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In this paper, through a case study, an attempt has been made to bring out the relationship between post noon E-region electric field and post sunset F-region vertical plasma drift on quiet time Counter Electrojet (CEJ) days. Study carried out using the data from a multi frequency HF Doppler Radar and Digital Ionosonde located over Trivandrum (8.5° N; 77° E; 0.5° N dip lat.) a geomagnetic dip equatorial station in India during quite time CEJ days of the years 2004 and 2006, revealed some interesting aspects of the E region electrodynamics and post sunset F region electrodynamics. It has been observed that, in contrast to the normal electrojet (EEJ) days, the Pre-Reversal Enhancement (PRE) is either weakened or inhibited on CEJ days and the field reversal takes place much earlier than that on a normal day. It is suggested that even after the effects of the field reversal ceases to show up in the ground magnetic data, the reversed field may persist and shows up as a decrease in the PRE experienced by the F-region. In other words, the study indicates that the EEJ associated electrodynamics have a significant role in controlling the PRE.  相似文献   

Electron density-height profiles from the Arecibo incoherent scatter radar have been analysed for the period August 1974 to May 1977, to look for a thickness parameter for the bottomside F-region of the ionosphere. These profiles were obtained using short pulse lengths of 24 μs resulting in high altitude resolution. In the analysis, Gulyaeva's empirical relationship that an electron density of 0.5 NmF occurs at the height of 0.8 hmF2 is tested. Arecibo profiles indicate this electron density arises close to (0.84+0.02) hmF2 for most of the cases. However, there are some instances where large departures occur.  相似文献   

嫦娥二号于2012-04-15开展对图塔蒂斯小行星的探测试验,至2012-12-13与图塔蒂斯交会,共飞行243 d,这是我国对小行星的首次探测.因为未安装星载导航设备,CE-2 在小行星探测试验的全过程均基于地基USB(Unified S-Band)与甚长基线干涉测量技术(VLBI,Very Long Baseline Interferometry)测量实现导航.对小行星探测期间的定轨计算及精度分析进行了讨论,对我国新建深空站的测量数据进行了分析.针对交会前最后一次轨道机动后,仅有13 d控后数据的现状,提出了快速轨道重建策略.计算结果表明该策略不仅可以有效改进定轨计算精度,还可以实现轨控速度增量的标定.基于重叠弧段的轨道分析比较表明,单独使用USB长弧数据计算可以获得10 km的定轨精度,综合USB与VLBI数据联合定轨,定轨精度可以提高1倍.  相似文献   

从自主运行需求获取、自主运行策略设计、自主运行任务实现3个方面对"嫦娥4号"自主运行任务进行研究。通过在轨飞行验证,"嫦娥4号"自主运行任务的实现除了完善自我诊断及重构能力,还增强了对未知风险的应对能力,增加核心设备的自主管理能力,保证关键事件完成的可靠性与精准性。不仅总结了重要的工程经验而且为未来深空自主运行任务的设计实现提供了直接而有力的技术支持。  相似文献   

Measurements of the critical frequency, foF2 recorded over Ibadan: 7.4°N, 3.9°E (geographic), 6°S (dip angle) have been compared with the International Reference Ionosphere (IRI-2007) model for solar maximum geomagnetically quiet conditions, with a view to determining what modifications might bring about better predictions for the model. Our results reveal that the present version of IRI essentially reproduces diurnal trends and the general features of the experimental observations for all seasons, except for nighttime June solstice periods, which the model seriously overestimated. The model errors ranging from 50% to 125% over the four seasons considered in this study. It is also indicated that the percentage relative deviations between the observed and the modeled values vary approximately from −11% to 12% (March), −34% to 11% (June), −16% to 12% (September), and −10% to 13% (December). An unexpected feature of foF2 is obvious and remarkable reduction in values during nighttime June solstice periods compared to that in other seasons. Relationship between equatorial vertical drift and foF2 is also investigated. However, cross correlation analysis reveals strong anti-correlation between vertical drift and critical frequency during the daytime hours, but exceptionally opposite is the case for the nighttime sector. The discrepancies which are noted, particularly during June solstice season are attributed to processes most likely within the thermosphere and from meteorological influences during quiet magnetic conditions.  相似文献   

Post-sunset and pre-sunrise vertical plasma drifts at the equatorial F-region have been investigated using the HF Doppler radar and ionosonde observations. Observed vertical plasma drift features during the sunrise are found to complement that observed during the evening. The post-sunset vertical plasma drift is characterized by an upward enhancement, a pre-reversal enhancement and a reversal in the drift direction. Similarly, the pre-sunrise plasma drift is characterized by a sudden downward excursion followed by an upward turning. The wavelet analysis of the plasma drift shows the presence of fluctuations in the period range 4–32 min and the short period fluctuations are attributed to the atmospheric gravity waves.  相似文献   

针对近地轨道运输任务,考虑不同飞行阶段的推阻特性差异和不同发动机模态的比冲变化,提出了适用于水平起降两级入轨(TSTO,Two Stage To Orbit)天地往返运输系统的质量估算方法.以8 t有效载荷为任务需求,对比研究了涡轮基组合循环动力-可重复使用火箭(TBCC-RR,Turbine Based Combined Cycle-Reusable Rocket)、火箭基组合循环动力-可重复使用火箭(RBCC-RR,Rocket Based Combined Cycle-Reusable Rocket)和可重复使用火箭-可重复使用火箭(RR-RR,Reusable Rocket-Reusable Rocket)方案,分析了级间分离点、一级飞行器推阻比和一级飞行器结构质量分数等参数对设计结果的影响.研究结果表明,级间分离点设计对TSTO总体方案影响很大,若使用RBCC型飞行器作为第1级,建议在超燃冲压模态后即进行两级分离;TBCC-RR方案比RBCC-RR方案起飞总质量更小,但RBCC-RR方案一级飞行器结构质量更小;减小TSTO系统起飞总质量的最有效途径是减小飞行器的结构质量分数,其次是提高飞行器的推阻比.   相似文献   

Very low frequency interferometry among two astronomical experiments has been proposed and accepted for further study for the second phase of China’s lunar exploration programme (the Chang’E Programme), which is envisaged to operate a lander and a rover on the surface of the moon. This experiment is an interferometer experiment in the very low frequency (VLF, f < 15 MHz) regime of radio frequencies with at least degree-level angular resolution. The goals include observing solar storm activities, Coronal Mass Ejections, Auroral Kilometric Radiation, and planetary radiation in the solar system, studying the origin of Cosmic Rays, spectral properties of pulsars, surveying ionized hydrogen in the Galaxy, and exploring coherent radio emissions.  相似文献   

The Earth’s gravity field modelling is an ill-posed problem having a sensitive solution to the error of data. Satellite gravity gradiometry (SGG) is a space technique to measure the second-order derivatives of geopotential for modelling this field, but the measurements should be validated prior to use. The existing terrestrial gravity anomalies and Earth gravity models can be used for this purpose. In this paper, the second-order vertical–horizontal (VH) and horizontal–horizontal (HH) derivatives of the extended Stokes formula in the local north-oriented frame are modified using biased, unbiased and optimum types of least-squares modification. These modified integral estimators are used to generate the VH and HH gradients at 250 km level for validation purpose of the SGG data. It is shown that, unlike the integral estimator for generating the second-order radial derivative of geopotential, the system of equations from which the modification parameters are obtained is unstable for all types of modification, with large cap size and high degree, and regularization is strongly required for solving the system. Numerical studies in Fennoscandia show that the SGG data can be estimated with an accuracy of 1 mE using an integral estimator modified by a biased type least-squares modification. In this case an integration cap size of 2.5° and a degree of modification of 100 for integrating 30′ × 30′ gravity anomalies are required.  相似文献   

Employing Atmsophere Explorer-C measurements made in 1974, just prior to solar minimum, Brace and Theis /1/ demonstrated that a remarkably consistent inverse relationship existed between the electron density Ne and temperature Te in the F-region. In this paper we use later data from AE-C, taken when solar activity was rising (1975–1978), and Dynamics Explorer-2 data taken at solar maximum (1981), to examine how the temperature and density relationship changes with solar activity. We find that the solar maximum Te is a factor of two larger than the solar minimum Te for the same values of Ne. Te does not necessarily increase with solar activity, however, because Ne increases enough to approximately cancel the effect of higher solar extreme ultraviolet heating. We find that the effect of solar activity can be accounted for by a simple function of the F10.7 cm index that multiplies the solar minimum equation of Brace and Theis /1/.  相似文献   

For the first time, empirical model of daytime vertical E×B drift based on Empirical Orthogonal functions (EOF) decomposition technique is presented. Day-to-day variability of E×B drift inferred from horizontal (H) geomagnetic field data around dip latitude for the period of 2008–2013 is used to both develop and validate the model. Results show that the EOF technique is promising with modelled values and data giving correlation coefficient values of at least 0.90 for geomagnetic conditions of both Kp?3 and Kp>3 within 2008–2013. Independent model validation shows that in situ E×B values from ion velocity meter (IVM) instrument on-board C/NOFS satellite are closer to model E×B estimates than the climatological Scherliess-Fejer (SF) model incorporated within the International Reference Ionosphere (IRI).  相似文献   

为支持"玉兔号"巡视器完成对月面较大空间范围的科学探测,对动态任务进行快速规划,提出了一种基于人工智能领域智能规划技术的自动化任务规划方法。提出了行为持续时间和行为效果动态确定的时态规划模型(TP~(DDDE)),设计了描述TP~(DDDE)问题的规划领域定义语言PDDL——PDDL~(DDDE),以及针对TP~(DDDE)问题的启发式规划算法,运用Landmark知识分析规划问题结构,从而设计了合理反映动作前提评估顺序的启发函数。在嫦娥三号任务中,本文方法支撑"玉兔号"巡视器圆满完成了预期的科学探测任务。  相似文献   

含多裂纹结构的可靠性分析方法   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
为了对含多裂纹结构的可靠性进行评估,在疲劳多裂纹扩展随机模型的基础上,建立了含多裂纹结构的可靠性分析模型.结构的可靠度是控制裂纹扩展的多维随机变量落在等寿命曲面(线)与坐标面(轴)围起的范围内的概率,即多维随机变量的概率密度函数在等寿命曲面(线)与坐标面(轴)围起的范围内的积分.针对较为简单的情况,建立了完全积分可靠性模型;针对复杂结构但各条裂纹扩展特性相差不大的情况,建立了简化串联可靠性模型;针对复杂结构各条裂纹扩展特性相差较大的情况,建立了修正简化串联可靠性模型.考虑结构可靠性的粗略分析,给出了可靠度的上限值.结合多裂纹扩展随机模型给出了算例.   相似文献   

In this paper we present results assessing the role of Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) tracking data through precision orbit determination (POD) during the check-out phase for Chang’E-1, and the lunar gravity field solution CEGM-01 based on the orbital tracking data acquired during the nominal phase of the mission. The POD of Chang’E-1 is performed using S-band two-way Range and Range Rate (R&RR) data, together with VLBI delay and delay rate observations. The role of the VLBI data in the POD of Chang’E-1 is analyzed, and the resulting orbital accuracies are estimated for different solution strategies. The final orbital accuracies proved that the VLBI tracking data can improve the Chang’E-1 POD significantly. Consequently, CEGM-01 based on six-month tracking data during Chang’E-1 nominal mission phase is presented, and the accuracy of the model is assessed by means of the gravity field power spectrum, admittance and coherence between gravity and topography, lunar surface gravity anomaly and POD for both Chang’E-1 and Lunar Prospector (LP). Our analysis indicates that CEGM-01 has significant improvements over a prior model (i.e. GLGM-2), and shows the potential of Chang’E-1 tracking data in high resolution lunar gravity field model solution by combining with SELENE and LP tracking data.  相似文献   

In this study we have used VHF and GPS-SCINDA receivers located at Nairobi (36.8°E, 1.3°S, dip −24.1°) in Kenya, to investigate the ionospheric scintillation and zonal drift irregularities of a few hundred meter-scale irregularities associated with equatorial plasma density bubbles for the period 2011. From simultaneous observations of amplitude scintillation at VHF and L-band frequencies, it is evident that the scintillation activity is higher during the post sunset hours of the equinoctial months than at the solstice. While it is noted that there is practically no signatures of the L-band scintillation in solstice months (June, July, December, January) and after midnight, VHF scintillation does occur in the solstice months and show post midnight activity through all the seasons. VHF scintillation is characterized by long duration of activity and slow fading that lasts till early morning hours (05:00 LT). Equinoctial asymmetry in scintillation occurs with higher occurrence in March–April than in September–October. The occurrence of post midnight VHF scintillation in this region is unusual and suggests some mechanisms for the formation of scintillation structure that might not be clearly understood. Zonal drift velocities of irregularities were measured using cross-correlation analysis with time series of the VHF scintillation structure from two closely spaced antennas. Statistical analyses of the distribution of zonal drift velocities after sunset hours indicate that the range of the velocities is 30–160 m/s. This is the first analysis of the zonal plasma drift velocity over this region. Based on these results we suggest that the east–west component of the plasma drift velocity may be related to the evolution of plasma bubble irregularities caused by the prereversal enhancement of the eastward electric fields. The equinoctial asymmetry of the drift velocities and scintillation could be attributed to the asymmetry of neutral winds in the thermosphere that drives the eastward electric fields.  相似文献   

In this study the roles of polar perpendicular diffusion and drifts are illustrated in a model containing a heliosheath and diffusive shock acceleration as applied to the solar wind termination shock. Of particular interest is the relation of polar perpendicular diffusion to particle drifts and how the effectiveness of the termination shock acceleration of galactic and anomalous protons is influenced by this relation. We found that drifts have a more prominent effect than the polar enhancement of perpendicular diffusion so that its omission from termination shock models would produce unrealistically large shock acceleration and consequently also larger modulation effects throughout the heliosphere. The computed spectra at a heliolatitude of 35° are almost similar for the two polarity epochs indicating that the two Voyager spacecraft might not observe differences between the two cycles in future.  相似文献   

During 2004 and 2005 measurements of mesospheric/lower thermospheric (80–100 km) winds have been carried out in Germany using three different ground-based systems, namely a meteor radar (36.2 MHz) at the Collm Observatory (51.3°N, 13°E), a MF radar (3.18 MHz) at Juliusruh (54.6°N, 13.4°E) and the LF D1 measurements using a transmitter (177 kHz) at Zehlendorf near Berlin and receivers at Collm with the reflection point at 52.1°N, 13.2°E. This provides the possibility of comparing the results of different radar systems in nearly the same measuring volume. Meteor radar winds are generally stronger than the winds observed by MF and especially by LF radars. This difference is small near 80 km but increases with height. The difference between meteor radar and medium frequency radar winds is larger during winter than during summer, which might indicate an indirect influence of gravity waves on spaced antenna measurements.  相似文献   

We investigated the spatio-temporal evolution of disturbed time post mid-night Equatorial Plasma Bubbles (EPBs) using Canadian Advanced Digital Ionosonde (CADI) located at dip equatorial station, Tirunelveli (8.73°N, 77.7°E, 0.23°N Dip. Lat.), an all-sky imager (ASI) observations at low latitude station Panhala (16.48°N, 74.6°E, 11.1°N Dip. Lat.) and Gadanki Ionospheric Radar Interferometer (GIRI) at Gadanki (13.5°N, 79.2°E; 6.5°N Dip. Lat.) which is situated at few degrees towards east and south of Panhala on 02–03 February 2017 night. During this night, IMF Bz showed its periodic variation starting from 16:00 UT to 23:00 UT accompanied by decrease in SYM-H to as low as ?35 nT indicating the onset of weak magnetic storm. The analyzed results suggested that cause of post-midnight EPBs could be due to manifestation of fluctuating eastward/westward electric field due to combined under-shielding/over-shielding Electric Fields and disturbance dynamo electric fields that led to rise and fall of the F-layer over dip equator. Interestingly, the EPBs over Panhala showed eastward motion initially that quickly reversed to westward later. Along with westward motion they also started growing until 21:30 UT. However, most of these EPBs disappeared with time except the one that started descending/shrinking towards southern side (i.e. towards equator). The rising and shrinking of EPBs is found to be fairly correlated with the equatorial vertical drifts. The westward drift of EPBs at Panhala and its anti-correlation with vertical drifts has been confirmed from CADI zonal/vertical drifts. Accordingly, the study also investigated the role of storm induced vertical Hall electric field as a possible cause for westward drifts and its anti-correlation with vertical drifts. However, GIRI observations do not show any significant westward drift on this night at Gadanki suggesting that there is a longitudinal gradient in the zonal drift of these EPBs. In addition to longitudinal drift reversal, the latitudinal gradient in zonal drifts also has been noticed. The present work highlights the role of storm induced disturbances in the generation and evolution of post-midnight EPBs which is believed to be triggered by weak magnetic disturbances in the deep low solar minimum.  相似文献   

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