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Transient phenomena in the magnetotail and their relation to substorms   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Recent observations of magnetic field, plasma flow and energetic electron anisotropies in the magnetotail plasma sheet during substorms have provided strong support for the idea that a magnetospheric substorm involves the formation of a magnetic neutral line (the substorm neutral line) within the plasma sheet at X SM — 10R E to -25R E. An initial effect, in the tail, of the neutral line's formation is the severance of plasma sheet field lines to form a plasmoid, i.e., a closed magnetic loop structure, that is quickly (within 5–10 min) ejected from the tail into the downstream solar wind. The plasmoid's escape leaves a thin downstream plasma sheet through which plasma and energetic particles stream continuously into the solar wind, often throughout the duration of the substorm's expansive phase. Southward oriented magnetic field threads this tailward-flowing plasma but its detection, as an identifier of the occurrence of magnetic reconnection, is made difficult by the thinness and turbulence of the downstream plasma sheet. The thinning of the plasma sheet downstream of the neutral line is observed, by satellites located anywhere but very close to the tail's midplane, as a plasma dropout. Multiple satellite observations of plasma droputs suggest that the substorm neutral line often extends across a large fraction (> ) of the tail's breadth. Near the time of substorm recovery the substorm neutral line moves quickly tailward to a more distant location, progressively inflating the closed field lines earthward of it, to reform the plasma sheet.Proceedings of the Symposium on Solar Terrestrial Physics held in Innsbruck, May–June 1978.  相似文献   

The magnetogram inversion technique (MIT) is based upon recordings of geomagnetic variations at the worldwide network of ground-based magnetometers. MIT ensures a calculation of a global spatial distribution of the electric field, currents and Joule heating in the ionosphere. Variant MIT-2 provides, additionally, continuous monitoring of the following parameters: Poynting vector flux from the solar wind into the magnetosphere (); power, both dissipated and accumulated in the magnetosphere; magnetic flux in the open tail; and the magnetotail length (l T) (distance between the dayside and nightside neutral points in the Dungey model). Using MIT-2 and data of direct measurements in the solar wind, an analysis is made of a number of substorms, and a new scenario of substorms is suggested. The scenario includes the convection model, the model with a neutral line and the model of magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling (outside the current sheet), i.e., the three known models. A brief review is given of these and some other substorms models. A new element in the scenario is the strong positive feedback in the primary generator circuit, which ensures growth of the ratio = / Aby an order of magnitude or more during the substorms. Here Ais the Pointing vector flux in the Akasofu-Perrault approximation, i.e., without the feedback taken into account. The growth of during the substorm is caused only by the feedback effect. It is assumed that the feedback arises due to an elongation of the magnetotail, i.e., a growth of l Tby a factor of (23) during the substorm.In the active phase of substorm, a part (the first active phase) has been identified, where the principal role in the energetics is played by the feedback mechanism and the external energy source (although the internal source plus reconnection inside the plasma sheet make a marked contribution). In the second active phase (expansion) the external generator (solar wind) is switched off, and the main role is now played by the internal energy source (the tail magnetic field and ionospheric wind energy).Models of DP-2 DP-1 transitions are also considered, as well as the magnetospheric substorm-solar flare analogy.  相似文献   

The properties of the solar wind including magnetic fields, plasma, and plasma waves are briefly reviewed with emphasis on conditions near and beyond the orbit of Jupiter. An extrapolation of the steady-state wind to large distances, evolution of disturbances and structure, modulation of cosmic rays, interactions with planetary bodies (bow shocks and magnetosheaths), and interactions with interstellar neutral helium and hydrogen are briefly discussed. Some comments on instrumentation requirements to observationally define the above phenomena are also included.This is one of the publications by the Science Advisory Group.  相似文献   

The solar wind emanating from coronal holes (CH) constitutes a quasi-stationary flow whose properties change only slowly with the evolution of the hole itself. Some of the properties of the wind from coronal holes depend on whether the source is a large polar coronal hole or a small near-equatorial hole. The speed of polar CH flows is usually between 700 and 800 km/s, whereas the speed from the small equatorial CH flows is generally lower and can be <400 km/s. At 1 AU, the average particle and energy fluxes from polar CH are 2.5×108 cm–2 sec–1 and 2.0 erg cm–2 s–1. This particle flux is significantly less than the 4×108 cm–2 sec–1 observed in the slow, interstream wind, but the energy fluxes are approximately the same. Both the particle and energy fluxes from small equatorial holes are somewhat smaller than the fluxes from the large polar coronal holes.Many of the properties of the wind from coronal holes can be explained, at least qualitatively, as being the result of the effect of the large flux of outward-propagating Alfvén waves observed in CH flows. The different ion species have roughly equal thermal speeds which are also close to the Alfvén speed. The velocity of heavy ions exceeds the proton velocity by the Alfvén speed, as if the heavy ions were surfing on the waves carried by the proton fluid.The elemental composition of the CH wind is less fractionated, having a smaller enhancement of elements with low first-ionization potentials than the interstream wind, the wind from coronal mass ejections, or solar energetic particles. There is also evidence of fine-structure in the ratio of the gas and magnetic pressures which maps back to a scale size of roughly 1° at the Sun, similar to some of the fine structures in coronal holes such as plumes, macrospicules, and the supergranulation.  相似文献   

The ESA/NASA spacecraft Ulysses is making, for the first time, direct measurements in the solar wind originating from virtually all places where the corona expands. Since the initial two polar passes of Ulysses occur during relatively quiet solar conditions, we discuss here the three main regimes of quasi-stationary solar wind flow: the high speed streams (HSSTs) coming out of the polar coronal holes, the slow solar wind surrounding the HSSTs, and the streamers which occur at B-field reversals. Comparisons between H- maps and data taken by Ulysses demonstrate that as a result of super-radial expansion, the HSSTs occupy a much larger solid angle than that derived from radial projections of coronal holes. Data obtained with SWICS-Ulysses confirm that the strength of the FIP effect is much reduced in the HSSTs. The systematics in the variations of elemental abundances becomes particularly clear, if these are plotted against the time of ionisation (at the solar surface) rather than against the first ionisation potential (FIP). We have used a superposed-epoch method to investigate the changes in solar wind speed and composition measured during the 9-month period in 1992/93 when Ulysses regularly passed into and out of the southern HSST. We find that the patterns in the variations of the Mg/O and O7+/O6+ ratios are virtually identical and that their transition from high to low values is very steep. Since the Mg/O ratio is controlled by the FIP effect and the O7+/O6+ ratio reflects the coronal temperature, this finding points to a connection between chromospheric and coronal conditions.  相似文献   

An overview of the solar wind termination shock is presented including: its place in the heliosphere and its origin; its structure including the role of interstellar pickup ions and galactic and anomalous cosmic rays; its inferred location based on Lyman- backscatter, Voyager radio signals, and anomalous cosmic rays; its shape and movement.  相似文献   

This paper summarizes space probe observations relevant to the determination of the large-scale, three-dimensional structure of the solar wind and its solar cycle variations. Observations between 0.6 and 5 AU reveal very little change in the average solar-wind velocity, but a pronounced decrease in the spread of velocities about the average. The velocity changes may be accompanied by a transfer of energy from the electrons to the protons. The mass flux falls off approximately as the inverse square of distance as expected for spherically symmetric flow. Measurements of the interplanetary magnetic field show that the spiral angle is well defined over this entire range of distances, but there is some evidence that the spiral may wind up more slowly with distance from the Sun than predicted by Parker's model. The variances or noise in the field and plasma have also been measured as a function of radial distance.During the rising portion of the solar-activity cycle, the solar-wind velocity showed a pronounced positive correlation with solar latitude over the range ±7°. Several other plasma parameters which have been found generally to correlate (or anticorrelate) with velocity also showed a latitude variation; these parameters include the density, percent helium, and azimuthal flow direction. The average polarity and the north-south component of the magnetic field depend on the solar hemisphere in which the measurements are made.Dependence on the phase of the solar-activity cycle can be found in the data on the number of high speed streams, the proton density, the percent helium, and the magnetic-field strength and polarity.  相似文献   

The kinetic properties of heavy ions in the solar wind are known to behave in a well organized way under most solar wind flow conditions: Their speeds are all equal and faster than that of hydrogen by about the local Alfvén speed, and their kinetic temperatures are proportional to their mass. The simplicity of these properties points to a straightforward physical interpretation; wave-particle interactions with Alfvén waves are the probable cause. With the SWICS sensor on board Ulysses, it is now possible to investigate the kinetic properties of many more ion species than before. Furthermore, the transition of Ulysses into the fast stream emanating from the south polar coronal hole since 1992 allows us to study these properties both in the slow, interstream solar wind, as well as in an unambiguously identified fast stream. We present data from SWICS/Ulysses on the dominant ions of He, C, O, Ne, and Mg. As a result we find that, both in the slow wind and in fast streams, the isotachic property is obeyed even better than it could be determined by the ICI instrument on ISEE-3. The mass proportionality ofT kin is also shown to hold for these ions, including the newly identified C and Mg.  相似文献   

A critical review of the interstellar hydrogen in the heliosphere will be presented. Recent Sun-interstellar matter interaction model improvements, a non-stationary flow and a flexible latitude dependence, will be discussed. We also consider the influence of heliospheric interface on neutral flow and the remaining refinements, which could help to better interpret the results of the SWAN experiment on board SOHO.  相似文献   

Hada  Tohru  Koga  Daiki  Yamamoto  Eiko 《Space Science Reviews》2003,107(1-2):463-466
Large amplitude MHD waves are commonly found in the solar wind. Nonlinear interactions between the MHD waves are likely to produce finite correlation among the wave phases. For discussions of various transport processes of energetic particles, it is fundamentally important to determine whether the wave phases are randomly distributed (as assumed in quasi-linear theories) or they have a finite coherence. Using a method based on a surrogate data technique and a fractal analysis, we analyzed Geotail magnetic field data (provided by S. Kokubun and T. Nagai through DARTS at the Institute of Space and Astronautical Science) to evaluate the phase coherence among the MHD waves in the earth's foreshock region. The correlation of wave phases does exist, indicating that the nonlinear interactions between the waves is in progress. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

A review is given of both observational and theoretical results concerning the latitudinal structure of the solar wind and interplanetary magnetic field. Observations are reported on the solar wind plasma and magnetic fields, obtained both from direct satellite measurements and indirect methods, such as the observation of comet tails, radio scintillations, the study of the polar geomagnetic field and the semi-annual variation of geomagnetic activity. Results of theoretical work, both on three-dimensional modelling of the solar wind and on gas-magnetic field interactions in the solar corona are summarized. Finally, an attempt is made to compare available observations and theories. This points to the open questions which, to be settled, will need direct observations of plasma and magnetic field at high heliographic latitudes.  相似文献   

A review of the theoretical problems associated with preflare magnetic energy storage and conversion is presented. The review consists of three parts; preflare magnetic energy storage, magnetic energy conversion mechanisms, and preflare triggers. In Section 2, the relationship between magnetic energy storage and the electrodynamic coupling of the solar atmosphere is developed. By accounting for the electrodynamic coupling of the solar atmosphere, we are able to examine the fundamental problems associated with the concept of in situ versus remote magnetic-energy storage. Furthermore, this approach permits us to distinguish between the roles of local and global parameters in the storage process.Section 3 is focused on the conversion mechanisms that can explain, in principle, the rapid energy release of a flare. In addition, we discuss how electrodynamic coupling eventually dictates which mechanism(s) is responsible for releasing the stored magnetic energy, and how the global coupling dictates the final evolution of the relevant mechanism. Section 4 examines preflare triggers and Section 5, we examine the most promising directions for future research into the problem of magnetic-energy storage and conversion of the Sun.  相似文献   

Data obtained by the Ulysses magnetometer and solar wind analyzer have been combined to study the properties of magnetic holes in the solar wind between 1 and 5.4 AU and to 23° south latitude. Although the plasma surrounding the holes was generally stable against the mirror instability, there are indications that the holes may have been remnants of mirror mode structures created upstream of the points of observation. Those indications include: (1) For the few holes for which proton or alpha-particle pressure could be measured inside the hole, the ion thermal pressure was always greater than in the plasma adjacent to the holes. (2) The plasma surrounding many of the holes was marginally stable for the mirror mode, while the plasma environment of all the holes was significantly closer to mirror instability than was the average solar wind. (3) The plasma containing trains of closely spaced holes was closer to mirror instability than was the plasma containing isolated holes. (4) The near-hole plasma had much higher ion (ratio of thermal to magnetic pressure) than did the average solar wind.  相似文献   

Empirical studies have shown that the solar wind speed at Earth is inversely correlated with the areal expansion rate of magnetic flux tubes near the Sun. Recent model calculations that include a self-consistent determination of the coronal temperature allow one to understand the physical basis of this relationship; they also suggest why the solar wind mass flux is relatively constant.  相似文献   

Eruptive prominences as sources of magnetic clouds in the solar wind   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Large amounts of coronal material are propelled outward into interplanetary space by Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs). Thus one might expect to find evidence for expanding flux ropes in the solar wind as well. To prove this assumption magnetic clouds were analyzed and correlated with H-observations of disappearing filaments. When clouds were found to be directly associated with a disappearing filament, the magnetic structure of the cloud was compared with that of the associated filament. Additionally the expansion of magnetic clouds was examined over a wide range of the heliosphere and compared with the expansion observed for erupting prominences.  相似文献   

We report observations of radial and latitudinal gradients of Ulysses plasma parameters. The solar wind velocity increased rapidly with latitude from 0° to 35°, then remained approximately constant at higher latitudes. Solar wind density decreased rapidly from 0° to 35° of latitude, and also was approximately constant beyond that latitude. The mass flux similarly decreased away from the equator (but less than the density), whereas the momentum flux was relatively constant. The radial gradient of the entropy at high latitude indicated a value for the polytrope index of about 1.72 (close to adiabatic); the in-ecliptic estimates of radial gradients for temperature and entropy may be biased by temporal variation. A striking increase in the alpha particle-proton velocity difference with latitude is found.  相似文献   

The Pioneer 10, Pioneer 11, and Voyager 2 spacecraft were launched in 1972, 1974, and 1977, respectively. While these three spacecraft are all at compartively low heliographic latitudes compared with Ulysses, their observation span almost two solar cycles, a range of heliocentric distances from 1 to 57 AU, and provide a unique insight into the long-term variability of the global structure of the solar wind. We examine the spatial and temporal variation of average solar wind parameters and fluxes. Our obsevations suggest that the global structure of the outer heliosphere during the declining phase of the solar cycle at heliographic latitudes up to 17.5°N was charaterized by two competing phenomena: 1) a large-scale increase of solar wind density, temperature, mass flux, dynamic pressure, kinetic energy flux, and thermal enery flux with heliographic latitude, similar to the large-scale latitudinal gradient of velocity seen in IPS observations, 2) a small-scale decrease in velocity and temperature, and increase in density near the heliospheric current sheet, which is associated with a band of low speed, low temperature, and high density solar wind similar to that observed in the inner heliosphere.  相似文献   

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