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"最大限度满足顾客的需求",这一不变的信念伴随着北京凝华实业有限公司走过了13年的风风雨雨,如今,这个观念已经深入到企业经营理念和企业文化的方方面面,并不断通过业务流程的重组和人员区域化的设置,成为公司上下遵从的理念。此外,凝华的"诚信、卓越、责任、中兴"价值观将全体员工的心凝聚在一起,尽展个人才华。而对于公司的常务副总裁李欲超先生来说,思考更多的,则是公司的发展方向。  相似文献   

想要大嘴吃遍东西南北吗?一碗面条就能满足你。北京的炸酱面、河北的烩面捞面,山西的刀削面、上海的阳春面、四川的担担面、武汉的热干面、广粤的云吞面、日韩的冷面、冷食的意大利面……简单的面条能烹制出各地的不同美味。而冲着这越来越热的天气,当属凉面最销魂。  相似文献   

将于2007年4月9日隆重开幕的第十届中国国际机床展(CIMT 2007)吸引着众多业内人士期盼的目光,这将是机床界的又一次盛会.细心的观众应该还记得,在2006年的上海数控机床展上,沈阳机床集团颇引人注目:2000m2的展览面积;26台拥有自主知识产权的展品;一轮接一轮的媒体采访攻势;在"中国数控机床产业之路"CCMT2006网上直播中的率先亮相.沈阳机床无疑成为那次展会上耀眼的明星.  相似文献   

读者朋友们:2007年在你们的热心支持中过去了。回顾过去的一年,《读者园地》版块绐我带来了许多的惊喜,许多的感动,也有一些遗憾和愧疚。惊喜的是我看到了你们在事业上取得的成就,在学业上获得的成绩;感动的是你们对航空航天执着的追求和热爱;遗憾的是由于版面的关系,不能每一封信都一一回复和解答,愧疚的是由于疏忽,有时给读者的答复不是完全准确。我们迎来了2008年,这是令全国人民都欢欣鼓舞的一年——奥运会《读者园地》也希望借着这阵东风,走上更高的台阶!我们热切地希望新老读者  相似文献   

成都双流国际机场,是中国西南地区最重要的航空枢纽港和客货集散地,近年来各项生产指标在中国各大机场中位居前六位,开通国内国际航线80多条,平均每日进出港航班300多架次。作为四川省、成都市对外开放的“窗口”和“空中桥梁”,成都双流国际机场始终以建设一个现代、文明的航空港为奋斗目标,立足发展,不断开拓创新,已连续17年保持了安全运行的纪录,得到了上级部门和社会各界的表彰和赞誉,以良好的空港形象,为四川省、成都市的对外开放作出了积极的贡献。强化安全服务,努力夯实发展的基础民航安全,关系到党和国家的声誉和人民生命财产的安全…  相似文献   

2010年,将开启21世纪第二个十年。回首过去的十年,中国民航经历了一系列未曾预计到的挑战。首先是恐怖主义威胁。2001年的9.11事件,空前地将全世界的目光聚焦在恐怖主义对航空业的威胁上,世界民航业为此付出了惨重代价。对中国民航的影响要小一些,  相似文献   

刘心武先生是一个真性情的人,这是读他的《钟鼓楼》就知道的。他的文章中总是可看到现实生活中的影像,批判着一个时代乃至一种阶级对人性的摧残。刘先生是一个十分敢说的人,在他的小说中不十分明显,但是在红楼梦的解析中便也表现的相当充分了。巴金老先生曾经在回想录里面说过,我摸不清现在的教育体制了,是对孩子学习方式的一种不赞同,他的朴实话语虽然曾遭到过学生的质疑,但是却是真真正正的心境。而这般敢说敢做的人竟不多见了,大多数人做了不敢承认,说了却纯粹胡扯。刘心武先生却是真真正正的在做着,并实践了说真话这一优良品质。不过他是相当谦逊的,在他的红楼梦讲解中,他十分尊重前人的看法,总是在发表自己的讲解时说,"XX的说法或许正确,但是我认为……"。例如他在讲  相似文献   

防毒面具的阻力,涉及到人的生理,通气阻力大,会加重人的负担.过滤吸收器和滤器的阻力大时,会加重鼓风机的负荷,使整个装置变得笨重.因此通气阻力是防护器材的最基本的指标.防护器材对空气流阻力的检验包括防护器材原材料、半成品和成品的阻力检验.原材料的阻力检验保证半成品的阻力性能;半成品的阻力检验又保证成品的阻力性能.无论是防护器材成品、半成品、原材料,都要逐个逐项逐件地测量.  相似文献   

<正>纳西的静好岁月静谧的浪漫时空尽在丽江铂尔曼度假酒店巍峨雪山下,纳两的静好岁月里,为成就您最浪漫的甜蜜回忆,丽江铂尔曼度假酒店为您奉上全新定制"爱在铂尔曼"套餐。令人目不暇接的迷人景致,量身打造的别墅浪漫时光,丽江铂尔曼的浪漫探索旅程不仅仅是蜜月之旅的新婚燕尔首选,抑或是庆祝周年纪念的爱侣的目的地,更是每位渴求重拾初次浪漫心动的美好与惊喜的蜜恋催化剂。领略雪山的浪漫而神奇的时光,从1919吧的"梦幻鸡尾酒"欢迎饮料伊始,紧随其后  相似文献   

La Sola 《航空港》2012,(9):114-117
繁忙的都市生活让上人们没有一丝喘气的机会,这时候便会向往美丽的大自然甚至,想体验一下古人简单却又充实美满的生活历史上的风流名士大多是旅游爱好者,他们走南闯北留下了一篇篇美丽的文章,让后人敬仰的向往。这一次的假日,就跟着名士的步伐,静静地,在曾经俘获他们心灵的地方,小住几日吧。  相似文献   

The effects of Mo on the microstructure evolution, porosity and hydrogen sorption properties of Ti-Mo getters are investigated in this work. The results show that the addition of Mo prolongs the densification process of Ti-Mo getters and results in a significant amount of sintered pores. With the Mo content increasing, the porosity of getters firstly increases reaching the maximum value as it at- tains about 7.5wt.%, and then drops. At the room temperature, the hydrogen sorption property of getters increases progressively with the Mo content increasing, but the tendency is not very clear before its content lies below 2.5wt.%. When the Mo content achieves about 7.5wt.%, the hydrogen sorption property proves to be the best. The discussion is made about the above mentioned phenomena inclusive of hydrogen sorption properties of getters under different activation conditions (from 500-750 ℃).  相似文献   

This paper discusses experimental results from two different build configurations of a heated multiple rotating cavity test rig.Measurements of heat transfer from the discs and tangential velocities are presented.The test rig is a 70% full scale version of a high pressure compressor stack of an axial gas turbine engine.Of particular interest are the internal cylindrical cavities formed by adjacent discs and the interaction of these with a central axial throughflow of cooling air.Tests were carried out for a range of non-dimensional parameters representative of high pressure compressor internal air system flows(Re up to 5×106 and Rez up to 2×105).Two different builds have been tested.The most significant difference between these two build configurations is the size of the annular gap between the(non-rotating) drive shaft and the bores of the discs.The heat transfer data were obtained from thermocouple measurements of surface temperature and a conduction solution method.The velocity measurements were made using a two component,LDA system.The heat transfer results from the discs show differences between the two builds.This is attributed to the wider annular gap allowing more of the throughflow to penetrate into the cavity.There are also significant differences between the radial distributions of tangential velocity in the two builds of the test rig.For the narrow annular gap,there is an increase of non-dimensional tangential velocity V/Ωr with radial location to solid body rotation V/Ωr=1.For the wider annular gap,the non-dimensional velocities show a decrease with radial location to solid body rotation.   相似文献   

通过使用波形测量手段和最小二乘直线拟合方法,对三角波信号的波峰、波谷、中值、幅度、频率、沿斜率、沿线性度、对称性等指标进行了精确评价,详细讨论了方法的实现过程以及有关技术问题,并对各项参数指标进行了不确定度分析。实验验证结果表明了该方法的有效性和实用性,该方法可应用到三角波信号源的性能指标评价中。  相似文献   

适于低轨卫星IP网络的单核共享树组播算法(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解决低轨卫星IP网络中现有典型源组播算法的信道资源浪费问题,本文提出了一套单核共享树组播算法,即核心群合并共享树(CCST)和加权核心群合并共享树(w-CCST)算法。CCST 算法包括动态近似中心(DAC)选核方法和核心群合并组播路径构建方法。DAC方法专为周期、规律运动的低轨卫星网络提出,不需要复杂的星上计算。在核心群合并方法中,以核节点作为初始核心群,通过核心群和剩余组成员的最短路径方法逐步扩展直至整棵组播树构建完成,从而使得组播树的树代价最小,大大提高了网络的带宽利用率和组播传输效率。w-CCST 算法中所提出的加权因子可以调整树代价和端到端传播时延之间的折衷程度,因此,可以通过调整加权因子来适度增大树代价、降低端到端传播时延以支持某些端到端时延要求苛刻的实时组播业务。最后,与低轨卫星 IP 网络中典型算法进行了性能比较,仿真结果说明,CCST 算法的平均树代价比其它算法显著降低,w-CCST 算法的平均端到端传播时延小于 CCST 算法。  相似文献   

A new time-accurate marching scheme for unsteady flow calculations is proposed in the present work. This method is the combination of classical Successive Over-Relaxation (SOR) iteration method and Jacobian matrix diagonally dominant splitting method of LUSGS. One advantage of this algorithm is the second-order accuracy because of no factorization error. Another advantage is the low computational cost because the Jacobian matrices and fluxes are only calculated once in each physical time step. And, the SOR algorithm has better convergence property than Gauss-Seidel. To investigate its accuracy and convergency, several unsteady flow computa- tional tests are carried out by using the proposed SOR algorithm. Roe’s FDS scheme is used to discritize the inviscid flux terms. Un- steady computational results of SOR are compared with the experiment results and those of Gauss-Seidel. Results reveal that the numerical results agree well with the experimental data and the second-order accuracy can be obtained as the Gauss-Seidel for unsteady flow computations. The impact of SOR factor is investigated for unsteady computations by using different SOR factors in this algorithm to simulate each computational test. Different numbers of inner iterations are needed to converge to the same criterion for different SOR factors and optimal choice of SOR factor can improve the computational efficiency greatly.  相似文献   

为验证某型民用航空发动机涡轮总体设计方案的可行性和安全性,以该型航空发动机涡轮的圆弧端齿连接结构为研究对象,利用有限元数值模拟方法研究了涡轮第1级盘与前轴之间采用圆弧端齿连接的设计对结构强度和疲劳失效的影响,分析了在高温及不同预紧力载荷工况下对圆弧端齿连接强度、疲劳等性能的影响规律.研究表明:该设计存在涡轮第1级盘与高压涡轮轴连接的外端齿分离而导致振动的风险,而增大预紧力可以提高螺栓连接传递荷载的能力,但螺栓孔边存在局部高应力问题.研究结果为圆弧端齿的设计方案提供了有效理论支撑和参考.  相似文献   

The present paper investigates the impact of the velocity and density ratio on the turbulent mixing process in gas turbine blade film cooling.A cooling fluid is injected from an inclined pipe at α=30° into a turbulent boundary layer profile at a freestream Reynolds number of Re∞=400000.This jet-in-a-crossflow(JICF) problem is investigated using large-eddy simulations(LES).The governing equations comprise the Navier-Stokes equations plus additional transport equations for several species to simulate a non-reacting gas mixture.A variation of the density ratio is simulated by the heat-mass transfer analogy,i.e.,gases of different density are effused into an an air crossflow at a constant temperature.An efficient large-eddy simulation method for low subsonic flows based on an implicit dual time-stepping scheme combined with low Mach number preconditioning is applied.The numerical results and experimental velocity data measured using two-component particle-image velocimetry (PIV) are in excellent agreement.The results show the dynamics of the flow field in the vicinity of the jet hole,i.e.,the recirculation region and the inclination of the shear layers,to be mainly determined by the velocity ratio.However,evaluating the cooling efficiency downstream of the jet hole the mass flux ratio proves to be the dominant similarity parameter,i.e.,the density ratio between the fluids and the velocity ratio have to be considered.   相似文献   

The flow control of hydraulic transformers is a great challenge.To meet this challenge,a new kind of hydraulic transformer,variable hydraulic transformer(VHT),is proposed in this work.This paper focuses on the power characteristics of the newly proposed VHT,including instantaneous power,average power,power pulsation,and efficiency.In the analyses,the concepts of efficiency,input power,output power,starting angle,and ceasing angle are defined or redefined.To investigate the power characteristics,their models are derived by considering the governing factors such as the control angle of the swash plate and the structure of the port plate.This work highlights that the load flow can be adjusted by adjusting the control angle of the swash plate,and the power characteristics at the B-port produce a remarkable change.In addition,the VHT has a starting angle and a ceasing angle,and these two angles can be adjusted by the influencing factors.The results reveal that the power pulsation and the jump points of the instantaneous power are the primary causes of a less smooth work.Then,it is shown that the control angle of the port plate,the control angle of the swash plate,and the pressures at the ports are the three key elements for a stable operation.The results also reveal that the adjustment of the influencing factors can improve the efficiency.  相似文献   

研究了形状记忆合金(SMA)纤维混杂复合材料大挠度层合板的非线性自由与受迫振动特性。基于描述SMA力学行为的Brinson理论以及层合板材料性能预测的混合率,建立了SMA纤维混杂复合材料大挠度层合板的本构方程,基于对称层合各向异性弹性板的非线性理论,建立了以横向挠度和应力函数表示的板的横向振动方程和相容方程。采用Galerkin近似解法将振动方程化为时间变量的含有3次非线性项的Duffing型常微分方程,采用谐波平衡法(HBM)获得系统的固有频率方程和强迫振动稳态频率响应方程。数值计算表明,非线性板自由振动频率比与激励温度的关系具有与线性板相同的特征,马氏体相向奥氏体相转变阶段温度对板的振动频响特性曲线的影响最显著,同时也讨论了SMA纤维含量、板的纵横比以及自由振动幅值对板的非线性频率比的影响。  相似文献   

为解决自动铺放过程中预浸料铺贴适宜性问题,以预浸料对模具黏附性及预浸料自身黏附性为考察对象,试制了一套基于剥离实验的动态黏性测试装置,并结合本装置对剥离实验机理加以分析。采用固定其中2种参数,考察第3种参数法研究压力和温度对预浸料与模具及自身黏附性行为的影响。结果表明,2种模式下随着压力的增大,动态刚度值和黏性值均增大;随着温度的升高,动态刚度值降低,黏性值先增大后降低。该研究结果为后续自动铺放工艺研究奠定了理论基础。  相似文献   

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