孔等冶金缺陷的演化规律和调控手段,凝练了单晶修复面临的主要挑战。此外,介绍了航空发动机热端部件再制造领域相关的国外重大研究计划,并对今后研究方向和发展趋势进行总结和展望。  相似文献   

We describe for the first time the analysis of high energy electrons (above 240 MeV) from the COSPIN/KET experiment onboard Ulysses. The electron time profiles in four energy windows are presented from Oct. 90 to the end of March 94, up to a maximum heliographic latitude of 57 °S. The recovery rates we derived for the electrons are compared to the recovery rates of positively charged particles with the same rigidity.  相似文献   

低反动度高负荷超声速轴流压气机气动设计方法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
对超声速轴流压气机的发展历程进行了总结,分析了两类传统超声速压气机内部流动特点及其所存在的流动问题,并对未来超声速压气机的发展提出了展望.针对超声速压气机内部流动特点,提出了一种新的低反动度高负荷超声速轴流压气机气动设计原理.该原理可有效避免在动叶中进行流动控制,同时降低动叶出口绝对马赫数,并结合附面层抽吸控制静叶栅内部流动,最终实现级的高负荷气动设计.利用该原理进行设计验证,三维黏性数值模拟结果表明:在叶尖切线速度为360m/s的前提下,实现了2.3的级压比,级效率为86.5%.   相似文献   

蒸发式稳定器低压高温试验   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
王健  张力  苏祥荣 《推进技术》2006,27(3):208-210
1引言从化学动力学方面分析,低压不利于燃料与空气的化学反应,当压力降低至一个大气压以下,两态混气紊流燃烧的物理和化学过程发生很大变化,压力下降造成稳定器回流区缩小、回流量减少,紊流强度和雷诺应力减少,紊流尺度变大,燃烧室的压力降低也会造成燃油的雾化质量下降,燃油雾  相似文献   

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