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三维槽道湍流的大涡模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
额日其太  邹正平  王强 《推进技术》2004,25(1):23-26,31
利用大涡模拟方法模拟了雷诺数为13000的充分发展槽道湍流流动。为了比较网格和亚格子模型对计算结果的影响,采用了三种不同的网格数目,以及Smagorinsky模型和动力模型等两种亚格子模型,并与直接数值模拟结果进行了比较。结果表明,大涡模拟可以比较准确地给出速度分布、脉动速度均方根分布等湍流统计参数。在此基础上,对近壁区小尺度湍流结构进行了研究。  相似文献   

准三维C/C复合材料的弯曲性能及其破坏机理   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以碳纤维针刺毡为预制体,采用CVI法或结合液相法制备了热解碳、树脂碳和沥青碳基质的准三维C/C复合材料,并研究了这些材料的弯曲性能及其断裂机理.研究表明:对于热解碳基质,SL基质碳的弯曲强度明显高于RL和SL RL两种基质碳;弯曲强度随密度增高而增大;致密度越高,基体支撑越强,同时微裂纹和孔隙度越低,弯曲性能越好.  相似文献   

The F3C Cold Plasma Analyzer (CPA) instrument on theFreja spacecraft is designed to measure the energy per unit charge (E/Q) of ions oe electrons in the range 0<E/Q<200 V and complements the observations made by the F3H Hot Plasma Experiment. The CPA sensor, which is deployed on a boom, is an electrostatic analyzer which produces angle/energy images of particles incident on the sensor in a plane perpendicular to the boom axis. Charged particles incident normal to the CPA sensor housing axis of symmetry, which coincides with the boom axis, pass through collimators and enter a semi-spherical electrostatic analyzer which disperses particles in energy and azimuthal angle of arrival onto an imaging MCP detector thus producing images of the particle distributions in a plane perpendicular to the boom axis. Measurements are transmitted either as discrete 16×16 (angle/energy) images or as parameters related to the incident particle distribution function. Pixels in the discrete images are separated approximately equally in azimuthal angle while the 16 energy bins are separated approximately geometrically in energy. The ratio of the maximum to minimum energy imaged is programmable up to a maximum of more than a factor of ten, and the energy range itself is also under the control of the processor and can be varied by more than an order of magnitude. The density dynamic range of the sensor is increased by the introduction of an electrostatic gating system between the entrance aperture and the analyzer which can be used to duty-cycle low-energy electrons into the sensor thus keeping the count rate within appropriate levels. To reduce the effects of spacecraft induced perturbations on the lower-energy particle distributions, the sensor portion of the instrument is deployed on a 2 m long boom, perpendicular to the spacecraft spin axis. Spacecraft rotation is used to recover complete (4) angle/energy distributions every half spin period. In addition, the sensor skin may be biased with respect to the spacecraft ground to offset effects due to spacecraft charging. Current to the skin is monitored, making the exterior of the sensor equivalent to a large cylindrical Langmuir probe. Two separate processing paths for signals from the MCP anode may be chosen; slow and rast. The slow pulse processing path provides discrete angle/energy images at a nominal rate of 10 images per second and a peak burst mode rate of 100 images per second. The fast analog or current mode path provides crude parameterized estimates of densities, temperatures and drift velocities at nominal rates of up to 1000 parameters per second with a burst rate near 6000 parameters per second. Observations of cold ions and electrons in an unperturbed ionospheric plasma are presented which demonstrate the functionality of the instrument. Suprathermal ion observations in a transverse ion energization or acceleration region are also shown which demonstrate many of the small-scale features of these events.The Canadian Government's right to retain a non-exclusive, royalty free licence in and to any copyright is acknowledge.  相似文献   

为评估三向碳/碳材料的烧蚀性能,在北京空气动力研究所研制的FD—04F电弧加热器上对三向碳/碳材料进行了滑行试验,测出了三向碳/碳材料的转接压力。试验结果表明:滑行试验在测量转接压力方面是有效的,并给出了三向碳/碳模型的转授压力数据和最终外形形状。  相似文献   

王仲生  刘方余 《航空学报》1990,11(2):107-111
 <正> 1.引言 目前,微计算机已广泛应用于各个领域。在控制领域中,直流电动机的控制是大功率电子学控制的重要组成部分。由于微计算机是数字控制,它除具有以人机对话的方式操作外,工作可靠、控制灵活、稳定性高、便于监控,还具有响应速度快、调速范围大、且能更充分地发挥软件的功能等优点。因此,应用微计算机对直流电动机进行实时控制已引起了人们足够地重视。本文利用控制可控硅的导通角采调节电枢电压,从而十分方便地在大范围内对直流电动机的转速实现了快速准确地控制,为直流电动机的微机实时控制提供了一种简单易行的实用方法和应用软件。  相似文献   

研究了采用化学气相反应法制备的SiC抗氧化涂层对3D整体编织C/C复合材料的密度、力学性能以及微观结构的影响。结果表明,3D C/C复合材料经抗氧化处理后,其密度、开孔率以及力学性能均有不同程度的提高。由SEM微观结构可以看出,其力学性能提高是由于气态Si渗入到材料基体内部,并与内部的C反应生成SiC,在一定程度上弥合了材料中的缺陷所致。  相似文献   

Wall skin friction reduction is the primary focus of this paper. Turbulent boundary layer structure and near-wall turbulence structure are considered in particular along with how passive and active modifications to the structure can lead to reductions in drag. Direct numerical simulation of low Reynolds number turbulent flow over streamwise aligned micro-grooved striations or riblets, particularly V-groove riblets and the application of a near-wall viscous model to the flow over more complicated riblet shapes (V and U groove, thin element, compound and spanwise non-continuous V-groove) are assessed. This assessment provides a qualitative basis for identifying features that may limit riblets to skin friction reduction of about 10%. This leads to consideration of three dimensional riblets or “humplets”, use of oscillations (both fluid and structural), selective interference with existing turbulence and selective introduction of new scales of turbulence with the aim always towards reducing skin friction.  相似文献   

Machining of carbon/carbon (C/C) composite materials is difficult to carry out due to its high specific stiffness, brittleness, anisotropic, non-homogeneous and low thermal conductivity, which can result in tear, burr, poor surface quality and rapid wear of cutters. Accurate and fast pre-diction of cutting forces is important for milling C/C composite materials with high quality. This paper presents an alternative cutting force model involving the influences of the directions of fiber. Based on the calculated and experimental results, the cutting forces’ coefficients of 2.5D C/C com-posites are evaluated using multiple linear regression method. Verification experiment has been car-ried out through a group of orthogonal tests. Results indicate that the proposed model is reliable and can be used to predict the cutting forces in ball-end milling of 2.5D C/C composites.  相似文献   

介绍了一种基于C8051F020单片机的机载数据采集模块.该模块作为某机载数据采集记录系统的一部分,能实时地获取飞机飞行时的各种参数,为飞机试飞的状况分析提供基本的数据和信息.文中给出了该模块的软硬件构成,并详细介绍了利用GPS给采集数据贴上精确时间标签的方法.  相似文献   

With the possible exception of the lowest one or two scale heights, the dominant mode of circulation of Venus' atmosphere is a rapid, zonal, retrograde motion. Global albedo variations in the ultraviolet may reflect planetary scale waves propagating relative to the zonal winds. Other special phenomena such as cellular convection in the subsolar region and internal gravity waves generated in the interaction of the zonal circulation with the subsolar disturbance may also be revealed in ultraviolet imagery of the atmosphere. We discuss the contributions of experiments on the Orbiter and Entry Probes of Pioneer Venus toward unravelling the mystery of the planet's global circulation and the role played by waves, instabilities and convection therein.  相似文献   

潘伟 《洪都科技》2008,(2):52-54
介绍了一种利用直流标准电阻检定电阻测试仪电阻示值误差测量结果的不确定度评定方法。  相似文献   

可压缩湍流的多尺度分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
作者的研究团队近几年在可压缩湍流的多尺度性质方面开展了系统的研究工作.通过多过程分解,研究了可压缩湍流中的速度和热力学量的剪切部分、胀压部分、伪声模态、声模态、熵模态的多尺度性质,并总结了各类可压缩条件下的速度和热力学量的谱的标度律.通过滤波方法,研究了动能和热力学量的多尺度传输现象,并重点分析了可压缩性对动能胀压部分...  相似文献   

2.5DC/SiC复合材料的热物理性能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分别采用热膨胀仪和激光脉冲导热仪测试2.5D C/SiC复合材料从室温到1400℃纵向、横向的热膨胀系数和厚度方向的热扩散系数.结果表明,2.5D C/SiC复合材料的热膨胀系数随温度的升高而缓慢升高,在350℃和700℃附近出现波动,且横向的热膨胀系数略高于纵向.热扩散系数随温度的升高逐渐降低,且下降速率随温度的升高而变缓.CVD SiC涂层后,材料热扩散系数提高1~2倍.  相似文献   

为方便声纳员进行操作训练,设计、开发了一种能够脱离实装设备的吊放声纳绞车键盘模拟训练系统,绞车键盘操作的画面布局及键盘布局等与实装绞车键盘一致。同时,绞车键盘通过控制变频器带动电机以驱动绞车,可以逼真地模拟实际对绞车的操作,模拟也可以对特定条件下的训练方案进行设定,以提高声纳操作人员的训练水平。  相似文献   

内部审计理念及其营销   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现代内部审计理念在丰富和完善过程中,形成了诸如独立、服务、增值、风险、审计技能多元化以及人际关系等诸多现代管理理念。长期以来,人们对内部审计工作在公司治理、控制和风险管理过程中的作用不能充分认识。因此,内部审计人员需要借助营销学的内容,针对不同群体(董事会和审计委员会、管理层、分(子)公司、被审计单位以及组织整体)采取不同的营销策略,使组织内部各级管理部门和相关人员接受现代内部审计理念,扩大内部审计的影响。  相似文献   

"黄蜂之眼"F/A-18E/F升级光电红外传感器系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
钱锟 《国际航空》2007,(7):28-29
美国海军的 F/A—18E/F 通过装备先进的光电红外传感器吊舱,作战效能得到大幅度提升,除了用先进瞄准前视红外系统(ATFLIR)吊舱提升精确对地攻击能力外,美国海军正在准备装备一种新型的红外搜索与跟踪(IRST)吊舱,以提升其空战能力。  相似文献   

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